Prospects for the use of modern technologies to increase student involvement

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Iu. V. Amelina ◽  
R. V. Amelin

The article discusses the prospects of role-playing games in the educational process to increase students’ motivation and involvement, as well as the possibility of modern information technologies (primarily social networks) for constructing innovative forms of such games. The author’s format of the live-action role-playing game is presented. It was developed and tested at the Saratov State University. It involves the integration of numerous educational tasks into a single plot, within which each participant plays a role and communicates with other participants to complete tasks. The main interaction, plot development and group activities occur in dialogs, conversations and groups of social networks. This approach has shown its viability in teaching legal disciplines, and also has prospects for use in IT education.

Olgа V. Minovskaia ◽  
Alexander A. Turygin

The article considers the activities of author’s camps in Kostroma region as one of the practices of non-formal education. The task of the research is to understand how the educational process is organised in the author’s camps. The research base is the author's camp of role-playing games «Centaur» and the experience of the pedagogic team in developing and conducting thematic shifts for teenagers in 2009-2020. The educational technology is a situational epic role-playing game with a historical plot. Authors analyse five cases that demonstrate the logic of the emergence of educational effects in teenagers directly during the event and upon its completion. The content of the cases relates to the subject of the event, specifics of situational-role-playing game, additional classes offered to teenagers; non-directive requirements addressed to the participant. The article defines mechanisms of interaction between the teenager and the informal educational environment of the author's camp (challenge and resonance). The challenge mechanism assumes that elements of the non-formal educational environment provoke participant’s activity, causing various experiences (not only of a positive nature). Accepting the challenge, the teenager takes a subjective position and makes efforts to achieve the chosen goal. The resonance mechanism demonstrates that when meeting with elements of an non-formal educational environment, the teenager discovers those to which it feels a positive emotional response. Estimating the comfort of the environment and the fascination of classes, the teenager seeks to master new skills, achieve skill in solving the required tasks. Both mechanisms work in an non-formal educational environment, where the involvement of the child in the educational process expects selectivity and volunteerism.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Оксана Воронкевич

У   статті   актуалізовано   проблему   поширеності   шкільного   насильства   у   середовищі   учнів  початкових класів. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність діалогічної взаємодії учасників освітнього  процесу як необхідної умови попередження насилля у школі.  Опираючись на результати власного дослідницького пошуку, автор пропонує варіант програми  психологічної профілактики шкільного насильства вчителів стосовно учнів. Дана програма спрямована на  формування  у  педагогів  навичок  глибинного  самопізнання  й  пізнання  дітей,  апробування  нових  форм  поведінки та базується на ідеї діалогізації педагогічної взаємодії, оскільки важливо налагодити суб’єкт- суб’єктну взаємодію учня та вчителя й не використовувати монологічну модель спілкування. Наголошено,  що педагоги повинні стимулювати будь-які прояви суб’єктної активності дітей, що сприяють виробленню  у них адекватної оцінки себе та свого оточення, розвитку здатності до самовизначення. Відзначено, що  для   діалогічного   освітнього   середовища   характерними   є   такі   властивості,   як   різноманітність,  динамічність, напруженість, достатність, кожна з яких сприяє високій ефективності освітньої взаємодії,  здійснює істотний вплив на розвиток особистості. Під час занять використано різні тренінгові методи:  рольові ігри, міні-лекції, мозковий штурм, обговорення в загальному колі тощо. Разом із тим поширено  інформацію з актуальних для педагогів питань спілкування з дитиною без агресії, злості та конфлікту.  Представлено  результати  успішної  апробації  програми  психологічної  профілактики  шкільного  насильства  з  боку  вчителів,  що проявилися в розумінні важливості толерантного ставлення до учнів,  набутті практичних умінь відчувати психологічний стан іншої людини та адекватно реагувати на нього,  виявляти доброзичливість, прихильність до школярів та надавати їм необхідну допомогу.  The article actualizes the problem of the prevalence of school violence among elementary school pupils.  Special attention is drawn to the need for dialogical interaction of participants in the educational process as a  necessary condition for preventing violence in school.  Relying on the results of his own research, the author suggests a variant of school violence psychological  prevention program of teachers in relation to pupils. This program is aimed at educating the students the skills of  deep self-cognition and cognition of children, testing new forms of behavior and is based on the idea of pedagogical  interaction dialogization, since it is important to establish subject-subject interaction between the pupil and the  teacher and not use the monologue model of communication. It is highlighted that teachers should stimulate any  manifestation of children's subject activity, which helps to develop an adequate assessment of themselves and their  environment, development of self-determination ability. It is noted that a dialogical educational environment is  characterized by such attributes as diversity, dynamism, intensity, sufficiency, each of them contributes to the high  effectiveness of educational interaction, have a significant impact on the development of personality. During the  classes various training methods were used: role-playing games, mini-lectures, brainstorming, discussions in the  general circle, etc. At the same time, information on relevant for teachers issues about communicating with a child  without aggression, anger and conflict is propagated.  Was presented results of successful approbation of the school violence psychological prevention program  from teacher’s part, manifested in the understanding importance of the tolerant attitude towards pupils, acquiring  practical skills of feeling the another’s person psychological state and react adequately to it, showing benevolence,  adherence to schoolchildren and providing them the necessary assistance. 

Dmytro Dzvinchuk

The article considers some psychological, pedagogical and technical aspects of the introduction of distance learning. It is emphasized that the main purpose of creating a system of distance education is to ensure free access to educational resources through the use of modern information technologies and social networks and to create conditions for citizens to exercise their rights to education. The main disadvantages of distance education are depersonalization, lack of proper motivation of participants in the educational process, loss of educational and socialization functions of education, hyperbolization of independent work, low level of control over the educational process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 1289-1299
Daniel Victor Martins de Araújo ◽  
Cleire Lima Da Costa Falcão

A utilização de novas metodologias em sala de aula é um assunto recorrente dentro das discussões sobre o ensino de geografia. Possuindo isso em mente, como produto da disciplina de Oficina em Geografia II da Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE) foi elaborado um material didático alternativo com objetivo de auxiliar os docentes na construção de um ensino contextualizado de Geografia. Essa pesquisa objetiva apresentar uma metodologia alternativa para o ensino de Geografia que visa praticar além da ação cognitiva de memorizar um conceito, trabalhando a interdisciplinaridade, a criatividade, o emocional e a cooperação. A proposta foi construir um RPG (Role Playing Game), que é um jogo que se utiliza da interpretação de personagens para criar e contar histórias coletivamente nas quais todos os agentes se tornam ativos dentro desse processo. Realizaram-se os seguintes procedimentos: revisão bibliográfica, seleção e adaptação do sistema de regras. Por fim, produziu-se a aventura de RPG intitulada “A busca pelo arco de Gelo”, que trabalha alguns aspectos físicos do nordeste brasileiro principalmente do estado do Ceará. Após a elaboração do material constatou-se a importância de trabalhar perspectivas para além do conteudismo. Sentiu-se a necessidade de aplicar no ensino básico para mensurar seu real impacto. Palavras-chave:  Recurso Didático. RPG. Geografia Física. ABSTRACTThe use of innovative methodologies in the classroom is a recurring subject in discussions about geography teaching. With that in mind, as a result of the discipline Workshop in Geography II from the State University of Ceará (UECE) was created, an alternative didactic material with the aid of teachers in the construction of a contextualized geography teaching. This research looks to show an alternative perspective for the teaching of geography that aims to practice beyond the cognitive action of memorizing the concept, but also working on interdisciplinary, creativity, the emotional and cooperation. The proposal was to build an RPG (Role Playing Game), which is a game that uses character interpretation to create and tell stories collectively in which all agents become active within that process. The following procedures were executed: bibliographic review, selection and adaptation of the rules system. At the end, it produced an adventure of RPG "The search for the arc of Ice" that works on physical aspects from the Brazilian northeast, focusing on the state of Ceará. After the material elaboration, it was clear the importance to work on perspectives beyond content. It felt the need to apply the didactic resource to measure its real impact. Keywords: Didactic Resource. RPG. Physical geography.     RESUMEN El uso de metodologías innovadoras en el aula es un tema recurrente en los debates sobre la enseñanza de la geografía. Con eso en mente, como resultado de la disciplina Taller de Geografía II de la Universidad Estatal de Ceará (UECE), se creó un material didáctico alternativo con la ayuda de los maestros en la construcción de una enseñanza de geografía contextualizada. Esta investigación busca mostrar una perspectiva alternativa para la enseñanza de la geografía que tiene como objetivo practicar más allá de la acción cognitiva de memorizar el concepto, pero también trabajando en la interdisciplinaria, la creatividad, lo emocional y la cooperación. La propuesta era construir un juego de rol (RPG), que es un juego que utiliza la interpretación de personajes para crear y contar historias colectivamente en las que todos los agentes se vuelven activos dentro de ese proceso. Se ejecutaron los siguientes procedimientos: revisión bibliografico, selección y adaptación del sistema de reglas.   Palabras clave: Recurso didáctico. RPG Geografía Física.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-162

Education like others spheres of life of modern society is in the state of dynamic changes. New formats of universities as well as their missions and roles in the social and economic development are actively discussed by professional environment. A number of external and internal factors that determine the depth and scale of transformation have effects on the development of the system of higher education. The system of higher education is under the influence of the system and institutional dynamics, which dictate the need for changes. The activity of universities as centers of education, science and culture is one of the most important bases of social progress. This role becomes especially important in XXI century, which is based on new knowledge and principles of technological development. First of all a university takes new features in the current conditions of globalization. The fundamental task that needs to be solved in order to achieve the goals of a modern University is the change of meanings, goals and content of education by active participation in the internationalization processes of the system of higher education and by introducing reforms in educational process. Of course new economic conditions (global market and information technologies) require modifications. It was stated that the commercialization of University innovations in Azerbaijan is a relatively new direction, since the country is just adopts the path of an innovative economy. In this regard the transformation of a scientific idea to a product or a service faces a number of difficulties. It was investigated the problem of commercialization of the results of scientific activities of higher educational institutions in Azerbaijan. For the first time Azerbaijan State University of Economics has implemented its rebranding in the educational system of the country in order to strengthen the market position of the educational institution and realization of innovative marketing strategies. The University’s strategic goals were defined under the UNEC brand, and the brand development was successfully continued with the support of the scientific and expert community. An integrative educational environment is created in Azerbaijan State University of Economics and such environment ensures the unity of the “education – science – innovation – commercialization – production system”. It is important to note that UNEC strategy also provides for clustering of economical education and so that it provides for increasing the integration pace of the University into the world scientific and educational space. The article presents the innovative infrastructure of Azerbaijan State University of Economics connected with its integration into the global scientific and educational environment. The paper studies the matters of the international cooperation issues of the University with universities of such countries as USA, EU, Russia, Turkey, which expands the academic potential of the University and increases its competitiveness. The article substantiates the conclusion that the globalization of higher education increases the importance of commercialization of higher education institutions in the field of education and science. The article reveals the successful experience of UNEC University in the creation and implementation of joint educational programs, expanding academic mobility, attracting foreign applicants, conducting joint researches and international scientific events in partnership with universities in the EU, Russia and Turkey.

Marina Yuferova ◽  
Olga Koryakovtseva ◽  
Tatyana Bugaichuk

The history of mankind confirms: both harmony and conflict are characteristic of communication in society. This article is devoted to the problem of conflicts in education. Unfortunately, conflict interaction occurs in school life, therefore, teachers need to learn how to apply innovative technologies in resolving conflicts, focus on respecting the rights and freedoms of all participants in the educational process, and act in accordance with the interests of the parties. The article discusses the technology of mediation, which orients the participants in the interaction towards cooperation in the conflict with the help of a mediator. The implementation of mediation practice requires special training of teachers, the formation of completely new competencies and, first of all, conflict management, which should be developed within the framework of continuous pedagogical education, using interactive training technologies and role-playing games. The authors present the experience of implementing the advanced training program “successful strategies of behavior in conflict and the development of a teacher's resistance to conflict”.

Mashkhura Aminovna Khafizova ◽  

The purpose of this article is to study and research the methods and forms of using the motivational capabilities of pedagogical games in the process of mastering a foreign speech, in particular the Russian language in non-philological higher educational institutions. The methodology of the article is based on the effective use of various modern pedagogical approaches, accompanied by gaming technologies in the study of Russian as a foreign language. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of further application of situational role-playing games, both in psychological and pedagogical activities and in the educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Olga Sergeevna Afanasyeva ◽  
Yanina Samvelovna Morozova

The article discusses the pedagogical conditions for organizing the educational process of teaching foreign languages, which contribute to the formation of communicative competence of students. There has been presented the analytical review of modern methods of instructing non-linguistic students in foreign languages. The analysis of methods of interactive teaching a foreign language (a group discussion, a discussion, a case method, a role-playing game, a conference) has been carried out. It has been inferred that the introduction of interactive teaching methods into the educational process has distinct advantages

S.G. Kukava ◽  
O.S. Ostroverkh ◽  

Statement of the problem. Based on the analysis of research by Russian authors, the article outlines the problem of the formation of emotional decentration in preschool children and the importance of play in this process. The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship between the formation of a role-playing game and the formation of emotional decentration. The research methodology is based on the cultural and historical concept of L.S. Vygotsky, as well as the theory of the activity by A.N. Leontiev; in the course of the study, the following methodology was applied: analysis of theoretical sources on formation of the emotional sphere of a preschooler and development of role-playing games; standardized observation of the progress of specially organized games; ascertaining experiment to determine the level of emotional decentration in preschoolers; formative experiment; qualitative and quantitative data analysis; comparative analysis of data using the statistical Student’s t-test. The significance level is p = 0.05. Research results. In the course of the study, our hypothesis was confirmed: such conditions for role-playing games as providing preschoolers with the opportunity to create and transform the play space with the help of unformed object material, adults acceptance of the position as a play partner contribute to the internal and external dynamics of the game, which, in turn, affects the progress in the development of emotional decentration in preschool children. Conclusion. In this paper, the features of emotional development of preschool age were described, the concept of emotional decentration from the point of view of different authors was considered, and the process of the development of play in preschool age was described. A scheme has been developed to determine the level of emotional decentration in preschoolers. In this scheme, three levels of formation of emotional decentration in children 4-6 years old are identified (relative to three criteria as indicators of emotional decentration): high, medium and low. A diagnostic game procedure “Wishes of a Fairy-Tale Character” has been developed, which can be used to identify the level of formation of emotional decentration. A scheme for analyzing the internal and external dynamics of a role-playing game has been developed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18105
Olga Ovsyannikova ◽  
Svetlana Bobrova ◽  
Igor Bocharnikov

The article analyzes the current trends and conditions for the development of students 'speech-thinking abilities and the formation of students' speech competence, and examines modern methods used in the classroom to improve the speech culture of future specialists. The data of the ascertaining experiment showing the level of development of speech competence of students are given. Criteria and factors of speech formation are considered. It is emphasized that the leading principle of educational process management is the formation of motivational factors and reflection of students in terms of the quality of their speech. Promising technologies for the formation of speech competence of specialists are identified. The main direction of development of speech competence of students at the present stage is the formation of speech culture based on linguistic, cultural, situational, professional levels; taking into account the psychological characteristics of specialists, factors of motivation and reflection of students. The leading methods of speech training are teaching methods that correspond to a person-oriented technology, problem tasks (search-game, cognitive-search, role-playing games, discussions), language exercises, emotional-behavioral tasks, and others).

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