scholarly journals Pluralism in the Fiqh Sosial’s Perspective

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-34
Tutik Nurul Janah ◽  
Umdah El Baroroh

Methodologically, Fiqh Sosial encourages the resolution of people's problems by using the qauli and manhaji schools of thought. The qauli school of choice takes precedence. If the qauli school is unable to provide a solution to the problems at hand, then the manhaji school of thought is used. Basically, the qauli school of thought is sufficient if it is used in solving basic pluralism problems. However, if the issue of pluralism has entered a more complicated domain, and the qauli school of thought is no longer sufficient, then the manhaji school of thought can be used. The implementation of the methodology of Fiqh Sosial in the issue of pluralism can be seen from the consistency of Kiai Sahal in harmonizing his thoughts and his daily life. Kiai Sahal shows an open mind in building relationships and collaborating with many people from various ethnic, religious and professional backgrounds. This paper is the result of research on pluralism in the perspective of Fiqh Sosial. This study aims to determine the concept of Fiqh Sosial regarding pluralism and the application of Fiqh Sosial methodology in responding to pluralism issues. This research is a qualitative research. This research is a literature study using descriptive methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 126
Sumadi Sumadi

This study aims to measure the lease transaction in the review of sharia economic law. The phenomenon of the practice of leasing transactions in economic activities that develop today is a complicated and complicated issue. Because of its emergence as one of muamalah practices involving a number of parties initially known in advance by the Western world and not found the discussion specifically in the classic books and fatwa ulama. This type of research is a qualitative research using literature study method as the methodology of completion. With the object of research Leasing case seen from the point of view of Islamic economic law, and how the Islamic economy to answer the problem. Leasing Transactions are financing activities in the form of provision of capital goods (eg cars or factory machinery) paid for a certain period of time on a regular basis. From result of research obtained result that related with lease transaction. The form of leasing activity is divided into two, namely the operating lease (ie, lease without option) and financial lease (lease with option rights) Operating lease in fiqih terms equals ijara, while the financial lease practice which has been adjusted to syara criteria 'is called al -The Objective of Muntahia bit Tamlik (IMBT) and the law is halal, while based on the practice and reality in daily life, financial lease shows transaction prohibition, and scholars agree that there is in practice financial lease (conventional leasing)

Marsel Eliaser Liunokas

Timorese culture is patriarchal in that men are more dominant than women. As if women were not considered in traditional rituals so that an understanding was built that valued women lower than men. However, in contrast to the article to be studied, this would like to see the priority of women’s roles in traditional marriages in Belle village, South Central Timor. The role of women wiil be seen from giving awards to their parents called puah mnasi manu mnasi. This paper aims to look at the meaning of the rituals of puah mnasi maun mnasi and the role and strengths that women have in traditional marriage rituals in the village of Belle, South Central Timor. The method used for this research is a qualitative research method using interview techniques with a number of people in the Belle Villa community and literature study to strengthen this writing. Based on the data obtained this paper shows that the adat rituals of puah mnasi manu mnasi provide a value that can be learned, namely respect for women, togetherness between the two families, and brotherhood that is intertwined due to customary marital affrairs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Chrisna Putri Kurniati

This study entitles ―Citra Perempuan in Novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading Written by Hasan Junus‖. Problem in this research about the image of women and the gender inequities in the novel.This study aims to describe, express women‘s image and the discrimination of gender in novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. The use of this study is to inform people in general and readers in particular about the roles and status of women in society reflected in novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. The theory used is feminist literature criticism. This is a qualitative research. using the book study method. Primary data that is Burung Tiung Seri Gading novel Hasan Junus work published by Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau, Pekanbaru 2009185 pages thick.The steps of the research are (1) identify the female characters in literature, (2) seek the position of these figures in everyday life in society, good relations within the family or in society at large, (3) gender inequality would be viewed through a gender analysis ofits image of women in daily life. The conclusions of this study are that the roles and status of women in society get women not be able to avoid their housework and the discrimination of gender. AbstrakPenelitian ini berjudul ―Citra Perempuan dalam Novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading Karya Hasan Junus‖. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini tentang citra perempuan dan terjadinya ketidakadilan gender dalam novel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan citra perempuan dan mendeskripsikan ketidakadilan gender dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya tentang peran dan kedudukan perempuan dalam masyarakat yang tercermin dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading serta memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca tentang terjadinya ketidakadilan gender dalam masyarakat yang tercermin dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. Teori yang digunakan adalah kritik sastra feminis. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Data primernya bersumberkan pada novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading karya Hasan Junus yang diterbitkan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau, Pekanbaru, 2009 setebal 185 halaman. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya peran dan kedudukan perempuan di masyarakat membuat perempuan belum bisa lepas dari pekerjaan domestik serta perempuan adalah korban dari ketidakadilan gender.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mega Febriani Sya Zuriyati Zuriyati dan Siti Gomo Attas

Abstract The Conception of Community Life in Petatah Petitih Minangkabau with The Indigeneous Approach. This study aims to identify the Minangkabau conceptions values as depicted in the petatah petitih Minang (proverb). This research examines Minang Proverb with the Indigenous Psychology approach. Qualitative research methods, describing, interpreting the concept of values in the Minangkabau community which is illustrated by the Minang proverb. The data collection technique used is desk research and interview. Sources of literature study are from the Minangkabau Adat textbook obtained from the Rumah Gadang Minangkabau pavilion in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; the results of previous studies / research, and relevant information from online mass media. Online Interview was conducted with the Chief Advisor of the Bundo Kanduang Council Organization Advisor Solok City, West Sumatra. The results show that there are ten values or Minangkabau life concept which are contained in the Minang proverb which is inherent in the Minang identity, namely; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi –malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; loyal; fair; thrifty; watchful; braveness; wise diligent and humble. Key words: Minangkabau conceptions, Minang proverb, Indigenous psychology Abstrak Konsep Pola Hidup Masyarakat dalam Petatah Petitih Minangkabau dengan Pendekatan Indigenius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konsepsi nilai-nilai adat yang berkaitan dengan pola hidup masyarakat Minangkabau (Minang) yang tergambar dalam Petatah Petitih (pepatah) Minang. Penelitian ini mengkaji psikologi yang lekat pada budaya adat Minangkabau yang tertuang dalam Pepatah Minang dengan pendekatan Indigenous Psychology (Psikologi Indigenius). Metode penelitian kualitatif, yakni menggambarkan, menafsirkan konsepsi nilai-nilai adat pada masyarakat Minangkabau yang tergambar pepatah Minang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara studi kepustakaan (desk research) dan wawancara. Sumber studi kepustakaan adalah dari buku teks Adat Minangkabau yang diperolah dari anjungan Rumah Gadang Minangkabau di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; hasil kajian/penelitian sebelumnya, dan informasi yang relevan dari media massa daring. Wawancara dilakukan kepada Ketua Penasehat Organisasi Bundo Kanduang Kota Solok Sumatera Barat secara daring. Hasil menunjukan terdapat sepuluh nilai atau konsep pola hidup masyarakat Minang yang tertuang dalam pepatah minang yang melekat pada jati diri orang Minang yakni; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi-malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; setia; adil; hemat cermat; waspada; berani karena benar; arif bijaksana; rajin dan rendah hati. Kata-kata kunci: nilai budaya Minangkabau, pepatah Minang, psikologi indigenius

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Meyva Polii

Abstract. The world is currently facing the covid-19 pandemic which has been shifting most of human daily life by using digital technology. One that was worried about the teenagers spirituality disruption due to excessive use of digital technology. This paper aimed to study the parenetal’s role in the spiritual growth of teenagers during the covid-19 pandemic through a literature study. Through this study, it was concluded that the pandemic period was an opportunity for parents to optimally implement Christian Religious Education in the family due to the large amount of meeting time between parents and teenagers at home. Thus it can be an opportunity for parents to as much as possible improve the spirituality of their teenagers.Abstrak. Saat ini dunia tengah dihadapkan dengan fenomena pandemi covid-19 yang mengalihkan sebagian besar rutinitas manusia dengan menggunakan teknologi digital. Salah satu hal yang dikuatirkan dampaknya terhadap spiritual remaja yang akan merosot karena penyalagunaan teknologi digital secara berlebihan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran orang tua terhadap pertumbuhan spiritual remaja pada masa pandemi covid-19 melalui studi kepustakaan. Melalui kajian ini disimpulkan bahwa masa pandemi menjadi kesempatan bagi orang tua untuk menerapkan Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam keluarga secara optimal oleh karena banyaknya waktu pertemuan antara orang tua dan remaja di rumah. Dengan demikian hal itu dapat menjadi peluang bagi orang tua untuk semaksimal mungkin meningkatkan kerohanian anak remajanya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 477
Siti Nursolihat ◽  
Evie Kareviati

Language is a tool of communication used by people anywhere and every time. Now days people commonly find a figurative language in daily life, for example in a lyric of song. Figurative language is a way to express an idea in implicit way. This research is trying to analyze the figurative languages which exist in the lyric of song “A Whole New World” and trying to find out its meaning by analyzing its contextual meaning. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data instrument is the song lyric which taken from Genius website. The result showed that this song consist of some figurative languages, such as alliteration, simile, personification, metaphor, and hyperbole. Furthermore, the most figurative language used in the lyric is metaphor. It is highly relatable with the imaginative theme of the song itself. The contextual meaning of each figurative language is also explained based on the situation of the lyric.

InterKomunika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Tuti Widiastuti ◽  
Poppy Ruliana

This research was conducted to find out how the branding activity done by Y2K Music School and Studio through social media account Instagram @ y2kstudio. This research would like to examine more deeply related to marketing activity such as what applied Y2K Music School and Studio in building brand Y2K Music School and Studio as a music school through its official Instagram. There is also a method used in this research is a method of narrative analysis which is a method in the field of qualitative research. The data were collected using literature study on textbooks, online data tracking, and in-depth interviews on key informants related to the study. The results of this study states that the form of branding activities conducted by Y2K Music School and Studio through social media accounts Instagram @ y2kstudio is a marketing communication in the form of delivering information with positive ambiance related Y2K Music School and Studio and also in the form of information delivery activities related promotions which is currently running at Y2K Music School and Studio.

Maria Lidya Wenas ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

Maria Lidya Wenas & I Putu Ayub Darmawan, Significance Children Education in Biblical Perspective. Education of children is important in human life. Formulation of the problem in this research is how the Bible perpsektif about children's education? The purpose of this study is to outline perpsektif Bible about children's education. Types of research in this paper is the qualitative research literature. The object of this study is a biblical perspective on the education of children. In this study, researchers conducted a literature study to be able to explore and understand the biblical view of children's education. In this study, the authors sought feedback from a grasp of Hebrew and Greek. This is to avoid the use of verses in Hebrew and Greek avoid deviations. From this study showed that (1) Education of children as the planting of faith; (2) Education of children as a process of knowledge transfer; (3) the child's education as a process of value investment. Maria Lidya Wenas &I Putu Ayub Darmawan, Signifikansi Pendidikan Anak Dalam Perspektif Alkitab. Pendidikan anak merupakan hal yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perpsektif Alkitab tentang pendidikan anak? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memaparkan perpsektif Alkitab tentang pendidikan anak. Jenis penelitan dalam karya tulis ini adalah penelitian kualitatif studi pustaka. Objek penelitian ini adalah perspektif Alkitab tentang pendidikan anak. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan studi literatur untuk dapat menggali dan memahami pandangan Alkitab tentang pendidikan anak. Dalam penelitian ini penulis meminta masukan dari seorang yang memahami tentang Bahasa Ibrani dan Bahasa Yunani. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar penggunaan ayat-ayat dalam Bahasa Ibrani dan Bahasa Yunani tidak terjadi penyimpangan. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil yaitu (1) Pendidikan anak sebagai proses penanaman iman; (2) Pendidikan anak sebagai proses transfer pengetahuan; (3) pendidikan anak sebagai proses penanaman nilai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
Angga Syahputra ◽  
Khalish Khairina

Waqf is a philanthropy with the highest position in Islam. Apart from being of worship value, waqf is also related to legal, social and economic aspects. The times demand waqf not only in the form of immovable objects such as land and buildings, but also in the form of money. Cash waqf in its development can have a wider impact that can be felt by the community. To optimize the collection of waqf funds, the role of e-payment as a resulting technological innovation needs to be studied more deeply. This study uses a qualitative research type with a literature study model in answering these problems. Data is obtained from various reading sources such as books, previous studies, journals and trusted websites. This research shows that e-payment is proven to help optimize the collection of waqf funds. E-payment can facilitate wāqif in waqf both in terms of mobilization and the amount of funds to be donated. In addition, e-payments are proven to be safer, more convenient and efficient.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 258
Febri Vive Kananda ◽  
. Relin D.E ◽  
I Made Wika

<p><em>Hinduism believes in the existence of four phases of life to be traversed by the so-called Chess Dormitory. The four phases of human development are Brahmacari, Grehasta, Wanaprasta, and Bhiksuka (Sanyasin). Of the four phases, marriage is included in the stage of development of life, the second human being (Grehasta). In Javanese traditional marriage contains many values that are poured in the symbols, one of which is used like the Kembar Mayang. All ceremonial facilities in Java still use the standard or rules in the Javanese tradition that still apply and is a local religious belief. However, people's understanding of the ceremonial facilities is still lacking. This research is a qualitative research which in collecting data, researcher use observation technique, interview, document study and literature study.</em></p><p><em>From this research, </em><em>t</em><em>he process of marriage ceremony of Hindu people in Sidorejo village in general starts from</em><em> lamaran, pasang </em><em>tarub, selamatan, inauguration of husband and wife, bridal meeting (nemokake manten), and the peak is marked with marriage party and continued with ceremony sepasaran.</em><em> </em><em>Upacara marriage of Hindu have function (1) preserving Javanese tradition as a form of preservation of ancestral traditions that have been carried out for generations, (2) religious function (3) social function. The theological significance embodied in the Hindu marriage ceremony in Sidorejo Village is as early as entering the life of grhasta, the cleansing of the spirits of the ancestors, obtaining the suputra and surely embodying a happy family of birth and mind (sukinah).</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

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