scholarly journals The Management of the City College of Calamba Towards the Attainment of the School’s Vision and Mission: A Basis for a Framework for Skills Enhancement Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 544-560
Mary Rose Montano

The research was focused on the relationship of management functions of the administrators to the attainment of the school’s vision and mission because the researcher believed that it is possible for the College to accomplish and to attain the school’s vision and mission if only there will be direct participation, cooperation and coordination among administrators and staff. Specifically, it sought to find out the following: the effectiveness level of the said management functions of the school administrators and the different assessments on these matters by the two sets of respondents; the attainment level of the school’s vision and mission; the relationship, if there is any, between the two cited variables of the study; the frequency occurrence of the problems related to management functions; and the proposed framework for skills enhancement program. The respondents of the study were all 56 teaching staff and 17 non-teaching staff of the City College of Calamba. No sampling technique was used. Statistical treatments applied to the data of the study include the frequency and percent distributions in presenting the category of the respondents; the simple mean in determining the effectiveness level of the management practices, attainment level of the school’s vision and mission and the occurrence frequency of related problems; and the Goodman and Kruskal’s Gamma Correlation in establishing relationship between the two variables of the study. The research focused on three integrated elements comprised of the heart of every organization and its culture: its primary purpose; its desired future; and its core beliefs about itself and others. These serve as the “what to do and how to do” of every organization. Its achievement is the success and end-all, but this could only be attained if it is organized, operated and administered. According to the research result, the management functions of the CCC Administrators specifically, planning, organizing, leading and controlling were generally effective as assessed by the two sets of respondents. In the management functions of the School’s Administrators in relation to the attainment of CCC’s vision and mission the conducted correlation analysis generated a computed gamma coefficients of 0.577 and 0.729 which means that there are “high positive correlations” between the effectiveness of the management practices of the school administrators and the attainment both of the CCC’s vision and mission. Some related problems to the management functions of the school’s administrators were identified by both teaching and non-teaching staff such as: (1) poor learning environment – no air conditioning, insufficient space & lighting, and primitive toilet facilities (2) the work is not appropriately divided among faculty members and staff (3) they believe that the school administrators are the role policy maker in the school and (4) the teaching staff observe the existence of gap between the administrators and subordinates with a mean of 3.30 (sometimes), while the non-teaching staff was observed to withhold information (lie or tell half-truths) with a mean of 3.53 (sometimes). A proposed framework for skills enhancement program was formulated. It has the following: aspects of management for development, objective, activity, implementing strength, KRA indicator, performance indicator, budget and time. In the aspects of management for development, there are the four management practices – planning, organizing, leading and controlling. This was believed to be a great help for the administrators of City College of Calamba to improve the level of their effectiveness towards the attainment of the school’s vision and mission. Key words: public administration, management, effectiveness, efficiency, skills enhancement, development, descriptive method, city college

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Nuridin, SE., MM Nuridin ◽  
Winda Lia Septiani

The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship and influence of leadership and motivation to employees performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor. The research method was used with Explanatory Analysis approach that explains the causality relationship between variables. Sampling technique was using saturated sample, all members of the population were sampled. From this research result was found there is a relationship and influence which is significant between the variables of leadership motivation to employee performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor among variables by using the test F, where F count larger than F table (32.173 > 3.158). Conclusion: There is a significant effect that can be explained by the result obtained from the R-square is 0530, which means that the variables of leadership and motivation are giving contribution of 53.0% to the variable of employees performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor, while the remaining 47.0% was contributed by other variables which not researched. Suggestions which the author convey to company, leadership which was contained in the company would need to be more increased, considers motivation of employees was good enough.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102-109
Evgeniya Valerievna Velichko ◽  
Nadezhda Semyonovna Ageeva ◽  
Olga Nikolaevna Terentyeva ◽  

The educational process, not only in our country, but also in the world, has undergone drastic changes since March 2020. The total transition from traditional classroom classes to distance education occurred due to the threat of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). The changes affected not only the learning process, but also the innovative activities that were implemented in educational organizations. The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the experience of spreading innovations in schools in the city of Krasnoyarsk during the pandemic to identify related problems and ways to solve them. The main idea of the work is to study the transformation of the phenomenon of educational innovations in school education in the context of universal distance learning. Within the framework of the study, the possibility of organizing distance learning and conducting innovative activities during the pandemic was monitored. The survey was conducted for all educational organizations in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Secondary analysis and interpretation of the survey results, systematization and classification of the theoretical and factual materials used, analysis of management practices and experience of educational organizations in the conditions of extreme transition to remote mode were carried out, which together made up the author’s research result. In the course of the work, the key problems faced by the education system of the city of Krasnoyarsk during the transition to remote operation were also identified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Iwan Sunardi ◽  
Vini Wiratno Putri

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the trust of co-workers and proactive personalities on career satisfaction by exchanging leader-members as mediation on employees of bus assembly companies in the city of Semarang. Career satisfaction is the phase in which employees’ long-term career needs are aligned with what they get while working. Employees will always look for opportunities and trust in the organization and people who will help them in achieving career satisfaction. The sampling method uses a purposive sampling technique in the category of staff and foreman employees who have worked for more than five years with a sample of 160 employees. The analytical data in this study uses descriptive statistical test methods, instinctual tests include validity and reliability, and hypothesis testing. The tool used to test in this study uses SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study, colleague trust cannot directly influence career satisfaction. However, it can be mediated by the exchange of leader members and produce significant influence. For further researchers, they can re-examine the relationship of coworkers’ trust with career satisfaction. And can expand the object of research or respondents under study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 227-232
Makarand Upadhyaya

Purpose of the study: The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between e-CRM and student satisfaction, to find out the relationship between service quality and student satisfaction, to find out the relationship between brand trust and student satisfaction. Methodology: The questionnaire is used as a data-gathering technique with a total sample of 88 respondents, and it is using a purposive sampling technique. The collected data are then analyzed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 19. Main Findings: The research result shows that e-CRM is positive and has no relationship with student satisfaction, service quality is negative and has a relationship with student satisfaction, and brand trust is negative and has no relationship with student satisfaction. Applications of this study: This study can be used for the management of the Economy and Business Faculty of Budi Luhur University Jakarta as an evaluation guideline. Novelty/Originality of this study: E-CRM and brand trust variables are negative and have no relationship with student satisfaction. Some recommendations for future research are also made.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-202
Lamech Siko Ongige; Dr. Betty J. Tikoko; Prof. Frederick B. J.A. Ngala

The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between students’ safety practices and students’ retention in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya. The study was guided by Vroom's expectancy and McGregor's X and Y theories. A conceptual framework involving the variables under investigation was drawn at the end of the literature review. The research employed a survey research design in conducting the study. The study was conducted in Kisii County. The target population was 354 Public Secondary Schools with a population of 115,683 composed of Principals, Deputy Principals, Students and School Head Cooks. A sample of 35 Public Secondary Schools was selected for the study using a Multi-stage sampling technique. The study sample was 525 respondents comprised of 420 students, 35 Deputy Principals, 35 Principals and 35 Head Cooks. Questionnaires, document analysis and interview schedules were used in data collection.  Experts in the area under study validated the instruments.  A coefficient of 0.8 in both the students’ and Deputy Principals’ questionnaires was obtained.  Descriptive and inferential statistics was used in analysing quantitative data, while qualitative data was analyzed thematically.  The study findings advocated that there was a strong and positive correlation between student safety practices (r=.689) and student retention in public secondary schools in Kisii County, Kenya. Tables, pie charts, bar graphs and textual forms were used in the present the findings. This study was significant because it provides new knowledge on how principals can improve student management practices to improve student retention.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-83
Muhammad Nuryanto

Abstract This study aims to determine the relationship between vocational identity status and work readiness of SMK SMK of Health students in the City of Salatiga. The population in this writing is the SMK of Health students in Salatiga. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, and the number of samples taken was 80 people. From all SMK of Health in the City of Salatiga, the writer takes 2 classes each from 2 SMK of Health. The data in this study were collected from two questionnaires distributed to our selected sample students, namely the vocational identity status scale totaling 27 items with a reliability coefficient of 0.719, and a work readiness scale of 21 items with a reliability coefficient of 0.803. The result of this research is that there is a strong correlation between vocational identity status and work readiness of Health Vocational School students, the higher the level of students' vocational identity status, the higher their work readiness. The level of significance of the correlation is 0, 556 ( 0.05), indicating that the relationship between the two variables is quite significant. AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status identitas vokasional dengan kesiapan kerja siswa SMK Kesehatan di Kota Salatiga. Populasi dalam penulisan ini adalah siswa SMK Kesehatan di Salatiga. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 80 orang. Dari keseluruhan SMK Kesehatan di Kota Salatiga, penulis mengambil masing-masing 2 kelas dari 2 SMK Kesehatan. Data pada penelitian kali ini dihimpun dari dua angket yang disebar kepada siswa sample yang telah kita pilih, yakni skala status identitas vokasional berjumlah 27 item dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,719, serta skala kesiapan kerja berjumlah 21 item dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,803. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan yang cukup kuat antara status identitas vokasional dengan kesiapan kerja siswa SMK Kesehatan, semakin tinggi tingkat status identitas vokasional siswa maka semakin tinggi pula kesiapan kerja mereka. Tingkat signifikansi korelasi adalah 0, 556 ( 0,05), menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara dua variabel cukup signifikan.

In recent trends Farmers had been striving on farm management strategies to make their farming profitable. Farming activities are interdependent with various functions and strong inter-relations with production, finance and marketing. The Indian farmers were not acquainted with the modern management practices. Indian farmers plagued by various management challenges in their farming. However there is upward concern about the gap between the farmer’s potential and their actual earnings. The farmers are not obtaining the profit for their hard work and challenges towards farming. This paper explores the integrated farming challenges of production, finance and marketing factors pertaining plantain product growers. The research area is Cauvery Delta, Thanjavur District. Convenient sampling technique method is used in collecting the data. The data obtained from 315 samples are investigated using descriptive statistics. The correlation tool was used to find out the relationship among the variables. The Multiple Regression tool was used to find out the probable variables that influence the factors. Then, the reliability test was employed to check the reliable of the collected data. The SPSS IBM 20 package was used for data analysis. The outcome of the research will facilitate the researchers, agricultural extension, government and farmers for the agricultural sustainable growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Eva Tusti Anggraini ◽  
Djumali Djumali ◽  
Sri Hartono

The purpose of this study is to analyze whether or not the influence of Facilities, Rates, Promotions and Brand Image on Online Transportation (Go-Jek) User Satisfaction in Surakarta City. The population in this study are all online motorcycle transportation users in Surakarta, whose numbers are infinite or unknown. The sampling technique is an infinite number using the Lemeshow formula, with a total of 100 respondents. Data collection uses a Likert scale questionnaire to measure respondents' answers identifying the relationship between Facilities, Rates, Promotions and Brand Image to Online Transportation (Go-Jek) User Satisfaction in Surakarta City. The results show that Facilities, Rates, Promotions and Brand Image influence simultaneously and significantly on Online Transportation User Satisfaction (Go-Jek) in Surakarta City. Facilities a positive and significant leffect on Online Transportation User Satisfaction (Go-Jek) in the City of Surakarta. Rates have a positive and significant effect on Online Transportation User Satisfaction (Go-Jek) in Surakarta City. Promotion has a positive and significant effect on Online Transportation User Satisfaction (Go-Jek) in Surakarta City. Brand Image has positive and significant effect on Online Transportation User Satisfaction (Go-Jek) in Surakarta City. Keywords: Facilities, Rates, Promotion, Brand Image, User Satisfaction

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Alfrida Alik Langgesa ◽  
Ramadhan Tosepu ◽  
Hariati Lestari ◽  
Devi Savitri Effendy ◽  
La Ode Ali Imran ◽  

Backgrounds: The use of antibiotics to be a problem in the handling of patients with diarrhea in the city of Kendari. The negative impact of the use of antibiotics is the emergence and development of bacteria resistant to antibiotics, the emergence of diseases caused by bacterial superinfection, the occurrence of side effects of drugsObjective:  To determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of people with diarrhea in the city kendariMethods: This research was analytic observational cross-sectional method with the entire patient population is diarrhea who came to visit in as many as 234 people Poasia Health Center and the study sample is equal to 148 people. The sampling technique is done by random sampling techniqueResults: The results of the analysis indicate knowledge α (0.05) ρ (0,000) or the chi-square value value table that is 29.658 3.841, then HO is rejected and H1 is accepted. While the attitude showed α (0.05) ρ (0,000) or the chi-square value value table that is 52.269 3.841, then HO is rejected and H1 acceptedConclusions: There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes to the use of antibiotics in patients with diarrhea in Kendari. A person who has enough knowledge about the use of antibiotics in patients with diarrhea then it will not use antibiotics unless the prescribing physician.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 551-560
Sri Rusiyati ◽  
Dede Suleman ◽  
Dinar Riftiasari ◽  
Dedi Suharyadi ◽  
Sofyan Marwansyah ◽  

The importance of analyzing the relationship between enjoyment and trust in consumer buying interest before making shopping decisions. This study used a sampling quota sampling technique with a survey method with a total sample size of 100 respondents from the city of Jakarta with the criteria for respondents who were over 20 years old. The results of the study indicate that enjoyment and trust influence consumer purchase orders. Therefore, a good marketer must build these two factors in the place of shopping because they can trigger requests to buy and later become a stimulus in purchasing decisions.  

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