scholarly journals The Correlation between Lecturers’ Performance in Supervising Thesis and Thesis Quality in IAIN Palu

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-133
Erniati Erniati ◽  
Khaeruddin Yusuf ◽  
Andi Nurul Hidayat

This article aims to determine lecturers’ performance in supervising thesis with thesis quality of students of Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training IAIN Palu. This is a quantitative study investigating 285 students of Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training IAIN Palu. who had finished their thesis examinations in 2020 by using proportional sampling technique? The data collection techniques were surveys, observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that the performance of the lecturers in supervising the thesis was in good category with an average (mean) score of 79.79 and the quality of the thesis was in the good category with the average score (mean) of 81.16. There is a significant correlation between the performance of the lecturer in supervising the thesis and the thesis quality of the students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-83
Regita Cahyani ◽  
Riskan Riskan ◽  
Suardi Jasma

This study was aimed to figure out if there is significant correlation between service quality and customers' satisfaction at Rumah Cantik Amanie in Kebun Tebeng of Bengkulu municipality. This was a quantitative study. Method used in this study was survey. Data collection was done by giving away questionnaire in the form of written statement to be filled in by the respondents based on the real situation. The respondents were 212 people, taken by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis method used were descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. Based on the analysis result and hipothesis examination it could be concluded that: (1) Amanie salon's service quality had been quality in the customers'  opinion proven by average score of 4.04. This  average score was in the range of 3.41 - 4.20 which was categorized to be "quality"; (2) Amanie salon's customers' satisfaction had already been satisfied category, with average answer of 4.09. This score was in the range of 3.41-4.20 which meant "satisfied"; (3) There was correlation between service quality and Amanie salon's customers' satisfaction with correlation coefficent of 0.977.  The capability of service quality variable in explaining the rise and fall of Amanie Salon's customers' satisfaction was still huge. It was 95.45%, while the rest 4.55% was affected by other factor which was not studied. Keywords : service quality, customers' satisfaction

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Shofia Zulfa Amalina ◽  
Sri Hartono ◽  
Ratna Damayanti

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of whether or not the quality of service, store atmosphere and promotion of consumer satisfaction at Pondok Jowi Restaurant Solo. The population in this study were consumers of Pondok Jowi Solo Restaurant in January 2020 at May 2020 with a total of 14,030 people. The sampling techniquemismpurposive samplingm which is a sampling technique with certain considerations by taking 100 respondents. Data collection uses a Likert scale questionnaire to measure respondents' answers to identify the relationship between service quality, store atmosphere and promotion of customer satisfaction. The results show that service quality, store atmosphere and promotion have a simultaneous and significant effect on customer satisfaction, servicei quality has assignificant effect on customer satisfaction, store atmosphere has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and promotion has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Keywords: Service quality, Store atmosphere, Promotion, Consumer satisfaction

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Muh Nashiruddin ◽  
Anharurrohman El Muhammadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara: 1) kreativitas guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti , 2) motivasi kerja guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti , dan 3) kreativitas dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi korelasional dengan melibatkan 33 orang sampel yang dipilih secara dengan metode sensus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket/kuesioner. Teknikanalisis data diawali dengan uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dan linieritas. Uji hipotesis menggunakanuji regresi sederhana danuji regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ; 1) Kreativitas guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti. 2) motivasi kerja guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti. 3) kreativitas guru dan motivasi kerja guru secara bersama-sama atau simultan berpengaruh terhadap mutu pembelajaran. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai dari ketiga variabel tersebut hanya dapat dimasukkan dalam kategori sedang, sehingga untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam mengajar perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor lain seperti: gaji, jaminan kerja, jaminan hari tua, penghargaan atas prestasi kerja, dan sebagainya. Kata kunci: kreativitas, motivasi, mutupembelajaran Abstract [The Relationship Between Teachers’ Creativity and Motivation Toward Learning Improvement]. This research aim at determine the correlation between the creativity of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, the work motivation of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, and the creativity and the work motivation of eachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior. This research employed a method of correlation description with 33 Islamic education teacher were selected as sample by means of census sampling. Technique of collecting data employed questionnaire. Technique of data analysis began with prerequisite of normality and linearity. Hypothesis used test of simple regression and double regression.The study revealed that teacher creativity affects on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, as well as teacher work motivation affects on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior. Futhermore, analysis show that teacher creativity as well as teacher work motivation affects simultaneously on the learning quality of Islamic Education. In conclusion, the average value of those three variables may be only included into medium category. Thus, to increase teacher performance, it needs other factors, such as; salary, job guarantee, pension, appreciation of work achievement, etc. Keywords: Creativity, Motivation, Learning Quality

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dewi Seprianingsih ◽  
A. Wahab Jufri ◽  

Arguing ability was a part of critical thinking skills which important to be mastered by the students. In fact, students’ ability to argue was still relatively low. This referred to the TIMSS report (The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) in 2011, and showed that Indonesian children’s level in science was positioned in 42 from 45 countries. One kind of efforts to improve the quality of the ability to argue was applying the model of guided inquiry. This study was aimed to develop inquiry-based learning tools (PPBIT) and analyzed its effectiveness in developing the ability to argue of students at SMAN 2 Taliwang-West Sumbawa. PPBIT was carried out by applying 4D procedure. Then, pretest posttest control group design also completely concerned in determining the effectiveness of PPBIT. There were 66 students as the sample which was scattered from two classes and was selected by using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that PPBIT was appropriately to be used for students argumentation  skills’ activities by an average of feasibility syllabus 78.71%, RPP 83.5, LKITS 75%, and Instruments KB 80.25%, and effective in improving the ability to argue the class X SMAN 2 Taliwang, particularly on the subject of environmental pollution and recycling of waste by the average score of the students' ability from 48.22 up to 85.08Keyword: PPBIT, Argument

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Fida Amalia Buana Putri ◽  
Shanta Rezkita

Based on the necessary with the teacher, it is concluded that teachers need information technology (IT) based on learning media in the teaching and learning process. The main purpose of this study is to know about the research procedure, to know about the quality of the media that developed, and the expert's respond. This study is a Research and Development (R&D). The on  procedure of the procedure uses 9 steps, including 1)Potentials and problems, 2)Data collection, 3)Product design, 4)Design validation, 5)Design revision, 6)Product try-out, 7)Product revision, 8)Application try-out, 9)Product revision until the desired products interactive powerpoint learning media are complete. The result of the study showed that the media were appropriate to be implemented. This showed from media experts of the validation result that average score 3,34 with a very good category. Material expert student's that average score 3,40 with very good category and from linguists expert result that average score 3,22 with the good category. Next, the average validation score of the teacher is 3,62 with a very good category and peers of the validation result that average score 3,44 with a very good category. The last response of the students in applications try-out responses that average score 92,75 with a very good category. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Ita Nurmalasari ◽  
Dewi Zainul Karimah

This study examines the role of human resource management in improving the quality of educators. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study. This research site is in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri, Purworejo Regency. The data collection technique used by researchers is interview observation. In this study, the object of research is the Role of Human Resources to Achieve Workforce Quality in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri. Research data collection using descriptive observation, interview or qualitative methods. This interview observation study was conducted by lecturers and students of Islamic Education Management Study Program with student WK in MTs Nu Ma'arifKemiri. This activity aims to observe the Quality of Human Resources Workers conducted by MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri.

Sutikno Sutikno

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Realita menunjukkan bahwa ada sebagian mahasiswa Prodi PAI FTK UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya penguasaan kompetensi keagamaannya kurang memadai, terutama dalam baca tulis al-Qur’a&gt;n dan al-H}adi&gt;th, baik yang diterima melalui jalur SPAN, UM PTKIN maupun jalur Mandiri. Dengan demikian, timbul kekhawatiran atas kesenjangan antara masukan dan harapan keluaran Prodi PAI yang mencetak calon guru PAI yang profesional. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi evaluatif. Hasil analisis menggunakan<em> One Way Anova</em> menunjukkan F<sub>hitung</sub> = 44,88 dan uji T dengan t<sub>hitung</sub> =  9,433. Apabila F<sub>hitung</sub> = 44,88 dikonfirmasi dengan nilai F<sub>tabel</sub>, baik menggunakan taraf signifikansi 5% dan 1%, maka F<sub>hitung</sub>&gt; F<sub>tabel </sub>(3,44 &lt; 44,88 &gt; 4,88). Apabila t<sub>hitung</sub> =  9,433 dikonfirmasi dengan nilai t<sub>tabel</sub>, baik menggunakan taraf signifikansi 5% dan 1%, maka t<sub>hitung</sub>&gt; t<sub>tabel </sub>(1,665 &lt; 9,433 &gt; 2,376), menunjukkan ada persamaan dan perbedaan yang signifikan kompetensi keagamaan mahasiswa Prodi PAI FTK UINSA, baik jalur SPAN, UM PTKIN maupun Mandiri. Persamaannya, <em>pertama</em> nilai rata-rata kompetensi keagamaan pada masing-masing jalur penerimaan terletak pada nilai A- s/d A (9,18 s/d 10,49); <em>kedua</em>, Studi H}adi&gt;th sebagai mata kuliah keagamaan dengan nilai terendah. Perbedaannya, nilai tertinggi jalur SPAN dan UM PTKIN ditempati oleh Aqidah Ilmu Kalam, sedangkan nilai tertinggi pada jalur mandiri ditempati oleh Fiqih Ibadah.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>It is the fact that mastery of Islamic Religious Subjects by some new students at Islamic Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is not yet satisfying, especially in reading al-Qur'a&gt;n and al-H}adi&gt;th, by those admitted through SPAN, UM PTKIN or Jalur Mandiri (institutional test). Thus, there is an apprehension about quality disparity between the input and expected output of Islamic education teacher training program to result in professional teachers. This descriptive quantitative research uses an evaluative phenomenology approach. Based on the results of the analysis using One Way Anova, obtained F-count = 44,88 and T-test, which yield t-count = 9,433. If F-count= 44.88 is confirmed against F-table score, using both the 5% and 1% significance levels, then F-count &gt; F-table (3.44 &lt;44,88&gt; 4.88). If t-count = 9,433 is confirmed with t-table value, using 5% and 1% significance level, then t-count &gt; t-table (1,665 &lt;9,433&gt; 2,376), shows there are similarities and significant differences of religious competence of students of Islamic education teacher training of UINSA admitted through SPAN, UM PTKIN and Jalur Mandiri. The similarities is, <em>first</em>, the average score of religious competence in every entry test model lies in the A- and A (9.18 to 10.49); <em>second</em>, in average students experienced H}adi&gt;th studies in the training process with as the lowest grade. The <em>difference</em> is that the students admitted through the SPAN and UM PTKIN modes achieved high score in Aqidah Ilmu Kalam during the training, while those coming from Jalur Mandiri are strong in Fiqh Ibadah (Fiqih 1).</p>

Miftah Ruli Hartanto ◽  
Sri Darwini ◽  
Lalu M. Furkan

This study aims to determine how the level of customer satisfaction, as well as to determine whether the level of customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty at the Yamaha Adhi Motor Official Workshop in Rembiga Mataram. This type of research is descriptive research and data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. This research was conducted at the Yamaha Adhi Motor Workshop in Rembiga Mataram, the data collection technique used a sample survey technique and the determination of respondents using purposive sampling technique where as many as 50 people were made respondents. The data collection tool used in this study was a questionnaire, in which the variables were analyzed qualitatively using a Likert scale and quantitatively using chi square analysis. Based on the research that has been done, it shows that consumers at the Yamaha Adhi Motor Workshop in Rembiga Mataram are 35 people (70%) who are very satisfied with the elements of service provided, 10 respondents (20%) are satisfied, and the remaining 5 people (10 %) expressed dissatisfaction. The results of the calculation with the average score of the level of consumer loyalty, as many as 21 people (42%) have a level of loyalty at the Yamaha Adhi Motor Official Workshop are very loyal, 11 people (22%) say they are loyal, while the remaining 18 people (36%) stated loyal enough. Quantitatively, to test the proposed hypothesis and analyze the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, the calculation results obtained by the X2 value is 18.25 and this value is greater than the X2 table value of 9.49 at α = 0.05 and df = 4, which proves that customer satisfaction has significant influence on the level of consumer loyalty, because X2h> X2t. Furthermore, it is also known that the level of closeness of the relationship between variables is strong, as evidenced by the contingency coefficient (C) of 0.52, which is close to the Cmaximal value of 0.71, which in fact fulfills the requirement that the C value is greater than half the C max value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Ivony Tresia

Thisdstudy originated from the resultsiofiprevious studies where there were problems regarding the process of managing the procurement of perishable goods that did not have written procedures, the quality requirements of the material written and standardized in the hotel. To continue the problem where there are still problems related to food quality at breakfast at The Aliga Hotel Padang. This study aims to analyze food quality at breakfast at The Aliga Hotel Padang. This type of studyiisiquantitativepdescriptive. The population in this study were guests who stayed and breakfast at The Aliga Hotel Padang. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The totaliofisamplesiin this study amounted to 91 people. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires (questionnaires) using the Liker scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. Thenitheidata wereianalysisithrough data tabulation and descriptive data using percentages. Based on the research that has been done, the results obtained that the quality of food at breakfast at The Aliga Hotel Padang is in the category of enough with a percentage of 45.05%. It is recommended for other researchers to continue research on the quantity of food. Keywords: Food Quality, Breakfast

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 199
St. Jumaeda

This research was conducted to obtain information about the learning process of Islamic education at the high school in Maluku Tengah. In this study applied a method of evaluation studies Program, collection of data obtained through the study of documents, interviews, questionnaires and observation. The data is then classified into the category of excellent, good, sufficient, less, and very less, based on standards that have been set. The findings in the evaluation of the learning program at Islamic Education for high school in Maluku Tengah district, shows that the quality of the learning process, including both categories. The learning process is determined by the element or the following aspects; (1) the Teacher's performance is judged by category, with the acquisition of average score 4.14 or 82.79% of the maximum score, (2) Learning Facilities are assessed either by obtaining the average score of 3.71 or 74.17% of the maximum score, (3) Climate class is rated good with the acquisition of the mean score of 3.61 or 72.04% of the maximum score. (4) the attitude of the learners are assessed either by obtaining the average score 4.01 or 80.09% of the maximum score. (5) the learning motivation of learners assessed either by obtaining the average score or 77.71 3.88% of the maximum score. So based on the results of the assesment and the categorisation then determined that the quality of the learning process the Islamic education judged included on the category either, with the acquisition of the average score or 3.88 77.50% of the maximum score.

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