scholarly journals Implementasi Pajak yang Menyenangkan Melalui Budaya Uang Jimpitan di Desa Kandangwangi RT 07/03 Kec Wanadadi Kab Banjarnegara

2020 ◽  
Arya Ade Yunanto

Sharing is a Right for Humanity, with sharing we will feel enjoy and comfortable in living life, as well as in social life we are required to be more sensitive to the surrounding environment. With the culture of cash money we can help those who are less able and improve the welfare of the surrounding community. Squeeze money itself is a culture in Javanese society, where every citizen will be asked for donations sincerely in the form of money, rice, or others. After a lot of pinched money collected, usually the pinched money will be used for public interests and social activities. This article was written to explain about the culture of money squeeze and introduce it to the wider community, and to preserve Javanese culture that began to fade with the times. The method that the writer uses to study the money squeeze culture is a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach. The results of this writing study hopefully will benefit the readers and can also be a literature in finding insight into the culture of squeezed money. The implications and can be a solution to social problems in the community, and are also expected to foster the nature of community awareness.

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Hafidz Prdana Putra

Children today are more fun to play with friends with the internet through the gadget and computer media than playing and interacting directly. The purpose of this study is to remind children who are the nation's next generation not to forget their culture, especially traditional games and so that they are more familiar with their surroundings so they know each other with their peers. This research was written using a qualitative descriptive method with a phenomenological approach and with data and with literature study techniques. The results that will be made from this study are describing the situation that is happening in the surrounding environment, especially in the cultural aspect, namely about traditional children's games. In addition, this study includes suggestions for how to overcome so that the traditional games of children are not lost or extinct. The implication of this research is that children have started to change their attitude, which previously played only by using the gadget media, now they can play face to face with their peers

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Nadya Febylia ◽  
Gregorius Genep Sukendro

Along with the times, technology is something that we often encounter around us, including in the world of backpackers. In this digital era, backpakers are divided into two types, namely backpackers who use traveling applications and backpakers who don't. This study aims to determine the positive and negative impacts of digitizing communication on backpacker activists. The formulation of the problem is to determine the positive and negative impacts of new media on the backpacker community, therefore researchers will conduct research on the Jakarta backpacker community. Therefore, the researcher wanted to examine the impact resulting from the use of digital media on the backpacker community by using a qualitative descriptive method and using a phenomenological approach to find out firsthand the experiences of backpacker activists, the research location through zoom from their respective homes. From the results of the research that the researchers have done, the researcher can draw the conclusion that the use of technology in the backpaker world is more positive because the informants whom the researchers interviewed through zoom felt very helped by the current travel applications.Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi merupakan sesuatu hal yang sering kita jumpai disekitar kita, termasuk kedalam dunia backpacker. Pada era digital seperti ini, para backpaker menjadi dua tipe yaitu backpacker yang menggunakan aplikasi traveling dan backpaker yang tidak menggunakan aplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari digitalisasi komunikasi terhadap penggiat backpacker. Rumusan masalahnya adalah untuk mengetahui dampak positif dan dampak negatif dari media baru yang masuk ke dalam komunitas backpacker, oleh karena itu peneliti akan melakukan penelitian terhadap komunitas backpacker Jakarta. Maka dari itu peneliti ingin meneliti tentang dampak yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan media digital terhadap komunitas backpacker dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mengetahui secara langsung pengalaman yang dilakukan oleh para penggiat backpacker, lokasi penelitian melalui zoom dari rumah masing-masing. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah peneliti lakukan, peneliti dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan teknologi pada dunia backpaker lebih mengarah postif karena dari informan yang peneliti wawancarai melalui zoom merasa sangat terbantu dengan aplikasi traveling yang ada saat ini.

2019 ◽  
Hidayati . ◽  
Siti Norma Nasution ◽  
Masdiana Lubis

The research is actuated by phenomenon of deterioration in the character of a person or group of community members who are generally influenced by the development of the times and advances of technology, imbalanced with the moral consciousness termed moral degradation. Moral degradation is a social problem that can have a negative impact on individuals, community groups, and the state. The purpose of this study is to reveal the existence of moral degradation in Ahmad Tohari’s novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk using a qualitative descriptive method, precisely selected as the object of research is related to social phenomena, namely symptoms or events that occur and can be observed in social life. The research is imperative to do as when morality of an individual or group of community members cannot be maintained as already shifted from a noble cultural, moral degradation arises which furthermore if uncontrolled can cause greater social problems. The data in this study are written data derived from phrases and sentences indicating the existence of moral degradation carried out by characters in the novel. Data collection is done by referring to the note-taking method. The results show that there are two points of moral degradation in this novel: human trafficking and hypocrisy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Riris Susiani ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

AbstrakMasalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya strategi produk dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing  dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat dan perkembangan zaman yang sangat cepat. Strategi produk sangat diperlukan dalam mememenuhi tuntutan konsumen seperti meningkatkan kualitas, menciptakan merek, pelayanan serta jaminan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan agar usaha mampu berkembang. Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah usaha yang sedang berkembang dan telah mampu memasarkan produk bordirnya hingga menembus pasar ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi produk bordir di Limpapeh”s Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Kota Payakumbuh. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif, jenis data berupa data primer dan  sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisa model interaktif yang berkaitan dengan pokok permasalahan yaitu dengan model reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu strategi produk yang dilakukan di Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah dimulai dari menciptakan produk bordir yang berkualitas, desain motif bordir yang up to date dan kreatif, menyediakan ukuran yang special, memberi merek pada produk bordir, memberi kemasan yang menarik (paperbag) dan serbaguna, pelayanan yang cepat, tepat dan ramah serta pemberian jaminan terhadap produk border.Kata Kunci: strategi produk, pelayanan, bordir. AbstractThe problem in this study is the importance of product strategy in running a business in order to be able to survive and compete with other similar companies in conditions of intense competition and very rapid development of the times. Product strategy is very necessary in fulfilling consumer demands such as improving quality, creating brands, services and guarantees for products offered so that businesses are able to grow. Limpapeh's Kebaya is a growing business and has been able to market its embroidery products to penetrate the export market. This study aims to describe the strategy of embroidery products in Limpapeh's Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Payakumbuh City. The research method uses qualitative descriptive method, the type of data in the form of primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with interactive model analysis techniques that are related to the subject matter, namely with a model of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the research, namely the product strategy carried out at Limpapeh's Kebaya, are started from creating quality embroidery products, up-to-date and creative embroidery motifs, providing special sizes, giving brands to embroidery products, giving attractive packaging (paperbag) and versatile, fast, precise and friendly service and guarantee of embroidery products. Keywords: product, service, embroidery strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Muhammad Abror Rosyidin

However, along with the times, pesantren have not only opened religious-based schools, but also public schools that provide general knowledge (natural, social, and language) to their students. Educational formalities in pesantren were also proposed so that pesantren alumni could continue their education to public schools. There are three main problems in this paper by reconstructing the pesantren education system, as follows; (1) the relationship between pesantren and the outside world, (2) the relationship between pesantren and science and technology, and (3) the epistemology of Islamic Science in Pesantren Sains (Trensains).�The qualitative�descriptive method is the choice in this study. This research is a qualitative field study with case studies. In order to obtain comprehensive data and pay attention to the relationship between the data and the focus and objectives of the research, data collection in this study used three techniques, namely (1) interviews, (2) participant observation: (3) research documentation. Research activities in data analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From this research, it can be found that the interaction of science and technology with science cannot be denied. So pesantren must be prepared to deal with it. There are several Islamic boarding schools that have interacted with science and technology, both of which have greatly influenced the style of education, one of which is the Tebuireng Science Boarding School (Trensains). Santri are invited to study religion (Qur'an) as well as to study the verses of Kauniyah contained in it.Keywords: Interaction, Pesantren, Science, Technology

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Aslikhah Dan Rina

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the factors that influence of Non Muslim to become an user in BMT Maslahah Tosari. This research used qualitative descriptive method with approach case studies on a natural background. Data was collected by three methods i.e. observation, interview and documentation.The result showed that (1) factors that affect people’s interest in using services financial institutions shari’ahare consumption, revenues, product/ types of saving, the location, service, community awareness and promotion. (2) Economic factors being the dominant reason for Non Muslim to be the customer in BMT Maslahah Tosari. (3) Other factors to cause Non Muslim to be the customer in BMT Maslahah Tosari are personal factor and psychological factors. Keywords: Non Muslim Client, promotion, and products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-219
Muhammad Ghiyas Ghurotul Muhajjalin

Abstract: Concern for nature must indeed be considered, because to prevent undesirable effects such as global warming or damage to the surrounding environment. The cause of this impact is a result of nature and even human actions themselves, such as due to volcanoes erupting, waste disposal, vehicle pollution, and others. But there are also causes of other things, namely the establishment of a building without looking at the surrounding environment, which only emphasizes the function and aesthetics, so it becomes a very important problem. Green architecture is a concept where buildings to be erected must have criteria to support the natural surroundings, so this concept is very used to minimize or prevent natural damage caused by buildings. An example of the building that will be applied in this research is the Geology Museum, considering that Indonesia has a complex geographical location and natural wealth from the bowels and extraterrestrial. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, which is the depiction or explaining the facts in the field by analyzing and discussing them broadly so that they can find results and conclusions.Keywords: Green Architecture, Museum, Qualitative Descriptive. Abstrak: Kepedulian terhadap alam memang harus diperhatikan, karena untuk mencegah dampak-dampak yang tidak diinginkan seperti pemanasan bumi atau kerusakan lingkungan sekitar. Penyebab dari dampak ini merupakan akibat dari alam bahkan perbuatan manusia itu sendiri, seperti akibat gunung berapi meletus, pembuangan limbah, polusi kendaraan, dan lain-lain. Namun ada juga penyebab dari hal lain yaitu berdirinya suatu bangunan tanpa melihat lingkungan sekitarnya, yang hanya mementingkan fungsi maupun estetikanya, sehingga menjadi suatu permasalahan yang sangat penting. Arsitektur hijau merupakan sebuah konsep dimana bangunan yang akan didirikan harus memiliki kriteria untuk mendukung alam sekitar, sehingga konsep ini sangat digunakan untuk meminimalisir atau mencegah terjadinya kerusakan alam  yang disebabkan oleh bangunan. Sebagai contoh bangunan yang akan diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah Museum Geologi, mengingat Indonesia memiliki letak geografis yang kompleks dan kekayaan alam dari perut dan luar bumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penggambaran atau menjelaskan fakta-fakta yang ada di lapangan dengan cara menganalisis serta membahasnya secara luas sehingga dapat menemukan hasil dan kesimpulan. Kata Kunci: Arsitektur Hijau, Museum, Deskriptif Kualitatif

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Risma Ayu Kusumaningrum

Cultural values ​​that have developed in people's lives lately have declined and began to be forgotten in social life along with the times. Therefore it is important to apply to someone to be able to communicate well from an early age, the role of primary schools is the easiest to implement culture. With that, applying 5S culture (Smiles, Greetings, Accost, Polite, Courteous) to students from an early age of primary school education to instill habits that build students' characteristics well. The purpose of this study is to maintain the importance of 5S cultural values ​​(Smiles, Greetings, Accost, Polite, Courteous) in elementary school education, building good characteristics of the school environment will have a good impact on the community environment. And the application of 5S culture (Smiles, Greetings, Accost, Polite, Courteous) in education. The study used a qualitative descriptive method by taking literature. By maintaining the 5S culture (Smiles, Greetings, Accost, Polite, Courteous) which are introduced from an early age will have a positive impact on the world of education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-202
Somadi ◽  
Tadjuddin Maknun ◽  
Ikhwan M. Said ◽  
Munira Hasjim

This study aims to examine the relationship between representament and object iconicity in Wardah's cosmetic commercial television commercials, which include shampoo, BB cream, mascara, lipstick, and social activities. Wardah cosmetic commercial television commercials attempt to construct consumers using the concept of “Beauty from the heart”. Meanwhile, the beauty of cosmetic users is always visible physically. Thus, it cannot be proven to be real beauty from the heart when someone uses cosmetics. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze data in the form of verbal and nonverbal text. The researcher uses Charles Sander Peirce's semiotic theory which divides the signs according to the relationship between the representament (sign) and its object (marker) into icons, indexes, and symbols. The results of this study indicate that beauty can be classified into two categories, namely physical beauty and psychological beauty. Physical beauty relates to the body and the head. There are four parts of the head which are icons of beauty for a young woman: 1) the hair, 2) the facial skin, 3) the eyes, and 4) the lips. Meanwhile, psychological beauty is a beauty from the heart that is manifested in the form of attitudes during social activities. In addition, young women as users of Wardah cosmetics are represented by the use of youthful vocabulary and language typical of the millennial generation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Desmalinda Desmalinda ◽  
Piky Herdiansyah ◽  
Rahmadina Naripati

This research aims to describe the function and role of the television in preserving Palembang language. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected from direct interviews to seven informants reside in Palembang with various backgrounds, professions and education levels to discover the impact of Palembang-speaking local television station. The research shows that national television stations have not performed their role in education and language preservation as they should be. The level of local language preservation in national television stations is still low. This condition is covered by the presence of local stations, such as PAL TV. Televisions can be a strategic tool in language preservation with proper management by adding diverse programs that are in accordance with the public interests.  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fungsi dan peran televisi dalam pelestarian bahasa Palembang. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskripptif kualitatif. Data di peroleh dari wawancara langsung kepada tujuh narasumber yang berdomisisli di kota Palembang, beragam latar belakang, profesi, dan tingkat pendidikan untuk mengetahui dampak adanya televisi lokal berbahasa Palembang. Temuan penelitian ini adalah stasiun televise berjaringan nasional belum menjalankan fungsinya edukasi dan pelestarian bahasa daerah sebagaimana mestinya. Tingkat pelestarian bahasa lokal pada televise berjaringan nasional masih rendah. Kekurangan televise berjaringan ini sedikit tertutupi dengan hadirnya televise lokal, seperti PAL TV. Televisi dapat menjadi sarana strategis dalam pelestarian bahasa dengan pengelolaan yang baik berupa penambahan acara yang beragam dan sesuai dengan minat masyarakat.

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