scholarly journals Pelatihan Kerajinan Eceng Gondok di Kecamatan Banyubiru untuk Menumbuhkan Wirausaha Baru

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ning Setiati ◽  
Amin Retnoningsih ◽  
Nur Kusuma Dewi

The aim of community service carried out by KKN students in Kebondowo Village and Demakan Village, Banyubiru District, located around Rawapening, is 1) to provide easy use of water hyacinth; 2) provide practical skills in the use of social media for marketing; 3) reduce the skill level of the skill briefing. The methods used in completing the objectives are 1) training in material assistance, 2) practical assistance to finishing, 3) business analysis and marketing. The results of these mentoring activities are: 1) increased workforce capable of making handicrafts from water hyacinth in a number of forms; 2) product marketing at the Rawa Pening lake attraction, Bukit Cinta and provincial level bazaar and expo events; also 3) helps businesses make social media also join in and fill content with product images. Overall, the outputs from this service were obtained and strived to be owned, strived to be independent, production, and consultation with UNNES.

Sindy Yulia Putri ◽  
Wiwiek Rukmi Dwi Astuti ◽  
Nurmasari Situmeang

With advances in digital technology, MSMEs have great opportunities to take part in it. Various SMEs in Serang Regency are still experiencing problems in promoting their merchandise. This community service program (PKM) aims to transfer knowledge about the use of social media to develop market access for MSMEs in Serang Regency. Indonesia is still facing the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the socialization and training methods are carried out through online webinars with interactive discussion. This discussion is useful for finding solutions to problems faced by MSME business actors in operating social media to increase income. The result of this PKM is that the participants understand the webinar material well. As many as 72.7% of participants have and will create virtual shops to promote their products and 63.6% of participants strongly agree that the ability to use social media is a must have to increase market access for MSME products.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ellyn Eka Wahyu ◽  
Pudji Herijanto ◽  
Masreviastuti Masreviastuti ◽  
Halid Hasan ◽  
Ahmad Suyono

Since 2018, social media had grown very rapidly. But in facts, this potential had not been maximized because according to APJII data, only 1.9 percent of people use social media to increase their income through selling online. In the Asrama Brimob Detasemen B, Ampeldento, Kabupaten Malang, there are many wives of soldiers who was housewives that did not have  any skills and also had income  steadyness. In addition, the second problem was that there are many wives of soldiers that only know about using social media as an activity to expand their friends. They also did not understand how to use social media as a tools of promoting and selling products, so it was hoped that it could be a source of additional income for the soldier's wife. From this problems, the Community Service Team (PkM) provided an alternative by giving a training to sold  various Pudding Product Marketing Training by using Instagram social media so that the markets will be wider. All participants were able to practice from the training results, by selling  products such as cakes and puddings through Instagram social media to the general public. We  also hoped that they could increased the income in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Feliza Zubair ◽  
Iriana Bakti ◽  
Yustikasari Yustikasari

The Empowerment of Skilled-Media Village Officials in Building Public Awareness and Concern for the Environment in Cikeruh Village, Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency The village government staff is the spearhead of the village government duty whose job is to deliver and process various information relating to government programs, both central and regional government. In this digital era, almost all information flow is carried out through social media. For this reason, a skilled and capable village government staff is needed, especially in using and utilizing social media devices. Through social media, the village government able to socialize the government's relay program and other information to residents. The village service of Cikeruh village through media social has not run optimally. Therefore, training in managing social media, especially in the socialization of environmental hygiene issues, must be held. Universitas Padjadjaran is one of the higher education institutions holding the mandate of community service through education and research activities. This community service integrated with student work college was held in Cikeruh village, Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency. The training method was lecture and discussion methods, as well as hands-on practice. Participants gained various knowledge related to message management and the use of social media, especially Facebook and Instagram. The results of the activity were the increasing of the knowing, attitudes, and behavior of participants in using Instagram and Facebook to increase effort in improving and restructuring the environment in Cikeruh Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Indra Gamayanto ◽  
Sendi Novianto ◽  
Hanny Haryanto

AbstrakSocial media adalah P2P, dimana kita banyak mengalami perubahan hidup, saat social media telah masuk ke dalam proses sehari-hari. social media menjadikan kita lebih cepat dan lebih efektif serta efesien dalam melakukan sesuatu, seperti: cara kita berkomunikasi, memperluas jaringan pertemanan untuk mengenal orang-orang baru dan koneksi, mengembangkan market melalui business online dan memberikan pengaruh kepada orang lain melalui kepemimpinan kita di social media. Artikel ini merupakan pengembangan dan pelatihan yang kita berikan di SMA Negeri 3 Semarang dengan mengacu pada hasil penelitian yang telah kami publikasikan sebelumnya. Siswa dan guru akan mampu memahami bagaimana cara memperluas produk/jasa yang ditawarkan oleh melalui business online, melalui lingkaran internal dan eksternal yang diperluas, berikutnya kita akan mampu memahami bagaimana cara menjadi seorang netizen yang bijaksana mulai dengan memiliki pengetahuan, data yang valid, contoh-contoh studi kasus dan implementasi serta solusi yang kita berikan sehingga akan dapat meningkatkan inovasi dalam memecahkan sebuah masalah. Lebih jauh lagi, kita akan memahami tipe-tipe kepemimpinan di social media, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui kita adalah tipe apa dalam hal memimpin dan memberikan pengaruh kepada orang lain melalui social media. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat, pelatihan dan penelitian ini adalah meningkatnya kompetensi siswa dan guru dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai penggunaan social media secara lebih efektif, efesien, tepat sasaran dan mampu bersaing secara global. Kata kunci: Social media, Profiling, Sumber Daya Manusia, Komunikasi, Wise netizen AbstractSocial media is P2P, where we have experienced many life changes, when social media has entered into our daily processes. social media makes us faster and more effective and efficient in doing things, such as: the way we communicate, expand our network of friends to get to know new people and connections, develop markets through online business and influence others through our leadership in social media. This article is a development and training that we provide at SMA Negeri 3 Semarang by referring to the research results that we have previously published. Students and teachers will be able to understand how to expand the products / services offered by online business, through expanded internal and external circles, then we will be able to understand how to become a wise netizen starting with having knowledge, valid data, examples- examples of case studies and implementation as well as solutions that we provide so that it will increase innovation in solving a problem. Furthermore, we will understand the types of leadership in social media, so that we can find out what type we are in terms of leading and influencing others through social media. The results of this community service, training and research are the increased competence of students and teachers in facing globalization and a deep understanding of the use of social media more effectively, efficiently, right on target and able to compete globally. Keywords: Social media, Profilling, Human Resource, Communication, Wise netizen

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 162-176
Ira Brunchilda Hubner ◽  
Juliana ◽  
Rudy Pramono ◽  
Sandra Maleachi ◽  
Deandra Asthyn Pakasi ◽  

The role of social media is very important for the advancement of various fields in this digital era. The existence of a pandemic and the rules that have been set, such as restrictions on the application of community activities have made many small and medium businesses, especially culinary products, have to sell their products online. The Faculty of Tourism of Pelita Harapan University has invited partners of Culinary Department SMKN7 to carry out Community Service (PkM) through a webinar entitled Training on the Use of Social Media in Promotion of Culinary Products. This PkM provides training to students of the Catering Department to be able to sell culinary products that are produced to be easily accepted by the community by utilizing the role of social media. This PkM is expected to be a lesson to broaden your horizons on how to use promotional strategies by maximizing the use of social media roles in promoting culinary products you want to sell. The method used is to conduct webinars with the zoom application. This webinar provides the results of a better understanding of the participants to increase creativity in developing strategies for compiling the content of the culinary products produced so that they are more accessible to the public.

Tanto Lailam ◽  
Awang Daru Murti

The focus of community service is the empowerment of women through the business development of wedang uwuh traditional beverage. Wedang uwuh is a traditional beverage that is famous among the people of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Wedang uwuh is a hot or warm beverage that has a sweet and spicy taste with bright red and fragrant aroma. This community service is motivated by the problems: the wedang uwuh business does not yet have a permit for household industrial products (PIRT), the manager does not understand how to market and make branding of wedang uwuh, wedang uwuh does not have packaging that fits the market target tourism, and others. To overcome this problem, in this service a variety of wedang uwuh business development activities were carried out: (1) efforts to manage PIRT permits, product marketing, and branding communication training, marketing training via social media, wedang uwuh packing training, and facilitation of business development tools and appropriate packaging tourist target

Phima Ruthia Dwikesumasari ◽  
Maurisia Putri Permatasari ◽  
Damar Kristanto

Background: Along with the development of digital media tools, the direction of marketing shifts from conventional to social media-oriented. However, this is not easily conducted by SME business circles. Many of them do not have high literacy, do not have IT coding skills. In addition, capitalizing as well as maintaining a website are costly for them. This fact encourages the SMEs to look at another opportunity, namely the use of social media. However, it proves that these SMEs have not utilized the use of social media with persuasive advertisements. Objective: This community service activity purposes to assist the SMEs in Surabaya creating their social media advertisements using the persuasion concept-elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to solve the problems in marketing. Methods: The methods used are (1) discussion; (2) training and assisting in making advertisements; (4) evaluating/monitoring. As a result of this community service activity, the SMEs that have been assisted are able to create persuasive social media advertisements and can improve their marketing performance. Results: These MSME owners are able to create advertisements using the ELM method and determine the performance of these advertisements. Conclusion: SME owners can create advertisements using the ELM method during the training period, conduct independent evaluations of advertisements, the sales performance of these SMEs tends to increase compared to the previous by creating advertisements using the ELM method, practical modules are provided so that making advertisements using same method can be practiced for current and future needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Alya Santika ◽  
Anisa Puji Lestari ◽  
Lisa Kumara ◽  
Muhammad Jajang ◽  
Nabila Khairunnisa

Kewirausahaan adalah sebuah proses dalam menciptakan sesuatu yang baru, dimana proses dalam pengerjaannya dilakukan dengan kreatif dan penuh dengan inovasi. Dengan adanya kewirausahaan di masa pandemi covid 19 dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk orang lain, menciptakan jaringan bisnis yang baru yang bisa menyerap banyak tenaga kerja di daerah asal, meningkatkan kesejahteraan kehidupan diri sendiri serta masyarakat sekitar dari usaha yang dijalankannya, serta kewirausahaan dapat menularkan dan mengembangkan semangat berwirausaha pada orang lain. Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Mahasiswa ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada pemuda Karang Taruna Dharma Temaja Sumurugul, Kecamatan Wanayasa Kabupaten Purwakarta Jawa Barat pentingnya kreatifitas dalam memanfaatkan media sosial sehingga dapat menumbuhkan jiwa kerwirausahaan di masa pandemi covid 19 guna meningkatkan perekonomian. Adapun metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah melalui video conference via google meet dengan memberikan materi serta diskusi pentingnya peran pemuda yang kreatif di era pandemi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini para peserta menjadi lebih mengerti dan memahami bagaimana menjadi pemuda yang kreatif dalam memanfaatkan sosial media sebagai salah sarana untuk meningkatkan perekonomian di era pandemi sehingga kedepannya diharapkan Pemuda Karang Taruna Dharma Temaja Sumurugul dapat memanfaatkan media sosial dengan maksimal dan memunculkan ide serta kreatifitas guna mendorong perekonomian daerah sekitar.Kata Kunci : Kewirausahaan, Media Sosial, Pandemi Covid 19 Entrepreneurship is a process in creating something new, where the process is done creatively and full of innovation. With entrepreneurship during the covid 19 pandemic new jobs can be opened for other people, create new business networks that can absorb a lot of workforce in the area of origin, improve the welfare of themselves and the surrounding community from the business they run, and entrepreneurship can transmit and develop entrepreneurial spirit in others. The purpose of this Student Community Service is to provide knowledge to youth of Karang Taruna Dharma Temaja Sumurugul, Wanayasa Subdistrict, Purwakarta Regency, West Java, the importance of creativity in utilizing social media so that it can foster an entrepreneurial spirit during the Covid-19 pandemic to improve the economy. The method of implementing this activity is through a video conference via Google meet by providing material and discussion of the importance of the role of creative youth in the pandemic era. The results of this activity the participants became more aware and understood how to become creative youths in utilizing social media as a means to improve the economy in the pandemic era so that in the future it is hoped that the Youth of Karang Taruna Dharma Temaja Sumurugul can make maximum use of social media and come up with ideas and creativity to use it. encourage the economy of the surrounding area.Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Covid 19 Pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 251
Siti Alvi Sholikhatin ◽  
Wanda Fitrianingsih ◽  
Sahira Dhiyaulhaq

ABSTRAKMedia sosial telah merubah gaya hidup masyarakat di era digital yang perkembangannya kini semakin pesat. Media sosial dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di berbagai bidang kehidupan, tak terkecuali di bidang pendidikan. Penggunaan media sosial selain untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar, juga sebagai media promosi institusi tersebut kepada masyarakat luas. Popularitas media sosial mempengaruhi rating dan bagaimana seseorang menciptakan branding untuk diri mereka. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi yang efektif agar media sosial yang digunakan dapat memberikan manfaat yang optimal. Aspek lain yang tak kalah penting adalah menjaga keamanan informasi data diri seseorang di akun media sosial. Oleh sebab itu, pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran diri akan pentingnya menjaga keamanan informasi data diri perlu terus digalakkan, terutama di kalangan guru yang menjadi penggiat media sosial baik untuk kepentingan pribadi maupun institusi. Menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, maka diadakan workshop tentang keamanan data diri dan konten media sosial. Tujuan diadakannya workshop ini adalah untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga keamanan data pribadi sekaligus mempelajari strategi tentang peningkatan popularitas konten di media sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan workshop ini adalah dengan penyampaian materi dalam bentuk ceramah, hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini yaitu sebanyak 90% guru di SMP Negeri 3 Purbalingga menilai bahwa workshop ini sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kesadaran dalam menjaga data pribadi di akun media sosial. Kata kunci: pengabdian masyarakat; workshop; media sosial; keamanan; data pribadi. ABSTRACTSocial media has changed the lifestyle of people in the digital era. Social media is used in various fields, including education. The use of social media is not only to support the teaching process and learning activities, but also to promote the institution to the wider community. The popularity of social media influences rating and how a person creates branding for themselves. Therefore, an effective strategy is needed so that the social media can provide optimal benefits. Another aspect that is also important is the security of personal data on social media accounts. Thus, knowledge to increase self-awareness of the importance of maintaining the security of personal data information needs to be continuously promoted, especially among teachers who are social media activists for both personal and institutional interests. Responding to the need, workshop about privacy security and social media content was held.   This workshop is conducted with the main goal is to raise the awareness of privacy security and strategic ways to improve popularity in social media. The method used in this workshop is a lecture performed in front of the audience, and the result shows as many as 90% of teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Purbalingga considered this workshop is useful to increase knowledge and awareness in maintaining personal data on social media accounts. Keywords: community service; workshop; social media; security; personal data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 896
Ulung Pribadi ◽  
Juhari Juhari ◽  
Rossi Maunofa Widayat

ABSTRAKPendapatan pengusaha UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah) Kripik Pisang Ibu Siti dan Geblek Buk Tuminem mengalami penurunan semenjak pandemi covid-19. Selain itu juga adanya beberapa keterbatasan pada kedua UMKM tersebut pada proses penjualan antara lain, packaging produk masih sederhana dengan cara manual sehingga produk yang akan dipasarkan tidak tahan lama, belum memiliki label kemasan, dan pemasaran produk masih belum luas. Dari permasalahan mitra tersebut UMY melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang disinergikan melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) memiliki beberapa program kegiatan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra. Program ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas penjualan serta pemasaran Kripik Pisang Ibu Siti dan Geblek Ibu Tuminem ditengah pandemi covid-19. Kedua UMKM telah diberikan sosialisasi serta pelatihan menggunakan media sosial di era digitalisasi dan untuk membantu pemilik UMKM dalam mengatasi penurunan penjualan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Tim pengabdi telah membuatkan akun media sosial, dan juga telah membuatkan logo dan pamflet yang nantinya akan disebarkan melalui media sosial agar dapat meningkatkan hasil penjualan. Serta menciptakan packaging product yang menarik sehingga menambahkan daya tarik konsumen. Kata_kunci : optimalisasi; UMKM “Kripik Pisang” “Geblek”;  media  sosial; manajemen pemasaran. ABSTRACTEntrepreneurs of "kripik pisang" led by Mrs. Siti and "geblek" led by Mrs. Tuminem are facing big problems, especially in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. First, these Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (“MSMEs”) do not utilize the internet and social media networks to market their products. Second, they haven't packaging products that attract consumers' attention. Third, they do not manage their finances well. Therefore, they get a small income and even tend to decline. The UMY Community Service Team and KKN students have implemented programs and activities to empower these entrepreneurs. First, this team has socialized and taught how to create attractive accounts on the internet and social media to expand product marketing. Second, this team has helped the small entrepreneur to package and label innovative products. Third, this team helps the entrepreneur to properly manage the company's finances. This team hopes to realize the goal, namely that small entrepreneurs can expand product marketing and increase consumers. That way, they can get a significant increase in income. Keywords: "UMKM"; "kripik pisang" "geblek"; financial management; social media; marketing management

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