scholarly journals Studi Etnografi Komunikasi pada Organisasi Persatuan Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-70
Dede Irawan

This aims to portray the organization of Persatuan Islam as a speech community. This research uses constructivist paradigm, because that will be explored is the understanding that helps the process of interpretation called the Persatuan Islam as a community specch. This study uses a qualitative research type, because that will be studied, is a central fact. Furthermore, this research using ethnography method of communication. Aside from being a research method, ethnographic communication also has the theoretical assumptions, components and tasks of communication in a speech society (Community Speech). The results of the study show that Islamic Unity communications on a common pattern, except in the cognitive aspect show the dominance of religious understanding. The use of Islamic congregation language of many pesantren. Furthermore in the interaction lesson, the congregation of Islamic unity shows a collective cohesiveness. Penelirian ini bertujuan untuk memotret organisasi Persatuan Islam sebagai komunitas tutur. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis, karena yang akan digali berupa pemahaman yang membantu proses interpretasi yang berkaitan dengan Persatuan Islam sebagai specch community. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, sebab yang akan dikaji, merupakan gejala sentral. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi komunikasi. Selain sebagai metode penelitian, etnografi komunikasi juga memiliki asumsi-asumsi teoritik berupa aktivitas, komponen dan kompetensi komunkasi pada sebuah masyarakat tutur (Speech Community). Hasil penelitian menunjukan komunikasi Persatuan Islam mengacu pada pattern umum, kecuali dalam skema kognitif menunjukan dominasi pemahaman keagamaan. Dalam penggunaan varietas bahasa jamaah Persatuan Islam banyak dipengaruhi budaya pesantren. Selanjutnya dalam kompetensi interaksi, jamaah persatuan Islam menunjukan kohesifitas kolektif. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-144
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Chamdar Nur

This study aims to describe the implementation of techniques or steps in learning Arabic rules (Nahwu science) based on Integration theory (Unity theory), namely that learning Arabic rules is presented in full by teaching four Arabic language skills and three language elements. The purpose of this study is also to offer solutions in the learning of integral and holistic Nahwu science.The research method is a library method with descriptive qualitative research type. The results of this study indicate that there are six steps (techniques) of teaching Arabic rules (Nahwu science) on Integration theory (Unity theory) that combines learning Arabic rules, Arabic language skills, and elements language elements in one integrated discussion material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-180
Fandi Akhmad ◽  
Oktanadhiya Defa Rosana ◽  
Al A'raaf Wira Adli ◽  
Nuraini Karim Damanik ◽  
Khonsa Dhiya Ulhaq

This study aims to increase the quality of leadership according to the context in the field, especially in the standard of international school leadership. The research method uses a qualitative research type, with the data source used is literature both in books and journals. The results showed that there was a weak but influential relationship between the School Principal's leadership on school quality its self. There is a weak but significant and influential relationship between teacher performance and school quality. Simultaneously, School Principal's leadership and teacher performance have a weak but significant relationship, and both have a positive effect on school quality.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kepemimpinan sesuai dengan konteks di lapangan khususnya dalam kepemimpinan pada sekolah bertaraf Internasional. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data yang digunakan adalah berupa literatur baik dalam buku maupun jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang lemah namun berpengaruh antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap mutu sekolah. Terdapat hubungan yang lemah namun signifikan dan berpengaruh antara kinerja guru terhadap mutu sekolah. Secara simultan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kinerja guru memiliki hubungan yang lemah namun signifikan, dan berpengaruh positif terhadap mutu sekolah. 

Tsaqofah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 185
Nanang Rustandi

Research on religion and socio-economic changes in the community around the Gunung Padang site, Karyamukti Village, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency originated from the emergence of a local community in carrying out its religion and culture in the form of socio-economic changes. The focus of the research reveals how religious the people around the Gunung Padang site are. How is the socio-economic culture of the community around Mount Padang with the Gunung Padang site, as well as how the religious and socio-economic changes of the community after the restoration (excapation) of the Gunung Padang site. This study uses a qualitative research method, to analyze the religious relationship between the community and the socio-economic culture of the community around ancient sites using a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that the religion of the people around the site is greatly influenced by the process of combining religious understanding and local culture that has been hereditary. The form is through religious expressions, namely belief (theology), ritual (rites) and community (community).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Eki Furqon

The 2019 General Election which is a combination of the Presidential Election and the Election of legislative members still raises several issues regarding the neutrality of the ASN in its implementation in Banten Province. ASN neutrality is in the public spotlight because there are still cases that occurred in the 2019 Election Period in Banten Province. KASN has the authority to oversee the application of the ASN code of conduct both at the central and regional levels. This research uses a qualitative research method with descriptive research type. Based on the results of the study in this study, a number  of violations  have been found related to ASN neutrality, in the legislation has a lot to regulate the limitations of the ASN when facing Elections, this shows that the government is committed to protecting ASN from various conflicts of interest that can occur. In this regard, KASN has issued various recommendations related to violations of ASN neutrality that occurred during the 2019 Elections in Banten Province. KASN has enforced law against non-neutral ASNs in the 2019 elections. As a result the ASN recommended by KASN to officials responsible for each agency was given strict sanctions according to the level of violations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Wahyu Najib Fikri

The method of amtsilati is a method or tool used in reading and understanding the yellow book, where the book is a programmed and systematic book as well as a new breakthrough in facilitating reading the yellow book. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of amtsilati method in reading the yellow book, advantages and disadvantages in using the method of amtsilati in Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadiin Demak. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research type with case study research method. The results showed that the method of amtsilati is a new method of breakthrough to facilitate reading the yellow book. The advantages of the amtsilati method of the book of amtsilati is a programmed and printed lesson with a systematic arrangement.

Soniya Putri Wulandari ◽  
Siti Umayaroh ◽  
Putri Mahanani

Abstract: This study is aimed to discover the negative impacts on the use of smartphone in children, their causing factors, and the means to minimalize them. This study used a qualitative research method with case study research type. The result of this study showed that the negative impacts of the use smartphone were: (1) addicted to play smartphones, (2) less discipline, (3) frequently told lies, (4) slower in understanding the lesson, and (5) influence on their behaviors. Factors that caused those negative impacts were (1) little supervision and limitation on the use of smartphones from parents, (2) the parents always obey all the students wishes, (3) addicted to online games , and (4) influence from the students’ environment. The means that can be done in order to minimize the negative impacts were (1) the teachers should give the clear schedule of online learning (2) the parents should give time limitation on the use of smartphones, and (3) the parents monitor the applications that used by the students. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak negatif penggunaan smartphone pada anak, faktor penyebab timbulnya dampak negatif tersebut, serta upaya meminimalisir timbulnya dampak negatif dari penggunaan smartphone pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dampak negatif dari penggunaan smartphone yaitu: (1) kecanduan bermain smartphone, (2) menurunnya kedisiplinan siswa, (3) siswa menjadi sering berbohong, (4) lambat dalam  menerima pembelajaran, dan (5) mempengaruhi perilaku siswa. Faktor yang menyebabkan timbulnya dampak negatif tersebut yaitu: (1) kurangnya pengawasan, pendampingan, dan pembatasan penggunaan smartphone dari orangtua, (2) orangtua selalu menuruti segala keinginan siswa, (3) kecanduan game online, dan (4) pengaruh dari lingkungan bermain siswa. Upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk meminimalisir timbulnya dampak negatif yaitu: (1) guru memberikan jadwal pembelajaran daring yang jelas, (2) orangtua memberi batasan waktu dalam penggunaan smartphone, dan (3) orangtua memantau aplikasi yang digunakan oleh siswa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-40
Nadhea Lady

This study used qualitative research type. The research method used is descriptive analysis techniques. Most of the data collected through the literature, searching websites, and interviews. Those data were analyzed by theory approach based on International Relations, Foreign Policy, International Cooperation, International Agreement, and Environmental. The results of this study indicate that the cooperation between Indonesia – Norway through the REDD scheme is poured into the form of a Letter of Intent (LoI) agreed on three phases in order to save Indonesia’s forest despite undergoing a new stage in the first phase, this cooperation has resulted although not significantly.

Nurul Nadjmi

Kepulauan Riau merupakan provinsi yang terdiri dari beberapa pulau diantaranya Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Modal sosial merupakan serangkaian nilai dan norma informal yang dimiliki oleh kelompok masyarat dalam membagun kerjasamanya. Lingkup penelitian pada pembahasan ini adalah terfokus pada pengaruh modal sosial terhadap perkembangan pariwisata di Kepulauan Riau dalam hal ini Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dikondisikan sebagai penelitian kualitatif melalui strategi studi kasus. Sistem pendekatan yang digunakan juga merupakan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Melakukan pengamatan langsung, mengumpulkan data-data kemudian menghubungkannya dengan kajian teori yang digunakan. Lokus penelitian ini terdapat di Kepulauan Riau dengan melihat pengaruh modal sosial pada perkembangan pariwisata di ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan dan Pulau Karimun. Berdasarkan hasil survey yang saya lakukan di Kepulauan Riau, terutama pada ketiga pulau yaitu Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun, dari ketiga pulau tersebut ternyata pada Pulau Karimun perkembangan pariwisatanya tidak terlalu berkembang karena masyarakat yang tidak menerima adanya wisatawan terutama wisatawan mancanegara. Riau Islands is a province consisting of several islands including Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Social capital is a set of informal values ​​and norms that are owned by community groups in building cooperation. The scope of research in this discussion is focused on the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the Riau Islands, in this case Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This research is conditioned as qualitative research through a case study strategy. The system approach used is also a descriptive analytic approach. Make direct observations, collect data and then relate it to the study of the theories used. The locus of this research is in the Riau Islands by looking at the influence of social capital on the development of tourism in the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. Based on the results of a survey I conducted in the Riau Islands, especially on the three islands, namely Batam Island, Bintan Island, and Karimun Island, of the three islands, it turns out that on Karimun Island the development of tourism is not very developed because people do not accept tourists, especially foreign tourists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-38
Syamsuddin RS ◽  
Dadan Anugrah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode Program Fajar Indah yang ada di Radio Citra Progo dalam meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat, mengetahui klasifikasi da’i pengisi program Fajar Indah, serta pesan dakwah dari program Fajar Indah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data digunakan penafsiran logika yang dihubungkan dengan konteks Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Radio Citra Progo dalam program Fajar Indah menggunakan metode ceramah dengan pembawaan da’i yang santai ketika siaran. Adapun klasifikasi da’i dalam siaran dakwah ini, dapat dilihat dari wawasan keilmuan penyiar dalam menguasai Al Quran dan Hadist sebagai sumber hukum Islam dan kedisiplinan untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai da’i penyiar radio. Dalam siaran Program Fajar Indah terdapat pesan dakwah berupa materi Aqidah untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada Allah, mengimani rukun Iman dan rukun Islam, serta materi Akhlak yang diperintahkan oleh Allah dan dicontohkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, materi Ibadah yang menyampaikan tatacara beribadah kepada Allah meliputi hukum pernikahan, hukum bertetangga, shodaqoh, sholat, puasa dan menyampaikan materi tentang hari-hari besar umat Islam. This study aims to determine the methods of the Beautiful Fajar Program on Radio Citra Progo in improving people's religious understanding, knowing the classification of preachers for the Fajar Indah program, and preaching messages from the Fajar Indah program. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection in this study uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis used the interpretation of logic connected with the context of Islamic Broadcast Communication. The results showed that Citra Progo Radio in the Fajar Indah program used a lecture method with a relaxed nature when broadcasting. The da'i classification in this da'wah broadcast, can be seen from the broadcaster's scientific insights in mastering the Qur'an and Hadith as a source of Islamic law and discipline to carry out their duties as radio broadcast preachers. In the broadcast of the Fajar Indah Program there is a da'wah message in the form of Aqeedah material to increase public trust in God, faith in the pillars of faith and pillars of Islam, as well as moral material ordered by God and exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, the material of worship which conveys the procedure of worship to God including marriage law , neighborly law, shodaqoh, prayer, fasting and delivering material about the Muslim holidays.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-52
Sarah Dunlop ◽  
Peter Ward

This article describes how a recently refined visual ethnographic research method, “narrated photography,” contributes to the study of religion. We argue that this qualitative research method is particularly useful for studies of lived religion and demonstrate this through examples drawn from a study the sacred among young Polish migrants to England. Narrated photography, which entails asking people to photograph what is personally significant to them and then to narrate the image, generates visual and textual material that mediates the subjective. Through using this method we discovered that family was considered to be sacred, both in terms of links to religious practice and a desire for a secure home which family relationships provide. Additionally, narrated photography has the potential to expand our conceptions of lived religion through the inclusion of visual material culture and the visual context of the research participants. In this case the data revealed that the Polish young people view structures within their landscape through a particularly Polish Catholic lens. These findings shed light on the religious tensions that migrants encounter in everyday life.

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