scholarly journals Trilogi Demografis Pendidikan Anak Usia Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD)

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-191
Nurhadi Nurhadi

Education is the most important organ in social change in a better direction, individually and in groups of people and even a country. The agenda of change is the noble ideals of human nature. This is impossible if it doesn't start early. Measures for change starting from the education of children, early childhood and childhood is a golden age, to realize gold in their lives in the future requires education, teaching and habituation in every corner of children's activities, both at home, school and in the community. Therefore a measurable and realistic theory is needed. Among the actual and relevant theories in the community are the demographic trilogy. A theory that teaches environment-based education, both the family environment (home), the educational environment (school) and the community environment. The meaning of the family environment is to educate children of childhood as the age of gold in the area of their daily living quarters. It starts from giving a good name, giving halal food, cultivating it and getting used to listening to the revelation of the Qur'an in his home. Furthermore the educational environment, children in childhood should receive education from educational institutions that can deliver to a pure human identity, which always serves the divine rabbi. For this reason, the child should get an education from the Islamic elementary school or Integrated Islamic Primary School (SDIT) which is based on the development of divine nature. While the most prominent community environment is a mosque or prayer room. So the age of children at the age of basic standards must be accustomed to attending, praying and studying in mosques or mushollah. If the demographic trilogy of education for children at the age of the madrasa is elaborated in education as old as the age of Islam, of course the purpose of Islamic education will be realized, namely to make people who have moral character.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
I Kadek Ruminten ◽  
Gusti Nyoman Mastini

<pre><em>Human are creatures that struggle intensely with education. That is why humans are called the animal educandum and animal educandus at the same time as educated creatures and educational creatures. In other words, humans are creatures who are always involved in the process of education, both those done to others and to themselves. Weak character in the Indonesian people by fighting bad characters. The mental revolution in the nation consists of 18 characters that must be resisted, namely negative thinking, delaying work, not focusing, lacking in confidence, always pessimistic, lazy, ignorant, easy to give up, greedy, selfish, wasteful, dishonest, anti-change, avoid responsibility, lack commitment, underestimate quality, feudal and hypocritical. Because this condition is background of the birth in  character education consisting of 18 characters contained in the Indonesian nation's education, namely: religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the country, respect for achievement<span style="text-decoration: underline;">,</span> friendly / communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, caring for the environment, social care, and responsibility </em>(Jurnal kalangwan, Vol. 6, No. 1, Maret 2016:82).<em> Character education has the same essence and meaning as moral education and noble moral education. The aim is to shape the child's personality so that they become better</em><em> </em><em>human beings, good citizens and citizens. Entering the millennial era, various changes occurred very rapidly. The main characteristic of the change that is happening in this millennial era is the rapid cultural change, so that the impact of educational institutions is </em><em>doubtful, so</em><em> that character education is not sufficiently taught within the school </em><em>environment, but</em><em> </em><em>more importantly</em><em> to be taught in the family environment because the family environment is the first and foremost child learning place. </em><em>As well as character education can be made through a good community environment. Because of character development, it is influenced by the community environment where they live and play. The influence of society is very influential in association in the current millennial era. Because of new trends and new understandings adopted from westernization and globalization. So the way to grow character education through the family environment is the first and foremost place, supported by education in the school and community environment.</em></pre>

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Luluk Atirotu Zahroh

Anti-violence education implemented in various educational environment, equally important the family environment. The impact of violence against spiritual emotional intelligence development of children leads to the negative things. Include that realize or not, violence that showed by parents have instilled hatred and excessive fear in children. Violence will infuse stubborn and rude in children, give wound in the hearts of children until they are adults. Islam teaches anti-violence education, especially on the early chilhood education, have to carry out with great affection. Many verses of the holy Koran which instruct to educate children with affection. The term like qaulan layyinan, qaulan ma'rufan and so on are some command to teach and interact with students full with love and through the good ways. Keyword: anti-violence education, early chilhood. Pendidikan anti kekerasan diterapkan di berbagai lingkungan pendidikan, dan tidak kalah pentingnya yaitu lingkungan keluarga. Dampak kekerasan orang tua terhadap perkembangan kecerdasan emosional spiritual anak ini mengarah pada hal-hal yang negatif. Dampak tersebut diantaranya adalah: sadar atau tidak kekerasan yang dilakukan orang tua telah menanamkan kebencian dan rasa takut yang berlebihan pada diri anak. Kekerasan akan menanamkan sifat keras dan sikap kasar pada diri anak, membekaskan luka di hati anak hingga mereka dewasa. Islam mengajarkan pendidikan yang bersifat anti kekerasan, apalagi dalam konteks mendidik anak usia dini, dilakukan dengan penuh kasih sayang. Banyak ayat al-Qur’an yang memerintahkan mendidik anak dengan kasih sayang kepada putra-putranya yang masih kecil. Bahasa qaulan layyinan, qaulan ma’rufan dan sebagainya merupakan perintah untuk mendidik dan berinteraksi dengan anak didik dengan penuh kasih sayang dan cara yang baik. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Anti Kekerasan, Anak Usia Dini.

Fitria Nuraini ◽  
Toni Anwar Mahmud

The title of the research is The Role of Parents in Shaping the Character of Children in the Globalization Era in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. In the current era of globalization, there are many influences, both positive and negative. This negative influence must be avoided because it can affect a person's habits, attitudes, and behavior. Character education is one of the important things that must be applied in the family environment. Parents must reflect good attitudes and habits in interacting in the family environment and in the community environment. This is important for fostering good attitudes and habits in children. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of parents in improving children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What factors can influence the formation of children's character in the era of globalization, Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. What efforts are made by parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This study aims to determine the role of parents in shaping children's character in the era of globalization in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. The subjects of this study were 6 parents and 6 children in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data analysis in qualitative research is by doing data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Masigit Village, Citangkil Village, Cilegon City has been good in shaping children's character in the era of globalization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Andi Makmur ◽  
Mustari Bosra ◽  
Bahri Bahri

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa yang melatar belakangi pemikiran dan perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, bagaimana pemikiran Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, serta Perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said.Prosedur dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan tahapan: Heuristik, Kritik, Interpretasi dan Historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang melatar belakangi pemikiran dan perjuangan Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said ialah pendidikan yang beliau dapat dari keluarga yang memang mencintai agama, serta pendidikan yang telah diperolehnya di pondok Pesantren As’adiyah Sengkang. Pemikiran Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said meliputi, pemikiran keagamaan, kenegaraan, dan pendidikan Islam. Beliau selalu menekankan kepada setiap muridnya untuk menjadikan Al’Qur’an dan Hadist sebagai pedoman utama dalam menjalankan syariat Islam. Selain itu beliau juga menekankan untuk tetap patuh terhadap pemerintah yang ada dan tetap bersikap netral tanpa memihak satu parpol tertentu. Keterlibatannya dengan gerakan DI/TII bukan karena beliau sepenuhnya setuju dengan gerakan tersebut, melainkan untuk melindungi keluarganya agar tidak tidak dipaksa untuk terlibat dalam gerakan tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemikiran beliau tehradap pendidikan islam, keagamaan dan kenegaraan beliau peroleh dari lingkungan keluarga dan lembaga Pendidikan yang fokus terhadap agama. Setelah memutuskan untuk keluar dari gerakan DI/TII pada tahun 1961. Beliau melakuakan begitu banyak perjuangan, baik itu dalam mencari lokasi untuk mendirikan Pondok Pesantren Darrul Huffadh hingga perjuangan untuk mempertahankan Pondok Pesantren tersebut.Kata Kunci: Anregurutta, Pondok Pesantren, Darrul Huffadh,This this study aims to find out what lies behind the thoughts and struggles of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, how the thoughts of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said, and the Struggle of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said. The procedure in this study uses historical methods with stages: Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. The results showed that the background of the thoughts and struggles of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said was education that he got from families who really loved religion, and the education he had obtained in the Sengkang As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School. The thoughts of Anregurutta Haji Lanre Said include, religious thought, statehood, and Islamic education. He always emphasizes to each of his students to make Al'Quran and Hadith the main guideline in carrying out Islamic law. In addition, he also stressed to remain obedient to the existing government and remain neutral without taking sides for certain political parties. His involvement with the DI / TII movement was not because he fully agreed with the movement, but rather to protect his family so that he was not forced to become involved in the movement. From the results of this study it can be concluded that his thoughts on Islamic, religious and state education were obtained from the family environment and educational institutions that focused on religion. After deciding to leave the DI / TII movement in 1961. He carried out so many struggles, both in finding locations to establish Darrul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School to the struggle to maintain the Islamic Boarding school Keyword : Anregurutta, Islamic Boarding School, Darrul Huffadh

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 1282
Daviq Chairilsyah

The golden age is a critical period where parents must provide discipline as an initial foundation for children to be able to apply discipline early on. Cultivation of discipline needs to start as early as possible starting from within the family, the educational environment, and the community environment. This article will use the literature review method sourced from books and scientific journals in explaining the definition of discipline, the importance of discipline, and the discipline of learning strategies that can be carried out in early childhood. The purpose of writing this article is to give readers an understanding of the importance of discipline and strategies that can be done by parents and teachers in teaching discipline to young children.The things that can be done by parents and teachers is by practising the discipline of children routinely and consistently, getting used to behaving by values based on moral standards, and the need for parental control to develop internalized children. Besides, also recognize the age and stage of child development, invite children to talk from heart to heart, apply the consequences they receive when doing an action and finally give praise to the child when it is disciplined

Sarbaini Sarbaini ◽  
Gusti Muhammad Irhamna Husin ◽  
M Ihsanul Arief ◽  
Noor Ainah

One of the visible forms of worship is reading, studying and practicing the contents of the Koran. The ability to read the Koran properly that is owned by a person will increase the enthusiasm to deepen it. Thus, fluency and accuracy in reciting the recitation of the Koran is very important for everyone, because it will lead to validity and failure of one's prayers, and also an encouragement to deepen the study of the Koran. This research was conducted at Lambung Mangkurat University in the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Medicine (FK). The focus of research on students' religious behavior is assessed by their ability to read the Koran by the behavior they display in their daily lives. The method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. Data were collected using participant observation and dept interview techniques. The interview approach used was structured interviews and free interviews. The research was conducted for two months, (October-November, 2019). Data checking was carried out through focus group discussions. There are three categories that this research produces: first, students who have high quality; second, students who have medium quality; and third, have low quality in reading the Koran. The factors that become the difference in quality are caused by the influence of the family environment, the influence of the previous educational environment, and the influence of the community environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Ahmad Shofiyuddin Ichsan

This study aims to describe the thoughts of Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi in education, how the educational methods are used, and what is the relevance of An-Nahlawi's educational thinking in revisiting value education of the primary education in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research with a type of library research, while the approach used is discourse analysis. The results obtained are that to develop the potential of students to create value education, An-Nahlawi offers six varied learning methods sourced from the scriptures (the Qur'an and Hadith). An-Nahlawi also requires that education must be tiered. An-Nahlawi emphasizes that education is a shared task or responsibility, namely the school environment, the community environment (including student’s digital social environment), and the family environment. Therefore, herein lies the relevance of the value education concept on An-Nahlawi’s perspective with primary education in Indonesia, especially in the context of the current millennial era.   Keywords: Value Education, Primary Education, Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-75
Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim

This article aims to export the History of Islamic Education which has lasted approximately 14 centuriesago, that is, since the prophet Muhammad was sent to be an apostle. Initially education took place simply,with the mosque as the center of the learning process, the Koran and Hadith as the main curriculum of theProphet himself acted as a teacher in the education process, but after the Prophet's death Islam continuedto develop to the end of the Arabian peninsula. Islamic educational institutions are very important inachieving the success of the education process, because the institution functions as a mediator inregulating the course of the educational process. Nowadays it seems that education cannot be called ifthere is no institution. Because education plays a central role in Islam. Science becomes the backbone ofIslamic teachings. More than 800 verses of the Qur’an mention, allude or discuss the importance of science.Just a comparison, only 90 Qur'anic verses discuss fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence. Islamic education, is veryclosely related to educational institutions because an Islamic education has an institution that helps.Islamic educational institutions are a place or place where the process of Islamic education takes placesimultaneously with the process of civilization, and it starts from the family environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 83

Sexual behavior is all behavior that is driven by sexual desire that is naturally owned by each human being. But the influence of various environments on child sexual behavior, making each child has different sexual behavior. One environment that plays a major role in contributing to child sexual behavior is the family environment. The contribution of the family in building the child’s sexual behavior can be done in the form of: (1) Provision of sex education for the child (2)Parental supervision on child sex behavior and (3) Parental attention to children’s activities. By considering these three things, the child’s sexual behavior can be safeguarded early and can prevent sexual behaviors that should not have occurred at the age of the basic child. Keywords: Family Contribution, Sexual Behavior, Basic Age

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