scholarly journals Prevention strategies for reproductive disorders in fimale teenager in the Islamic Boarding School Bahrul Ulum DU SKPC

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Yuyun Bewelli Fahmi ◽  
Andri Ana ◽  
Elvira Junita ◽  
Diana Indah Permatasari

Personal hygiene saat menstruasi adalah tindakan untuk memelihara kesehatan dan kebersihan pada daerah kewanitaan pada saat menstruasi. Bila saat menstruasi tidak menjaga kebersihan yang baik akan berisiko mengalami infeksi alat reproduksi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peristiwa menstruasi yang mengeluarkan darah kotor. Pada saat menstruasi, pembuluh darah dalam rahim sangat mudah terkena infeksi karena darah dan keringat keluar serta menempel pada vulva dapat menyebabkan daerah genetalia menjadi lembab. Berbagai ganguan reproduksi yang terjadi akibat terinfeksi kuman saat menstruasi antara lain Infeksi Saluran Reproduksi (ISR), infeksi Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK), infeksi saluran reproduksi jika diatasi segera dapat menimbulkan keganasan, dan kelahiran preterm serta berat badan lahir rendah pada wanita hamil. Untuk mencegah terjadinya permasalahan pada organ reproduksi maka perlu memperhatikan hygiene menstruasi.  Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah gangguan sistem reproduksi pada wanita dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran remaja putri sejak dini tentang personal hygiene saat menstruasi melalui penyuluhan kesehatan dan pendidikan kesehatan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pencegahan gangguan reproduksi pada remaja putri di Pondok Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Kec. Rambah Kab. Rohul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif analitik dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah praeksperimen dengan pendekatan pre-test post-test. Sampel penelitian ini dilakukan pada 50 responden. Hasil analisa data dengan uji T dependen diketahui bahwa penyuluhan tentang personal hygiene berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perilaku remaja putri pada saat menstruasi dengan nilai p= 0,001. Disarankan untuk melakukan penyuluhan tentang personal hygiene saat menstruasi sehingga dapat dijadikan salah satu strategi dalam mencegah gangguan kesehatan reproduksi

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 077-083
Lono Wijayanti

Pondok pesantren adalah tempat pendidikan Islam, dimana santri tinggal bersama dengan santri lainnya, sehingga beresiko mudah tertular berbagai penyakit, seperti skabies. Skabies sering diabaikan karena tidak mengancam jiwa sehingga prioritas penanganannya rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pengaruh modul skin personal hygiene sebagai media pendi- dikan kesehatan pada sikap santri dalam mencegah terjadinya skabies di pondok pesantren Roudhotul Muta’alimin Muta’alimat Jabon Sidoarjo. Pra experiment (one group pre-post test) merupakan desain yang digunakan dalam  penelitian  ini.  Seluruh  santri  yang  tinggal  di  pondok  pesantren Roudhotul Muta’alimin Muta’alimat Jabon Sidoarjo sebagai populasi, sebe- sar 72 orang, sampel berjumlah 60 orang dengan menggunakan simple ran- dom sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa modul skin personal hygiene dan kuisioner. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test digunakan dalam menganalisa data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa sikap responden setelah intervensi berupa pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan modul diperoleh adanya perubahan sikap menjadi lebih baik, dengan hasil analisa signifikan yaitu nilai p =0,000. Pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan modul skin per- sonal hygiene berdampak positif dalam perubahan sikap santri di Roudhotul Muta’alimin Muta’alimat Jabon Sidoarjo. Perlu diterapkan sikap menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan kulit dalam mencegah penyakit skabies. Islamic boarding schools are places of Islamic education, where santri live together with other santri, so they are at risk of easily contracting various diseases, such as scabies. Scabies is often overlooked because it is not life threatening so the priority for handling it is low. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the skin personal hygiene module as a health education media on the attitude of students in preventing the occurrence of  scabies  in  the  Islamic  boarding  school  Roudhotul  Muta’alimin Muta’alimat Jabon Sidoarjo. Pre-experiment (one group pre-post test) is the design used in this study. All students who live in the Islamic boarding school Roudhotul Muta’alimin Muta’alimat Jabon Sidoarjo as a popula- tion, amounting to 72 people, a sample of 60 people using simple random sampling. The  research instrument  was a  skin personal  hygiene module and questionnaire. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test is used in analyzing data. Based on the results of the study that the attitude of the respondents after the intervention in the form of health education using modules ob- tained a change in attitudes to be better, with the results of a significant analysis of the value p = 0,000. Health education by using the skin per- sonal hygiene module had a positive impact on the change in attitudes of santri at  Roudhotul Muta’alimin  Muta’alimat Jabon  Sidoarjo. Attitudes need  to  be  taken  to  maintain  skin  health  and  cleanliness  in  preventing scabies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-36
Ririn Liandari

Abstract: Intestinal parasitic infections are a public health problem for developing countries located in tropical and subtropical regions due to uncontrolled population growth, weather variations, low levels of knowledge, and poor nutrition. Giardia lamblia is a protozoa that has flagellate, which is in the upper segment of the small intestine and humans are infected by consuming food or drinks contaminated with parasitic cysts. Blastocystis hominis is the most common parasite that infects the digestive system of humans and some animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles and anthropods. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of individual hygiene and food hygiene to cases of intestinal parasites in students' feces at a boarding school in Surabaya. The research was an observational study with a cross sectional research design. The population of the study was 10 Islamic boarding school students, aged 7-13 years. The sampling technique in this study was nonprobabilty sampling. Data was collected by interviewing, filling out questionnaires, taking samples of santri stools and taking santri food samples. 50% poor personal hygiene and 100% negative Escherichia coli on food. Spearman test results where p = 0, 040 So that there is a relationship between individual hygiene and intestinal parasites in feces in Islamic boarding schools in Islamic boarding schools, with a correlation coefficient of -0.655 so that it has a strong relationship with the opposite direction.  Keywords: Personal hygiene, Eschericia coli, parasite intestinal

Suci Ihtiaringtyas ◽  
Budi Mulyaningsih ◽  
Sitti Rahmah Umniyati

The high density of occupancy and poor environmental hygiene in An Nawawi Islamic Boarding School, Purworejo could effect on the health status of students. Scabies is one of  health problem that often occurs in Islamic boarding schools. The aims of this study was to determine risk factors of scabies transmission on students at An Nawawi Boarding School Berjan Gebang subdistrict, Purworejo District of Central Java. This study used observational analytic methods using case-control design. The measured variables were environmental hygiene, residential density, personal hygiene, contact with  patient, knowledge, sex, age and the presence or absence of house dust mites (TDR). The population in this study were students at Boarding School An Nawawi with the sample size is 104 students. Data obtained from environmental hygiene observational, questionnaires, physician diagnosis, skin swab sampling and sampling of house dust. Data were analyzed with Chi-Square (α=0.05). The result of this study showed that  115 of 161 students were diagnosed with scabies and S. scabiei was founded from 34 slide of skin swab. Environmental hygiene factors (p=0.000; OR=9.490), contact with patients (p=0.040; OR=2.912), sex (p=0.000; OR=5.083), and age of santri related to scabies transmission (p=0.000). House dust mites Dermatophagoides sp. found at An Nawawi Islamic Boarding School. Environmental cleanliness is the most dominant factor that influences the transmission of scabies at An Nawawi Islamic Boarding School

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Inayah Hayati ◽  
Eka Nurdianty Anwar ◽  
Muhammad Yandi Syukri

Health Education in Efforts to Prevent Scabies at Islamic Boarding School of Harsallakum Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bengkulu Scabies is a skin disease caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei parasite that invades the skin of humans or animals. The high prevalence of scabies is generally found in environments with high population density and high interpersonal contacts such as prisons, Islamic boarding schools, and orphanages. There has been no research on the prevalence of scabies in the Harsallakum Islamic Boarding School, Bengkulu city. However, based on information from the school, there were several students who have been infected by skin disease with clinical symptoms of scabies. This community service program was aimed to provide education to students about preventing scabies infection. The service activities included delivering material about scabies, distributing leaflets, post-test and pre-test. This activity was attended by 65 participants. Evaluation included pre-test and post-test about the education carried out. The instrument to measure the level of students' understanding was the form of a questionnaire. The average value of the pre-test was 55.18 while the average value of the post-test was 80.26. It was concluded that this educational activity could increase the knowledge of the students of the Harsallakum Islamic Boarding School in Bengkulu about scabies disease. To optimize the prevention of scabies transmission, it is recommended to increase health education activities by involving health workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Endang Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Wa Ode Diana Harisa

Backgrounds: Intellectual Disability students must be able to master the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation skills. However, to teach this skill to them is not easy. They need certain methods to learn these skills to get effective results. Video-Based Instruction is one method to teach these skills. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of Video-Based Instruction on the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation on Intellectual Disability students. Methods: This is quantitative research with pre-experimental type and one group pretest-posttest design. The data collection tool is a "personal hygiene" questionnaire. The data analysis method uses a paired sample t-test with the help of SPSS version 25. This research conducted at SLB Negeri 3 Central Jakarta with a total sample is 20 respondents selected by the purposive sampling technique. Results: Most respondents were 14 years old (20%), 7th grade (30%), get menarche at 12 and 13 years (25%). The mean score for the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation pre-test is 41.30 and post-test is 53.20. Paired sample t-test results showed that sig. (2-tailed) <0.001. Conclusion: The results showed that it received Ha, which means that there is an effect of Video-Based Instruction on the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation on Intellectual Disabilities students. The results also showed that there are mean score differences of the pre-test and post-test results, which is an increase in the mean score of the post-test results by 11,90.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Muharidinsyah Muharidinsyah

Textbook is important for student as main media in learning Arabic and significant to teacher for teaching besides suitable method in order to achieve necessary result, is the textbooks, however, must be fit students’ level of capability and nahwu al-wadhih is one of effective textbooks for any students’ level since it offers practical study which goes along with istinbathiyah method. Thus the writer is interested in conduct research that concerns on application of nahwu al-wadhihin Darul Hikmah boarding school, and decided to entitle this research as “effectiveness in using nahwu al-wadhih and istinbathiyah method to improve students’ understanding in Arabic grammar”. The aim of this study is to reveal the effectiveness of using nahwu al-wadhih and istinbathiyah method in Darul Hikmah boarding school and to disclose students’ responses toward Arabic grammar using nahwu al-wadhih and istinbathiyah method in DarulHikmah boarding school. This research uses a quasi-experimental design method. Research instruments for this research are interview along with pre-test and post-test. Result of study indicates that using nahwu al-wadhih and istinbathiyah method is effective to improve students’ understanding in learning Arabic grammar in DarulHikmah and students’ responses in learning Arabic grammar using nahwu al-wadhih and istinbathiyah method in Darul Hikmah are enthusiastic and excited.

Tripti Gardia ◽  
Veena Rajput ◽  
Priti Bhatt ◽  
Sindhu Anil Menon

Introduction: Leucorrhoea is an abnormal excessive vaginal discharge often associated with irritation1. This is the most common gynaecological problem that brings the women to gynec out patient. The symptom may be associated with cancer phobia2. It can be symptom of underlying pelvic pathology3. It accounts for more than an estimated of 1/4th genaec patients visits to gynaecologis4. It is one of the common problems that women’s has to face in their lifetime. Sometimes this symptom is so severe that, it over shadows actual disease and women seek the treatment of only this symptom3. Material And Methods: Pre-experimental, one group pre-test post-test research design was adopted. A total of 60 samples were selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique. The tool used for the study comprises of two sections. Section A-Socio-demographic variables such as Age, Religion, Educational status, Type of family, Residential area, Period of work exposure in clinical area, Previous knowledge related to the topic and main source of information. Section B- comprises of online self- structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding leucorrhoea and its prevention among nursing 3rd year students which includes 30 questions. Result: The study findings reveled that pre- test score of the majority of students 18 (30%) had average knowledge score whereas 21 (35%) need for improvement in their knowledge level, post-test majority 60 (100%) had good knowledge. Pre-test mean score were 15.5 and SD was 5.7 whereas the post-test mean was 25.83 and SD 1.65. The t-value 3.04, (df.59) which is highly significant and greater than table value 2.0010 at 0.05 level of significance which proves the effectiveness of the planned teaching programme. Chi-square analysis shows significant association between period of work in clinical area and source of information of subjects. Conclusion: The results suggest that supporting, reassuring and educating B.Sc. nursing students and giving information on leucorrhoea and its prevention was effective to increase knowledge and helps them to changes their strategy in self care and are recommended to promote positive attitudes towards personal hygiene.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Cindy Sitarani ◽  
Flora Rumiati ◽  
Erma Mexcorry Sumbayak

Kebersihan organ reproduksi pada remaja sangatlah penting untuk diketahui sejak dini. Kebersihan organ reproduksi dapat disosialisasikan untuk menghindari penyakit-penyakit infeksi yang dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan kebersihan organ reproduksi. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang kebersihan organ reproduksi adalah dengan penyuluhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan pada remaja SMA kelas 2 tentang personal hygiene saat menstruasi sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah  metode pre-experimental, dengan one group pre test and post test design. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik non-probability sampling yaitu  purposive  sampling. Sebanyak 90 siswi kelas 2 SMAN 23 Jakarta, berpartisipasi dalam studi ini yang ditetapkan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan, (p < 0.05) untuk semua variabel yang diteliti, yaitu tentang pengertian  menstruasi, perubahan hormonal saat menstruasi dan personal hygiene saat mentruasi. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh peningkatan nilai pre test setelah diuji kembali di post test yang dilakukan setelah penyuluhan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja tentang kebersihan organ reproduksi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 391
Titiek Hidayati ◽  
Akrom Akrom ◽  
Indri Nurasa ◽  
Erviana Erviana

Personal hygiene is one of the basic human needs and must be kept clean, including scalp and hair, eyes, nose, ears, nails of hands and feet, skin and overall body care. Health education on personal hygiene is still concern not only for healthy children but also for children with disabilities. One of the ways is with audiovisual methods. This study aimed to analyze the effect of health education on personal hygiene with audiovisual methods. The study design used was pre-experiment without a control group. The number of samples was 30 using total sampling technique. Knowledge of personal hygiene before health education (pre-test) was mostly insufficient category, after being given health education (post-test) mainly was in proper group. The pre-test attitude was in low category, and the post-test was still the same. Pre-test and post-test of behavior were mostly being practiced. Pre-test and post-test of self-efficacy were in low category. There was an influence of health education on personal hygiene with audiovisual methods on the level of knowledge in intellectually disabled children (p&lt;0.05), but there was no effect on attitudes, behaviors, and self-efficacy in intellectually disabled children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Muhammad Ikbal

Darul Ulum Islamic Modern Boarding School is a school that is located in Banda Aceh. The school concerns not only on the English learning process but on the Arabic learning process as well. From the preliminary research on the school, it was found the students still face a lot of difficulty in expressing their ideas orally although they had memorized a lot of vocabularies. It was caused by they did not have enough practice to speak in Arabic in their daily activities in the dormitory. Thus, finding a suitable method to make the students able to speak fluently is the important thing to do. One of the methods is by using the Take and Give method. This method is one of the methods which are used in Curriculum 2013. The aim of this study was to find out how is the implementation of Take and Give model in teaching muhadhasah. Besides, this study also aimed to find out the influence of Take and Give model in increasing students’ ability in Muhadhasah. This study used a quasi experiment method which means that the study was conducted without a control group. 30 students in Class VA at Darul Ulum Islamic Modern Boarding School were taken as the sample of this study. In order to collect the data needed, one instrument was used. That was a test (Pre-test and Post-test). The result of the research showed that; 1) The implementation of Take and Give model of learning in Muhadhasah gave a meaningful influence to the students, 2) The implementation of Take and Give model of learning in muhadhasah was effective in increasing the learners’ ability in Muhadatsah. It was shown by the result of T-Test that is bigger than the result of Table Test) or it can be said that if the value of sig. (2-tailed) is smaller than 0,005 that is 0,000, it was accepted.

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