scholarly journals Evaluasi Pemberlakuan Hak yang Tidak Didapat Narapidana Seumur Hidup pada Lapas Kelas I Surabaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 823-830
Yahya Rofi Triatmaja ◽  
Mitro Subroto

Each type of violation has its own term of punishment. For crimes such as theft and robbery, it ranges from 5 – 10 years in prison. However, it is different with the act of drug abuse and murder which gets a life sentence. For those who are still laymen, life imprisonment means that the convict spends the rest of his life in a correctional institution. But in reality it is not so. Life sentences range from 20-25 years. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. In this approach, the research procedure produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the observed people and observed behavior. The qualitative approach is carried out in natural conditions and is discovery. In a qualitative approach, the researcher is the main instrument. This approach is used to review the quality of the implementation of rights that are not obtained by life inmates in Class I prisons in Surabaya, the results are then described in detail. Data collection techniques used were interviews to obtain information on the implementation of rights that were not obtained by lifelong prisoners and documentation to obtain references. The results of this study are in the form of an explanation of the implementation of rights that are not obtained by lifelong prisoners at the Class I prison in Surabaya.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Asep Saepudin

This study examines the application of noble character education in developing character through storytelling in early childhood in early childhood PAUD An-Nuur. The purpose of research is to obtain data on: 1) the implementation of the application of noble character education in developing character in early childhood in early childhood PAUD An-Nuur; 2) procedures for using storytelling in early childhood in the learning process in early childhood An-Nuur; 3) factors supporting and inhibiting the application of noble character education in developing character in early childhood in early childhood PAUD An Nuur. The results of the application of noble character education with the extent of the benefit of knowledge, attitudes, procedures use storytelling that students get as learners and their implementation in everyday life at school. To answer these problems the approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, the research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and observed behavior. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation and study of literature. Research subjects in this study amounted to five informants, ie one person PAUD An Nuur, one early childhood tutor An Nuur, three students PAUD An Nuur. Based on data processing and discussion, the result of research on the application of noble character education in early childhood in early childhood PAUD An-Nuur, have the same goal, for the good of the child and make the child is given habituation noble with good morals. starts with giving good advice to exemplify good life so that children can imitate exemplary.Keywords: application of noble character education, character, storytelling

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Nicodemus Nicodemus ◽  
Budy Fitri Effendi

The research discusses the quality of the mosque's recording services based on the information technology in the district of Pahandut, Palangka Raya. More specifically the purpose of this research is 1) to know the implementation of public services in the registration of mosque-based information technology in the district of the KUA Pahandut City Palangka Raya 2) to describe and analyze the quality of Public service in the mosque's registration of information technology at the KUA district of Pahandut City Palangka Raya 3) to know any obstacles that preclude the application of the mosque service based on information technology in KUA District The city of Palangka Raya. This research uses qualitative descriptive approaches. Qualitative research is a research procedure that generates descriptive data of written or spoken words from people and behaviors that can be observed. Being descriptive in this study, analysis of information is not out of the materials that are researched that is the material of the field such as the results of interviews, observation or documentation in-depth to be able to get valid data. The results of the study showed that: 1) the implementation of information technology-based mosque in KUA subdistrict of Pahandut City Palangka Raya does not suffer significant problems 2) seen in terms of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, KUA district of Pahandut City Palangka Raya has a diversity of problems in it 3) there are also barriers in the implementation of the registration services mosque-based information technology among others from the aspect of resources Public awareness and facilities and infrastructure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-26
Kusmiyanti Kusmiyanti

The purpose of this research is to observe the implementation of the guidance of corruption  criminal prisoners in Sukamiskin Correctional institution. This research uses a qualitative  approach. It concludes that the implementation of guidance in Sukamiskin Correctional  Institution has not been in accordance with the concept of Correctional. The guidance on the  prisoners of corruption is only the guidance of the personality. The strengthening of religious  values conducted by ustadz, priests and other religious leaders. Development of independence  does not fit with the concept of correctional. Therefore correctional officers must have expertise  in the field and also must have a high sense of devotion. Correctional officers must uphold the  concept of correctional based on the principles of Pancasila and continue to view prisoners as  God's creatures, as individuals and as members of society. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-62
Maharani Maharani ◽  
Muharrahman Muharrahman

Non-Formal PAUD is currently developing rapidly, which was established by the village government and community organizations as a form of implementing the 1 Village 1 PAUD government recommendations. No exception in Kecammatan Manisrenggo, Klaten Regency, where most of the area is rural. The research method used in this research is qualitative research method which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The data that has been obtained from the field will be analyzed descriptively. Data in the form of interviews, observations, field notes, documentation and others will be outlined in a systematic and accountable descriptive form in accordance with field conditions, neither added nor subtracted, solely to find out about the opportunities and challenges of Non-Formal PAUD in Manisrenggo District. Klaten Regency. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the non-formal PAUD institutions in Manisrenggo District were organized by the Village / Kelurahan Government, as well as foundations or community organizations. All of them are evenly distributed throughout the Manisrenggo area, so that the community can involve their children in local non-formal PAUD services. There are 75% of the 16 Villages / Kelurahan in Manisrenggo that have a non-formal PAUD institution. While the remaining 25% of villages / kelurahan have 2 non-formal PAUD institutions. This illustrates that the non-formal PAUD in Manisrenggo has spread evenly in every village / kelurahan. The opportunities for implementing PAUD with a non-profit orientation in Manisrenggo District are more wide open, compared to those that are profit-oriented. The reason is because most of the population in Manisrenggo sub-district has middle to lower economic welfare. There are 2 PAUD implementation, namely: internal (from within the institution), namely related to financing, quality of educators, etc., and external external challenges (from outside PAUD), namely related to institutional relations with the community, environmental conditions, etc. This challenge is clearly experienced in Manisrenggo District, this is evidenced by the existence of three non-formal PAUD institutions that have closed in the last 5 years.Keywords: Non Formal PAUD, Opportunities and Challenges of PAUD Implementation

Diana Mayasari

The  journalist task has shifted from the news transmitter to the news formator and instructor. It shows that in writing news, journalist adds various comment, opinion and review that are difficult to distinguish from the news itself. A journalist should have a variety of rights and obligations, namely to deliver news in accordance with fact without mixing opinion.This study aims to reveal and expose the hidden aspects behind an apparent reality.This research methodology uses a qualitative descriptive approach. A qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of the phenomenon description contained in the data. The data collected is in the form of newspaper document.The result of study shows that there is finding regarding representation, namely association and metaphor. The association was appeared in the news of compass newspaper by journalist to bring assumption in the mind of public in interpreting a certain reality regarding the debate between Jokowi and Prabowo. Journalist brings up how Prabowo take an action against Jokowi which is marked by transitive sentence namely subject + verb + object. Bring up a general symptom or phenomenon that occurs in the society regarding the legislative candidate photo displayed along the road. The form of participant as victim or object can be known from the construction of passive sentence, or victim caused by other.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-103
Imaduddin Hamzah

Punishment while in prison places individuals in a limited environment and experiences  pressure. Conditions of pressure can be felt even higher when inmates experience a life  sentence. This study aims to explore the factors of resilience of female prisoners with life  sentences. Research using semi-structured interviews of five female inmates at the Women  Correctional Institution, Malang punished with life imprisonment. Data were analyzed with a  qualitative interpretative phenomenological analysis approach. The results of the study  conclude that the factors that make female prisoners resilient to life sentences are self acceptance and significant other. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Vladimir Shabal

The organization of a sentence execution of life imprisonment in the Republic of Belarus and life imprisonment in the Russian Federation are examined in the article. The legislation was analyzed, and the international experience of execution of these types of punishments was studied. The statistical data necessary for the analysis are provided. Proposals are made to improve the execution of a life sentence. Based on the research, the author comes to the conclusion that the sentence of life imprisonment has a large number of shortcomings that need to be solved. This makes it necessary to improve its execution or cancel this punishment. In order to increase the effectiveness of the considered punishment, the author suggests differentiating the approach to applying parole to prisoners sentenced to life prisoning: reduce the terms of possible release, provide for a gradual change in conditions (a system of social elevators), establish lifelong supervision of the behavior of convicts after release (in case of violation of the rules of supervision, the convict can be returned to a correctional institution for further serving a life sentence).

ijd-demos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Komir Bastaman

This study examines and analyzes the Performance of Temporary Land Deed Makers (PPATS) in the Management of Land or Building Acquisition Fees (BPHTB) in Sukra District, Indramayu Regency. The research approach used is a qualitative approach that is a research procedure that describes the facts and explains the object of research as well as digging the information needed in accordance with reality as it is. The results of the study illustrate that first The quality of PPATS officials especially in Sukra District in managing BPHTB is still not optimal, it can be seen from the realization that has not reached the target set by the Regional Government in accordance with the existing potential, even for the 2015 target it fell from the realization to previous year; second Quantity of results of work carried out by PPATS Officers in managing BPHTB in the Sukra District area is still not effective because the results achieved are not in accordance with the targets set by the regional government in terms of the potential that exists in the Sukra District area; third The use of time carried out by PPATS Officers in Sukra District in accordance with working hours ie from Monday to Friday Collection of BPHTB is carried out after there is a sale and purchase transaction of land and / or building and a deed of sale and purchase (AJB) conducted by PPATS Officials; fourt Cooperation of PPATS Officials in Sukra District with the community is already good, it's just that there are still many people who are not aware of the benefits of Tax, that is because the level of public education in Sukra District is still low on average plus the level of taxpayer knowledge that is still lacking. Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai Kinerja Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah Sementara (PPATS) dalam Pengelolaan Bea Perolehan Atas Tanah Atau Bangunan (BPHTB) di Kecamatan Sukra Kabupaten Indramayu. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif yaitu prosedur penelitian yang menggambarkan fakta-fakta dan menjelaskan objek penelitian serta menggali informasi yang dibuthkan sesuai dengan kenyataan sebagaimana adanya. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran bahwa pertama Kualitas Pejabat PPATS khususnya di Kecamatan Sukra dalam pengelolaan BPHTB masih kurang maksimal, itu terlihat dari realisasi yang belum mencapai target yang sudah ditentukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah sesuai dengan potensi yang ada, bahkan untuk target tahun 2015 turun dari realisasi untuk tahun sebelumnya; kedua Kuantitas hasil pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat PPATS dalam mengelola BPHTB di wilayah Kecamatan Sukra masih belum efektif karena hasil yang dicapai tersebut belum sesuai target yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah daerah dilihat dari potensi yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Sukra;  ketiga Penggunaan waktu yang dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat PPATS di Kecamatan Sukra sesuai dengan jam kerja yaitu dari hari Senin sampai dengan Jum’at. Pemungutan BPHTB dilaksanakan setelah ada transaksi jual beli tanah dan/atau bangunan dan melakukan akta jual beli (AJB) yang dilakukan oleh Pejabat PPATS; ke-empat Kerjasama Pejabat PPATS di Kecamatan Sukra dengan masyarakat sudah baik, hanya saja masih banyak masyarakat belum menyadari manfaat Pajak, itu dikarenakan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat di Kecamatan Sukra rata-rata masih rendah ditambah lagi tingkat pengetahuan wajib pajak yang masih kurang.

Abdur Rahman Adi Saputera ◽  
Siti Nur Muthiah

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine how the process of settling the warsis expert (PAW) in the Gorontalo Religious Court; and what was the judge's consideration in completing the Inheritance Petition (PAW) at the Gorontalo Religious Court. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior. The results of this study indicate that the settlement process of Inheritance Designation (PAW) at the Gorontalo Religious Court has been carried out with the applicable procedures and conditions based on statutory regulations. Applications for the determination of heirs and cases of claim for inheritance must be seen whether the formal requirements have been fulfilled or not, match or not with the family tree of the kelurahan. If it is not suitable, the judge will be rejected (NO) to continue the case. The judges' considerations in making the decision were: the heir had died; the heirs exist and are still alive; mentioning the interests of the applicant in his application. Basically, the benchmarks of the judge in making his decision must take into account the legal facts revealed in the trial, also pay attention to aspects of justice and benefit for the parties concerned, pay attention to the applicable rules and noble values that develop in society.Keywords: Judge's Consideration, Gorontalo Religious Court, Inheritance ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah proses penyelesaian penetapan ahli warsis (PAW) di Pengadilan Agama Gorontalo; dan bagaimana pertimbangan hakim dalam penyelesaian Petapan Ahli Waris (PAW) di Pengadilan Agama Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis diskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses penyelesaian Penetapan Ahli Waris (PAW) di Pengadilan Agama Gorontalo telah dilakukan dengan prosedur dan syarat-syarat yang berlaku berdasarkan aturan perundang-undangan. Permohonan penetapan ahli waris dan perkara gugat waris harus dilihat apakah syarat formilnya sudah terpenuhi atau tidak, cocok atau tidak dengan silsilah keluarga dari kelurahan. Bila tidak sesuai maka hakim akan ditolak (NO) untuk melanjutkan perkara tersebut. Pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan penetapannya yaitu: pewarisnya sudah meninggal; ahli warisnya ada dan masih hidup; menyebutkan kepentingan pemohon dalam permohonannya. Pada dasarnya tolak ukur hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusannya harus dengan mempertimbangkan fakta-fakta hukum yang terungkap dalam persidangan, juga memperhatikan aspek-aspek keadilan dan kemanfaatan atas bagi para pihak yang terkait, memperhatikan aturan-aturan yang berlaku dan nilai-nilai luhur yang berkembang dalam masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Pertimbangan Hakim, Pengadilan Agama Gorontalo, Ahli Waris

2020 ◽  

Rongorongo culture plays an important role in the economic life of the people of the island of hurry. This is what helps the community's economic wheels, especially in the traditional Namlea market. This study aims to examine the cultural characteristics of Rongongo in Namlea Village. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of people's written or spoken words and observable behavior. Qualitative approach has natural characteristics (Natural serfing) as a source of direct data, descriptive, process is more important than the results. Analysis in qualitative research tends to be done by inductive analysis and meanings are essential. The data of this study are the people who work as rongorongo in the Namlea market. The data source is the Rongongo workers. The results of the research show that the culture of rongo-rongo existed before the Kabuapaten hurry to bloom, this was influenced by the large number of people from outside the island of hurry inhabiting the island of hunt. Furthermore, in the development of this work, not all Rongongo workers can adapt to the environment. This is influenced by several factors, namely culture and income.

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