Agustyarum Pradiska Budi ◽  
Junaedi Junaedi

Conservation of water resources in Indonesia is based on the management of springs on a large scale or in terms of water production. The approach that is often used is management from the demand side so that the mindset of the people is still trapped that water resources are free goods that can be taken without having to renew them again. This research tries to achieve direct community participation to participate in realizing and managing water resources directly. Community participation techniques use advice on implementing policies to improve water resources. The policies offered include infiltration wells, biopori, and reforestation. The policy offer is the right alternative for households/communities directly. The purpose of this study is divided into 3, namely knowing the level of community WTP, knowing the variables that affect the WTP and preference analysis of alternative policy choices. The results of the analysis show that the WTP level of the city of Surakarta is still low, which is equal to WTP ≤ Rp. 50,000. Policy variables can influence the level of willingness to pay by 42.60% compared to other variables only able to influence by 15.95% calculated using multinomial logistic regression. The results of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis show that the ranking 1 weighting is the infiltration well policy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Kustiawan Kustiawan ◽  
Kohen Sofi

Abstract By paying attention to the experience of regional autonomy in the past that embraces the principle of real autonomy and responsible with an emphasis on more autonomy is the obligation of the right, then in this law granting autonomy to local authority districts and areas of the city based on the principles of decentralization alone in the form of broad autonomy, real and responsible. With the implementation of the research in the village of Kuala Sempang District of Kuala Lobam Series Bintan regency is expected to provide an overview of how the process of public participation in the implementation of regional development so that the concept of participatory development that has been applied can be dosed and can be used as a reference in subsequent studies related to substances.From the research that has been carried out, can be drawn that the application of community participation in development in the village of Kuala Sempang District of Kuala Lobam Series Bintan regency. If the view of the indicators of community participation in the development of community participation in the form of an idea or ideas, participation in the form of materials, participation in the form of labor and community participation in the form of utilization of development. The contribution of participation in the form of energy is the largest in any development process implemented. Participation in the form of utilization of development for the community is when development is aimed at the welfare of rural communities, the people will really take advantage and menajaga development that has been implemented by the village government to the people in the village of Kuala Sempang. Although in the process encountered a small obstacles but does not reduce the spirit of mutual aid societies to build their village. Keywords: community particiation, rural development Abstrak Dengan memperhatikan pengalaman otonomi daerah di masa lalu yang mencakup prinsip otonomi riil dan bertanggung jawab dengan penekanan pada otonomi lebih adalah kewajiban hak, maka dalam undang-undang ini memberikan otonomi kepada pemerintah daerah kabupaten dan wilayah berbasis kota. pada prinsip desentralisasi sendiri dalam bentuk otonomi luas, nyata dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan dilaksanakannya penelitian di Desa Kuala Sempang Kecamatan Kuala Lobam Kabupaten Bintan diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran umum bagaimana proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan daerah sehingga konsep pembangunan partisipatif yang telah diterapkan dapat Dosis dan bisa dijadikan referensi dalam penelitian lanjutan terkait zat. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat ditarik bahwa penerapan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan di Desa Kuala Sempang Kecamatan Kuala Lobam Kabupaten Bintan. Jika dilihat dari indikator partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan partisipasi masyarakat dalam bentuk ide atau gagasan, partisipasi dalam bentuk materi, partisipasi dalam bentuk persalinan dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam bentuk pemanfaatan pembangunan. Kontribusi partisipasi dalam bentuk energi adalah yang terbesar dalam proses pembangunan yang diimplementasikan. Partisipasi dalam bentuk pemanfaatan pembangunan bagi masyarakat adalah ketika pembangunan ditujukan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat pedesaan, masyarakat akan benar-benar memanfaatkan dan menajaga pembangunan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah desa kepada masyarakat di desa Kuala Sempang. Meski dalam prosesnya mengalami hambatan kecil namun tidak mengurangi semangat gotong royong untuk membangun desanya. Kata Kunci: partisipasi masyarakat, pembangunan pedesaan

2004 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 280-297
Jane Garnett ◽  
Gervase Rosser

We begin with an image, and a story. Explanation will emerge from what follows. Figure 1 depicts a huge wooden statue of the Virgin Mary, once the figurehead on the prow of a ship, but now on the high altar of the church of Saints Vittore and Carlo in Genoa, and venerated as Nostra Signora della Fortuna. On the night of 16-17 January 1636 a violent storm struck the port of Genoa. Many ships were wrecked. Among them was one called the Madonna della Pieta, which had the Virgin as its figurehead. A group of Genoese sailors bought this image as part of the salvage washed up from the sea. First setting it up under a votive painting of the Virgin in the harbour, they repaired it, had it repainted, and on the eve of Corpus Christi brought it to the church of San Vittore, close by the port. A famous blind song-writer was commissioned to write a song in honour of the image. Sailors and groups of young girls went through the streets of the city singing and collecting gifts. The statue became at once the focus of an extraordinary popular cult, thousands of people arriving day and night with candles, silver crowns, necklaces, and crosses in gratitude for the graces which had immediately begun to be granted. Volleys of mortars were let off in celebration. The affair was managed by the sailors who, in the face of mounting criticism and anxiety from local church leaders, directed devotions and even conducted exorcisms before the image. To stem the gathering tide of visitors and claims of miracles, and to try to establish control, the higher clergy first questioned the identity of the statue (some held it to represent, not the Virgin, but the Queen of England); then the statue was walled up; finally the church was closed altogether. Still, devotees climbed into the church, and large-scale demonstrations of protest were held. The archbishop instituted a process of investigation, in the course of which many eye-witnesses and people who claimed to have experienced miracles were interviewed (giving, in the surviving manuscript, rich detail of their responses to the image). Eventually the prohibition was lifted, and from 1637 until well into the twentieth century devotion to Nostra Signora della Fortuna remained strong, with frequent miracles or graces being recorded. So here we have a cult focused on an image of secular origin, transformed by the promotion of the sailors into a devotional object which roused the enthusiasm of thousands of lay people. It was a cult which, significantly, sprang up at a time of unrest in the city of Genoa, and which thus focused pressing issues of authority. The late 163os witnessed growing tension between factions of ‘old’ and ‘new’ nobility, the latter being marked by their hostility to the traditional Genoese Spanish alliance. Hostilities were played out both within the Senate and in clashes in the streets of the city. The cult of Nostra Signora della Fortuna grew up in this context, but survived and developed in subsequent centuries, attracting devotion from all over Italy.

10.12737/6572 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-33
Наталья Гаршина ◽  
Natalya Garshina

Having a look at the tourist space as a cultural specialist, the author drew attention to the fact that the closest to the modern man is a city environment he contacts and sometimes encounters in everyday life and on holidays. And every time whether he wants it or not, it opens in a dif erent way. One way of getting to know the world has long been a walking tour. It’s not just a walk hand in hand with a pleasant man or hasty movement to the right place, but namely the tour, in which a knowledgeable person with a soulful voice will speak about the past and present of the city and its surroundings, as if it is about your life and the people close to you. Turning to the beginning of the twentieth century, the experience of scientists-excursion specialists we today can learn a lot to improve the process of building up a tour, and most importantly the transmission of knowledge about the world in which we live. Well-known names of the excursion theory founders to professionals are I. Grevs, N. Antsiferov, N. Geynike and others. They are given in the context of ref ection on the historical development of walking tours, which haven’t lost their value and attract both creators and consumers of tour services.

Abdul Rohim

Coronavirus disease is also known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus spreads rapidly and has reached almost every country, including Indonesia, in just a few months. As a result, numerous countries have implemented regulations imposing lockdowns to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. To control the spread of this virus, Indonesia implemented a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy. The method employed in this study is to analyze data from various reading sources. By comparing journals or articles, references are obtained from online publications with diverse studies. This study utilized five journals as references, all of which demonstrated that community participation in preventing the spread of Covid-19 was in a good category. According to the journals reviewed, information regarding the handling of Covid-19 necessitated the participation of all parties to prevent its spread. From the five journals obtained, all of these journals indicate that the role of the community is required in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Nada Salsabila ◽  
Diah Ayu Candraningrum

This research examines the representation of Middle Eastern culture local wisdom contained in the film "Aladdin 2019" produced by Walt Disney Pictures. This study aims to examine the cultural symbols of the Middle East. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis which divides the sign into three elements namely sign, object and interpretant. Semiotics is the science that discusses or examines the meaning of a sign. The results showed that Middle Eastern cultural symbols in the film "Aladdin 2019" were displayed through 10 scenes selected in the film. Cultural symbols of the Middle East are shown through the habits of the people kissing the right and left cheeks every time they meet relatives, riding camels to travel, livelihoods of people who trade, princess clothes Jasmine and Sultan, building architecture made of bricks and domes as decoration and art that displays traditional Middle Eastern musical instrument namely Gambus. Some interesting facts in the film one of which is the making of the city "Agrabah" as a shooting setting which is a fictitious city in England and property made of authentic jewelry.  Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai representasi kearifan lokal budaya Timur Tengah yang terdapat dalam Film “Aladdin 2019” Produksi Walt Disney Pictures. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji simbol-simbol budaya Timur Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce yang membagi tanda menjadi tiga elemen yaitu tanda, objek dan interpretan. Semiotika adalah ilmu yang membahas atau mengkaji mengenai pemaknaan dari sebuah tanda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa simbol-simbol budaya Timur Tengah dalam Film “Aladdin 2019” ditampilkan melalui 10 scene yang dipilih dalam film tersebut. Simbol-simbol Budaya Timur Tengah ditunjukkan melalui kebiasaan masyarakat cium pipi kanan dan kiri setiap bertemu kerabat, menunggangi unta untuk bepergian, mata pencaharian masyarakat yang berdagang, pakaian putri Jasmine dan Sultan, arsitektur bangunan berasal dari batu bata dan kubah sebagai hiasan serta kesenian yang menampilkan alat musik tradisional Timur Tengah yaitu Gambus. Beberapa fakta menarik dalam film tersebut salah satunya adalah pembuatan kota “Agrabah” sebagai latar syuting yang merupakan kota fiktif di Inggris dan properti yang terbuat dari perhiasan asli.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Silmi Salimah ◽  
Reni Nuraeni, Ph.D. ◽  
Rizca Haqqu, M.Ikom.

The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the communication strategy carried out by the Head of the Tasikmalaya City Covid-19 Cluster Team in the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). The research method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the communication strategy carried out by the Task Force Team of the City of Tasikmalaya was in accordance with the indicators of the communication strategy ranging from the communicator determination strategy, message determination strategy, media determination strategy and audience determination strategy. The communication strategy implemented resulted in the fact that the spread of Covid-19 in Tasikmalaya City had decreased due to the implementation of discipline carried out by the apparatus as the Tasikmalaya City Covid-19 Task Force Team and communication that was conveyed to the public with the right strategy. The implementation of the communication strategy that has been carried out by the Task Force Team, the implementation of the report on the results of the Tasikmalaya City discipline presentation is reported directly to the Governor who is charged to Kominfo with the local Government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Angga Syahputra ◽  
Mukhtasar Mukhtasar

AbstractThe Indonesian government has taken various policies to protect its citizens from the Covid-19 outbreak. Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to impose a curfew have become several policies taken by several cities in Indonesia to stop the spread of Covid-19. Since WHO declared a pandemic, Covid-19 has had an impact on all aspects of life including socio-economics. Lhokseumawe is an industrial city which is mostly inhabited by residents from outside the city which is designated as a red zone. Various policies issued, such as the imposition of curfews, prohibitions on gathering in cafes, social distancing, wearing masks, and other policies, generally have no significant impact on socio-economic aspects. For this reason, researchers want to see the impact of Covid-19 on the socio-economic aspects of the people of Lhokseumawe City. The method used in this study used qualitative methods with the main data source obtained from observations, as a complement used literature studies and the results of previous research. As of October 2020, Lhokseumawe is still a red zone, but many people do not heed government policies, even socio-economic activities appear to be running normally. The results also showed that there was no significant change in the socio-economic aspects of the community in Lhokseumawe City. This research also explains important steps that are useful for stakeholders to decide on Covid-19 and anticipate its impact.

Iis Heryati ◽  
Diny Fitriawati

<p><strong>Abstrak </strong></p><p>Kerugian restoran akibat adanya pandemi Covid-19 selama Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dalam dua bulan terakhir nilainya mencapai angka triliunan rupiah. Perusahaan harus menerapkan strategi yang tepat untuk menangani kondisi ini. Strategi <em>Marketing Public Relations</em> dinilai sangat efektif oleh setiap perusahaan agar bisa menarik konsumen dan meningkatkan citra baik bagi perusahaan. Tujuan dari adanya penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana proses kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam melaksanakan strategi <em>M</em><em>arketing Public Relations</em> tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi di lapangan, pengamatan sosial melalui berbagai media. Hasil penelitian menunjukan <em>Marketing Public Relations</em> Pizza Hut Cimahi dalam menangani keadaan yang terjadi menerapkan <em>Three Ways Strategy</em>. <em>Three Ways Strategy</em> meliputi <em>Pull Strategy</em> dengan melakukan promosi menggunakan media, <em>Push Str</em><em>a</em><em>tegy</em> dengan memberikan diskon secara berkala, dan <em>Pass Strategy</em> dengan melakukan <em>branding</em> sebagai restoran yang tanggap situasi. Keberhasilan Pizza Hut Cimahi dalam menjalakankan Strategi <em>Marketing Public Relations</em> tersebut dilihat dari adanya pencapaian target penjualan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan Pizza Hut di daerah lain yaitu Pizza Hut di Kota Bandung.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The restaurant losses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and social restrictions on a large scale (PSBB) the past two months achieve a value of the billions rupiah. The company must implement the right strategy to handle this condition. Marketing Public Relations strategies are effective for companies to pull costumer and improve their brand image company. The purpose of this research, the author wants to know and understand how the process of activities is carried out in implementing the Marketing Strategy Public Relations. The method used is qualitative descriptive methods by data collection via semi structured interviews, field observations, social observations via various media. Research shows Marketing Public Relations of Pizza Hut Cimahi to handle of situation implemented Three Ways Strategy. Three ways strategy encompass a “Pull Strategy” by using media promotions, “Push Strategy” by giving periodic discounts, “Pass Strategy” the restaurant that are aware of the situation. Pizza Hut Cimahi success in carrying out the Marketing Strategy Public Relations is seen form the presentation of sales targets that are higher that the Pizza Hut is other areas namely Pizza Hut in the city of Bandung</em></p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-7
Zara Ferreira

After the war, the world was divided between two main powers, a Western capitalist bloc led by the USA, and an Eastern communist bloc, driven by the USSR. From Japan to Mexico, the post-war years were ones of prosperous economic growth and profound social transformation. It was the time of re-housing families split apart and of rebuilding destroyed cities, but it was also the time of democratic rebirth, the definition of individual and collective freedoms and rights, and of belief in the open society envisaged by Karl Popper. Simultaneously, it was the time of the biggest migrations from the countryside, revealing a large faith in the city, and of baby booms, revealing a new hope in humanity. (...) Whether through welfare state systems, as mainly evidenced in Western Europe, under the prospects launched by the Plan Marshall (1947), or through the establishment of local housing authorities funded or semi-funded by the government, or through the support of private companies, civil organizations or associations, the time had come for the large-scale application of the principles of modern architecture and engineering developed before the war. From the Spanish polígonos residenciales to the German großsiedlungen, ambitious housing programs were established in order to improve the citizens’ living conditions and health standards, as an answer to the housing shortage, and as a symbol of a new egalitarian society: comfort would no longer only be found in bourgeois houses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-19
Yuriy L. Chepelevskyy

The article identifies the main aspects of strategic planning of the city image. In Ukraine as a democratic country, where the people are the main source of power, strategic planning, in particular in urban planning should be carried out for the people and together with the people. The stages of strategic planning are identified. They represent the relevant tasks, which should be accomplished on the basis of local public, business, and industrial organizations, thus obtaining comprehensive information about their problems and needs. The mechanisms used in the foreign practice of strategic planning are analyzed (on the example of Barcelona (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany). Community participation in strategic planning of Barcelona (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany) demonstrates its important role in Barcelona’s acquisition of the City of the Future Award (2015) and Hamburg’s high 23rd place in the 2010 World Quality of Life Ranking. The paper establishes that the cooperation of cities and society is the ground for the successful strategy; the community is a full participant in strategic planning. The main thing in the development strategy is to reach a consensus between the government-business-residents on a common vision of such development. In Germany, the planning law provides for community participation in all planning processes, and the entire population of the city can participate in the process of resolving issues using the Internet platform. Ensuring community participation in the form of partnership at all stages - both in the development process and in the implementation and monitoring of results will help optimize the process of regulating urban planning in our country.

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