scholarly journals Efektifitas Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Menyontek dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA Negeri 11 Ambon

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Purwatib Purwatib

The problem of cheating for learners is not something new in the world of school. When school programs begin to enter the stage of assessment, then there are also various behavior patterns of learners to prepare themselves to face a test or test. In fact, in schools such as SMA Negeri 11 Ambon there are some students of class X IPS do cheat behavior at the time of replication take place. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 11 Ambon, the result of the research showed that there were differences of learners behavior, before and after the students got guidance and counseling service. Of the 40 respondents who originally cheated, after being given guidance almost all declared no and have abandoned the attitude of cheating.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Muhammad Khairul Fathi ◽  
Muhammad Yuliansyah ◽  
Nurul Auliah

Perilaku menyontek merupakan perilaku yang tidak terpuji atau perbuatan curang yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang dilakukan dengan cara menjiplak, meniru, mencontoh atau pun mengambil hasil pekerjaan orang lain baik dengan izin atau tidak disertai izin nya atau pun membuat catatan khusus yang telah dibuat sendiri sebelum menghadapi ujian atau tugas untuk mencapai keberhasilan. Banyaknya siswa-siswi terbiasa melakukan contek menyontek terhadap temannya yang mana perilaku menyontek ini menjadi penyakit didunia pendidikan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat perilaku siswa menyontek sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik behavioral contract dan keefektifan teknik Behavioral Contract untuk mengurangi perilaku menyontek dikelas VII B. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre-eksperimental design. Eksperimen yaitu one-group pretest dan posttest design kemudian ada penelitian sesudah diberi perlakuan atau posttest dengan begitu hasilnya lebih akurat karena membandingkan keadaan sebelum dan sesudah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tingkat perilaku menyontek sebelum diberikan teknik behavioral contract dalam layanan konseling kelompok dengan skor rata-rata 210 (70%) dan sesudah diberikan teknik behavioral contract dalam layanan konseling kelompok dengan diketahui hasil skor rata-ratanya 240 (80%). Sebagai salah satu rujukan kepada Guru Bimbingan Dan Konseling untuk mengurangi perilaku menyontek siswa disekolah dengan penggunaan teknik behavioral contract dalam layanan konseling kelompok. Bagi siswa, memberi gambaran akan berperilaku jujur dalam belajar atau kebiasaan siswa menyontek karena kejujuran akan memberikan kebaikan untuk diri sendiri. Bagi mahasiswa, agar menjadi referensi kepada penelitian selanjutnya untuk meneliti permasalahan ini._________________________________________________________ Cheating behavior is behavior that is not commendable or fraudulent committed by someone who is done by plagiarizing, imitating, imitating or taking the work of another person either with permission or not with permission or making special notes that have been made before facing the exam or the task of achieving success. The number of students is accustomed to cheating on their friends whose cheating behavior is a disease in the world of ed. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of behavior of students cheating before and after group counseling services with behavioral contract techniques and the effectiveness of Behavioral Contract techniques to reduce cheating behavior in class VII B. This study uses pre-experimental design. Experiments that is one-group pretest and posttest design then there is research after being treated or posttest so the results are more accurate because it compares the conditions before and after. Based on the results of the research on cheating behavior before being given a behavioral contract technique in group counseling services with an average score of 210 (70%) and after being given a behavioral contract technique in group counseling services, it was found that the average score was 240 (80%). As one of the references to the Guidance and Counseling Teachers to reduce the cheating behavior of students in school by using behavioral contract techniques in group counseling services. For students, give an idea of behaving honestly in learning or the habit of students cheating because honesty will give goodness to yourself. For students, to be a reference to further research to examine this problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 312 ◽  
pp. 02011
Iole Nardi ◽  
Domenico Palladino

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the living habits all over the world. Countries experienced multiple lockdowns, causing offices, restaurants, school and almost all the economic activities to close. The saying “stay home stay safe”, to which we were invited for preventing the virus spread, and the rise of smart-working, lead to an exponential increase in the time spent in our homes. In this sense, the way to live our homes has changed. Spaces and rooms that (before pandemic) were occupied for just a few hours a day, have become the main places for studying, working, playing or even have fitness. More than ever, people had to face the energy related problems of their house: air leakages, energy losses, expensive billings, and thermal discomfort. This study arises from considerations on buildings use after the pandemic, and it addresses the consequences of COVID-19 to building perception. Anonymous questionnaires were proposed broad wide, asking through a multi-stage survey to compare the feeling before and after the pandemic, also in comparison to the billing of the energy carriers. Results have been analysed, showing how the pandemic has changed the living perception.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-101
Yuni Chotimawati

Guidance and counseling service is an integral part of the educational process in the education unit. During the Covid-19 pandemic, strategies and solutions are needed so it can be carried out online. Whatsapp is a social media that has been widely known and used by many people in Indonesia.  The features found on Whatsapp support the implementation of online guidance and counseling service including its supporting activities such as classical formats, group formats, and individual formats.  Classical format and group format services can be carried out through one of Whatsapp features known as Whatsapp Messenger Group, while individual format services can be conducted through Whatsapp Chat. However, there are some obstacles faced in using Whatsapp as a medium for online guidance and counseling services.  Some of the obstacles that often arise are unstable signal, insufficient memory on cellphone due to many files received, lack of interaction between teachers and students, difficulty to check the seriousness of students, lack of student motivation, lack of supporting devices, and difficulty to understand the material given.  However, despite all the obstacles that may occur, as a user friendly platform and very popular in Indonesia and even in the world, Whatsapp can still be used as a strategic media and solution for guidance and counseling service during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Vany Dwi Putri

In the early 2020, the world was shocked by the corona outbreak virus (Covid-19) which infected almost all countries in the world. In Indonesia, the Government issued an emergency status from 29 February 2020 to 29 May 2020 related to the corona virus pandemic with a total time of 91 days. Bold learning instructed by the government is also determined in the provision of guidance and counseling programs. Student learning activities are directed in the form of online learning or online at home. Online learning activities are basically very diverse, among others, can be carried out through google classroom, zoom, educational tv, interactive learning in the home learning portal, Ruang Guru and other online learning applications The difference between guidance and counseling programs with other subjects is, guidance and counseling programs do not provide materials or assignments that burden students. Guidance and counseling programs provide learning through meaningful formats for students. Abstrak Pada awal tahun 2020, dunia dikejutkan dengan wabah virus corona (Covid-19) yang menginfeksi hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Di Indonesia, Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan status darurat bencana terhitung mulai tanggal 29 Februari 2020 hingga 29 Mei 2020 terkait pandemic virus corona dengan jumlah waktu 91 hari. Pembelajaran daring yang diinstruksikan oleh pemerintah juga ditetapkan dalam pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konseling. Kegiatan pembelajaran siswa diarahkan dalam bentuk pembelajaran secara  daring atau online di rumah. Kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring ini pada dasarnya  sangat beragam, antara lain dapat dilaksanakan melalui google classroom, zoom, tv edukasi,  belajar interaktif di portal rumah belajar, ruang guru dan aplikasi belajar online lainnya Perbedaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling dengan materi pelajaran lain adalah, layanan bimbingan dan konseling tidak memberikan materi-materi ataupun tugas-tugas yang memberatkan siswa. Layanan bimbingan dan konseling menyajikan layanan dalam pembelajaran daring melalui format yang bermakna bagi peserta didik

10.29210/1400 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Ifdil Ifdil ◽  
Zadrian Ardi

The development of technology has changed the lives of the world as well as counseling. Counseling is not only face to face (FTF) in a confined space, but it can be done through distance format in assistive technology that online counseling. Counseling is an integral part of e-counseling services. Various applications have been developed to support the implementation of BK in Indonesia, as well as with use of other technologies that can support the implementation of guidance and counseling services. E-counseling services in general and in particular online counseling are an alternative attempt to do by counselors in an effort to prevent, reduce and eliminate the problem. Counselors should have a mastery of the technology and has a minimum competency in the administration of e-counseling services, at least insights about e-counseling services. This article will present a variety of things with regard to e-counseling service specifically about online counseling

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-165
I Made Bulda Mahayana

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease transmitted by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a cause of death especially in developing countries throughout the world. The aim of community service is to find out how the knowledge of patients with pulmonary TB before and after counseling is given about prevention of pulmonary TB and sanitation in healthy homes in the work area of Sukawati II Public Health Unit, Gianyar Regency. The population in this community service is 33 TB sufferers. The method used in community service activities is interviews, measurement and observation. Evaluation of respondents' knowledge before (pre-test) and after (post-test) is given guidance and counseling on the prevention of pulmonary TB and sanitation of healthy homes. There was an increase in patient knowledge about the prevention of pulmonary TB before and after being given guidance and counseling, which amounted to 90.9%. There was an increase in the knowledge of pulmonary TB sufferers about sanitation in a healthy home before and after being given guidance and counseling, which was 87.9%. The state of healthy home sanitation, namely: lighting 18.2%, 21.2% humidity ventilation (84.8%), floors (87.9%), occupancy density (84.8%), kitchen (100%), latrines (100%), clean water facilities (100%), waste water facilities (100%) and waste management (100%) that meet the standards.Keywords: Coaching, Counseling, Healthy Home Sanitation         

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Alief Budiyono

This article discusses the group counseling effectiveness based on Banyumas society character to improve the university students’ assertive attitude. Camblaka and semblothongan are the special characteristics of Banyumas society commonly. The research is conducted using Wilcoxon analysis to compare the pre-test and post-test result, with the assertive attitude analysis of Guidance and Counseling students of IAIN Purwokerto. Assertive communication has an important role for social adaptation. If an individual communicates assertively, so he could state his feeling and belief openly, directly, honestly, and in the appropriate manner to improve him to be more self confident, well-mannered, friendly, and to socialize better so he could have good social adaptation. The result of the study shows that the group counseling service is effective to improve students’ assertive attitude, proven by the calculating result of students’ assertive attitude before and after getting the group counseling service get the improvement 15.59% from 52.21% becomes 67.80%, it means that the difference of 15.59% is significant to the belief as 95%. So, the Banyumasan society characters, especially camblaka and semblothongan could be an alternative method of effective group counseling to build closeness between counselor and clients to build clients’ assertive attitude.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Dian Fajarwati Susilaningrum ◽  
Tri Ujilestari ◽  
Ariani Putri ◽  
Sofiya Salsabila ◽  
Kholifah Nurul Hidayah

This study was conducted to compare handwashing using soap and hand sanitizer to kill germs on hands. Hand washing is one of the preventive measures to avoid various diseases that can be transmitted through hands. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic which has attacked almost all over the world has forced various levels of society to pay more attention to hygiene, especially hand hygiene which can be a bridge for the spread of the virus. The research conducted in this article uses qualitative research methods based on reviews and analysis from several journals related to the comparison of the effectiveness of handwashing using soap and hand sanitizer. The results showed that there was a difference in the number of microorganisms in the hands before and after washing hands. Soap and hand sanitizer can eliminate microorganisms because both of these ingredients contain ingredients that can reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the hands such as alcohol and triclosan. From the analysis of several journals related to the effectiveness of handwashing using soap and hand sanitizer can be concluded that hand washing using soap and water is considered more effective to eliminate microorganisms on the hands than just the use of hand sanitizer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Hanna Permata Hanifa ◽  
Ratna Kusumaningtyas ◽  
Resha Yusmar Arvianto

Kebutuhan akan manfaat pelayanan BK kian dirasakan masyarakat secara luas. Keberadaan BK di Indonesia memang berawal dari dunia pendidikan. Seiring perkembangannya, organisasi biro penyedia jasa layanan BK mulai bermunculan di tengah masyarakat. Namun tidak semuanya asli berlatar belakang lulusan BK, melainkan dari jurusan Psikologi. Keadaan ini mendorong berdirinya organisasi atau yayasan biro penyedia jasa layanan konseling yaitu Edupotensia Foundation. Edupotensia Foundation memberikan layanan Konseling yang dilakukan langsung oleh konselor profesional dan lulusan BK sendiri. Kegiatan konseling berbasis biro bagi perkembangan dunia konseling di Indonesia menjadi hal baru yang harus terus dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan alat pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam guna mendapatkan informasi secara rinci. Hasil yang didapat melalui penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan konseling oleh Edupotensia Foundation dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip, fungsi dan asaz konseling, berfokus pada pendekatan CBT, SFBT dan Life-Choaching. Selain itu, Edupotensia Foundation juga memberikan workshop pengembangan kompetensi konseling dan beragam pelatihan yang sesuai._______________________________________________________________ The need for benefits from Guidance and Counseling services is increasingly felt by the community at large. The existence of Guidance and Counseling in Indonesia does start from the world of education. Along with its development, the bureau organization of Guidance and Counseling service providers began to appear in the community. However, not all of them are from Guidance and Counseling background, but from the Department of Psychology. This situation encourages the establishment of a bureaus organization or foundation for counseling service providers namely Edupotensia Foundation. Edupotensia Foundation provides Counseling services conducted directly by professional counselors and Guidance and Counseling graduates themselves. Bureau-based counseling activities for the development of the world of counseling in Indonesia are new things that must continue to be developed. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection tools with in-depth interviews to obtain detailed information. The results obtained through this study are that the implementation of counseling by the Edupotensia Foundation is carried out in accordance with the principles, functions and counseling, focusing on the CBT, SFBT and Life-Choaching approaches. In addition, the Edupotensia Foundation also provides counseling competency development workshops and a variety of appropriate training.

2001 ◽  
pp. 13-17
Serhii Viktorovych Svystunov

In the 21st century, the world became a sign of globalization: global conflicts, global disasters, global economy, global Internet, etc. The Polish researcher Casimir Zhigulsky defines globalization as a kind of process, that is, the target set of characteristic changes that develop over time and occur in the modern world. These changes in general are reduced to mutual rapprochement, reduction of distances, the rapid appearance of a large number of different connections, contacts, exchanges, and to increase the dependence of society in almost all spheres of his life from what is happening in other, often very remote regions of the world.

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