Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Arief Rahmana ◽  
Muchammad Fauzi ◽  
Annisa Maharani Suyono

AbstrakKondisi perekonomian Indonesia saat ini terdampak oleh situasi pandemi Covid-19 akibatnya banyak pelaku usaha pada UMKM yang mengalami keterpurukan. Sementara itu, pemerintah berupaya untuk memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia melalui fase new normal. Dengan demikian, pelaku usaha harus bisa beradaptasi dengan berbagai perubahan tersebut. Diantaranya dengan mengembangkan usahanya melalui pemasaran digital yang mendukung agar produk yang dihasilkan bisa di akses dari rumah. Penyuluhan dan pendampingan perlu dilakukan bagi masyarakat sebagai pelaku usaha yang berada di Kelurahan Margasari Kecamatan Buah Batu Kota Bandung dalam menjalankan bisnisnya di era new normal saat ini. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini diawali dengan survey lapangan oleh mahasiswa pada hari Rabu tanggal 10 Maret 2021 ke-6 UMKM. Pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Maret 2021 dilaksanakan penyuluhan Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Digital untuk UMKM di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dan pada tanggal 17 Maret 2021 dilaksanakan pendampingan langsung ke rumah warga yang menjalankan UMKM. Hasil dari kegiatan PkM 86,67% menurut UMKM terbantu dengan adanya kegiatan PkM melalui; 86,67% menurut UMKM mendapatkan pencerahan untuk mengembangkan usaha di masa Pandemi Covid-19; 80% menurut UMKM paham tentang pemasaran produk dengan bantuan teknologi digital. 73,33% menurut UMKM terbantu dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital dalam mengembangakan UMKM.  AbstractThe current condition of the Indonesian economy is affected by the Covid-19 pandemic situation as a result of which many business actors at MSMEs are experiencing a downturn. Meanwhile, the government is trying to restore Indonesia's economy through a new normal phase. Thus, business actors must be able to adapt to these various changes. Among them by developing their business through digital marketing that supports the products produced can be accessed from home. Counseling and assistance need to be done for the community as business actors who are in Margasari Village, Buah Batu District, Bandung City in carrying out their business in the current new normal era. This Community Service (PkM) activity begins with a field survey by students on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, the 6th UMKM. On March 15 and 16, 2021, there was counseling on Digital-Based Marketing Strategies for MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic and on March 17, 2021, direct assistance was carried out to the homes of residents who run MSMEs. The results of PkM activities are 86.67% according to MSMEs being helped by PkM activities through; 86.67% according to MSMEs got enlightenment to develop businesses during the Covid-19 Pandemic; 80% according to MSMEs understand product marketing with the help of digital technology. 73.33% according to MSMEs it was helped by the use of digital technology in developing MSMEs.

Kusnandar Kusnandar ◽  
Mohamad Harisudin ◽  
Nuning Setyowati ◽  
Raden Kunto Adi ◽  
Raden Rara Aulia Qonita ◽  

<em>The Covid-19 pandemic has a major impact on various sectors of life, including Small and Mid-size Enterprises (SMEs). The government makes various policies, one of which is the implementation of the New Normal. SMEs must adapt to New Normal conditions. SMEs Werkudoro is one of the SMEs in the Sukoharjo Regency. To face this New Normal condition, SMEs Werkudoro has several problems. The problem is that the packaging label is not marketable, product packaging is not marketable, wrap the packaging with stapler and SMEs are less developed. The method used are socialization, introduction, training and accompaniment. Community service activities are improvement marketable packaging labels, introducing marketable packaging with standing pouches, introducing of plastic sealers, repairing of product banner and business innovation training. Community service activities give knowledge for SMEs and benefits for adaptation in the New Normal condition, so they can survive and can develop.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-84
Ria Zulkha Ermayda ◽  
Hanjar Ikrima Nanda ◽  
Dwi Narullia

Abstrak  Kegiatan yang dilakukan Kelompok PKK Desa Sutojayan sebagian besar telah diarahkan kepada aktivitas yang produktif dan bernilai jual, seperti pembuatan kerajinan tas dari tali kur, membuat bros, dan berbagai jenis keripik. Beberapa produk tersebut mampu dihasilkan oleh kelompok PKK dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Berdasarkan analisis situasi, dibutuhkan cara atau strategi khusus dalam melakukan pemasaran produk-produk tersebut, karena selama ini pemasaran masih dilakukan dalam lingkup lokal atau hanya sebatas dari mulut ke mulut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan terkait strategi pemasaran produk kepada kelompok PKK melalui pelatihan digital marketing. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yakni pelatihan secara langsung sekaligus praktik pada aplikasi online yang digunakan, yakni facebook dan instagram. Hasil dari kegiatannya ini adalah anggota kelompok PKK dapat membuat akun online yang khusus untuk memasarkan produk-produk yang dihasilkan melalui akun facebook dan instagram. Melalui strategi digital marketing, beberapa produk yang dihasilkan oleh Kelompok PKK Desa Sutojayan dapat dikenal secara meluas sehingga mampu mengangkat nama Desa Sutojayan.   Keywords: Digital Marketing, local product, marketing training Abstract Most of the activities undertaken by the PKK group in Sutojayan Village have been directed to productive and valuable selling activities, such as making handicraft bags made from rope ties, making brooches, and various types of chips. Some of these products were able to be produced by the PKK group within a certain period. Based on the situation analysis, special methods or strategies are needed in marketing these products, because so far marketing has only been carried out in the local scope or only limited to word of mouth. This activity aims to increase knowledge related to product marketing strategies to PKK group through digital marketing training. The method used in the implementation of activities is direct training as well as practice in the online application used, namely Facebook and Instagram. As a result of this activity, PKK group members can create an online account specifically for marketing products produced through Facebook and Instagram accounts. Through digital marketing strategies, some of the products produced by the PKK group can be widely recognized so that they can raise the name of the Sutojayan Village.  Keywords : Digital Marketing, produk lokal, pelatihan pemasaran

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Fithriyani Fithriyani ◽  
Marnila Yesni

The number of Covid 19 cases is increasing and cannot be ignored considering the increase every day continues to increase. The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic has an impact on various fields, especially the economy. To avoid the increasing number of sufferers, the government limits activities that cause crowds, maintains distance and maintains hygenicity in the community in carrying out daily activities known as health protocol regulations. The behavior and actions of the community must change completely from the usual actions that are often carried out, for that it is necessary to have socialization on how to prevent the transmission of Covid 19 by implementing the health protocol that has been advised by the government. The purpose of this community service activity is to remind and help public understanding of the implementation of health protocols during the Covid 19 pandemic. The form of activities is in the form of counseling, giving hand sanitizers and masks. Lack of public awareness and knowledge about Covid-19 can be overcome by providing knowledge, through socialization about the importance of implementing this activity protocol in order to help people face New normal conditions, by helping people live by complying with health protocols. The results of the activity obtained the enthusiasm of the residents in following the activity until the end with the many questions asked. Suggestions for the Lebak Bandung Village to hold outreach activities about the prevention of Covid 19 in their environment because there are still many residents who do not understand about prevention which is only done

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 468-473 ◽  
Slamet Riyadi ◽  
Daniel Susilo ◽  
Siska Armawati Sufa ◽  
Teguh Dwi Putranto

Purpose: This research has a purpose to know how PT. Granting Jaya implementing a digital marketing strategy to promote the Atlantis Land Surabaya theme park in the field of one of the tourism services located in Surabaya city. The Mayor of Surabaya has established the Atlantis Land area as an integrated marine tourism area since 2017. Ria Kenjeran Beach (Kenjeran Park) previously managed by the Government of Surabaya. Methodology: This study uses a qualitative approach and interview techniques for collecting material that is done with the question and answers verbally unilaterally face to face. Main Finding: The results of the study found that PT. Granting Jaya prefers to use Social Media as a Digital Marketing Strategy is a way to promote a new brand, build preference, and increase the visitors of Atlantis Land Surabaya through Instagram Strategic Marketing. Implications/ Applications: This research can have implications for the selection and use of promotions more precisely through social media. Because the novelty in this study can be applied to attracting the number of visitors in the world of tourism, especially in Surabaya and surrounding areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Ni Made Wisni Arie Pramuki ◽  
Ni Putu Ayu Kusumawati ◽  
Putu Cita Ayu ◽  
Putu Nuniek Hurnaleontina ◽  
Ni Putu Yeni Yuliantari

<p><strong>Abstract</strong>. <em>This community service program is carried out at Bakul Craf, located in Banjar Padang Tegal Tengah Ubud. This program is implemented with the aim of providing knowledge about the use of digital marketing technology. Bakul Craf is a business engaged in the handicraft sector where the process is still manual. The marketing of these handicrafts is still relatively simple, which is only waiting for guests to visit the gallery. For this reason, more productive marketing is needed by utilizing technology, namely digital marketing technology that uses the internet network to improve its products. Providing training and outreach to partners related to the use of digital marketing technology is a method used by the team so that partners have an interest and desire to take advantage of technology. In the first stage, the team provided education related to the importance of using digital technology in marketing handicraft products. The second stage, the team helps partners create accounts in the market place by displaying their craft products. The third stage, the team provides training to partners in operating the menus in the market place. The hope of this activity is that partners can do online marketing and promotion so that their production results can be more widely known and can increase sales which will also have an impact on increasing the revenue of Craf's basket partners.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em> </em></strong><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Bakul Craf yang berlokasi di Banjar Padang Tegal Tengah Ubud. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai manfaat penggunaan teknologi digital marketing. Bakul Craf merupakan usaha yang bergerak di bidang kerajinan dimana dalam proses pengerjaanya masih secara manual. Pemasaran hasil kerajinan ini tergolong masih sederhana, yaitu hanya menunggu tamu berkunjung kegaleri. Untuk itu diperlukan pemasaran yang lebih produktif dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yaitu teknologi digital marketing yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet untuk mempromosikan produknya. Memberikan pelatihan dan penyuluhan terhadap mitra terkait dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital marketing merupakan metode yang tim gunakan agar mitra memiliki minat dan keinginan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi. Pada tahap pertama, tim memberikan edukasi terkait dengan betapa pentingnya pemanfaatan teknologi digital didalam memasarkan produk hasil kerajinan. Tahap kedua tim membantu mitra membuatkan akun di market place dengan menampilkan produk-produk kerajinannya. Tahap ketiga tim memberikan pelatihan terhadap mitra dalam mengoperasikan menu-menu yang ada didalam market place tersebut. Harapan dari kegiatan ini adalah mitra dapat melakukan pemasaran dan promosi secara online sehingga hasil produksinya dapat dikenal lebih luas sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan yang juga akan berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan mitra bakul craf.</p><p> </p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: -54px; top: 519px;"> </div>

Reflis Reflis ◽  
Indra Cahyadinata ◽  
Satria Putra Utama

Indonesia has been battling Covid-19 by modifying the regional quarantine (lockdown) policy into large-scale social restrictions (LSSR) that are local according to the severity of the region. The government is trying to regulate the New Normal policy to avoid a prolonged economic impact that can cause a crisis. The objectives of this Community Service (CS) activity are: 1) To encourage people to stay productive in the new standard era by doing activities around the house. 2) Inviting the community to organize environmental space and use of the yard. Most people in the Villa Pabittei housing estate, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province are civil servants, temporary or non-permanent employees, so they carry out their activities at home because the government has closed offices and schools. To anticipate the boredom of the people who laid off, the methods of this CS activity are 1) Counseling using learning by doing techniques and providing motivation for the community to use vacant land with FMP (family medicinal plants), 2) Simulation of structuring space into an environmental park

Abdul Aziz ◽  
Muhadi Muhadi ◽  
Eka Assolehah Putri

Creative economy entrepreneur in Ragas Masigit Village, Kec. Carenang Kab. Serang is experiencing problems with digital marketing knowledge during the Covid-19 Pandemic towards society 5.0. There needs to be motivation and education that can help creative economy business actors, especially to bounce back from the uncertainty of current conditions. The purpose of this activity is to increase the synergy of community service and explain digital marketing strategies in the era of society 5.0. The types of research used in this research are surveys and case studies with descriptive methods, namely lectures, discussions and mentoring. The material presented at this community service is the pattern of digital marketing strategies in developing the creative economy during the covid 19 pandemic. The result of this activity is that participants can implement comprehensive knowledge of digital marketing strategies and products that are in demand and needed at this time that can create business opportunities. promising

Antonius Satria Hadi ◽  
Ardhi Khairi

Community engagement activities in the form of counseling to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul Regency is aim to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 so the products can be marketed widely by utilizing an application-based marketplace that is currently being popular in Gadingharjo Village, namely Shopee application. Counseling aims to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 with lecturing, demonstrating, question & answer, and practicing methods. The benefits that can be obtained by participants from community service activities are increased knowledge and understanding of mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village about industry 4.0 and about choosing digital marketing strategies by utilizing an application-based marketplace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Anindita Trinura Novitasari

Covid-19 pandemic has changed marketing patterns of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) entrepreneurs to allow them to survive adversities as the impact of public activity restrictions by the government. The decline in consumer intensity and flow of goods and services has caused the reduction of entrepreneurs’ income as well as the goods and services trade cycle. This condition then encourages the entrepreneurs to adopt digital technology and develop digital entrepreneurship. The employment of digital technology and combination of knowledge, creativity, and innovation are crucial to ensure the survival of MSMEs during this pandemic. Government support in the forms of assistance, training, and program support for the digitalization of MSMEs continue to do considering they are the most impacted sector. The government through its several agencies keep working together to make entrepreneurs familiar with digital marketing. This research uses qualitative approach with library research as its method combined with interviews with the MSMEs entrepreneurs. This research found that the MSMEs entrepreneurs need to adopt digital technology in the forms of digital entrepreneurship transformation, digital marketing and creativity, and innovation in order to survive during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Tony Sitinjak ◽  
Budi Berlinton Sitorus ◽  
Martha Ayerza Esra ◽  
Elis Sondang Dasawaty ◽  
Farida Komalasari

Currently mastery of digital marketing has become a must for business people. However, there are<br />still many parties who have not mastered it. In order to provide briefing and enrichment on digital<br />marketing strategy, this community service activity (PKM) was carried out in collaboration with<br />Dekopinda - North Jakarta. Starting with the formulation of the problem, followed by the formulation of<br />the material and the determination of the form of activity, this PKM was carried out on June 26, 2021<br />using an online platform, because it took place in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the<br />implementation of the PPKM Mikro in DKI Jakarta. This activity was attended by 35 participants who<br />are the Managements and Members of Dekopinda – North Jakarta. The material presented includes<br />the understanding of digital marketing, digital marketing channels, internet marketing and its main<br />channels, how to start digital marketing, strategies for choosing social media as a promotional tool,<br />and how to choose a marketplace for beginners. After participating in this activity, participants felt<br />great benefits and suggested similar activities with different topics. The proposed topics are<br />leadership and identification of business opportunities during a pandemic.

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