2021 ◽  
pp. 837
Tika Novis Putri ◽  
Yolanda Azhar ◽  
Madani Geusanrumaksa

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a global impact on all aspects of human life including tourism. The COVID-19 crisis pandemic has caused a major fall in tourism activity around the world, especially in Bandung, West Java. According to data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparenkraf) there were around 1 million workers unemployed in tourism sector. This condition is also felt by the tourism sector and MSMEs in Cimenyan Village, Bandung, West Java. Regulations regarding activity restrictions, prohibitions for tourist attractions to operate, as well as dine-in restrictions for restaurant, coffee shops, and cafes have resulted a decreasing of the Cimenyan Village’s people’s income and caused a massive unemployment in this sector. With theclosure of several tourist attractions in Cimenyan Village, namely Puncak Bintang, Kampoeng Bamboe, as well as cafes and coffee shops along the Cimenyan Village’s main road, hundreds of villagers have lost their livelihoods. The weakening of trade and people's purchasing power also affected the MSMEs sector, especially in main MSME’s commodities, like peuyeum, chips, and coffee. Nowadays, post-pandemic economic recovery efforts have begun to be encouraged, especially in the tourism sector. Facing “The Real New Normal”, Cimenyan Village developstrategies to prepare themselves. Through the Student Real Work Lecture Program (KKNM) and the Community Service Program, offer a recovery strategy through a Digital Mapping of the Potential for Pandemic Safe Tourism (Pandemic-safe tourism) and MSMEs in Cimenyan Village. The output of this activity is a Digital Map of Pandemic-safe Tourism which can be a socialization of healthy, safe, and comfortable tourism alternatives, as well as the leading MSMEs information media in Cimenyan Village that can support existing tourism activities.Pandemi Covid-19 telah berdampak secara global terhadap seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia. Salah satu sector yang cukup terpukul akibat pandemic covid-19 ini adalah sector pariwisata. Menurut data Kementrian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparenkraf) mencatat sekitar 1 juta pekerja di sector pariwisata menganggur akibat pandemi covid 19 tahun lalu. Kondisi ini juga turut dirasakan oleh sector pariwisata dan UKM di Desa Cimenyan. Aturan mengenai pembatasan kegiatan, larangan bagi tempat wisata untuk beroperasi, serta larangan dine-in bagi tempatmakan, warung kopi, kafe, dan sejenisnya mengakibatkan menurunnya pendapatan masyarakat Desa Cimenyan serta meningkatkan angka pengangguran. Dengan ditutupnya beberapa tempat wisata di Desa Cimenyan, yaitu Puncak Bintang, Kampoeng Bamboe, serta kafe-kafe dan warung kopi sepanjang jalan di wilayah utara Desa Cimenyan,mengakibatkan ratusan warga desa kehilangan mata pencaharian. Melemahnya perdagangan dan daya beli masyarakat juga turut mempengaruhi sector UMKM, khususnya komoditi utama desa yaitu peuyeum, keripik, dan kopi. Tahun ini, upaya pemulihan ekonomi paska-pandemi pada sector pariwisata mulai digalakkan. Menghadapi“The Real New Normal”, Desa Cimenyan sebagai turut menyusun strategi untuk mempersiapkan diri. Melalui Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata Mahasiswa (KKNM) serta Program Pengabdian Masyarakat, strategi pemulihan pariwisata dan perdagangan post pandemic adalah dengan melakukan Pemetaan Potensi Wisata Aman Pandemi (Pandemic-safe tourism), serta UMKM unggulan di Desa Cimenyan. Output kegiatan ini adalah Peta Digital Wisata Ramah Pandemi yang dapat menjadi sosialisasi alternatif wisata yang sehat, aman, serta nyaman, sekaligus media informasi UMKM unggulan Desa Cimenyan yang dapat mendukung kegiatan pariwisata yang sudah ada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1179
Fikry Ali Sya’ Dani ◽  
M Iwan Wahyuddin ◽  
Winarsih Winarsih

Information technology today, is very developed and easy to find. Especially in information on Bogor tourist attractions such as the Bogor Palace, Tugu Kujang, and Pakansari Stadium. However, the data information held is not completely valid. Because many tourists get data that is not suitable, due to the lack of information obtained. Therefore, the researchers tried to make an android-based "Tourism Object in Bogor" application using Augmented Reality (AR) technology and the Lucas Kanade Algorithm, as well as Marker Based Tracking efforts to make it easier to get the information desired by tourism. Bogor is one of the cities in West Java Province that attracts many tourists, especially domestic tourists. However, there are still many tourist attractions in Bogor that are still many tourist attractions that have not been visited and are still not widely known by tourists. Until now, researchers have tried to make an android-based "Tourism Object in Bogor" application so that tourists know the shape of objects and information such as the Bogor Palace, Tugu Kujang, and Pakansari Stadium. Using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, the technology itself has photos, sounds, and 3d objects that can bring virtual 3d objects into the real world. The "Tourism Object in Bogor" application uses Android Studio, Unity, Sketchup, Vuforia, and Visual Studio. In order to make it easier for tourists to identify data on tourist attractions they want to visit. The application "Tourism Objects in Bogor" serves to share data information for local and foreign tourists, because this is an opportunity for the Bogor Regional Government to improve services and facilities in Bogor, so that tourists feel safe arriving and visiting Bogor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 141-146
Tetep Tetep ◽  
Ade Suherman ◽  
Eldi Mulyana ◽  
Triani Widyanti ◽  
Wanti Pebriani ◽  

Abstract–  This study aims to determine the potential of arrowroot tourism in realizing the creative economy. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, the process and meaning are highlighted in qualitative research. The theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the focus of the researcher is in accordance with the facts in the field to seriously study the theories and concepts related to the topic to be studied. The object under study is one of the tourist destinations in Garut Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Cangkuang Temple, Santolo Beach, which are frequently visited by tourists. The results showed that one way to increase the level of foreign tourist visits is to build and improve existing tourism infrastructure through innovation by combining cultural elements with existing or unbuilt tourism infrastructure. With the combination of infrastructure and local cultural elements, it will create a unique uniqueness of tourism infrastructure in West Java, thus the level of foreign tourist visits will increase and cultural elements will not be lost or eroded by foreign culture brought by foreign tourists who come to West Java and in the end, it will increase the level of tourist visits in Indonesia in general. Garut is one of the most complete areas, starting from coastal tourism, adventure tourism, mountain tourism, and artificial tourism which can be used as a source of local revenue (PAD) from the very promising tourism sector. Garut Regency is one of the tourist destinations in West Java because it has a lot of tourism potential that can attract tourists to come to visit. The number of tourist attractions in Garut such as Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Cangkuang Temple, Santolo Beach is a tourist destination that is often visited by tourists. So it is necessary to study the potential of tourism in Garut Regency to realize the creative economy. Abstrak– Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pariwisata garut dalam mewujudkan ekonomi kreatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, proses dan makna lebih di tonjolkan dalam penelitian kualitatif. Landasan teori dimanfaatkan sebagai pemandu agar fokus peneliti sesuai dengan fakta di lapangan untuk mengkaji secara sungguh-sungguh tentang teori-teori dan konsep-konsep yang berkaitan dengan topik yang akan diteliti. Objek yang diteliti yaitu salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Kabupaten Garut Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Candi Cangkuang, Pantai Santolo merupakan tujuan wisata yang sering kali dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara adalah dengan membangun dan memperbaiki sarana prasarana pariwisata yang sudah ada melalui inovasi dengan mengkombinasi unsur budaya dengan sarana prasarana pariwisata yang sudah ada atau belum terbangun. Dengan kombinasi sarana prasarana dengan unsur budaya lokal akan tercipta keunikan yang khas pada sarana prasarana pariwisata di Jawa Barat dengan demikian tingkat kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara akan meningkat serta unsur budaya tidak akan hilang atau tergerus oleh budaya asing yang dibawa oleh wisatawan asing yang datang di Jawa Barat dan pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan wisata di Indonesia pada umumnya. Garut merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sangat lengkap, mulai dari pariwisata pantai, pariwisata petualangan, pariwisata pegunungan, dan pariwisata artificial dapat di jadikan sebagai sumber pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) dari sektor pariwisata yang sangat menjanjikan. Kabupaten Garut merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Jawa Barat karena banyak memiliki potensi wisata yang dapat menarik wisatawan untuk datang berkunjung. Banyaknya tempat objek wisata Garut seperti Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Candi Cangkuang, Pantai Santolo merupakan tujuan wisata yang sering kali dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Maka diperlukannya mengkaji potensi pariwisata di Kabupaten Garut untuk mewujudkan ekonomi kreatif.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Suwarni Suwarni ◽  
Ute Lies Siti Khadijah ◽  
Heryadi Rachmat

Rumah Atsiri Indonesia is located in Plumbon Village, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province. This study aims to determine the potential and the development strategy of educational tourism at Rumah Atsiri Indonesia in the era of adapting to a new normal. This study used qualitative research method. The data collection technique was done by triangulation, namely a combination of observation, interview, and documentation from various accurate data sources. The data analysis technique used was SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that Rumah Atsiri Indonesia with the concept of educational tourism has natural and cultural potentials. The implementation of the CHSE Health Protocols at Rumah Atsiri Indonesia in the era of adapting to a new normal has run smoothly and has received the CHSE Certification label from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. The development strategies of educational tourism at Rumah Atsiri Indonesia are as follows: (a) maximizing the various types of tourist attractions; (b) conducting digital tourism promotion of educational tourism at Rumah Atsiri Indonesia; (c) increasing the quality and quantity of facilities for the visitors; (d) Scheduling annual tourism activities; (e) adjusting the price of products and services with the service quality; (f) increasing the competence of tourism human resources; (g) introducing the various types of plants and their benefits for health; and (h) collaborating with various stakeholders from academia, business, government, community, and media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-83
Amin Kiswantoro

Masa pandemi merubah kebiasaan masyarakat untuk menunjukkan perilaku sehat di lingkungan mereka berada, termasuk kesadaran dan kepedulian dalam berwisata. Menjaga kesehatan diri dan orang sekitar, wisata aman bagi pengelola dan pengunjung dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan harus disiapkan untuk menjaga dan melindungi kegiatan wisata selama pandemi. Program pendampingan dengan mengusung model pentahelix dan pemberian bantuan alat pelindung diri perlu dilakukan di suatu destinasi pariwisata dalam menghadapi masa pandemi. Perencanaan pembangunan dan pengembangan tempat wisata pada masa new normal menciptakan konsep berwisata baru dan berpeluang meningkatkan potensi dalam berkontribusi dari seluruh aspek pendukung sektor pariwisata. Ciri khas yang menjadi daya tarik wisata wajib dimiliki. Keamanan dalam wujud taat pada protokoler kesehatan untuk pencegahan covid-19 di lokasi wisata perlu dikuatkan selama berwisata. Lokasi wisata wajib memiliki karakteristik daya tarik wisata yang perlu dipertahankan The Pentahelix Model Assistance Program and Providing Personal Protective Equipment Assistance at Kebon Empring in Facing the  Pandemic Period (New Normal) Pandemic period changes people habits to show healthy behavior in the environment they are in, including awareness and concern in traveling. Maintaining health of yourself and those around you, safe tourism for managers and visitors by implementing health protocols must be prepared to maintain and protect tourism activities during a pandemic. Assistance programs by carrying out the pentahelix model and providing personal protective equipment assistance need to be carried out in a tourism destination in face of a pandemic. Planning for the development and development of tourist attractions during the new normal period creates new tourism concepts and has the opportunity to increase the potential to contribute from all aspects of supporting the tourism sector. Characteristics that are a must-have tourist attraction. Security in form of adhering to health protocols for prevention of Covid-19 at tourist sites needs to be strengthened while traveling. Tourist locations must have tourist attraction characteristics that need to be maintained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 103-112
Chandra Kanta Baral ◽  
Basanta Kumar Neupane

This study aimed to understand the tourist attractions, major tourism products and their assessment in Manaslu Conservation Area of Nepal MCA). MCA is a place well known both, nationally and internationally, for its scenic beauty, unique ecology, and rich cultural heritage, given by its geographic position and unique topography. The number of tourists visiting this area has been increasing every year. In 2001 the tourist flow was only 798 whereas in 2019 it was 7655. Such tourism growth has several socio-economic and cultural consequences. Along with the increased number of tourists, tourism focused facilities and infrastructures like hotels and tea shops are also increasing in the area. There are 127 hotels with 1328 rooms and 2827 beds (as of 2019) providing food and accommodation services for the visitors. However, even though there are many potential areas for tourism development in the Manaslu Conservation Area, because of less promotional practices, there is very little tourism activity in the region. With the area's diverse physiography, unique landscape, biodiversity and the social-cultural dimension of the villages, the area could provide plenty of attractions for tourism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-131
Lukman Hamdani

Property is one of the most important instruments in this life, because wealth is as a support  for the continuity  of human life, in Islam it is always emphasized the importance of independence in owning property  through  work or business, because Allah really loves his servant who is always giving  alms with  his own property.  Allah Almighty really likes hard workers or people who are persistent in seeking treasure for the sake of the afterlife, even Allah SWT  emphasizes in  Surah at-taubah  father 10. And Say: "Work  for you, Then Allah and His Messenger and the believers  will see your work, and you will be returned to (Allah) who knows the unseen and the real, then He tells you what you have done. Even the  Companions of the Messenger  of  Allāh  adalah were rich people  who possessed  wealth  for  the progress and development of Islam  at the time, a  very real example was the Friends of Abu Bakr, Abdurrah bin ʻAuf, Uthman ibn Affan and the Wife of the Messenger of Allāh adalah was a great entrepreneur, Siti Khadijah. They are friends looking  for wealth and have it as much as possible then after that they distribute their wealth through ZISWAF, it is obligatory and must for Muslims  to seek / have property  for the benefit of the world and the hereafter and the interests of Muslims and provision  in  the hereafter Can be concluded that ownership of property in Islam  it is very important because it is a means of sustaining life and as a place to find savings  for ukhrawi life  later,  because indeed ownership of property in Islam  is  not only focused  on worldly matters, but there are  two elements  that are always included,  namely for  worldly  and spiritual interests. It  should be underlined in the ownership of the property  that the principle  must be instilled that this property has the absolute God Almighty, we are only temporarily entrusted, therefore it is not beautiful to not distribute the assets we have to people in need through ZISWAF instruments.  

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 53-59
Carmen Oprișor

Vasile Aaron (1780-1821) had an important contribution to the modernization of the Romanian literature. He was also the representative of the Transylvanian Enlightenment School. One of his works which is worth mentioning is Reporta din vis (Reporta in his dream), a meditation upon the ephemeral human life. Here, the author brought in elements of novelty such as the “dream-in-a-dream” images, the pre-Romantic motif of the ruins or the first fantastic descriptions in the Romanian poetical works. All Aaron´s literary and social activity reflected the specific features of his age. The complete studies written by Liliana Popa and Nicolae Popa shed light upon Aaron’s life and work and they showed the real dimensions of his personality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (03) ◽  
pp. 139-150
Ajie Wicaksono

The Covid-19 pandemic has a major impact on the tourism sector in DIY which causes material losses to Regional Original Income (PAD). This study aims to describe changes in the tourism sector in the conditions before the pandemic, during the pandemic, and the new normal. The results showed that the tourism sector during the pandemic and the new normal era must implement (1) health protocols for the tourism industry such as hotels, restaurants, tourist destinations, and transportation for both visitors and employees by paying attention to cleanliness, health and safety (cleanliness, health, and safety) by providing hygiene facilities such as hand washing and soap, hand sanitizers, and temperature checks with a thermo gun. The hotel even provides isolation rooms for visitors with corona symptoms, (2) Payment using electronic money (cashless). (3) Limiting the number of visitors to prevent crowds and provide a safe distance to minimize spread, and (4) Tourist locations are opened gradually by prioritizing low-risk areas such as natural and mountainous areas. Keywords: Tourism, Covid-19, New Normal, Health Protocol

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Randi Hidayat ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana ◽  
Hijriyantomi Suyuthie

This research aims to formulate a development strategy that consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative data. Data collection techniques in this research were conducted by using the method of interviewing, observation and documentation involving several informants by using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The strength of the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the existence of a supportive land, there has been a conscious group of tourism, beautiful atmosphere and uniqueness of tourist attractions and traditions that are not owned by other regions. 2) The weakness of the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the land that still belongs to the community, not regular art and cultural events, the security of tourists wich are not guaranteed and the lack of capital and community skills. 3) Opportunities from the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the availability of new employment opportunities for the community, adding tourist attractions supporting facilities, the cooperation between various agencies, and the emergence of groups that support tourism activities. 4) The threat of tourism activity in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the increasing of waste, the destruction of the environment, the emergence of groups that disturb the security of tourists, and illegal traders. Strategy of development of tourism activity in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is a) to maximize the surrounding potential of land and human resources, b) cooperate with various institutions and community, c) optimize the participation of various circles related to tourism activities, d) adding supporting facilities for the smoothness of tourism activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Sagita Utarki ◽  
Eva Argarini Pratama ◽  
Corie Mei Hellyana

Abstract: Tourism sector in the country is one of the mainstay of foreign exchange earners for the country, especially in the non oil and gas sector, all efforts to attract tourists both archipelago and overseas continue to be done. One of the government's efforts to increase the flow of domestic and foreign tourists is to make improvements and arrangement of tourist attractions. In addition, by promoting. Therefore required a system that can facilitate the management of tourism in data processing, and facilitate members or tourists in obtaining information. Technological developments are increasing, then from the problems proposed a change in the old system into a new system with computer-based website technology. The method used in the development of this software uses Model Waterfall. Data collection methods that the authors use to collect the data needed in the writing of this research are: observation, interview method, and literature method. Through a computer connected to the internet network users can search and get various information, anywhere and anytime by accessing the website. With this system, is expected to overcome the various needs of users to obtain information and help the government to increase local revenue.Keywords: Information Systems, Tourism, Website, WaterfallAbstrak: Sektor pariwisata di tanah air merupakan salah satu andalan penghasil devisa bagi negara khususnya pada sektor non migas, segala upaya untuk menarik wisatawan baik nusantara maupun mancanegara terus dilakukan. Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan arus wisatawan nusantara dan mancanegara adalah dengan melakukan pembenahan dan penataan objek wisata. Selain itu juga dengan melakukan promosi. Maka dari itu dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat mempermudah pengelola wisata dalam mengolah data, serta mempermudah anggota atau wisatawan dalam memperoleh informasi. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin meningkat, maka dari permasalahan tersebut diusulkan adanya perubahan sistem lama kedalam sistem yang baru dengan teknologi komputer berbasis website. Metode yang digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak ini menggunakan Model Waterfall. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: observasi, metode wawancara, dan metode pustaka. Melalui komputer yang terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet user dapat mencari dan mendapatkan berbagai informasi, dimana saja dan kapan saja dengan mengakses website. Dengan adanya sistem ini, diharapkan mampu mengatasi berbagai kebutuhan user untuk memperoleh informasi serta membantu pemerintah meningkatkan pendapatan daerah.Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Pariwisata, Website, Waterfall

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