scholarly journals Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Menarik Minat Masyarakat Pada Menu Tradisional Semanggi - Surabaya

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Citra Anggraini Tresyanto

Modern menu capable of easily sliding the existence of traditional menus first existing in the community. It also makes the young generation does not recognize traditional menus available. One example is the typical menu is a menu Semanggi Surabaya. People are starting trouble finding the menu, and existence without innovation has blurred its presence in the community, especially the younger generation. It is unfortunate if this clover menu should disappear from the heritage of traditional culinary riches. But there must also be the right strategy for the menu clover to stay alive in the community. Lovelock and Wright (2002: 13-15) developed the marketing mix (marketing mix) into integrated service management by using an approach 8P (elements Product, Place, cyberspace, and time, and education Promotion, Price and other user outlays, Process, Productivity and quality, People, Physical evidence). The 8P approach is certainly able to assess and establish new strategies appropriate for the development of clover menu. With modernization and government intervention products that facilitate the sellers, the presence of clover menu will continue to exist in society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Gusti Ayu Komang Theresia Aidawati ◽  
Ktut Murniati ◽  
Maya Riantini

This research aims to analyze the procurement process of raw materials that correspond to six rights (time, place, quality, quantity, type, and price), klanting agroindustry profit, and marketing mix with 7P (product, price, promotion, place, people (human resources), process, and physical evidence). This research uses the case study method at Klanting Agrondustry in Gantimulyo Village Pekalongan District. The location was chosen purposively considering that the village is a klanting production center in East Lampung Regency. Data of this research were collected from December 2019 to January 2020.  The method data analysis used in this research is a descriptive qualitative analysis and quantitative. The results of this research indicated that the procurement of raw materials has not fulfilled all the six components precisely, because it does not match reality expected by agroindustry owners on components on time, the right type, right quality, and right quantity. On the right place and right price component, it is accordance with the agroindustry owner's expectations, because the location of raw materials is close to the agroindustry, and the price is low. The advantages of agroindustry are good, because it shows a positive advantage. That advantage obtained in one month at Mekar Sari Agroindustry amounting to IDR4,933,709.57, Mitra Tani Agroindustry amounting to IDR3,854,706.64, and Mitra Lestari Agroindustry IDR2,907,475.87. The agroindustry marketing strategy has implemented components of the 7P marketing mix, only the promotional components are missing applied optimally. Key words: agroindustry, klanting, marketing mix, performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Inten Larasaty

Keberadaan museum selama ini sering dianggap hanya sebagai tempat memamerkan koleksi budaya maupun sejarah saja, padahal sebenarnya dapat menjadi alternatif yang menarik untuk dikunjungi wisatawan. Kesan membosankan yang menjadi polemik di berbagai museum di Indonesia harus ditepis dengan melakukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat. Salah satunya yaitu UPT Museum Balanga yang merupakan museum budaya di Kota Palangkaraya. Museum Balanga selain memiliki tempat yang strategis juga memiliki keunikan dari berbagai koleksi yang menunjukkan siklus hidup suku Dayak. Kenyataannya dari data pengunjung yang dihasilkan pada setiap tahun ternyata masih belum mencapai peningkatan yang maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Tahap penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data, kemudian tahap analisis dengan membandingkan antara faktor eksternal peluang dan ancaman dengan faktor internal kekuatan dan kelemahan, dan yang terakhir yaitu tahap penetapan strategi berdasarkan marketing mix 7p yaitu product, price, place, promotion, process, people, dan physical evidence. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kelebihan dan kekurangan pada UPT Museum Balanga serta memformulasikan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan daya tarik dan jumlah pengunjung lokal maupun mancanegara. Pada hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UPT museum balanga perlu meningkatkan servis excellence dengan melakukan training dan menetapkan standar operasional pegawai, pembenahan terhadap interior dan eksterior desaign, melengkapi berbagai fasilitas penunjang seperti ruang multimedia, cafe dan lainnya, serta meningkatkan promosi dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media sosial dan bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak terkait.The existence of museums has often been considered only as a place to display cultural and historical collections, when in fact it can be an interesting alternative place for tourists to visit. The boring impression that became polemic in various museums in Indonesia must be erased by carrying out the right marketing strategy. One of them is UPT Museum Balanga which is a cultural museum in Palangkaraya City. Besides having a strategic place, Balanga Museum also has uniqueness on various collections that shows the life cycle of Dayak tribe. But the fact is that the visitor data generated each year has not yet reached the maximum increase. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach using SWOT analysis. The research stage is carried out by collecting data, then the analysis phase by comparing the external factors of opportunity and threat with the internal factors of strengths and weaknesses. In the last step to support the SWOT analysis, the writer uses marketing mix 7p, which are product, price, place, promotion, process, people, and physical evidence. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the UPT Museum Balanga and formulate an appropriate marketing strategy to increase the attractiveness and the amount of local and foreign visitors. The results of this study indicate that the UPT Museum Balanga needs to improve service excellence by conducting training and establishing operational standards for employees, improving the interior and eksterior design, equipping various supporting facilities such as multimedia rooms, cafes and others, and increasing promotion by utilizing various social media and collaborating with related parties.

Baharuddin Fathoni ◽  
Leo Agung Sutimin ◽  
Hieronymus Purwanta

Facing the era of globalization, the younger generation continues to experience an identity crisis where the younger generation is more familiar with hero figures who do not reflect eastern values, especially those that are typically Indonesian which causes the young generation to lack concern for the nation; and reduced pride in Indonesia's nationalistic identity. Digital books or e-books are a technological development that utilizes computers used to display information in the form of text, images, audio, video and other multimedia in a concise and dynamic form that can be read by computers or other electronic devices. In this case, digital books are an alternative and the right solution for learning the history of heroism in the implementation of independent learning. The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of digital history books in teaching heroic values to students. This research is analyzed using qualitative research methods. The results and discussion are: the role of learning the history of heroes through digital book media that can make it easier to teach heroic values to students. So that students are able to emulate heroic values and actualize and serve as spirit values in the life of society, nation and state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Ni Luh Putu Wahyuntari ◽  
I Gusti Putu Sutarma ◽  
Dewa Made Suria Antara

This research aims to determine the effect of the implementation of the marketing mix consisting of product strategy are, price strategy promotion strategy, place strategy, process strategy, person strategy, and physical evidence strategy for increasing the room sales at a 4-star hotel in Kuta, Badung. To answer the existing problems needed supporting statistics obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the result of the implementation of marketing mix strategies, it was obtained significantly an increase in the room sales. The marketing mix factors are; product strategy, by the product strategy hotel management able to increase the room sales in accordance with occurring the guest needed; Price strategy, it’s about strategy to establish the right prices in market segmentation; Promotion strategy, this strategy is consolidating the technical of marketing through promotion by social media, electronics promotions, and any publics publishing; Place strategy consist with classify the distribution channels. People’s strategy, this strategy advise some strategies for developing training that can improve work performance; physical evidence strategy, advise the strategy of revamping the hotel facilities and infrastructure of the hotel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-98
Deni Sopiansyah ◽  
Mohamad Erihardiana

    Deni Sopiansyah1, M Erihardiana2. In the world of education, there are negative impacts caused by the development of multicultural education for Indonesia's young generation, ranging from radicalism, discrimination, the loss of local culture, brawls to criminal acts from social media and the real world resulting from a lack of understanding of multicultural education in the current era. Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of understanding multicultural education for the younger generation, because in the era of change, one of the competencies needed in the world of education is the ability of the younger generation to solve problems (problem solving). This research method uses qualitative methods with a library research approach. The result of this research is, by cultivating the right multicultural education, it will produce a young generation in an era that is creative, innovative, and a generation with character, integrity and upholding tolerance according to the national identity of the Indonesian nation. With this research, it is expected to be able to contribute knowledge about the importance of multicultural education in the process of Islamic and national education      

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Bella Christina Tambunan ◽  
Amna Hartiati ◽  
Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara

The marketing strategy undertaken by a company is very closely related to consumer purchasing decisions so that the increasingly fierce business competition, especially the culinary business at this time requires companies to compete and set the right marketing strategy. This study aims to determine the marketing mix factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions at Seoulok Korean Restaurant and determine the most dominant factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions at Seoulok Korean Restaurant. Research conducted in Seoulok Korean Restaurant. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires to 92 respondents using purposive and accidental sampling method. The data obtained were then analyzed using the factor analysis method. The results show that there are 5 factors formed. Factor 1 (Combination of places, human resources, physical evidence and processes) consisting of 8 variables with an eigen value of 11,071. Factor 2 (Combination of products and physical evidence) consisting of 6 variables that have an eigenvalue of 2,025. Factor 3 (The combination of price, physical evidence and process) consists of 7 variables with an eigenvalue of 1.354. Factor 4 (Place) consists of 2 variables with an eigenvalue of 1.222. Factor 5 (Promotion) consisting of 2 variables with an eigenvalue of 1.162.

Evi Mariana

The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the decisionof the students chose to study in Obstetrics Prodi STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis and analyze the factors that most influence the decision of the students chose to study in Obstetrics Prodi STIKES Muhammadiyah Ciamis. Collecting data in this study was conducted using a survey by questionnaire to 114 students by stratified random sampling method. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression, F test and test T. The result is a marketing mix that significantly is the product, place, and physical evidence. And that does not affect the marketing mix is price, promotion, place, and processes

Nazwirman Nazwirman ◽  
Efendy Zein

The research objective describes an integrated marketing communication strategy in developing Sakura Syariah Hotel to see a comprehensive marketing communication strategy. Hotel Sakura Syariah is a 3-star syariah concept hotel which has 70 rooms. The analytical method uses the 7P (marketing mix) approach. The research results to increase the number of guests staying the strategy consisted of products, which offer a sharia concept with various types of representative rooms. Pricing, using the appropriate price preferences. Place, hotel location that is close to the center of the district capital and easy access. Promotion, with direct selling in accordance with local government and private selling by participating in various marketing events, sales proposals and advertising. People, conduct trainings to improve human resource capabilities. Physical evidence, a physical building that has Sharia characters and is supported by fairly good technology. Process, reservation service is quite fast and excellent. The development of this Sayriah hotel must be supported by related parties, especially the local government in order to increase the number of hotel guests

Andreas Andrie DJATMIKO

Community Service is one of the programs that are needed by the community today. This is done as an effort to respond to the needs of the community and is real program and realistic, especially in the fields of education, social, economic and cultural. Community Service Program is a program that is learning, studying and serving that is realized in the form of introduction and appreciation of community development through the clarity of planned change programs and problem solving methods regarding the ability to choose and use the right skills. A big nation is a nation that wants to respect its culture. Indonesia has a diversity of cultures that are characteristic and assets of the Indonesian nation. But most of the younger generation has forgotten a lot of the culture of the nation. The tendency of the younger generation now prefers outside cultures and many younger generations are less able to sort out most of which have negative impacts rather than a positive impact on themselves and others as well as the environment. There is a need for character education so that the younger generation can be relied upon in the future according to the nation's culture, such as being responsible for mutual cooperation, mutual assistance and good manners. Reog Kendhang's art proves that local culture can increase the sense of community nationalism and be able to become social controls so as not to fall into bad lifestyle. The formation of a national culture that can truly reunite all components of the nation's culture, therefore it is necessary to have a deeper introduction to history and cultural heritage in search of the identity of a pluralistic Indonesian society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 449
Yonrizon Yonrizon

<p>Competitive competition in the world of education services is influenced by the consequences of higher education that has the ability to compete that can survive and achieve the target set. Currently, the existing college are competing to develop their potential and ability to attract prospective students. Therefore, the college must create a Marketing Mix Services strategy that is the product, prices, location, promotion, people, process, physical evidence, and brand image mediated by motivation.The approach used is the survey, which is the activity of collecting data as much as possible about the facts that are supporters of the research, with a view to know the status, symptoms, determine the similarity of status by comparing with the standards that have been selected and or determined. (Arikunto &amp; Kusyati, 2015). This research was conducted to determine the effect of product, price, location, promotion, people, process, physical evidence, brand image, to student's motivation in making decision to choose college of Pharmacy in Bukittinggi. The result of research shows that product, price, process, brand image, have positive and significant effect to motivation, while location, promotion, person, physical proof have no significant effect to motivation and motivation have positive and significant influence to decision of vote</p><p> </p><p><em>Persaingan kompetitif dalam dunia layanan pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh konsekuensi pendidikan tinggi yang memiliki kemampuan bersaing yang dapat bertahan dan mencapai target yang ditetapkan. Saat ini, perguruan tinggi yang ada bersaing untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan mereka untuk menarik calon siswa. Oleh karena itu, perguruan tinggi harus membuat strategi Marketing Mix Services yaitu produk, harga, lokasi, promosi, orang, proses, bukti fisik, dan citra merek yang dimediasi oleh motivasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah survei, yaitu kegiatan mengumpulkan data sebanyak mungkin tentang fakta-fakta yang menjadi pendukung penelitian, dengan maksud untuk mengetahui status, gejala, menentukan kesamaan status dengan membandingkan dengan standar yang dimiliki telah dipilih dan atau ditentukan. </em><em>(Arikunto &amp; Kusyati, 2015)</em><em>. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh produk, harga, lokasi, promosi, orang, proses, bukti fisik, citra merek, terhadap motivasi siswa dalam mengambil keputusan memilih perguruan tinggi Farmasi di Bukittinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk, harga, proses, citra merek, berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi, sedangkan lokasi, promosi, orang, bukti fisik tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi dan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pemilihan.</em></p>

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