Yelnikova N.I.

Goal. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of a special type of speech behavior-trolling. The article characterizes the phenomenon of trolling as a kind of deviant communication. It is noted that trolling occurs as a reaction to changes in the functioning of media platforms. There are differences between trolling and flame, flood, spam, holivar, hating, cyberbullying. The linguistic means of trolling expression in the Ukrainian-language media space are analyzed.Methods. To determine and describe the lexical-semantic structure of the studied trolling comments, the structural-contextual method was used; interpretive analysis made it possible to explain the meaning of the selected messages; contextual analysis helped to identify associative semantic features of textual comments; with the help of introspection it was possible to trace individual thoughts that arise during one’s own activity and are realized in the analysis of trolling comments.Results. The result of the investigation was the definition of trolling as an integral part of virtual communication, which is identified by a combination of specific methods, tactics and strategies of the communicator’s behavior. It is established that the behavior of trolls can be manifested in two forms – “thick” (“malicious”) and “thin” trolling. Phenomena that are often identified with trolling are characterized, although they have significant differences: flame, flood, spam, holivar, hating, cyberbullying. Linguistic analysis of trolling in Ukrainian-language media through language means on phonetic, lexical-semantic, grammatical, syntactic levels is carried out.Conclusions. During the study, it was found that one of the methods of detecting trolls in the Ukrainian-language media space is to establish emotional markers that are polarly opposite to most verbal units. Means of expressing the strategy of trolls can be traced at all language levels: at the lexical level it is possible to use pejorative vocabulary, in particular swear words, individual word formation, zoometaphors used with negative meaning. Graphic means of expression of trolling language are realized by reduplication of letters and punctuation marks.Key words: Internet, Internet communication, deviant communication, trolling, Internet troll. Мета. Метою дослідження є аналіз особливого типу мовленнєвої поведінки – тролінгу – на різних мовних рівнях (лексико-семантичному, графічному, граматичному). У статті охарактеризовано явище тролінгу як різновид девіантної комунікації. Зазначено, що тролінг виникає як реакція на зміни функціонування медіаплатформ. Зауважено відмінності між тролінгом і флеймом, флудом, спамом, холіваром, хейтингом, кібербулінгом. Проаналізовано мовні засоби вираження тролінгу в україн-ськомовному медіапросторі.Методи. Під час реалізації мети дослідження ми звернулися до описового методу, який передбачає сукупність процедур інвентаризації, класифікації та інтерпретації досліджуваних мовних явищ у синхронії. Для визначення лексико-семантичної структури досліджуваних тролінг-коментарів використовувався структурно-контекстуальний метод; інтерпретаційний аналіз дав змогу розтлумачити сенс відібраних повідомлень; контекстуальний аналіз допоміг виділити асоціативно пов’язані смислові ознаки текстових коментарів; за допомогою інтроспекції можна було простежити окремі думки, що виникають під час власної активності та реалізуються в аналізові тролінг-коментарів.Результати. Результатом розвідки стало визначення тролінгу невід’ємною складовою частиною віртуальної комунікації, що ідентифікується поєднанням специфічних методів, тактик і стратегій поведінки комунікатора. Установлено, що поведінка тролів може виявлятися у двох формах – «товстому» («злісному») і «тонкому» тролінгу. Охарактеризовано явища, що часто ототожнюють із тролінгом, хоча вони мають суттєві відмінності: флейм, флуд, спам, холівар, хейтинг, кібербулінг. Проведено лінгвістичний аналіз тролінгу в українськомовних медіа через мовні засоби на фонетичному, лексико-семантичному, граматичному, синтаксичному рівнях. Висновки. Під час дослідження було встановлено, що одним із методів виявлення тролів в українськомовному медіапросторі є встановлення емотивних маркерів, що полярно протилежні щодо більшості вербальних одиниць. Засоби вираження стратегії тролів простежуються на всіх мовних рівнях: на лексичному рівні можливе застосування пейоративної лексики, зокрема лайки, індивідуальної словотворчості, зоометафор, ужитих із негативним значенням. Графічні засоби вираження тролінгової мови реалізуються редуплікацією літер і пунктуаційних знаків.Ключові слова: Інтернет, інтернет-комунікація, девіантна комунікація, тролінг, інтернет-троль.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (86) ◽  
pp. 161-166 ◽  
I.V. Karbovnik

The article is devoted to the research of the Latin medical-veterinary clinical terminology system – one of the subsystems of general medical-veterinary terminology. The ways of formation of the Latin Sublanguage of clinical veterinary medicine are analyzed, sources of its replenishment are determined; It was discovered that most of the terms are composed using terms of Greek-Latin origin, which is a decisive trend in the development of the terminology of veterinary medicine and in our time.It is investigated that for the modern terminological word formation of clinical veterinary vocabulary all main methods are typical, by means of which the vocabulary of the veterinary doctor is replenished: semantical, syntactical, morphological. In the article a word-formation, lexical-semantic and syntactical analysis of the Latin clinical veterinary terminology was made for the first time; the main word-building models are described, the derivation processes, word-formation fortresses of the Latin clinical veterinary terms are described and the complex of methods of their word-formation are analyzed;defined the status and semantic characteristics of formants– components of the term; the lexical-semantic features of the studied terminology are revealed; attention was paid to etymology, the phenomenon of derivation and the most productive affixes and term elements in the structure of one-word clinical veterinary terms.The systematization of term elements according to thematic groups that are in a certain lexical-semantic relationship is carried out, namely: termelements, which denote the names of sciences, treatment, methods of diagnostic examination, surgical techniques; word-formation elements for the designation of organs of animals and tissues; therapeutic methods, names of pathological changes of organs and tissues; term elements that denote various physical properties, quality, color, size; word-formation elements to denote functional changes, processes, and states.The attention is paid to the morphological and syntactical structure of single, dual, and verbose clinical terms with different types of definitions. We consider one of the most important tasks of modern linguistics - not only to fix, study and analyze lexical-semantic innovation processes in terminology, but also codify the terminology system itself. Therefore, one of the priority directions of terminological work in the field of veterinary medicine at the present stage is the normalization of clinical terminology, that is, the revision of the terminology system in accordance with the conceptual basis and norms of the Latin and Ukrainian scientific languages. As the most important aspect, we consider the development of a single concept of terminology, which uses the experience and positive achievements of scientists of different generations.Provision of linguistic normative terms should take place at all levels – both conceptual and actual language – phonetic, orthoepic, spelling, lexical-semantic, word-building, morphological, syntactical.

E.A. Zhdanova

The article is devoted to the analysis of semantic features that are noted in the verb жить in Russian dialects of Udmurtia. As the analysis of the material of the corpus of Russian dialects of Udmurtia showed, this verb is found in contexts indicating values different from those known in the literary language. In connection with the need to clarify the layout of the corpus and create a dictionary of Russian dialects in Udmurtia, a definition of the semantics of this verb is required. The semantic features of a dialect word can be established both by linguistic factors: the syntactic role and lexical compatibility, as well as extralinguistic factors: the range of specific uses of the verb, historical information about the settlement of this territory, religious and ideological features of dialect speakers. For analysis, material from various lexicographic sources, as well as etymological information, was used. As a result of the study, an idea about the possibility of double interpretation of the semantics of the analyzed dialect word was formed: on the one hand, from the point of view of its implementation in dialect, as a syncretic unit, on the other hand, from the point of view of its lexicographic representation, as a set of lexical-semantic variants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-240
Liudmila Karpenko ◽  

The problem of equivalence of digital translation in the global Internet network is considered. The subject of the study is the errors of digital translation in texts posted on the Internet in the Facebook network. The method of comparative semantic-contextual analysis is used. As a result of the study of texts translated from Bulgarian into Russian, it was found that communication failures are observed at all language levels: lexical-semantic, word-formation, grammatical and at the level of value-modal assessment of the situation. Translation errors reveal the use of English as an intermediary language in the translation of Slavic texts in network systems. It is concluded that the improvement of digital translation models requires more attention to the lexical-semantic, word-formation and grammatical specifics of the Slavic languages, to their realities and language pictures of the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 02007
Anna Alekseevna Aksenova ◽  
Ekaterina Yurievna Andreeva ◽  
Anastasiya Andreevna Lugovaya ◽  
Nataliya Yurievna Tikhonova

This article examines questions of the present interest in the sphere of modern education, the key topic of which is cross-cultural online communication of students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and complete shift to the distant format of work. The article analyzes the features of virtual communication between representatives of different cultures and languages, as well as examples of possible misunderstandings of certain cultural realities. The issue of effective communication and socialization of students in the online environment is debatable and relevant to study, which is proved by numerous studies derived from real interactions with foreign students during the period of necessary self-isolation due to the threat of coronavirus. The investigation is based on a questionnaire suggested to students and Internet discourse materials presented on websites and forums. The theoretical basis is a deep analysis of the articles of scientists who decided to delve into the linguistic aspect dictated by the need to study the phenomenon of communication during the pandemic. The task of this research is to analyze cases and Internet communication based on the conducted survey and data comparison. The article will provide views on the mentioned above matter supported by investigations of respected scientists with various illustrations from modern realities of the pandemic world.

V. P. Oleksenko

The article clarifies the meaning and features of word-formation development of new words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic field, which appeared in the modern Ukrainian literary language at the beginning of the XXI century and due to linguistic and extralinguistic factors are widely used. The object of research are words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere, as they are best able to nominate concepts in special vocabulary, to reflect the diversity of the semantic spectrum of the conceptual sphere of «culture and art». The subject of research is lexical-semantic, structural-word-forming and spelling features of words and terms of cultural and artistic sphere in the Ukrainian language. Scientific novelty of the research. The classification of neolexes by semantic criterion is offered. The place of innovations in the lexical structure of the Ukrainian language is determined, the main stages of adaptation and structural and semantic features of words and terms to denote the cultural and artistic branch are characterized; the factors of creation of neolexes and their inclusion in the lexical-semantic system of the Ukrainian language, which supplement the corresponding lexical-semantic group with new tokens, are clarified; factors of word-forming activity of neolexes are revealed; It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language. The existing achievements of linguists in the field of studying innovative derivatives are analyzed, it is stated that the issue of the dynamics of the language system is always at the center of current linguistic research. Innovative words and terms of the cultural and artistic sphere of the beginning of the XXI century in the language of mass media, Internet forums and in dictionaries of neologisms of the modern Ukrainian language are revealed, globalization tendencies in their use are testified. The main thematic groups of neolexes for the designation of the cultural and artistic sphere are singled out, structural and semantic innovations and productivity of their use are determined. It is proved that one of the reasons for the problem of qualification and spelling of neolexes with creative bases-Englishisms is the lack of mastery of innovations by the grammatical system of the Ukrainian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-123

The features of linguistic conceptualization and representation of traditional confessional and cultural values in the linguocultural space of various societies are analyzed from ethnocultural, cognitive, socio-mental and linguo-confessional positions; identifies and characterizes constant and newest transformations and modifications of the denotative-semantic content of the most important concepts in the Russian and European mentality in the modern conditions of globalization. The theoretical significance lies in the presentation of a sharp socio-cultural "gap" in the definition of some confessional-conditioned phenomena in the Russian and Western cultural-historical traditions; in the representation of the mental and semantic transformation of some confessional value concepts in the Western linguocultural space while preserving, at the same time, the inviolability of the most important categorical and semantic features of the nominations of traditional axiological dominants in Russian culture as the foundations of the life of Russian society and Russian statehood as a whole. It is concluded that the linguistic representation of confessional-conditioned cultural values and their consolidation in the confessional memory of generations is a special mechanism for preserving the ethnocultural and spiritual identity of the people. It is shown that the so-called. “Cultural” globalization as an extralinguistic factor is currently in Western societies a process of gradual destruction of national, traditional and confessional values, which results in a significant change in semantics, denotative image and semantic code in the interpretation of some linguistic phenomena that represent the national axiological fund. The practical value of the presented material and observations lies in the possibility of its application in the practice of teaching university courses in language theory, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, linguoconfessionology and intercultural communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 72 (8) ◽  
pp. 1341-1368 ◽  
Mike Bresnen ◽  
Damian Hodgson ◽  
Simon Bailey ◽  
John Hassard ◽  
Paula Hyde

While hybrid managers are increasingly important in contemporary organizations (especially in the public sector), we know little about why or how they become hybrid managers, or how this is shaped by the interplay of professional experience and organizational circumstances. In pursuit of a more variegated, contextualized and dynamic understanding of hybrid management, this article focuses on how individuals transition into managerial hybrids, emphasizing the dynamic and emergent nature of hybrid management identity. Studying managers in English healthcare, we employ the concept of identity work as expressed through career narratives to examine the influence of career trajectories and organizational experiences on emerging hybrid manager identity. The study identifies three broad managerial career narratives – aspirational, ambivalent and agnostic – and relates them to experiences of doctor and nurse hybrid managers in three healthcare settings. An interpretive analysis of these narratives reveals a more variegated, situated and dynamic interpretation of hybrid managerial identities than previously considered and underscores the importance of personal and organizational experiences in shaping emergent hybrid professional/managerial identity.

Viktoriia Kozlova ◽  
Hanna Tarasenko

The paper focuses on the investigation of lexical-semantic features of ethnic tolerance representation in modern American presidential discourse. Linguistic studios interpret tolerance as a universal category that forms communication, affects its mechanisms and results. In this paper ethnic tolerance in American presidential discourse is defined as a compliance of the addresser and addressee of the presidential discourse with the ethical model of interethnic relations and popularization of this model that aims at society consolidation. Ethnic tolerance is manifested through an unbiased assessment, acceptance of different worldviews, faiths and cultures, awareness of equal rights and respect for democratic freedoms. The set of semantic components of the concept of tolerance in the English language is distinguished and four lexico-semantic groups representing ethnic tolerance in American presidential discourse: “culture of the alien”, “cooperation”, “attitude to the alien”, “right to independence” are identified. These groups are singled out given the dominance of semantic components of tolerance which denote the object of tolerance, the form of relations with the object of tolerance, the attitude to the object of tolerance and the right of the object of tolerance. The verbal representation of ethnic tolerance in American presidential discourse is characterized by non-categoricity, the use of plural first person pronouns and vocabulary with positive and negative connotation to emphasize positive intentions towards other states and nations. Taking into account the functional and stylistic components, the language means of ethnic tolerance are represented by political, legal and diplomatic terminology. The analysis of the lexico-semantic means that represent ethnic tolerance in modern American presidential discourse makes it possible to identify the basic value of this type of discourse and clarify the main features of the implementation of the ethnic tolerant behaviour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-410
Fedosia M. Lelkhova

Introduction. The vocabulary of the plant world of the Khanty language contains a significant amount of information, closely connected with ethno-mentality, ethnography and thinking of the people. In this regard, the study of vegetation seems to be one of the most interesting layers of the vocabulary, since it reflects the degree of practical and cultural development of the surrounding nature. The purpose of the article is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the nominations of wild-growing herbs, the definition of dialectal features. The aim of the research is to identify the nominations of herbs with the greatest possible completeness, to establish the lexical meaning of each name in dialects of the language. The relevance of the topic is determined by the research interest to the study of differences between the dialects in the theoretical and practical terms; the attention recently been paid to folk spiritual and material culture; and the loss of certain plant names in the modern Khanty language. Materials and Methods. The study uses a set of methods and techniques for analyzing linguistic material: the method of semantic classification, lexical-semantic analysis, word-formation, linguistic-geographical analysis, as well as the elements of etymological analysis. The description is the main method for studying names of the plants. The source of the material is based on the vocabulary of the Khanty language, which was collected during field work; the source of Eastern dialects was the materials contained in lexicographic publications. When collecting the lexical material, the observation was conducted mainly on the speech of representatives of the older generation, as well as the people who have a traditional way of life, who retain the patterns of active spoken language. At the same time, not only facts that are in the active vocabulary of speakers were recorded, but also the words related to the passive vocabulary, which native speakers use only in conversations and sharing the memories of the past. Results and Discussion. The study of dialectal material based on the names of plants in the Khanty language is of great research interest. The life of the Khanty people since ancient times is closely connected with nature, the vocabulary of the plant world covers almost all spheres of economic activity of the Khanty, thereby making up a significant part of their vocabulary. In Khanty linguistics, this vocabulary has not yet been the subject of a special and detailed study, which makes it an urgent research task for today. The article identifies the signs that underlie the motivation of plant names and highlights the borrowed words. Conclusion. The collected vocabulary tells about the richness and vastness of phytonymic vocabulary of the Khanty language. The authors collected about 50 Khanty names of wild herbaceous plants in the Northern and Eastern dialects of the Khanty language. As a result of the research, new lexemes were identified and described, and the interpretation of the semantics of lexemes was clarified. Late borrowings of Russian origin are recorded. It was found that some dialect words are not actively used in the modern Khanty language. In flora vocabulary, the diversity and multiplicity of the nomination principles was revealed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (80) ◽  
Yu. O. Babyatinskaya ◽  
I. N. Hroza ◽  
K. S. Guseinova

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