scholarly journals Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang menarche menggunakan metode ceramah pada siswi kelas VI

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-176
Eka Trismiyana ◽  
Italia Italia ◽  
Irma Rani Zofitri

Knowledge regarding menstruation among elementary school girlsBackground: The adolescent stage  is indicated by puberty signs and continued with sexual maturity. Puberty is a drastic change on the physical maturity including body and hormone changes signed by breast development, widen and enlarge hips, the growth of hair on armpits and vaginal area, and the sexual maturity signed by the first menstruation or menarche.Purpose: To identify the effect of health counseling toward on knowledge regarding menstruation among elementary school girlsMethod: A quantitative research by design quasi experiment with One Group Pretest-Posttest. The population was of  36 students girls in Grade V  at Rejosari Elementary Public School 02 of Kotabumi of Lampung Utara Regency in 2019. It was taken by total technique, analyzed statistical by T test dependent.Results: The statistical test was conducted with T Test resulting p- value 0.044 where p value < 0.05 that indicated there was an effect of health counseling toward on knowledge regarding menstruation among elementary school girlsConclusion: This program to be continue in to other elementary school   through community service join with public health centre local. Promoting and providing by distributing leaflet, poster or banner informing about menarche.Keywords: Knowledge; Menstruation; Elementary school girlsPendahuluan: Masa remaja ditandai sebagai masa dimana seseorang menunjukkan tanda-tanda pubertas dan berlanjut hingga dicapainya kematangan seksual. Pubertas adalah perubahan yang cepat pada kematangan fisik yang meliputi perubahan tubuh dan hormonalditandai oleh pertumbuhan payudara, pinggul melebar dan membesar, tumbuhnya rambut-rambut halus didaerah ketiak dan kemaluan serta dimulainya kematangan seksual yang ditandai dengan menstruasi pertama atau menarche. Tujuan: Diketahui pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan tentang menarche pada siswi kelas VI SDN.02 Rejosari Kota Bumi Kab. Lampung Utara Tahun 2019.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian metode Quasi Eksperimental dengan pendekatan One group Pretes-Postes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswi kelas V SDN.02 Rejosari Kota Bumi Kab. Lampung Utara Tahun 2019 sebanyak 36 siswi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling.Hasil: Nilai rata-rata pengetahuan sebelum diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan  9,11 sesudah  14,78 dengan standar deviasi 2,493 dan 2,166 dengan selisih nilai 12,621. Berdasarkan  Uji T di dapatkan p-value 0,044,  bahwa terdapat pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan tentang menarche pada siswi kelas VSimpulan: Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan salah satu informasi kesehatan bagi tenaga kesehatan agar dapat memberikan penjelasan kepada seluruh masyarakat tentang menarche, sehingga sudut pandang atau stigma tentang menarche tidak buruk. Serta puskesmas rutin melaksanakan promosi kesehatan ke masyarakat melalui meda cetak seperti leaflet, poster dan banner yang berhubungan dengan menarche.

Martha Puspita Sari ◽  
Khartini Kaluku ◽  
Santi Aprilian Lestaluhu

Stunting is a condition when a person's height is known to be shorter when compared to someone else's age. Stunting rate in Indonesia is high, straight line with poor nutrition. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge of stunting through health counseling methods and handle independently through cadre assistance. This method begins with brainstorming and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) followed by training, distribution of leaflets, and screening of video stunting to Posyandu cadres accompanied by nutrition assistance as much as 3x visits in the context of independent handling of stunting for toddlers. The results obtained that there is an increase in knowledge after brainstorming and playback of audiovisual media through counseling using these media using the Wilcoxon test with a p-value of 0.00. The conclusion is that the method of brainstorming and audiovisual media is an effective media as an alternative to educating cadres and being able to recognize and manage stunting independently.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 486-493
Triyoso Triyoso ◽  
Martina Sari

Nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction: The impact of patients experience at Bukit Kemuning inpatient public health centreBackground: The results of the pre-survey conducted on January - 2019 based on the medical records of the Bukit Kemuning Inpatient Health Center in North Lampung recorded in 2018 had of 279 inpatients. Base on evaluation in Bukit Kemuning Inpatient Health Center, the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) achievement scored of 67.29% describes the service quality is still suboptimal.Purpose: Knowing relationship between nurses' caring behavior towards patient satisfaction in Bukit Kemuning Inpatient Health Centre North Lampung RegencyMethod: A quantitative cross-sectional approach, the population of all outpatient who had experienced hospitalization at Bukit Kemuning Inpatient Health Center, with a sample of 282 respondent. The variables of this study were nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction. The research conducted at the Bukit Kemuning Inpatient Health Center UPT North Lampung Regency. data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate (chi square).Results: Knowing the respondents' statement that nurses' shown caring behavior in a poor category of 162 (57.4%), patients unsatisfied of 140 (49.4%), There is a relationship between Nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction at Bukit Kemuning inpatient public health centre North Lampung Regency (p-value = 0.000 OR = 4.659)Conclusion: There is a correlation between Nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction: The impact of patients experience at Bukit Kemuning inpatient public health centre, for the Health Center management to consider for nurses' staff for conducting caring behavior training and improve health services.Keywords: Nurses; Caring behavior; Patient; SatisfactionPendahuluan: Standar kepuasan pasien di pelayanan kesehatan ditetapkan secara nasional oleh Departemen Kesehatan. Hasil pra survey yang dilakukan tanggal 5 – 9 Januari 2019  berdasarkan data rekam medis Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara  tercatat tahun 2018 jumlah pasien yang melakukan kunjungan rawat jalan sebesar 11.169 orang dan rawat inap sebanyak 279 orang. Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara  Standar SPM > 90 % dengan hasil capaian hanya 67, 29% sehingga dapat menggambarkan mutu pelayanan masih belum optimal.Tujuan : Diketahui  hubungan perilaku caring perawat terhadap kepuasan pasien di UPT Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara  tahun 2019Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif pendekatan Cross Sectional, populasi seluruh pengunjung Puskesmas, dengan sampel berjumlah 282 orang Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku caring perawat dan kepuasan pasien. Penelitian dilakukan di UPT Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara. bulan Januari – Juni  2019 . pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat (chi square).Hasil: Diketahui pernyataan responden tentang perawat yang menunjukkan perilaku caring kategori buruk, sebesar 162 (57,4%) responden, kepuasan keluarga pasien kurang puas, sebesar 140 (49,4%) responden, Ada  hubungan antara perilaku caring perawat terhadap tingkat kepuasan keluarga pasien di UPT Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara  tahun 2019 (p-value=0,000,0,05, OR=4,659)Simpulan: Ada  hubungan antara perilaku caring perawat terhadap tingkat kepuasan keluarga pasien di UPT Puskesmas Rawat Inap Bukit Kemuning  Kabupaten Lampung Utara  tahun 2019, bagi pihak manajemen Puskesmas sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk mengadakan pelatihan perilaku caring perawat guna meningkatkan pelayanan pasien.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 373-377
Rina Tampake ◽  
Ros Arianty ◽  
Selvi A . Mangundap ◽  
Baiq Emy ◽  
Hanum Sasmita

AIM: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of training in improving health cadres’ ability in early detection and risk factors of stunting in toddlers. METHODS: The research method used was a quasi-experimental non-randomized pre- and post-test only control design. The independent variable was cadre training. The training was conducted through learning activities on health cadres using lecture method, question and answer method, and brainstorming accompanied by training booklets/modules and demonstrations. The dependent variable was knowledge, attitudes, and skills in detecting stunting and risk factors for stunting in children under-five. There were 53 health cadres as samples scattered in the Tomini Community Health Center with the purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used was a parametric statistical paired sample t-test. RESULTS: Training of health cadres effectively increased health cadres’ ability to detect stunting and risk factors for stunting in children under-five. The different test results for each variable that showed the pre-post-test p-value for knowledge, attitudes, and health cadres’ skills were 0.000, smaller than the significance level of 0.05 (p < 0.05). Besides, the mean score of each variable obtained after training for health cadres was more significant than before training, including knowledge 17.392 >12.264, attitudes 33.603 >27.226, and skills 90.019 >62113. Those are means that cadres’ training effectively increased the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of health cadres in detecting stunting and risk factors for stunting in children under-five. CONCLUSION: Training of health cadres effectively increases the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of health cadres about early detection and risk factors of stunting in the working area of Tomini Public Health Centre, Parigi Moutong Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Hendera Hendera ◽  
Laila Eka Pratiwi ◽  
Memin Tri Ethik ◽  
Dina Ahsana

The coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) outbreak is an infection caused by the acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which are a pathogenic virus and highly contagious. The drug dexamethasone is only beneficial for patients infected with COVID-19 and has no effect on patients who are infected with mild symptoms nor can it prevent the entry of the COVID-19 virus. Taking dexamethasone without a doctor's prescription can trigger infection of the COVID-19 virus and have detrimental effects on the body. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide education that can increase understanding of dexamethasone which can not prevent us from getting infected by the COVID-19 and to inform the dangers of using dexamethasone that is not from a doctor's prescription. This is a quantitative research with a Pre-Experimental method using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design and the collecting data instruments used are multiple choice question types. The results of 30 participants complete data were analyzed using statistics with the Wilcoxon test with a P-value of 0,000 (P 0.05). The results showed that there was a significant effect on the use of educational methods in increasing participants' understanding of this drug. Furthermore, the N-Gain test was carried out with a result of 75.389%, so it concluded that the use of the educational method in the activity entitled "dexamethasone drug not an antidote to COVID-19" was considered quite effective in increasing the knowledge of participants who were facilitated by the pre-test and post-test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3888-3893
Wanchalee Noriya, Oam To-aj

The purposes of this research were to study the behavior of watching news programs of people in the northern part of Thailand, attitude towards programming and content of narrating news programs, and compare the expectations and satisfaction of people in the northern part of Thailand towards watching a narrating news program. This research is quantitative research, with a comparative study of sports and entertainment news to watch news programs using questionnaires as a research tool. The research population consists of 1,600 people living in the north of Thailand with ages 15 and above. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test (Independent Sample t-test and Pair sample t-test). The results revealed that most of the samples used to watch narrating news program on television, both on weekdays and holidays between 18.01 - 21.00 hrs which had the frequency of watching narrating news program every day. The narrating news program viewed because the language is easy to understand, and the reliability of the news programs is at a medium level. The results of the study also revealed that the sample group has an attitude towards program planning and contents of narrating news programs at a high level; the expectation was more significant than the satisfaction with the viewing of narrating news programs, which were the statistically significant difference at the 0.05. Entertainment and sports news have different attitudes towards programming and content of narrating news programs with statistically significant at the 0.05 level (P-value = 0.00), but the expectations and satisfaction are not different. While both types of news, sample groups were less satisfied with the narrating news programs than expected  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Elok Triestuning ◽  
Rian Prasetyo ◽  
Diaz Nur Aindah ◽  
Regita Indira Ardianti ◽  
Dita Wardatul Anifa ◽  

Health Promotion Activities with the title Clean and Healthy Lifestyle with Hand Washing at SDN Rangkah Kidul Sidoarjo Sidoarjo District Sidoarjo Regency is one form of community service in the form of counseling aimed at growing and improving healthy behavior in children from an early age, especially in PHBS Hand Washing. The implementation of these activities on November 15, 2018 took place at Elementary School of Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency. The target is students of Elementary School of Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency. Before the activity is carried out, there is a process of compiling the activity for 3 weeks before the activity is carried out, starting from the selection of health counseling materials to the submission of licensing to the relevant parties. As an evaluation, the activity was attended by 50 students and 2 teachers, participants participated in the activity with enthusiasm and conducive, the activity can be carried out on time smoothly. Keywords: Hand washing, health promotion, elementary school, counseling.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Janu Purwono

The incidence of cancer increased from 12.7 million cases in 2008 to 14.1 million cases in 2012 or an increase of 12 percent. The number of cancer deaths worldwide in 2012 was found to be 8.2 million deaths. The prevalence of cancer in Indonesia is also quite high. The number of women of childbearing age who have not followed the early detection program of cervical cancer using IVA method. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of health counseling to the knowledge of women of childbearing age about early detection of cervical cancer using Visual Acetic Acid Inspection method (IVA). The type of research is a comparative study conducted in Iringmulyo sub district. Metro Timur Kota Metro in October 2016. The population of this study is all mothers in awa mulyo village, amounting to 35 people. Analysis using paired sample t-test. Result of research got from 35 respondents show knowledge of respondent before giving counseling equal to 59,23 while knowledge after counseling is equal to 80,77 and result of t-test show show (p-value = 0,000 <0,05). Research indicates that counseling has proven to be effective in improving knowledge about early detection using IVA method.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-274
Ilzamha Hadijah Rusdan ◽  
Dita Purwinda Anggrella

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia telah menetapkan bahwa seluruh produk yang beredar di Indonesia haruslah terjamin kehalalannya, peraturan tersebut terdapat pada Undang-Undang No.33 Tahun 2014, dan telah dikawal persiapan pelaksanaanya oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH). Untuk itu diperlukan sosialisai dalam rangka persiapan sertifikasi halal tersebut terutama produk cemaran babi dan turunannya pada warung makan yang berada di sekitar kecamatan Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Sosialisasi dilaksanakan dengan metode pemberian materi, tanya jawab, dan bertukar pengalaman, kemudian peningkatan pengetahuan diketahui dengan metode pre-test dan post-test pada 10 orang perwakilan tiap warung makan. Metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan peserta yang diukur dengan menggunakan pre-test dan post-test dan diuji statistic menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil yang didapatkan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan peserta pada produk yang mengandung cemaran babi dan turunannya, sehingga para pemilik warung makan tersebut dapat mewaspadai adanya cemaran babi pada bahan baku produk yang akan mereka jual.The Republic of Indonesia's Government has determined that all products circulating in Indonesia must be guaranteed halal. This regulation is contained in Law No.33 of 2014, and the preparation for implementation has been guarded by the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH). Thus, socialization is needed to prepare for halal certification, significantly pork contaminated products, and their derivatives at food stalls around Kartasura sub-district, Sukoharjo, Central Java. The socialization was carried out by using the method of providing material, question, and answer, and exchanging experiences, then increasing knowledge was known by the pre-test and post-test methods to 10 representatives of each food stall. The data analysis method in this study is a quantitative research method to determine the increase in participants' knowledge which is measured using pre-test and post-test and tested statistically using paired sample t-test. The results obtained from this community service are the increased knowledge of participants on products containing pork contaminants and their derivatives so that the owners of these food stalls can be aware of pork contamination in the raw materials for their products to sell.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 556-563
Rilyani Rilyani ◽  
Lelly Sugiyati

Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and effects on growth among infants 9-12 monthsBackground: Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy needs attention because it affects the development of the fetus they are carrying. During pregnancy are at risk of experiencing of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in adults if they have LILA <23.5 cm are at risk of maternal death, preterm delivery/low birth weight (LBW), death and impaired growth and development of infant. Base on data in Way Panji Public Health Centre reported that among maternal during pregnancy were of 43 (29.05%) who has LILA <23.5 cm.Purpose: To determine the relationship between maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and infant growth at the Way Panji Community Health Centre coverage area.Method: A quantitative by cross-sectional research, the population in this study were of 143 respondent as all maternal who had an infant aged 9-12 months in May 2020. Both of them observed such as a history of maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and infant growth when aged 9-12 months and bivariate analysis (Chi-Square).Results: Showing that the frequency distribution of maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, mostly with has sufficient in nutrition of 113 (79.0%) respondents and they have an infant with a normal growth of 107 (74.8%). There is a relationship between maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and infant growth (p-value 0.000: OR 5,314).Conclusion: There is a relationship between maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and infant growth in Way Panji Public Health Center coverage area Lampung-Indonesia. Suggestions to public health centre management to increase the promotion programme of maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and preventing poor growing of the infant by providing leaflets or posters also supplement nutritions for maternal during pregnancy.Keywords: Maternal; Nutritional status; Pregnancy; Infant; GrowthPendahuluan: Gizi ibu hamil perlu mendapat perhatian karena sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan janin yang dikandungnya, Wanita hamil berisiko mengalami KEK jika memiliki LILA < 23,5 cm. ibu hamil dengan KEK berisiko melahirkan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). BBLR akan membawa risiko kematian, dan gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. KEK juga dapat menjadi penyebab tidak langsung kematian ibu. Data dari Puskesmas Way Panji mengatakan bahwa terdapat 43 orang (29,05%) yang berisiko KEK dengan LILA < 23,5 cm.Tujuan: Diketahui Hubungan Status Gizi Ibu Masa Kehamilan Dengan Pertumbuhan Bayi Di Puskesmas Way Panji Kecamatan Way Panji Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian crossectional , Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Ibu Masa Kehamilan, Variabel dependen : Pertumbuhan bayi, variabel independent : gizi ibu saat hamil,   populasinya paraibu yang telah melahirkan dan bayinya usia 9-12 bulan dengan total sampel berjumlah 143 responden/bayi, dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020, dengan analisa univariat dan bivariat (Chi-Square).Hasil: Didapatkan Distribusi frekuensi status gizi ibu masa kehamilan, sebagian besar dengan gizi baik yaitu sebanyak 113 (79,0%)  responden. pertumbuhan bayi kategori normal yaitu sebanyak 107 (74,8%). Ada hubungan status gizi ibu masa kehamilan dengan pertumbuhan bayi  (p-value 0.000 :  OR 5,314).Simpulan: Ada hubungan status gizi ibu masa kehamilan dengan pertumbuhan bayi di Puskesmas Way Panji, Disarankan kepadapihak manajemen Puskesmas setempat supaya dapat meningkatan upaya promosi guna penurunan kejadian pertumbuhan bayi yang abnormal dan membantu terpenuhinya kebutuhan gizi atau nutrisi pada saat ibu dalam masa kehamilan dengan cara pemberian leaflet atau poster.

Sondang Sondang ◽  
Apri Yustika Saragih

One effort to elivate knowledge is health counseling. Counseling with various targets is more emphasized togroups of school children. The school environment is an extension of the family's hands in laying thefoundation of healthy living behavior in school children. In addition, 40% -50% of the total population is atschool children age, 6-12 years that health counseling efforts on school children's should be the foremostpriority. Health counseling in schools is integrated into the school health program (UKS). This study aimedto determine the effect of counseling with cartoon animation media to the level of students’ knowledge abouttooth brushing among the students of grade IV-B SD Negeri 104219 Tanjung Anom, Pancur BatuSubdistrict. The research used quasi experiment method with one group pre and post test while for thestatistic test, t-test dependent test was used. The result of t-Test dependent test was p value = 0,00, because p<0,05 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that this research showed that counseling withcartoon animation media had an effect to elevate knowledge about toothbrushing. It is expected that studentsexpand their insight and knowledge about how to brush the teeth properly and correctly and maintain theirdental and oral hygiene to avoid dental disease.

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