تشكيلُ النّص الأدبيِّ ما بعد الحداثيِّ

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
علي كامل الشريف ◽  
محمد إسماعيل عمايرة

يسعى هذا البحث إلى تبيان ملامح تشكيل النّص الأدبيّ ما بعد الحداثيّ، والوقوف على أبرز المفاهيم الأولية التي وظفها النّقاد في أطروحات ما بعد الحداثة، والتي شكّلت الاختلافات الجوهرية في الفرق بين النّصوص الحداثيّة وما بعدها، كما ترنو الدراسة إلى استكناه إشكالية النّص ما بعد الحداثيّ من خلال استدعاء بعض النّصوص الشّعرية والروائية المعاصرة التي تعزز حضور بعض سماته فيه، متبعة في ذلك، المنهج الوصفيّ التحليليّ. وقد عمد البحث إلى تحديد الملامح التي شكلت ماهية النصوص ما بعد الحداثية من خلال البحث في المفاهيم الأوليّة، كما وردت على لسان منظري ما بعد الحداثة نظريًا، ومن ثمّ تطبيق هذه المفاهيم على عينة من النصوص الشعرية والروائية المعاصرة. وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن تشكيل النصوص ما بعد الحداثية جاءت مغايرة لنصوص الحداثة السابقة لها، وأن هناك بونًا شاسعًا بينهما؛ فالنصوص الأولى منحت القارئ دورًا فاعلًا في المشاركة في عملية إنتاج النصوص مما يضمن له صرورة البقاء، على العكس من النصوص الحداثية التي اتسمت بالانغلاق والجمود. الكلمات الدّالة: الحداثة، ما بعد الحداثة، النّص، المفاهيم الأوليّة Abstract: This research attempts to crystalize basic characteristics of Postmodern Literature and sheds light on the most prominent and basic concepts that were employed by many critics in dissertations of Postmodernism, which constitute fundamental differences between Modern Literature and Postmodern Literature. In addition, the study seeks to elucidate characteristics of Postmodern Literature through tackling some contemporary works of poetry and novels that enhance the presence of some postmodern characteristics; this is based on the descriptive analysis approach. The purpose of this research is to define the main essence that formed Postmodern Literature through studying the basic concepts according to perspectives of postmodern theorists, then applying these concepts on some contemporary novels and poetry works. Conclusion of the study indicated that forming Postmodern Literature was more different than former Modern Literature. There is an obvious difference between them; Postmodern Literature granted the reader an active role in order to take part in creation of any literary works, which guaranteed his engagement and interaction, unlike Postmodern Literature which was characterized by its enclosure and rigidity. Key words: Modernism, Postmodernism, Literary work, Basic concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-43
Meirison . . ◽  
Fadhilah Insani . Insani ◽  
Zahara Andini

This article aims to explain the purpose of purification in various forms. Purification outwardly and inwardly will be obtained when following the rules given by the Qur'an and Hadith. Purification (thaharah) is one of the legal conditions in performing Salat. When we start performing an act of worship such as Salat, many of us are not right or wrong when taking ablution or sometimes after removing many unclean impurities. I did a literature study with a descriptive analysis approach and found that three ways can be pure: bathing, ablution, and tayammum. The tools used for bathing and ablution are water and for tayammum using soil (dust). As we know, Tayammum can only be done when there is no water and in a state of pain. Purification also removes not only the contaminated feces but also the inner. In purifying, using absolute water or using soil (dust) must meet certain conditions. By doing purification according to the provisions of Rasulullah, then we will get external and internal purity. Keywords: Epidemiology, Concept, Spiritual, Physical, Thaharah

2020 ◽  
Andri Nirwana

Abstract: The phenomenon of the people who forcibly took covid's corpse 19 from the hospital to be taken care of by Fardhu Kifayah by his family and the community, became a conclusion that there was community doubt about the management of Tajhiz Mayat conducted by the hospital. Coupled with the circulation of the video of the Ruku movement 'in the corpse prayer conducted by unscrupulous parties at the Hospital, became added doubts from the public against the hospital. To solve this problem, this research uses a Descriptive Analysis approach, namely by formulating a question, namely How to arrange Covid 19's body in Banda Aceh and this question will be answered with several theories and data sets from the field. So it was concluded in a conclusion that answered the formulation of the problems mentioned. Theoretically the spread of covid 19 is very fast, the size of the virus is only 0.1 micrometer and is in body fluids, especially nasopharyngeal fluid and oropharyngeal fluids of infected people, fluids in the body of covid 19 bodies can get out through every gap of the body such as mouth, nose, eye and rectum, because it requires special techniques in its management. Fardhu kifayah to covid 19 bodies should be carried out by trained Ustad and trained health workers, so that the spread stopped. The results of this study concluded that the management of the Moslem bodies died at Zainal Abidin Hospital in Banda Aceh was in accordance with the Fatwa of the Aceh Ulama Council (MPU) and the bodies were handled by trained Ustad and health workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ii (15) ◽  
pp. 146-182
Haroula Hatzimihail ◽  
Ioannis Pantelidis

In this announcement, the various –linguistic and non-linguistic- symbols used in the literary work 'Around the world in 80 days', written by Jules Verne, are examined from an intertemporal and contemporary point of view. The references through these points of view, in matters of multiculturalism and multilingualism, are becoming classical in nature: they concern the necessity of the applied ability to communicate between individuals who belong to different social classes and age groups, speak the same or different languages, come from different cultures, with rights and obligations in their various areas of life, etc. Key-words: linguistics, multilingualism, multiculturalism, semiotics, semiotic systems, symbols

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-380
Nathasya Wiguna Wiguna ◽  
Nathasya Wiguna Dang Eif Dono Darsono

ABSTRAK Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous (Analisis Deskriptif pada Instagram @Screamous_55) Media sosial Instagram media dan seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, Instagram menjadi salah satu media sosial yang cukup diminati untuk kepentingan komunikasi pemasaran, dengan ciri khasnya mengedepankan pesan visual dan audio visual dengan interaktivitas yang tinggi. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous menjadikan instagram sebagai media atau saluran dalam berbisnis salah satunya di bidang fashion. Screamous dalam hal ini memiliki peran aktif dalam mengelola dan menginformasikan sebuah produk melalui media online.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meraih penyampaian informasi, mengenalkan brand dan produk serta menerapkan bangga akan produk lokal dengan menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan dan berhasilnya pemasaran. Selain itu bertujuan untuk mengetahui pull strategi dalam menarik minat konsumen terhadap konsumen, dengan push strategi yang mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran dan menggunakan pass strategi dalam memberikan opini yang menguntungkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis desktiptif dan menerapkan paradigma konstruktivisme, kemudian teknik yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik pengumpulan data, observasi partisipatori pasif, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah : menentukan lokasi penelitian, menentukan metode penelitian, menentukan pemilihan informan, menentukan sumber dan jenis data, menentukan teknik pengumpulan data serta mengolah dan menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam mengenalkan dan mempertahankan brand lokal, dalam menunjang berhasilnya pemasaran. Screamous mengajak kepada para konsumen menyatukan suatu pemahaman bahwa sebagai warga negara yang baik, harus bangga akan produk lokal atau produk  dalam negeri. Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous dalam mempromosikan suatu produk terdiri dari Pull Strategy dalam menarik minat melalui campaign di produk atau barang Screamous dan melakukan kegiatan promosi melalui media online, dan media sosial. Push Strategy Screamous melalui spesial event, seperti kickfest, expo dalam mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran. Pass Strategy Screamous dalam menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan melalui kegiatan sponsorship seperti acara seminar, edukasi, acara musik dalam menjalin kerjasama dan membantu generasi bangsa dalam berkarya. Kata Kunci :Pemasaran, Instagram, dan Screamous ABSTRACT Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous (Deskriptive analysis on Instagram @Screamous_55) Instagram media social media and along with the times, Instagram has become one of the social media that is in great demand for marketing communication purposes, with its trademark promoting visual and audio visual messages with high interactivity. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous makes Instagram as a media or channel in doing business, one of them is in the fashion sector. Screamous in this case has an active role in managing and informing a product through online media. This study aims to achieve information delivery, introduce brands and products and apply pride in local products by creating favorable opinions and marketing success. In addition, it aims to find out the pull strategies in attracting consumer interest to consumers, with push strategies that encourage successful marketing and use pass strategies in providing favorable opinions. The method used in this study is qualitative with descriptive analysis approach and applying the constructivism paradigm, then the techniques used in this study are data collection techniques, passive participatory observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. This research was carried out through steps: determining the location of the study, determining the research method, determining the selection of informants, determining the source and type of data, determining the data collection techniques and processing and analyzing data. The results of this study indicate that in introducing and maintaining a local brand, in supporting the success of marketing. Screamous invites consumers to unite an understanding that as a good citizen, they must be proud of local products or domestic products. Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous in promoting a product consists of Pull Strategy in attracting interest through campaigns on Screamous products or goods and conducting promotional activities through online media, and social media. Push Strategy Screamous through special events, such as kickfest, expo in encouraging marketing success. Strategy Screamous Pass in creating favorable opinions through sponsorship activities such as seminars, education, music events in collaborating and helping the nation's generation in work.   Keywords: Marketing, Instagram, and Screamous  

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Ana Cristina Menegotto Spannenberg ◽  
Cindhi Vieira Belafonte Barros

O trabalho propõe uma análise comparativa dos formatos impresso e online do Jornal do Brasil (JB), a fim de investigar as transformações no perfil editorial do periódico a partir de sua transição definitiva para a plataforma digital, que ocorreu em 2010. Ao todo, foram analisadas 14 publicações do JB, entre impressas e digitais, buscando uma análise comparativa das edições nas duas mídias. O presente artigo apresenta um resgate da história do JB. Além disso, expõe a análise descritiva, com base nos indicadores de identidade levantados em revisão bibliográfica específica e, posteriormente, apresenta os resultados obtidos, tecendo comparações entre os formatos. Palavras-chave: Jornal do Brasil; Jornalismo Digital; Jornalismo Impresso; Imprensa; História do Jornalismo.  Abstract: The paper proposes a comparative analysis of printed and online formats of Jornal do Brazil (JB) in order to investigate the changes in the journal's editorial profile from its final transition to the digital platform, which took place in 2010. Altogether, 14 JB issues were analyzed, both printed and digital ones. This article presents a bailout in the history of JB. In addition, it presents the descriptive analysis, based on the identity indicators raised in specific literature review and subsequently presents the results obtained, weaving comparisons between formats. Key-words: Jornal do Brasil; Digital Journalism, Journalism Printed; Press; History of Journalism.  Resumen:El documento propone un análisis comparativo de los formatos impresa y electrónica de Jornal do Brasil (JB) con el fin de investigar los cambios en el perfil editorial del diario de su transición final a la plataforma digital, que tuvo lugar en 2010. En total, el estudio analizó 14 publicaciones de JB entre impresos y digitales, para esbozar un análisis comparativo de los temas en los dos medios. En este artículo se presenta un plan de rescate en la historia de JB. Además, se presenta el análisis descriptivo, basado en la identidad de los indicadores planteados en revisión de la literatura específica y, posteriormente, presenta los resultados obtenidos, tejiendo las comparaciones entre los formatos. Palabras clave: Jornal do Brasil; Periodismo digital; Periodismo de impresión; Prensa; Historia del periodismo.

K. Cortez ◽  
R. Lazo ◽  
M. Rodríguez

Key Words: function of demand, estimation, financial decision makingAbstract. The present document has like purpose of giving an explanation of which it is a function of demand and the practical utility of the estimation when relating it to qualitative variables of estimation of sales obtained from the experience of the experts. The form in how it sets out to carry out the previous thing is to raise the basic concepts firstly associate to the theory of the demand; these subjects are the factors that determine the demand, the displacements. In addition, the importance of the estimation of sales since they will serve asdeparture point for the adapted decision making of financial character in the organizations, by such reason considers is due to have special well-taken care of in its elaboration.Palabras clave: función de demanda, pronósticos, toma de decisiones financierosResumen. El presente documento tiene como finalidad dar una explicación de lo que es una función de demanda y la utilidad práctica de su estimación al relacionarla con variables cualitativas de estimación de ventas obtenidas a partir de la experiencia de los expertos. La forma en cómo se propone llevar a cabo lo anterior es plantear primeramente los conceptos básicos asociados a la teoría de la demanda; estos temas son los factores que determinan la demanda, los desplazamientos. Además, se plantea la importancia de los pronósticos deventas ya que servirán de punto de partida para la adecuada toma de decisiones de carácter financiero en las organizaciones, por tal motivo se debe de tener especial cuidado en su elaboración.

Ahmad Rifai Abun ◽  
Jamhari Jamhari ◽  
Muhammad Hidayaturrohim

Contemporary life is coloured with various conveniences. But the convenience is not obtained for free, but must be accompanied by various kinds of problems. Contemporary humans move in a worrying direction and require philosophical reorientation. Through a descriptive analysis approach, this paper explains how to find the format of solutions to contemporary problems through philosophical reorientation with Martin Heidegger's existentialism discourse.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153

RÉSUMÉ. Cette étude vise donc à prouver surtout la relation entre le ballet, l'anorexie, et l'image de soi chez le personnage principal du roman Robert des Noms Propres, écrit en 2013 par Amélie Nothomb, une auteure francophone de Belgique. Cette recherche utilise la méthode d'analyse descriptive, pour obtenir une vue holistique des problèmes dans l'œuvre littéraire, qui ont été étudié en utilisant l'approche psychologique. Cette écriture est préparée en utilisant un large éventail de documents liés au thème du ballet, l'anorexie, et l'image de soi chez les filles. Le résultat de la recherche montre qu'il existe une relation causale entre ces trois elements cités. Le trouble de l'alimentation s’est montré depuis l’enfance du personnage principal qui devient anorexique en raison d'un traumatisme, les influences de l'environnement, ainsi que les exigences de sa profession en tant que danseuse de ballet. Cette recherche apporte également l’information que l’image de soi chez l’adolescente s’est formé dans les aspects cognitifs, affectifs, et psychomotoriques. Mots-clés : ballet, anorexie, image de soi, adolescente ABSTRACT. This study aims to prove above all the relationship between ballet, anorexia, and self-image in the main character of the novel Robert des Noms Propres, written in 2013 by Amélie Nothomb, a French-speaking author from Belgium. This research uses the method of descriptive analysis, to obtain a holistic view of the problems in the literary work, which were studied using the psychological approach. This writing is prepared using a wide range of documents related to the theme of ballet, anorexia, and self-image in girls. The result of the research shows that there is a causal relationship between these three elements. The eating disorder has been shown since the childhood of the main character who becomes anorexic due to trauma, environmental influences, as well as the demands of her profession as a ballet dancer. This research also brings the information that the adolescent's self-image has formed in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric aspects. Keywords: ballet, anorexia, self-image, adolescent girls

Tasaddaq Hussain Qureshi ◽  
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Pervez

This paper focuses on the frames; through which execution of Mumtaz Qadri’s editorialized by the Urdu print media of Pakistan. Eighteen editorials on the selected topic, from March 1, 2016, to April 1, 2016, are selected as a sample from five leading national newspapers viz. Jang, Nawa-e-Waqt, Ausaf, Ummat, and Islam. Freedom of expression and blasphemy depicted through consistency and discord frames is explored with the help of Galtung’s peace and violence journalism indicators. The content analysis approach is applied, with the Framing theory providing theoretical background. It has been found that Media portrayed the issue through discord frame as a dominant frame, which approved the notion of Galtung that media usually portray the conflicts through violence journalism frame. It also approved that the media have not continued framing by a uniform pace. They play an active role in opinion formation of a public. With the passage of time media changed their framing tone from discord to the consistency frames. This proves that media is conscious to enjoy the right of freedom of expression with reference to the blasphemy, in such a volatile situation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Wayan Nila Sulfiana ◽  
Ktut Murniati ◽  
Yaktiworo Indriani

This study aims to determine the consumers’ characteristics of attitude and satisfaction; in adition to its correlation with marketing mix of lele terbang package in Sambal Lalap Restaurant Bandar Lampung.  Research location was determined purposively.  The number of interviewed sample was 59 respondents that were chosen by convennion sampling.  The first and fourth objectives were solved by descriptive analysis.  The first and fourth purposes were analyzed descriptively, the second purpose was analyzed by using Fishbein’s multiattribute, and the third purpose was analyzed by using Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance performance  Analysis (IPA).  The result showed  that consumers were dominated by 19 to 24 years old women, and was bachelor students who had income last than < Rp1,500,000.00 per month and frequency of purchase the package was 1 to 3 times per week.  The score of consummer attitude had been positive, some attributes with the highest score were taste, price, halal, cleanness, and the comfortable of the place.  In overall, the score of CSI was feeling satisfied in consuming the menu packages of lele terbang.  Based on the analysis of IPA, the attribute at the Kuadran I (main priority) was hygiene attribute.  Moreover, the attribute in Kuadran II (hold the prestation) were taste, price, halal, cleanness, and the comfortable of the place.  Attribute in Kuadran II (low priority) were aroma, size, benefit, location, and facility.  While, attribute in Kuadran IV (excessive) were the attribute of menu and parking area.  The marketing of menu package lele terbang at Sambal Lalap Restaurant had implemented marketing strategy (marketing mix).Key words: Attitude, CSI, IPA, marketing, package menu of lele terbang

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