2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ali Pirdaus Pirdaus ◽  
Ahmad Husin Ritonga Ritonga ◽  
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin

This study aims to describe and analyze in depth the management of the boarding school leaders in developing the entrepreneurial spirit of the santri, starting from planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs. The results of research from three Islamic boarding schools in Jambi Province regarding the management of the boarding school leadership in developing the entrepreneurial spirit of the santri found that it was in accordance with the function in management theory, namely: (1)Planning carried out by the boarding school leadership is the formulation of goals (vision, mission), entrepreneurial advice and infrastructure, planning of Ustad and Santri and curriculum. (2) Organizing: Islamic boarding school leaders share job descriptions for each pesantren program, granting authority, assigning tasks; (3) Implementation: The cultivation of life skills in Islamic boarding schools consists of two forms, namely hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills include teaching and directing entrepreneurship in the field in the form of: Plantation, agriculture, animal husbandry, pesantren cooperatives, catering, fashion, fish farming, carpentry, welding. Meanwhile, the soft skills are: organization of the students, planting foreign languages, independent students, calligraphy, IT, prayer, learning the art of reading the Koran, etc .; (4) Monitoring and Evaluation: Total quality control, visits to business premises, individual learning, evaluating the results of activities, taking clarification and correction steps, assessing and correcting all programs. The conclusion of this research is that the management of the boarding school leadership in developing the entrepreneurial spirit of the santri has been going well, with the various life skills beingtaught to make the students independent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-341
Ade Salamun ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to provide an overview of the process of cultural change through total quality management in Islamic perspective carried out at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School. The method of the study is qualitative method by using in-depth interview techniques with informants. This research was conducted at the Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School, Depok City, West Java. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis with the stages of reducing data, triangulating data, presenting data descriptively, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that cultural change through total quality management at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School was seen from 7 focuses. The focus of planning for Islamic boarding schools is still focused on current conditions. The focus of the organization is participatory by involving all individuals to improve the quality of education and to develop Islamic boarding schools. The focus of control is still in the form of monitoring and supervising each section based on the existing SOP. The focus of communication has been two-way communication. The focus of the decision is still reactive and not based on well planning even though decisions are made based on deliberation and consensus. The focus of functional management has not been fully integrated. The focus of quality management is still reactive because it is still in the stage of finding the best and most suitable method to be applied in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, the process of cultural change at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School has begun to occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-114
Rindha Widyaningsih ◽  
Kuntarto ◽  
Muhamad Riza Chamadi

The santri group discussion aims to strengthen the character of Pancasila and the santri knowledge about issues of radicalism and terrorism in order to avoid the radicalism ideology. The activity was held at the Darul Abror Purwokerto Islamic Boarding School with 50 participants. The community service method uses a combination of community education methods and group discussions. The activity was carried out in three sessions: providing educational material, in-group discussions, and inter-group discussions. In the first session, the method provides in-depth material on radicalism and Pancasila by the community service team. The method at the second session is in-group discussion. The second session's point was to improve the participants analytical skills in responding to radicalism and Pancasila issues. The method in the third session is inter-group discussion. The santri group discussion showed that the students in Darul Abror had increased knowledge about radicalism and terrorism and developed the character of Pancasila to prevent the threat of radicalism. Students sharpen hard skills through discussion activities in practice identification and analysis of problems and problem-solving. The development of participants' soft skills is a sense of respect for other people's opinions, tolerance, and culture of deliberation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Salim Ashar

Koperasi Pesantren Or abbreviated to Kopontren BIR ALY is one means learning for Robithotul Ulum boarding school students in order to foster an entrepreneurial spirit that is reliable in order to face the future life after they graduate from the school. As well as to foster independent spirit of entrepreneurship. In addition to being a place for moral development of students piety and learning Islamic sciences, pesantren should need also diversified specialty and featured scientific or practical expertise specific to diversify. That is, each boarding schools need to make the benefits (plus) certain that distinguish schools with each other pesantren, for example by increasing excellence in science expertise such as excellence expertise in the study of hadith, or discipline specific religion, or it could be in the form of practical skills other for example language skills, agricultural skills and other practical skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the role and functions of the Cooperative Pesantren Bir Aly As a Means Economic Empowerment in Robithotul Ulum Islamic Boarding Jatirejo Mojokerto. This study took place in the village of Jatirejo kec Jatirejo mojokerto kab. Jatirejo area known as agricultural areas, as well as many emerging companies and rock miners, many pesantren stand, a region still dominated rural areas. Economic development practices in boarding schools in order to sharpen practical skills for students, still need support from other parties to support, either from the government, private sector and society in general. Comparison between Turus and Pesantren Pesantren Baitul Hamdi in this case study is not intended as an effort to show which one is better, but rather as an attempt to describe variations in economic enterprise started piloted in boarding schools. Each has advantages and disadvantages that can be used as an ingredient to learn from each other. From this research, we can conclude several steps that can be done in the development of the economy in order to empower schools. Among the local authorities and the schools need to do (1) joint identification of potential schools and regional problems. Identification is required so that it develops economic activities in accordance with the carrying capacity of the environment; (2) establishing economic commodity that fits in a religious boarding school in accordance with the needs of the market that can be used to improve the common welfare; (3) develop a joint program that is based on empowerment schools, may be useful.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-112
S. Ali Jadid Al Idrus

Nowadays, Islamic boarding schools have experienced a very significant change considering the current of globalization which is increasingly expanding to all sides of human life. To be able to compete in this era, Islamic boarding schools – in one hand - must work together with other institutions and make changes by applying management as a foundation in developing boarding schools on the other, in order to be able to compete and become a modern boarding school in all fields such as entrepreneurship boarding school. This study aims to determine entrepreneurship planning, management strategies used and marketing management of Darul Yatama Wal-Masakin Islamic boarding school. This study used qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques carried out by unstructured interviews, non-participant observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed with an interactive model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Checking the data validation was done by increasing the perseverance of observation and triangulation. Based on the results of this study, it was found that; a) Entrepreneurship planning started from the results of the fundamental thinking of its founder, namely TGH. Muhammad Mutawalli Yahya Al-Kalimi with the concept of independence. The concept of independence that he initiated was to prepare facilities that can be used as a source of funds to finance the management of the Islamic boarding schools; b) Management strategies in developing entrepreneurship can be seen from the business units developed such as: gas stations, animal husbandry, agriculture, fisheries and cooperatives. c) Marketing management used was involving and making all society as partners in every business that was developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
M Sufyan Riady ◽  
Moh. Wardi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan Untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan Pondok Pesantren, bagaimana subkultur dan tata nilai, pola kepemimpinan dan kurikulum pondok pesantren menurut K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid. Adapun metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian kualitatif artinya penelitian yang menggunakan data informasi berbagai macam teori yang diperoleh dari kepustakaan, baik itu diperoleh dari sumber data primer maupun data skunder. Berdasarkan deskripsi atas pemikiran KH. Abdurrahman Wahid  mengenai pendidikan Pondok Pesantren di atas, setelah  penulis  lakukan  analisis lebih mendalam dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren ialah pendidikan yang didasarkan pada keyakinan religius dan bertujuan untuk membimbing atau menghantarkan peserta didik menjadi manusia yang utuh dan mandiri. Ada tiga elemen yang mampu membentuk pondok pesantren sebagai sebuah subkultur, yaitu: (1) pola kepemimpinan pondok pesantren yang mandiri dan tidak terkoptasi oleh negara, 2) literatur-literatur kitab-kitab kuning sebagai rujukan umum yang selalu digunakan dari berbagai abad, dan 3) sistem nilai yang digunakan adalah bagian dari masyarakat luas. Pola Kepemimpinan Pondok Pesantren bersifat Khirarki dan Kurikulum di pondok pesantren ditujukan untuk “mencetak” ulama di kemudian hari. Kata Kunci: Pemikiran Abdurrahman Wahid, Pondok Pesantren Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the concept of Islamic boarding school education, how subcultures and values, leadership patterns and Islamic boarding school curriculum according to K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid. The research method used in writing this thesis is qualitative research, meaning research that uses information data on various theories obtained from the literature, whether it is obtained from primary data sources or secondary data. Based on the description of the thoughts of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid regarding Islamic Boarding School education above, after the author conducted a more in-depth analysis, it can be concluded that Islamic Boarding School Education is education based on religious beliefs and aims to guide or deliver students to become complete and independent human beings. There are three elements that are able to form Islamic boarding schools as a subculture, namely: (1) leadership patterns of Islamic boarding schools that are independent and not co-opted by the state, 2) yellow books literature as general references that are always used from various centuries, and 3. ) the value system used is part of the wider community. The pattern of Islamic boarding school leadership is hierarchical and the curriculum in Islamic boarding schools is intended to "print" ulama in the future. Keywords : Thoughts KH. Abdurrahman Wahid, Islamic Boarding School

Maisah ◽  
Ahmad Syukri ◽  

This Study at Al Baqiyatus Shalihat Islamic Boarding School in West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Karya Pembangunan Al-Hidayah Islamic Boarding School in Jambi City and Al-Munawaroh Boarding School in Merangin Regency Jambi Province. Life Skills Program are a group of skills program that include social skill, personal skill, academic skill and vocational skill. These skills are taught at Islamic boarding schools to equip students to live independently and have Islamic entrepreneurial behavior in the face of the development and progress of the times. The purpose of this study was to determine the management life skills program to improve the behavior of students in entrepreneurship, the excellence of managing life skills program that have been implemented by Islamic Boarding Schools and determined the behavior of students in entrepreneurship. The research approach is used to descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman models and data validity techniques using data triangulation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 909-914
Krasimira Dimitrova

In today's globalizing world, more and more people claim that academic knowledge is not sufficient for the success of the individual in life. Definitions of so-called hard and soft skills have been formulated.The article discusses the main accents related to the so-called soft skills and the opportunities for development of children from pre-school and primary school age.The term "soft skills" (soft skills) is used in pedagogical theory and practice and the term context competencies. They are part of the key competences for human success at every stage of his development. Soft skills include: communication, tolerance, reassurance, mutual assistance, empathy, teamwork, leadership, negotiation, decision-making, creativity, etc. Important factors for their formation from the earliest age are the family and educational institutions, which are an essential part of the child's life.Soft skills are defined as a combination of social skills, communicative skills, character, attitude, career features, emotional intelligence, etc. They can help people to orientate in the environment, to work well with others, to achieve their goals. They are complementary to other skills such as technical, professional, academic, called "hard skills".Pedagogical literature and practice seek appropriate technologies to describe the ways in which soft skills complement the so-called "hard skills" that are technological requirements for a particular activity the student is trained to perform. Soft skills are largely leading in shaping the personality of the individual. Of particular importance for the future realization of the growing generation is that besides the academic and technical skills, key social skills are also formed.The role of soft skills is increasingly appreciated by the increasing need for individual competitiveness and the globalization of the modern world. Having a number of social qualities always has the advantage of having the same academic knowledge or technical skills.The environment in which the modern generation is growing and developing is dynamic. Children are surrounded by a huge amount of information that reaches them through different channels and regardless of their desires. Their life skills are essential when the movies they watch have unrealistic ideas and the messages and challenges of social networks and peers are attractive and accessible. Children need to be prepared to deal with the "traps" of life, to have critical thinking, to master their emotions and their relationships with others, to be able to express their ideas and defend their position with arguments.In support of the lessons learned of the need to develop “soft” skills from an early age, it is imperative that UNICEF suggests that schools introduce a module of ten important skills that children can form. These include life skills such as self-awareness, decision-making, problem solving, creative thinking, critical thinking, empathy, dealing with emotions and stress; as well as soft skills such as communicative and interpersonal skills.Unfortunately, the trend that is observed is that schools primarily focus on academic knowledge. This is due to the fact that an important factor achieved success in different types of assessments. The lack of a social educational element leads to a number of problems in adolescents - aggression, associalization, lack of communication skills, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Sidiq Pramana Widagda

Pesantren Raudhatul Jannah: Strategies for Increasing Ease of Doing Business in the Pandemic Era with Public Empowerment Programs. The Tahfizh Raudhatul Jannah Islamic Boarding School is a picture of an institution that combines the spirit of education and entrepreneurship among its students. This entrepreneurial spirit also empowers the surrounding community by utilizing existing lands. This paper aims to describe the purpose and existence of the Tahfizh Raudhatul Jannah Islamic Boarding School and how the efforts of the Tahfizh Raudhatul Jannah Islamic Boarding School exploit the existing potential of halal tourism and create various efforts to empower the surrounding community. The increase in Muslim tourists from year to year is an opportunity and a challenge for the tourism sector to develop halal tourism. Halal tourism development is carried out by creating a tour package program. Tourists must take part in activities at the pesantren so that they can memorize the Koran. This program makes Islamic boarding schools the centre of the economy by carrying out various business activities, ranging from raising catfish, goats, planting oranges and bananas

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-129
Zulhawati Zulhawati ◽  
Ifah Rofiqah ◽  
Binuril Hidayati ◽  
Meiliyah Ariani

The increasingly fierce competition of human resources forced universities to prepare graduates who had to have hard skills and soft skills. To reduce unemployment, lack of confidence, lack of understanding of scientific actualization, and other obstacles faced by college graduates, one of the programs implemented at UTY is providing entrepreneurial provisions. Entrepreneurship Development Program (PPK) through various stages is a relationship among students, entrepreneurship, business world and UTY. Support and commitment to entrepreneurship development at UTY are developed through the Field of Entrepreneurship including creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship by providing incubation support to grow and equip students in implementing the business world and entrepreneurial spirit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Moh. Soheh ◽  
Sitti Mukamilah

Abstrak: Pondok pesantren dituntut untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitasnya dibidang keagamaan, intelektual, dan life skill yang mumpuni, sehinggga eksistensi pondok pesantren tetap kokoh. Hal ini disebabkan tidak semua lulusan pondok pesantren akan menjadi Ulama atau Kiai, dan memilih lapangan pekerjaan dibidang agama, maka keahlian-keahlian lif skill perlu diberikan kepada santri sebelum terjun ketengah-tengah masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan islam berbasis life skill di pondok pesantren As-Syahidul Kabir Sumber Batu Blumbungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan tekhnik pengumpulan data yaitu survey lapangan, observasi, dan wawancara,. Sistem pendidikan Islam berbasis lifeskill di Pondok Pesantren As-Syahidul Kabir diimplementasikan dalam porsi tersendiri, yaitu tidak tersusun dalam satuan kurikulum pada jenjang pendidikan yang diterapkan di pondok pesantren. Pendidikan Islam berbasis lifeskill diterapkan dalam bentuk kegiatan-kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang tidak semua santri diwajibkan untuk mengikutinya, namun tergantung pada kesadaran dari masing-masing santri.   Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Life Skill   Abstract: Pesantren are demanded to further improve their quality, the religious, intellectual fields, furthemore; life skills’s qualified, so that the existence of boarding schools remains strong. This is because not all graduates of Islamic boarding schools will become piosman that are part of life skills need to be given to students before plunging into the midst of the actual community. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of life skill-based Islamic education in As-Syahidul Kabir’s Islamic Boarding School. This is a qualitative research desing that analyzed by using descriptive, and the data collection’s techniques of this research are survey, observations, and interviews. In the As-Syahidul Kabir’s boarding school, , life skill-based Islamic education is implemented in a separate portion, which is not arranged in curriculum units at the level of education applied in boarding schools. Life skill-based Islamic education is implemented in the form of extracurricular activities where not all students are required to participate, but it depends on their’s awareness.  Keywords : The Management of Islamic Education, Life Skill.

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