scholarly journals Pemberian Terapi Senam Kaki Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Di Desa Gunung Labuhan Sungkai Selatan Lampung Utara

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1266-1271
Apriyadi Apriyadi ◽  
M. Arifki Zainaro

ABSTRAK Data Riskesdas Provinsi Lampung tahun 2013 jumlah penderita diabetes mellitus yang terdiagnosis dokter sebesar 0,7%. Prevalensi penderita diabetes mellitus di Lampung utara berada di posisi kelima terbanyak dengan jumlah 0,8%. Sementara jumlah penderita di Lampung yang terdiagnosis dan yang tidak terdiagnosis tetapi selama sebulan terakhir mengalami gejala-gejala diabetes mellitus berjumlah lebih besar yaitu 0,8% dengan prevalensi di Lampung utara sebesar 0,8%. Penatalaksanaan diabetes mellitus terdiri dari 5 pilar utama olahraga atau latihan fisik merupakan salah satu dari penatalaksanaan tersebut selain dari diet, obat-obatan, edukasidan pemantauan, Olah raga dalam arti gerak fisik atau kerja otot dapat meningkatkan metabolisme atau pembentukan dan pengeluaran energi tubuh, salah satunya yaitu senam kaki. Tujuan setelah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi, diharapkan pemberian senam kaki dapat untuk menurunkan kadar glukosa pada klien diabetes melitus. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan menggunakan leaflet dan demonstrasi senam kaki. Terdapat penurunan kadar glukosa pada klien diabetes melitus setelah pemberian akupresur selama 7 hari di Desa gunung labuhan sungkai selatan, Lampung Utara. Dengan demikian, pemberian senam kaki pada klien diabetes melitus sangat efektif dalam menurunkan glukosa. Kata Kunci: Senam kaki, diabetes melittus  ABSTRACT Lampung Province Riskesdas data in 2013 the number of people with diabetes mellitus diagnosed by doctors (0.7%). The prevalence of people with diabetes mellitus in northern Lampung is in the fifth position (0.8%). While the number of sufferers in Lampung who were diagnosed and those who were undiagnosed, during the last month experiencing symptoms of diabetes mellitus was greater, namely (0.8%) with a prevalence in northern Lampung (0.8%). Management of diabetes mellitus consists of 5 main pillars of sports or physical exercise is one of these treatments apart from diet, drugs, education, and monitoring, Sports in the sense of physical movement or muscle work can increase metabolism or the formation and expenditure of the body's energy, one of which is foot exercise. The aim after counseling and demonstration is expected to provide foot exercises to reduce glucose levels in clients with diabetes mellitus. The activities were carried out in the form of counseling using leaflets and foot exercises. There was a decrease in glucose levels in diabetes mellitus clients after giving acupressure for 7 days in the village of Gunung Labuhan, South Sungkai, North Lampung. Thus, giving foot exercises to diabetes mellitus clients is very effective in reducing glucose. Keywords: Foot exercises, diabetes Mellitus

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Febria Syafyu Sari ◽  
Ridhyalla Afnuhazi

ABSTRAK Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit yang paling menonjol yang disebabkan oleh gagalnya pengaturan gula darah. Lidah buaya berkhasiat untuk menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah bagi penderita diabetes dan dapat mengontrol tekanan darah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus lidah buaya (AloeBarbadensis Miller) terhadap penurunan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Desain penelitian merupakan Quasi Eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest – postest design. Sampel terbagi menjadi 14 responden. Data dianalisis dengan paired t-test. Hasil menunjukan rata-rata penurunan glukosa darah puasa pada intervensi (28,42 gr/dl) dan glukosa darah 2 jam pp pada intervensi (40,57 gr/dl). Untuk analisis bivariat terdapat perbedaan antara glukosa puasa dan 2 jam pp dengan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Kesimpulan didapatkanlidah buaya dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian jus lidah buaya dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif keperawatan non farmakologi dalam penyakit diabetes melitus. Kata Kunci : Lidah Buaya ; Diabetes Mellitus THE EFFECT OF VEGETABLE VOCATIONAL JUICE ON FAST BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS AND 2 HOURS OF PP (Post Prandial) IN DIABETES MELLITUS  ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is the most prominent disease caused by the failure of blood sugar regulation. Aloe vera is efficacious can to  reduce blood sugar levels for diabetics and can control blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Aloe Barbadensis Miller on the reduction of fasting blood glucose GDP and 2 hours of PP (post prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The research design is Experimental Quasi with one group pretest - postest design approach. The sample is divided into 14 respondents. Data were analyzed by paired t-test. The results showed an average decrease in fasting blood glucose at intervention (28.42 gr / dl) and 2 hours pp blood glucose at intervention (40.57 gr / dl). For bivariate analysis there was a difference between fasting glucose and 2 hours pp with fasting blood glucose GDP) and 2 hours PP (Post Prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The conclusion is that aloe vera can reduce blood glucose levels. Based on the results of research on aloe vera juice can be an alternative non-pharmacological nursing in diabetes mellitus. Keywords: Aloe Vera ; Diabetes Mellitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 298-302
Miftah Azrin ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto

The incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in rural areas shows an increasing number. For this reason, efforts to control diabetes need to be done through education to the public. Community service was conducted in the village of BuluhCina which is one of the fostered villages of Kampung Pelita Medika FK UNRI. Education is provided with Kukerta students through socialization of a healthy diet and checking blood sugar as a risk factor. Through this service, it is hoped that the community will have the awareness to control the risk factors for DM in BuluhCina village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
I Gusti Agung Dewi Sarihati ◽  
Putu Dita Pratiwi ◽  
I Gusti Agung Ayu Putu Swastini

<p class="normal" align="center"><strong>Description </strong><strong>o</strong><strong>f Blood Glucose Levels </strong><strong>i</strong><strong>n Hypertension Patients </strong><strong>in</strong><strong> Mendoyo Public </strong><strong>H</strong><strong>ealth </strong><strong>C</strong><strong>enter</strong></p><p class="normal" align="center"> </p><p class="normal"><strong> Abstract</strong></p><p class="normal"> </p><p>Hypertension is a degenerative disease that still affects many people in Bali Province. Hypertension occurs due to many factors where it can start from genetics and lifestyle. Hypertension can lead to insulin resistance which is the main cause of increased blood glucose, so that people who suffer from hypertension have the risk of suffering from diabetes mellitus. The purpose of this study is to describe the current blood glucose levels in  patients with hypertension at Puskesmas II Mendoyo. Method this research  uses descriptive quantitative method involving 30 respondents through purposive sampling technique. The research was conducted in March - April 2021. Data collection was carried out by filling out questionnaires and examining blood glukose level with POCT EasyTouch GCU. The results showed that (13.3%) patients with hypertension had blood glucose levels in the non-DM category, (80%) with the uncertain DM category, and (6.7%) in the DM category. The average blood glucose level is 120.7 mg/dl with the lowest level is 84 mg/dl and the highest level up to 273 mg/dl. In conclusion, most patients with hypertension have blood glucose levels during the uncertain DM category.</p><p><strong>Keyword</strong>s: blood glucose levels; hypertension; diabetes melitus</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Widia Afira ◽  
Prima Dian Furqoni ◽  
Rahma Elliya ◽  
Usastiawaty Cik Ayu Saadiah Isnainy ◽  
Eka Yudha Crisanto ◽  

ABSTRAK Menurut International Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2015), saat ini Indonesia merupakan negara dengan urutan ke-7 jumlah penderita diabetes terbanyak di dunia yaitu sebanyak 10,0 juta jiwa, dan pada tahun 2020 diperkirakan penderita diabetes di Indonesia akan naik ke nomor enam terbanyak di dunia dengan jumlah penderita 16,2 juta jiwa, dan dilaporkan bahwa kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Surabaya, sudah hampir 10 % penduduknya menderita diabetes. Diabetes merupakan penyakit kronis yang serius dan terjadi baik saat pankreas tidak menghasilkan cukup insulin (hormon yang mengatur glukosa darah) maupun jika tubuh tidak dapat menggunakan insulin yang dihasilkan secara efektif. pengobatan bisa dilakukan secara non farmakologi, diantaranya dengan menggunakan terapi pijat refleksi. Tujuan setelah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi, diharapkan pemberian pijat refleksi dapat untuk menurunkan glukosa darah. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan menggunakan leaflet dan demonstrasi terapi pijat refleksi. Terdapat penurunan gula darah pada klien diabetes melitus setelah pemberian terapi pijat refleksi selama 3 hari di Tiyuh Dayaasri Tumijajar Tulang bawang barat. Dari evaluasi hari terakhir pemeriksaan kadar glukosa darah terjadi penurunan yaitu antara sebelum diberikan terapi dan sesudah diberikan terapi, diperoleh data pada nilai glukosa darah sebelum diberikan asuhan keperawatan yaitu hari pertama GDS: 215 mg/dl, setelah diberikan intervensi pijat refleksi selama kurun waktu 3 hari dan di beri waktu istirahat selama 4 hari tetapi tetap dalam pengontrolan pola makan, untuk memberikan efek rileks kemudian di cek gula darah kembali di hari ke 7 (tujuh),  dari hasil pemeriksaan didapatkan yaitu GDS: 189 mg/dl. Saran agar dapat menerapkan terapi pijat refleksi kepada penderita diabetes melitus dan sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk menjaga kestabilan glukosa darah, untuk mengurangi efek samping penggunaan obat jangka panjang. Dengan demikian, pemberian pijat refleksi pada klien diabetes melitus sangat efektif dalam menurunkan gula darah.Kata kunci : Diabetes Melitus, Gula Darah, Terapi Pijat Refleksi   ABSTRACT According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2015), Indonesia is currently the 7th largest number of diabetics in the world with 10.0 million people, and 2020 estimated that diabetics at Indonesia will rise to number 6th in the world with 16.2 million sufferers, and it is reported that big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, already almost 10% the population suffer of diabetes. Diabetes is a serious chronic disease and occurs both when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that regulates blood glucose) or if the body cannot use insulin produced effectively. treatment can be non-pharmacologically, including by reflexology therapy. The purpose after counseling and demonstration, is expected to provide reflexology to reduce blood glucose. The activities carried out in the form of counseling used leaflets and demonstration of reflexology therapy. There is a decrease in blood sugar in diabetes mellitus clients after giving reflexology therapy for 3 days at Tiyuh Dayaasri Tumijajar West Tulang Bawang. From evaluation of the last day,examination of blood glucose levels there was a decrease between before being given therapy and after being given therapy, obtained data on blood glucose values before being given nursing care that is the first day of GDS: 215 mg / dl, after being given a reflexology intervention for a period of 3 days and given a rest period of 4 days but still in control of eating patterns, to provide a relaxing effect then checked for blood sugar again on day 7 (seven), from the examination results obtained namely GDS: 189 mg / dl. Suggestions for adjust reflexology therapy to people with diabetes mellitus and alternative treatment to maintain blood glucose stability, to reduce the side effects of long-term drug use. Thus, giving reflexology to diabetes mellitus's client is very effective of lowering blood sugar. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Blood Sugar, Reflexology Therapy

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-45
Ni Wayan Trisnadewi ◽  
I Made Sudarma Adiputra ◽  
Ni Kadek Mitayanti

Pendahuluan: Diabetes Melitus (DM) adalah suatu penyakit degeneratif yang dikarenakan tidak berfungsinya insulin  yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar gula darah. Penanganan pasien DM tipe 2 dilakukan dengan 4 pilar, diantaranya : edukasi, diet, latihan fisik, dan pengobatan. Keberhasilan terapi untuk pasien DM dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan responden tentang penyakit DM. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan pasien dan keluarga tentang manajemen DM di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tabanan II. Metode : Metode penelitian yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 80 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan didapatkan selama 2 minggu. Hasil : Hasil analisa dengan univariat berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan pasien tentang manajemen DM tentang edukasi (65%) , diet (83,8%), latihan fisik (77,5%) dalam katagori baik, sementara pengobatannya (61,3%) dalam katagori kurang. Pengetahuan keluarga tentang manajemen DM yaitu edukasi (67,5%), diet (72,5%), latihan fisik (90%) dalam katagori baik, sementara pengobatan (53,8%) katagori kurang. Diskusi : Kesimpulannya bahwa pengetahuan tentang manajemen DM pada penderita DM dan keluarga di wilayah puskesmas Tabanan II belum optimal, sehingga perlu dikembangkan edukasi manajemen yang berkelanjutan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Kata kunci : manajemen DM, pengetahuan, pasien, keluarga ABSTRACT   Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a degenerative disease due to insulin malfunction characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. Handling of patients with type 2 diabetes is done with 4 pillars, including: education, diet, physical exercise, and treatment. The successfully of therapy for DM patients is influenced by the knowledge of respondents about DM disease. This research aimed to know the description of knowledge of patient and family about DM management in Health Center of Tabanan II Working Area. Method : The method of this research is descriptive quantitative, with the number of samples as much as 80 respondents. Data was collected used questionnaires and obtained for 2 weeks. Result : The Result of univariate analysis based on patient knowledge level about DM management about education (65%), diet (83,8%), physical exercise (77,5%) in good category, while treatment (61,3%) in less category. Family knowledge about DM management of education (67,5%), diet (72,5%), physical exercise (90%) in good category, while treatment (53,8%) in less category. Discussion: The conclusion of this resaearch are the knowledge about DM management of DM Patients and family at Health Center of Tabanan II are not optimal yet, so it is necessary to develop continuous management education in health services. Keywords: DM management, knowledge, patient, family

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 017-025
Fitria Alisa ◽  
Vivi Syofia Sapardi ◽  
Lola Despitasari ◽  
Muhammad Farid ◽  
Alex Contesa

Background : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an insulin insufficiency disorder caused by disruption of insulin products by Langerhans beta cells or the body's cells are less responsive to insulin. Covid-19 attacks all ages, especially those who have chronic diseases (co-morbid) have a more frequent risk of getting it with bad complications from this disease. Physical exercise (Diabetes leg exercises) is one of the pillars in the management of DM, which functions to improve insulin sensitivity and maintain body fitness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this community service is to prevent amputation by managing diabetes mellitus. Method : This community service method refers to action research with the formation of a DM prolanis group at the MERCUBAKTIJAYA clinic in Padang, socialization and education related to the management of diabetes mellitus, as well as monitoring and evaluation that have been carried out in collaboration with the MERCUBAKTIJAYA clinic in Padang as a follow-up to this activity.  Result: 90% of the participants were enthusiastic about the activity and were able to re-practice the material presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-295
Umi Romayati Keswara ◽  
Rahma Elliya ◽  
Maya Maya

ABSTRACT: THE EFFECT OF PROGRESIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION (PMR) ON REDUCING BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS IN PEOPLE WITH DIABETES MELLITUS IN THE WORK AREA OF OGAN LIMA HEALTH CENTER, WEST ABUNG DISTRICT, NORTH LAMPUNG Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease that often suffers. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease that often suffers.Purpose: To determine the effect of progresive muscle relaxation (PMR) on reducing blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus.Method: This type of research is quantitative, quasi-experimental design using non equivalent control groups. The population in this study were all DM patients in the Work Area of Ogan Lima Health Center, West Abung District, North Lampung, with a total sample of 34 respondents. Data analysis used T test analysis (dependent and independent sample t-test).Results: The results of univariate analysis showed that the average blood glucose level of respondents in the pretest group was 247.29 ± 28.431 mg / dL and posttest 210.29 ± 28.711 mg / dL. The average level of respondent's blood glucose at pretest was 255.94 ± 30.738 mg / dL and posttest 230.76 ± 25.69 mg / dL. T-dependent test results obtained by the treatment group p-value = 0,000, and the control group p-value = 0.006. T-independent test results obtained p-value = 0.035.Conclusion: There was a significant difference between the blood glucose levels of diabetics in the treatment group and the control group. Suggestions are expected that health workers can apply PMR training as an alternative therapy for DM patients. Keywords :progresive muscle relaxation, blood glucose level, diabetes mellitus  Latar Belakang: Diabetes Melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang sering diderita. Data di dunia sebanyak 422 juta orang dewasa hidup dengan diabetes, di Indonesia tahun 2018 prevalensi  diabetes meningkat dari 1,1% menjadi 2,0%, di Provinsi Lampung meningkat dari 0,8% menjadi1,6%, di Kabupaten Lampung Utara meningkat dari 0,9menjadi 1,07 %. Terapi komplementer untuk mengontrol kadar glukosa darah salah satunya dengan relaksasi otot progresif (Progresive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).Tujuan:Diketahui Pengaruh Progresive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) terhadap penurunan kadar glukosa  darah pada penderita diabetes melitus.Metode Penelitian:Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, rancangan quasi eksperiment menggunakan non equivalent control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien DM di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ogan Lima Kecamatan Abung Barat Lampung Utara, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 34 responden.Analisis data menggunakan analisis uji T (dependent dan independent sample t-test).Hasil Penelitian: Hasil analisis univariat bahwa rata-rata kadar glukosa darah responden kelompok perlakuan saat pretest yaitu 247,29 ± 28,431 mg/dL dan posttest 210,29 ± 28,711 mg/dL. Rata-rata kadar glukosa darah responden saat pretest yaitu 255,94 ± 30,738 mg/dL dan posttest 230,76 ± 25,69mg/dL. Hasil uji t-dependen kelompok perlakuan diperoleh p-value=0,000, dan kelompok kontrol p-value=0,006. Hasil uji t-independen diperoleh p-value=0,035.Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kadar glukosa darah penderita diabetes melitus pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Saran diharapkan agar tenaga kesehatan dapat menerapkan latihan PMR sebagai alternative terapi pada pasien DM. Kata Kunci     : progresive muscle relaxation, kadar glukosa darah, diabetes melitus

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Chalida Irma Akbar ◽  
Firlia Ayu Arini ◽  
A’immatul Fauziyah

Rambut jagung merupakan salah satu limbah tanaman jagung yang kurang pemanfaatannya namun mengandung antioksidan (flavonoid) yang dipercaya dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengembangkan formulasi teh dari rambut jagung dengan penambahan daun stevia sebagai alternatif minuman fungsional bagi penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan menggunakan desain rancangan acak lengkap. Penelitian meliputi proses pembuatan ekstrak rambut jagung, pembuatan formulasi teh rambut jagung, analisa organoleptik meliputi uji hedonik dan mutu hedonik dengan parameter uji warna, aroma dan rasa, dan analisis zat gizi teh. Terdapat tiga konsentrasi teh rambut jagung, yaitu 20, 30, dan 40%. Formula terbaik hasil uji organoleptik adalah formula penambahan ekstrak rambut jagung sebesar 40% dengan kandungan air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat masing-masing sebesar 99,6, 0,20, 0,14, 0, dan 0,06%, sedangkan total flavonoidnya sebesar 0,03%. Kesimpulannya, kandungan flavonoid dalam teh rambut jagung dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi flavonoid laki-laki per hari sebanyak 51,7% dan 37,5% untuk perempuan dengan takaran saji 250 ml. Kandungan kimia yang dimiliki teh rambut jagung dengan penambahan daun stevia berpotensi untuk dijadikan alternatif minuman fungsional.Corn Silk Tea with Additional of Stevia Leaves as an Alternative Functional Beverage for People With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2AbstractCorn silk was known as one of the corn waste that lacks utilization but contains antioxidants (flavonoids) that were believed to suppress blood glucose levels. The purpose of this study was making tea from corn silk with the addition of stevia leaves as a functional beverage for people with diabetes mellitus type 2. This study used experimental method and completely randomized design. The research included the process of manufacture corn silk extract, compose corn silk tea formula, organoleptic analysis including hedonic testing and hedonic quality with color, aroma and taste, and lastly, analysis of tea nutrition. Three silk corn tea formulas were composed in a various concentrations, i.e. 20, 30, and 40%. The best formula from organoleptic test was formula with the addition of 40% corn silk extract which was containing of 99.6% water, 0.20% ash, 0.14% protein, 0% fat, 0.06% carbohydrate, and flavonoids total of 0.03%. In conclusion, the flavonoid content in corn silk can meet the consumption needs of male flavonoids per day by 51.7% and 37.5% for women with a serving dose of 250 ml.

Ida Trisnawati ◽  
Novita Fajriyah ◽  
Wahyu Sukma Samudera

Background: Various complications caused by causing diabetes mellitus patients to undergo treatment at the Hospital to overcome the complaints that arise. This causes the patient to experience stress physically and psychologically. Objective: To explain the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on the stress response, blood glucose levels, and quality of life in patients with diabetes mellitus. Method: This systematic review used the PRISMA approach. The database used in this study were Scopus, Pubmed, Proquest, and Science Direct in English. Results: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) could reduce muscle tension, stress, lower blood pressure, increased tolerance for daily activities. Regular exercise can make it easier for patients to concentrate and relax conditions will be more quickly achieved thereby increasing the performance of the adrenal glands to produced sedative hormones which will have an impact on reducing stress and decreasing blood glucose levels so that the quality of life of DM patients increased. Conclusion: PMR influences the stress response, blood glucose levels, and quality of life in patients with diabetes mellitus. Keywords: progressive muscle relaxation; stress; blood glucose level; quality of life; diabetes mellitus ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Berbagai komplikasi yang ditimbulkan menyebabkan pasien diabetes mellitus harus menjalani perawatan di Rumah Sakit untuk mengatasi keluhan yang ditimbulkan. Hal ini menyebabkan pasien mengalami stres secara fisik maupun secara psikologis. Tujuan: Untuk menjelaskan pengaruh progressive muscle relaxation terhadap respon stres, kadar glukosa darah dan kualitas hidup pada pasien Diabetes Melitus. Metode: Systematic review ini menggunakan pendekatan PRISMA. Database yang digunakan adalah Scopus, Pubmed, Proquest, dan Science Direct menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Hasil: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) mampu mengurangi ketegangan otot, menurunkan stress, menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan toleransi terhadap aktivitas sehari-hari. Latihan yang teratur dapat membuat pasien lebih mudah untuk memusatkan pikiran dan kondisi rileks akan lebih cepat tercapai sehingga meningkatkan kinerja kelenjar adrenal untuk memproduksi hormon penenang yang akan berdampak pada penurunan stres dan penurunan kadar glukosa darah sehingga kualitas hidup pasien DM meningkat. Kesimpulan: PMR memiliki pengaruh terhadap respon stres, kadar glukosa darah, dan kualitas hidup pada pada pasien diabetes melitus. Kata kunci: progressive muscle relaxation; stres; kadar glukosa darah; kualitas hidup; diabetes melitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-104
Raden Ayu Jihan Fakhirah Ismail ◽  
Nurma Retno Ningtyas

Diabetes melitus adalah suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi  insulin, kerja insulin atau keduanya. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang dengan jumlah penduduk yang tinggi memiliki risiko terjadinya masalah kesehatan yang lebih besar. Salah satu masalah kesehatan adalah meningkatnya epidemi diabetes melitus. Saffron, Crocus sativus, tanaman yang berasal dari genus Iridaceous, adalahtanaman yang dianggap sebagai salah satu tanaman herbal yang penting dalam bidang medis, kosmetik dan industri higienis lainnya.Review ini disusun dengan melakukan penulusuran sumber pustaka melalui database NCBI, Garuda, Sinta, dan Google Scholar. Hasil dari penelusuran 19 artikel yang ditemukan yaitu saffron memiliki kandungan crocin crocetin, procicin, safranalyang dapat menjadi kandidat antioksidan yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar glukosa dalam darah.  Kata kunci: Crocus sativus, diabetes melitus, glukosa, saffron  POTENCY OF SAFFRON AS ANTIDIABETIC  ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitusis a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Indonesia as a developing country with a high population has a greater risk of health problems. One health problem is the increasing epidemic of diabetes mellitus. Saffron, Crocus sativus, a plant that belongs to the Iridaceous genus, is a plant that is considered one of the important herbal plants in the medical, cosmetic and other hygienic industries. This review was compiled by searching literature sources through NCBI, Garuda, Sprott, and Google Scholar databases. The results of 19 articles search found that saffron contains (crocin crocetin, procicin, safranal) which can be candidates for antioxidants that have a significant effect on glucose levels in the blood  Keywords: crocus sativus, diabetes mellitus, glucose, saffron

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