2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Yudistira Adi Nugroho

The results of the identification of training needs indicate that there are still several types of training that cannot be implemented. One of the contributing factors is the development of training programs in both technical training and functional training have not been fully implemented. This study aims to analyze the role and interests of stakeholders in the development of training programs at the Training Office for Apparatus of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.          For research purposes, the method used in this study consisted of qualitative descriptive methods. Data retrieval is done by means of field research through interviews with several informants. The selection of informants is based on purposive sampling technique, namely the technique of selecting informants to get data sources based on people who are considered to know the best about what the researchers expect. While data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and deducing data.         The results showed: 1) Key stakeholders in the development of the training program consisted of the Marine and Fisheries Counseling and Training Center, Head of the Apparatus Training Center (BDA), Head of Training Organization Section, Head of Program, Monitoring and Evaluation Section, Trainers, and Private Professional, 2) Key stakeholders have a large role and interest in the development of training programs, and 3) Development of training programs needs to involve other stakeholders, namely latent stakeholders, defenders stakeholder, and aphatetic stakeholders.Keywords: Roles, Interest, Stakholder, Training Program Hasil identifikasi kebutuhan diklat menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat beberapa jenis diklat yang belum dapat dilaksanakan. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah pengembangan program diklat baik diklat teknis maupun diklat fungsional belum dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran dan kepentingan stakeholder dalam pengembangan program diklat di Balai Diklat Aparatur Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.        Untuk keperluan penelitian, metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara penelitian lapangan melalui wawancara dengan beberapa informan. Pemilihan informan didasarkan pada teknik purposive sampling yaitu teknik pemilihan informan untuk mendapatkan sumber data berdasarkan orang yang dianggap paling mengetahui tentang apa yang diharapkan peneliti. Sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menyimpulkan data.        Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : 1) Stakeholder kunci dalam pengembangan program diklat terdiri dari Pusat Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan Kelautan dan Perikanan (Puslatluh KP), Kepala Balai Diklat Aparatur (BDA), Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha BDA, Kepala Seksi Program, Monitoring, dan Evaluasi BDA, Widyaiswara BDA dan Swasta Profesional, 2) Stakeholder kunci memiliki peran dan kepentingan yang besar dalam pengembangan program diklat, dan 3) Pengembangan program diklat perlu melibatkan stakeholder lain yakni stakholder latent, stakholder defender, dan stakholder aphatetic. Kata Kunci: Peran, Kepentingan, Stakeholder, Program Diklat

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Teuku Amnar Saputra

Pandemi Covid-19 telah mewabah di hampir seluruh Dunia tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Kondisi ini membuat sebagian orang cemas dan bahkan panik. Potensi panik ini dapat menyerang siapapun tidak terkecuali mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kepanikan dan resiliensi mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi partisipan dan wawancara dengan menggunakan Whatsapp. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara reduksi, penyajian dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa pasca sarjana tidak menunjukkan gejala kepanikan melainkan rasa kekhawatiran terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Mahasiswa pascasarjana Aceh-Yogyakarta juga memiliki resiliensi dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini terlihat dari kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menghadapi situasi dengan tenang dan menentukan langkah yang rasional dalam berbagai tindakan serta memiliki pandangan positif dalam menghadapi tantangan yang sedang dihadapi. Adapun bentuk-bentuk resiliensinya meliputi mengikuti instruksi dari pemerintah, meningkatkan daya tahan atau imun, mengurangi akses terhadap informasi Covid-19, mengambil hikmah dari Covid-19, menyerahkan segalanya kepada Allah SWT.__________________________________________________________Covid-19 pandemic has plague almost all of the World including Indonesia. This condition makes some people anxious and even panic. This potential panic can strike anyone, including students. This study aims to see the panic and resilience of Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a field research (Field Research) using a qualitative approach. The research method uses descriptive analytical method. Data collection is done by participant observation and interviews using Whatsapp. The sampling technique in this study uses purposive sampling that is sampling based on criteria determined by the researcher. Data analysis was carried out by means of reduction, presentation and conclusion. The results showed that post graduate students did not show symptoms of panic but rather a sense of concern for the Covid-19 pandemic. Aceh-Yogyakarta postgraduate students also have resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the ability of students to deal with situations calmly and determine rational steps in various actions and have a positive outlook in facing the challenges being faced. The forms of resilience include following instructions from the government, increasing endurance or immunity, reducing access to Covid-19 information, taking wisdom from Covid-19, giving everything to Allah SWT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Ilman Suhdi ◽  
Murniyetti Murniyetti

This study aims to determine the Strategy of Guiding Troubled in Islamic Religious Guidance for Teenagers in North Padang Mantinggi Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency. This research is a type of field research using qualitative methods. Sources of data were taken from three informants consisting of coaches of trouble, five parents of teenagers, and fifteen members of teenagers using purposive sampling technique. Research data were taken through in-depth interviews with all informants. The results showed that the Guidance Strategy for Guidance in Islamic religious development for adolescents in Padang Mantinggi Utara Village, Rao District, Pasaman Regency, was by carrying out positive activities favored by teenagers, such as soccer and pencak silat training for teenage boys, marawis training. or tambourine and rhythm training for teenage girls. So that with positive activities it will be easier to direct teenagers to explore religious issues by participating in regular recitations in the hope that teenagers can have better knowledge of the Islamic religion

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-194
Endri Wiranto ◽  
Bertika Kusuma Prastiwi ◽  
Donny Anhar Fahmi

The purpose of this research is for background abilities Passing Triangle and Passing Zig-Zag futsal extracurricular in SMA Negeri 2 Kendal. This research is an experimental study with a two group pretest-posttest method. The subjects of this study are 15 students of SMA Negeri 2 Kendal in the 15-17 age category, the sample taken is using purposive sampling technique, the instruments used in this study were wall passing, accuracy. The results of the research on the effect of the soccer resistance test training to improve the passing conditions of extracurricular students at SMA Negeri 2 Kendal during the football test had an increase as indicated by the value of Sig. (0.001) <? (0.05) which means that H0 is rejected. So there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest in the practice of the football test in terms of increasing the accuracy of triangular passing and zigzag passing in the futsal ball extracurricular students of SMA Negeri 2 Kendal so that there is an effect of passing practice on increasing the accuracy of triangular passing and zigzag passing on extracurricular students of SMA Negeri 2 Kendal. The conclusions and suggestions from the results of this study can be used as a benchmark in compiling training programs. Keywords: Training Methods, triangle passing, zigzag passing and futsal

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Kharisma Imam Adinata

The purpose of this research was to describe results evaluation of implementation halal slaughter vocational training at International Livestock Training Center Batu East Java using a qualitative descriptive method. The selection of informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Data is tabulated from interviews with informants. Data analysis was carried out by classifying and taking the connection between the interview data. Validity of the data was tested by using triangulation technique data sources based on interviews with informants.

Responsive ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Moch. Benny Alexandri ◽  
Michelia Putri Catherina Sujatna

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor intern bank dan faktor ekstern bank terhadap kredit macet pada PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan menggunakan kusioner dan melakukan wawancara, sedangkan untuk data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah kredit macet pada PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna pada tahun 2018 yang berjumlah 46 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan non probability sampling menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis, dan korelasi determinasi.Hasil dari penelitian ini variabel yang paling dominan adalah faktor esktern bank. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh faktor intern bank dan faktor ekstern bank terhadap kredit macet pada PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya. Dimana besarnya kontribusi faktor penyebab kredit macet terhadap kredit macet pada PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang sedang.Kata Kunci : Kredit Macet, NPL, Bank Perkreditan Rakyat   AbstractThis research aims to determine the factors internal bank and factor external bank of causing non performing loans at PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya. The research method that was used in this research is descriptive quantitative approach. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires and conducting interviews, while for secondary data obtained through literature study. The population in this study is non performing loans customers at PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna in 2018 as many as 46 people. The sampling technique that was used is non probability sampling and done by using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique that was used is a multiple linear regression test, classic assumption test, hypothesis test, and the coefficient of determination.The results of the research are the most dominant variable is factor external bank. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an influence of factor internal bank and factor external bank  to non performing loans at PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya. Where the magnitude of the contributing factors causing of non performing loans to non performing loans at PT. BPR Banjar Arthasariguna Tasikmalaya showed a moderate influence.Keywords: Non Performing Loans, NPL, Rural Credit

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-69
Nenden Susilowati

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi, disiplin dan pengalaman terhadap produktivitas jamu pada masyarakat Argomulyo di tengah pandemi. Penelitian ini berjenis eksplanatif. Populasi dari penelitian adalah masyarakat di Kelurahan Argomulyo. Sampel sejumlah 35 pedagang jamu tradisional dengan pengambilan sampel melalui teknik purposive sampling. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dihasilkan dari penelitian lapangan. Data dikumpulkan lewat angket dan proses pengamatan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, motivasi memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas. Kedua, displin memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap produktivitas. Ketiga, pengalaman memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas.  Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, the discipline and experience on the productivity of herbal medicine in the Argomulyo community during a pandemic. This research is of an explanative type. The population of this research is the people in Argomulyo Village. The sample was 35 traditional herbal medicine traders with a purposive sampling technique. The data used are primary data generated from field research. Data were collected through questionnaires and observation processes. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, motivation has a significant effect on productivity. Second, the discipline has a significant effect on productivity. The three, experiences have a significant influence on productivity. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 703
Fathiyah Mohd Fakhruddin ◽  
Siti Suria Salim ◽  
Siti Aishah Hassan ◽  
Asmawati Suhid ◽  
Shamsudin Othman

Ulul Albab education is an education that offers in selected secondary schools in Malaysia. In the context of the teachers at the Ulul Albab schools, the in-service program is essential as the existing pre-service programs do not directly focus on the concept of Ulul Albab education. This qualitative study aims to examine the design and implementation of the Ulul Albab teacher training program at Imtiaz secondary schools. This qualitative study employed the case study method by interviewing six participants using a purposive sampling technique consisting of Ulul Albab program coordinators, Imtiaz secondary school principal, and four teachers at Imtiaz secondary schools who performed Ulul Albab programs. The findings showed that there are several designs of teacher training programs such as Quranic culture, explanation of school mission, benchmarking visits to excellent schools, and the emphasis on holistic education concept. The findings of the study also indicate that the implementation of teacher training programs should be carried out periodically, and consistently by the school and relevant departments. This study has important implications for professional development programs for Ulul Albab teachers during their services, especially on the aspects that have been highlighted in the study findings.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Evie Sandra Purnamasari ◽  
Fery Agusman

Menurut RISKESDAS tahun 2013, prevalensi stroke di Indonesia berdasarkan diagnosis tenaga kesehatan sebesar 7,0 per mil dan yang berdasarkan diagnosis tenaga kesehatan atau gejala sebesar 12,1 per mil. Jadi, sebanyak 57,9% penyakit stroke telah terdiagnosis oleh tenaga kesehatan. Prevalensi Stroke berdasarkan terdiagnosis tenaga kesehatan dan gejala tertinggi terdapat di Sulawesi Selatan (17,9%), DI Yogyakarta (16,9%), Sulawesi Tengah (16,6%), diikuti Jawa Timur sebesar 16 per mil. Prevalensi jumlah penderita stroke sama banyak baik pada laki-laki maupun perempuan. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas Terapi Bobath terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Activity Daily Living (ADL) pada Penderita Pasca Stroke Iskemik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian quasy eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua penderita pasca stroke iskemik berjumlah 60 orang. Sampel sebanyak 15 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Kemampuan ADL pada penderita pasca stroke iskemik sebelum diberikan terapi bobath rata-rata adalah 79,67 dengan standard deviasi 7,898. Kemampuan ADL pada penderita pasca stroke iskemik sesudah diberikan terapi bobath rata-rata adalah 86 dengan standard deviasi 6,601. ada pengaruh terapi bobath terhadap peningkatan kemampuan ADL pada penderita pasca stroke iskemik. Diharapkan pada penelitian mendatang agar dapat lebih menyempurnakan penelitian berikutnya dengan menambah metode pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara terstruktur dan observasi. Kata kunci            :  Efektivitas, terapi bobath, kemampuan ADL, stroke iskemik  THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BOBATH THERAPHY OF ENHANCING CAPABILITY OF ACTIVITY DAILY LIVING (ADL) IN PATIENTS AFTER STROKE AT REHABILITATION UNIT AT SUNAN KALIJAGA HOSPITAL DEMAK ABSTRACTAccording to RISKESDAS in 2013, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia based on the diagnosis of health workers were 7,0 per mile and according to diagnosis or symptoms were 12.1 per mile. So, there are 57.9 % of stroke has been diagnosed by a health worker. Prevalence of stroke diagnosed by health professionals and symptoms was highest in South Sulawesi (17.9%), DI Yogyakarta (16.9%), Central Sulawesi (16.6%), followed by East Java with 16 per mile. Prevalence of stroke survivors just as much good in men and women. This study was determine the effectiveness of bobath theraphy of enhancing capability of activity daily living (ADL) in patients after stroke. This research was quantitative research design quasy experimental approach to one group pretest - posttest design. The population in this study were all patients after ischemic stroke of 60 people. The sample were 15 respondents to the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Analysis of the data used were univariate and bivariate analysis. The ability of  in patients after ischemic stroke before therapy was given with average 79.67 with a standard deviation of 7.898. Ability ADL in patients after ischemic stroke after therapy was given with average 86 with a standard deviation of 6.601. No influence bobath therapy to increase the ability of ADL in patients after ischemic stroke. It is expected that in future research in order to further enhance subsequent research by increasing the data retrieval methods by means of a structured interview and observation. Keywords             :  Effectiveness, bobath theraphy , ADL abilities , ischemic stroke

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jayens Alotia ◽  
Saroyo Saroyo ◽  
Sendy Rondonuwu

Biodiversitas Burung pada Perkebunan Kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara(Bird Biodiversity in Coconut Plantation in North Minahasa Distric, North Sulawesi Province) Jayens Alotia1)*, Saroyo1), Sendy Rondonuwu1)1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115*Email korespondensi: [email protected] Diterima  1 Februari 2019, diterima untuk dipublikasi 28 Februari  2019 Abstrak Burung memerlukan tempat atau ruang yang digunakan untuk mencari makan, minum, berlindung, bermain, dan tempat berkembang biak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biodiversitas burung pada habitat perkebunan kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2017 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2018 di perkebunan kelapa di Desa Maumbi, Desa Tatelu dan Desa Pinili  Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.  Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Teknik penentuan petak contoh menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Petak contoh ditentukan sebanyak 3 transek berbentuk garis transek (line transect) dengan panjang masing-masing transek 2000 m dan lebar 20 m dengan pengambilan data sebanyak 5 kali. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebanyak 23 jenis burung dengan indeks biodiversitas sebesar 2.76, dari 23 jenis burung tersebut diketahui jumlah jenis burung yang dianggap kurang mengkhawatirkan (LC) terdapat 21 jenis burung, sedangkan status rentan (VU) terdapat 1 jenis yaitu Penelopides exarhatus dan status hampir punah (NT) terdapat satu jenis yaitu Accipiter nanus.Kata kunci: biodiversitas, burung, perkebunan kelapa, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Abstract Birds buy places or spaces that are used to find food, drink, shelter, play, and breed. This study aims to analyze biodiversity in coconut plantation habitat in North Minahasa Regency. Data collection was carried out from December 2017 to March 2018 in coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province in Maumbi Village, Tatelu Village, Pinili Village. Data retrieval is done using the survey method. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method which is a sample selection technique with certain considerations. Sample plots are determined by 3 transects, forming line transects (line transects) with the length of each transect of 2000 m and width of 20 m by taking data 5 times. Based on research conducted in plantation habitats, North Minahasa Regency obtained research on species of birds on plantations in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, which consisted of 23 species of birds with a biodiversity index of 2.76, of 23 species of birds there are according to the type of bird that is considered less alarming (LC) there are 21 species of birds, while the vulnerable status (VU) there is 1 type, Penelopides exarhatus and the status is almost extinct (NT) there is 1 type, Accipiter nanus. Keywords: biodiversity, birds, coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 127-154
Vissia Dewi Haptari

Education and training (training) is an integral part of human resource development is always oriented to the improvement of the quality and capabilities of human resources. The development of human resources through education and training is one of the media that are considered strategic, because training is a powerful tool to improve knowledge (knowledge), skills (skills) and attitude (attitude). In order to maintain the quality and validity of training, as well as to adjust the training program to the needs of the user unit as well as to accommodate external dynamics, always do the evaluation and improvement on the educational and training has collected, either a refinement of the guidelines of education and training, curriculum, and teaching materials, methods of evaluation , teaching methods, improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure, financing, teacher / instructor, and human resources training organizer itself. Technically, indicators of the success of the work plan of an organization can be found by doing a comparison between actual planned and conduct the development program on the potential possessed. Implementation of the program is called optimal if the compiled program can be realized both in the type of training, the amount of training, and the realization of the training participants, as well as to revise the minimum education and training program and all the potential has to be managed properly. The gap between the desire and the fact this is what will be formulated and ends with the identification of the problems with using the Force Field Analysis (FFA). In planning the optimization of the training program, it is necessary to identify the factors that encourage and inhibit both internally and externally that contribute directly or indirectly tehadap optimization of planning education and training programs. Factors driving and inhibiting obtained under observation in everyday work, discussions with actors training activities, and direct input / written from stakeholders. The driving factors that influence the optimization of the planning of training programs at the Training Center of Tax (a) HR Training Center Tax competent, (b) Requirement K / L & SOE's Tax Training, (c) Support Support Information Technology, (d) Changes in process DGT business, (e) availability of training program development forum, (f) diaplikasikannya e-learning program, (g) availability of training curriculum, and (h) Flexibility in applying the method of training. Inhibiting factors affecting the optimization of the planning of training programs at the Training Center of Tax (a) The lack of quality of the results Coordination, (b) Lack of pattern formation, (c) lack of Total Widyaiswara, (d) There are inadequate facilities and infrastructure, (e) Lack of flexibility Change Financing, (f) Delayed Dialing process Participant Training, (g) Limitation of Training time by User, and (h) Limitations of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Based on the results of a series of calculations / analyzes compiled force field diagram of each Total Weight Value (TNB) the drivers / inhibitors are, then formulated a strategy to maximize and minimize the factors driving and inhibiting the key as well as problem-solving strategies. The key factors and strategy developed with the expectation that future performance can be improved Tax Training Center. Translation of strategy into operational action plan includes activities such as planning, execution, and control. Factors driving the key is (a) Requirement K / L & SOE's Tax Training and (b) Changes in business processes DJP, the chosen strategy to maximize pedorong that key is (a) carry out the identification of K / L and state and create partnership offers training programs taxes and (b) implement a study forum 139 together with the Directorate KITSDA & human Resources Development Section, DGT and assignment to the trainers to conduct a study of business process changes DJP Factors key inhibitors are (a) the lack of quality of the results of coordination and (b) the restriction of time training by the user, the chosen strategy to minimize the key inhibitors are (a) proposed the concept / proposal MOU training program of tax to the DGT and (b) make the draft method training with e-learning. Be aware that no matter how well a strategy would have a weakness, then the recommendations are believed to support the smooth running of the strategy of bringing concepts / ideas MOU to the DGT tax training programs and make a training methods with the concept of e-learning. 

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