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Published By CV. Radja Publika


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Hafni Zahara ◽  
Fadli Fadli ◽  
Emmia Tambarta ◽  
Irada Sinta

The increasingly massive Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has recently changed the system/order of people's lives in Indonesia. This system is known as the New Normal Era. At this time, the existing employment system in Indonesia forced various job providers to reduce the number of workers due to capital problems and social distancing rules. The prohibition of gathering in one place en masse caused job providers to lay off some employees, thus increasing the number of unemployed. This also happened in North Aceh District. Many young workers are forced to leave work because of the limited job opportunities available in North Aceh District. The formation of a new business/business accompanied by the skill of understanding the quality of the product to be produced is the best solution in this condition. Understanding product quality will certainly help entrepreneurs to determine market segmentation, marketing strategies, production costs, types of raw materials used and what risks must be faced. One of the businesses that are very popular with entrepreneurs today is the business of processed drinks from Arabica coffee commodities. Arabica coffee from Aceh Province is better known as Gayo coffee. Gayo coffee is quite famous in the world because it has a distinctive aroma and enjoyment and if it is cupped or taste tested. The location of community service is taken in the North Aceh Regency area considering the location of the Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University which is located in North Aceh Regency, it is expected to be able to make a direct contribution to reducing unemployment through deepening entrepreneurial skills in working age youth through product quality improvement training and coffee test cupping to face new normal challenge in north aceh. The implementation method is designed for mentoring in the form of a participatory approach and refers to the adult learning process (adult-learning) which consists of: (1) Presentation of material equipped with Power Point presentations and simulation materials, (2) limited discussion in accordance with health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID, (3) the assignment or practice of physical testing and coffee cupping tests are (1) to produce agents of change in the "job creation" paradigm from the "job seeker" paradigm among working-age youth, (2) become a forum for soft skills training related to product quality for youth of working age as a provision for business/business formation activities, (3) as a reference for the next community service activity. The output targets to be achieved from this activity are:Publication of activities in print or online media, (3) Survey/Questionnaire of Understanding Product Quality Control to assess the improvement of Human Resources competitiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Likdanawati Likdanawati ◽  
Hamdiah Hamdiah ◽  
Cut Putri Mellita

The Lhokseumawe City Government consists of 4 (four) sub-districts, namely Muara Dua District, Muara Satu District, Blang Mangat District and Banda Sakti District. The old Pusong Village is one of the villages located in Banda Sakti District. Gampong Pusong Lama is one of the villages located on the coast of the city of Lhokseumawe, and the average population of Gampong Pusong is whose income depends on the catch of fish. The catch of fishermen is affected by the wind. If the wind is strong then their catch is small and this has an impact on fishermen's income. Under these circumstances, fishermen can only surrender and use a small amount of their past income to meet their daily needs. Fish caught by fishermen have high nutritional and protein content. The fishermen's family members consume the caught fish every day by cooking it as a side dish. Whereas in addition to being cooked as a side dish, fish can also be processed into ready-to-eat food and can increase its economic value. They still have minimal knowledge about the technology of processing fishery products other than being cooked into side dishes. Fishermen's family members, namely fishermen's mothers, have the potential to improve the economic conditions of their families. Given these conditions, it is necessary to make an effort to improve the economy and skills with science and technology. For this reason, it is necessary to make an effort to empower fishing communities, especially women in an effort to increase the income of fishermen's families. The purpose of this Community Service Activity (PKM) is to empower the community by using science and technology to improve the skills and economic income of partners through processing marine products in the form of fish. the processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products. The method of carrying out activities is carried out by (1) introducing nutritious modern fishery products whose processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products. The method of carrying out activities is carried out by (1) introducing nutritious modern fishery products whose processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Jamilah Jamilah ◽  
Nurmala Nurmala ◽  
Sullaida Sullaida ◽  
Siti Nadhiratun Nisa ◽  
Divia Novita

The highest production (catching) of tuna reached 32.22% per year but the selling price of fish was very low, while the fish processing business was only in the form of wooden fish (keumamah) and smoking due to low mastery of technology and absorption of innovation. The business of processing tuna into shredded fish and fish crackers has never been carried out by the coastal fishing communities of Aceh, even though this business has the potential to be developed on a household scale. The service activity aims to provide training on processing tuna into shredded fish and fish crackers for fishing communities in coastal areas in the category of poor families. The method used is the survey method and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Demonstrations of processing tuna into shredded fish and fish crackers can open up insights and business opportunities for housewives and young fishermen in creating added value and profit for traditional fishing households as well as improving production management and marketing of competitively processed fish. This activity can foster an entrepreneurial spirit among coastal fishing communities to increase fishermen's household income.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Damanhur Damanhur ◽  
Ichsan Ichsan ◽  
Ahmad Fauzul Hakim Hasibuan ◽  
Syarifah Ridani Alifah ◽  
Dina Nurmalita Sari

Souvenir business is a business that has been running in Lhokseumawe City from several decades back, tourist interest in merchandise and souvenirs when visiting Aceh province, especially Lhokseumawe city is a special attraction when shopping. This city is a vital route of distribution and trade in Aceh. But this has not been supported using technology in the development of digital marketing management. The solution to partner problems is by fostering business management, developing human resources, conducting coaching regarding the promotion of partner products, motivating employees and mastering technology. The outputs in this service for the year are: 1. Draft Scientific Publications in the Journal of Community Service Darma Bakti Teuku Umar 2. Serambi Indonesia Mass Media Articles 3. Increasing Partner Capabilities by Optimizing Digital Marketing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-61
Umaruddin Usman ◽  
Erlangga Erlangga ◽  
Likdanawati Likdanawati ◽  
Azizi Ramadhan ◽  
Firli Ariski

The main problems faced today are first, limited capital in developing a goat fattening business. Such high demand for goats is not accompanied by the provision of additional cages to place ready-made goat seeds to be fattened. Second, the lack of knowledge and understanding of good goat farming. Including the cleanliness and maintenance of the cage and even maintenance. Third, the lack of understanding of digitalization technology in running a goat fattening business. such as, making financial reports, and online marketing through existing applications. The purpose of this activity to partners is to increase the quantity of goat sales with good quality. Increased sales result in increased revenue that partners will get. Business expansion brings good changes in creating job opportunities to help this business. The method used to solve the problem is assistance such as helping to find business capital, as well as providing the latest digitalization trainings starting from the time this activity is carried out until after this activity is carried out on an ongoing basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Muammar Khaddafi ◽  
Rico Nur Ilham ◽  
Fuadi Fuadi ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki ◽  
Reza Juanda

In the industrial era 4.0 technology has emerged and people's thoughts are increasingly democratic. Nowadays, we see a lot of phenomena in coffee shops where young people with their laptops can buy company shares through investment and get dividends. This investment activity will encourage a country's economy, absorb labor, increase output resulting in foreign exchange savings or even increase foreign exchange. Investment aims to get a fixed income in each period, meet future needs and so on. Thus, the increase in the value of this investment is expected to help economic growth for the welfare of the community. ( The condition of the community in Blang Pulo Village is in a position that is still in the lower middle-class community where most people earn from farming and trading. Almost the average community does not have savings prepared for the future. Others are in a weak economic position where their income is only enough for their daily meals. With the investment village, it is hoped that the trading community in Gampong Blang Pulo will be willing to follow directions to save shares every month on a regular basis to get the maximum profit possible. ( An investment village is an activity to introduce investment to the community and invite people to save shares. As well as providing guidance on how to invest properly and correctly that can generate future returns without any element of usury. With the investment village program, it is expected to be able to develop the potential that has been pioneered by the community to be more developed. The investment village will be held in Gampong Blang Pulo and will be assisted by local village officials in its implementation. The Investment Village Extension activity began with recording and visiting people's homes and then making friendly gatherings to increase friendship. After that, conducting counseling to invite people to save shares regularly every month and provide guidance on the capital market and conduct socialization in Gampong Blang Pulo to make the investment village program a success.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Rico Nur Ilham ◽  
Mohd. Heikal ◽  
Muammar Khaddafi ◽  
Falahuddin F ◽  
Ichsan Ichsan ◽  

Local governments must be able to prioritize superior commodities which are considered as the basis for sub-sectors to optimize regional economic advantages. Understanding the priorities of development planning and commodities in the agricultural, plantation and livestock sub-sectors in Aceh Province, it is necessary to know which agricultural, plantation and livestock sub-sectors are the leading and leading commodities in the agricultural, plantation and livestock sectors in Aceh Province. This research for community service was carried out on September 25, 2020 - August 25, 2021 with the location survey method. The criteria used based on this survey are 7 leading commodities in Aceh Province which include red chilies, cayenne peppers, shallots, beef, chicken meat, rice and eggs. The results of this service show that the agriculture and plantation sub-sectors are superior commodities from the period September 2020 - August 2021 with 9 regional locations in Aceh Province. Likewise with the nominated livestock sub-sector as a superior commodity in Aceh Province.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-21
Ichsan Ichsan ◽  
Rico Nur Ilham

Food security in households can be measured by maintaining stability and security in the availability of staple food. Covid-19 has an impact on the agricultural sector and farmers so that it affects their income, and automatically changes the availability of food in their households. The purpose of this study was to find out how Covid-19 had an impact on the food availability of rice farmers' households, and what strategies were used to survive in conditions of uncertainty. This research uses a case study approach in Aceh Province. The results of this study show contradictory responses based on the status of the farmer (agriculture as the main or secondary livelihood), and the availability of access to other sources of income affects how or not Covid-19 affects their lives. This study shows that the cultural factors of farmers who live simply and farmers of food commodities are those who are more resilient than farmers of other commodities and the lower middle class in general. The strategy in question is to sell produce with a larger proportion due to declining selling prices, take food from the harvest and rice barns also receive assistance from the government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-25
Muammar Khaddafi ◽  
Mohd. Heikal ◽  
Falahuddin F ◽  
Ichsan Ichsan ◽  
Fuadi F ◽  

The Industrial Revolution is indeed familiar, Indonesia has known that the 4.0 industrial revolution has existed since 2011 but has been implemented by the Indonesian government since 2019. Currently, Indonesia in terms of its economy often associates it with the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is a change that occurs rapidly in the implementation of the production process or the way of making or increasing the use value of an item that originally used human power (traditional) to use machine tools (modern). The purpose of this community service is to help the community in implementing, being able to implement digitalization in everyday life and being able to develop it. People really need to know how important technology is in today's era. This activity is designed for 1 day starting with the socialization of presidential regulations on digital transformation, how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation. how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation. how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-28
Irada Sinta ◽  
Rico Nur Ilham ◽  
Dewi Kumala Sari ◽  
Mawardati M ◽  
Khaidir Khaidir ◽  

The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic which has an impact on the economy is no exception to the community around the UNIMAL Faculty of Agriculture. The COVID-19 pandemic condition in Aceh caused UNIMAL to carry out online/online-based lecture activities according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Campus activities with an online system cause students to carry out the learning process from their home area so they are not in the environment around UNIMAL. The regulation of the online learning system due to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic which dealt a tremendous blow to the economy of the community around the UNIMAL Faculty of Agriculture as traders in the UNIMAL environment and providers of rental houses for students. Then, the lack of knowledge of housewives in East Reulet about what business prospects can be run and the cleanliness and food safety of processed products that need to be realized for public health are the basis for this activity to be carried out. The location of the community service was taken around the UNIMAL Faculty of Agriculture Institution, namely Gampong Reulet Timur, North Aceh Regency. At the preparation stage, the implementation of activities begins with increasing coordination and synergistic cooperation between the parties involved, namely Academic Activists (Lecturers) and the targeted community groups. The implementation methodology is designed for mentors in the form of a participatory approach and refers to the adult learning process (adult-learning), which consists of: (1) Providing information related to sauce processing, (2) assignment or direct practice of sauce processing.

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