scholarly journals Transformation of the News Systems on the Russian Regional TV Channels

Vladimir Evdokimov

The relevance of studying the process of the news systems transformation in the media is substantiated by the constant interest of the society in getting the information disseminated by the mass media. It is necessary for the individual understanding of the phenomena and of the objective reality patterns. The article attempts to identify the factors influencing the process of the news systems formation in the modern media. The article is based on the general-scientific methods of the historical and philosophical analysis and on the general theory of knowledge. Such general-scientific methods as historical, dialectical, systematic, structural and comparative ones as well as specific methods, namely observation, document analysis and content analysis form the methodological base of the research. The main method is the systematic and structural approach which gives an opportunity of regarding any object as an integral complex of interconnected elements. The article highlights both the informative, holistic news systems which are capable of reflecting the trends in the development of socio-political processes and patterns of the society life and the incomplete, fragmentary ones, the elements of which are poorly connected with each other. The authors prove that the process of the formation of the news systems as of meaningful and self-organizing phenomena is reflected in eliminating distinctions between relevant and irrelevant events and in the harmonization of journalists’ activities.

Irīna Poļevaja

A defence attorney is a significant and notable figure in criminal proceedings who for the whole procedural activity in a criminal case, in theory, should facilitate detecting and correcting possible judicial mistakes. In this respect, it is vital to conduct a series of research in order to highlight prevalent problems and issues of a defence attorney’s participation in criminal trials and to work out relevant recommendations for trial attorneys that would help to forestall, detect and prevent judicial mistakes. A specific condition of a defence attorney’s activity in the process of evidencing at a judicial examination is his awareness of the entire system of evidences presented by the prosecution and accusation conclusions in disputable classification situations. They should rely upon the fact that a judicial examination is performed under circumstances of direct examination of evidence, oral proceedings, publicity, invariability of the body of the court, as well as the fact that both the court and the representatives of the parties take part at the examination. Rather short deadlines of a judicial examination entails working under circumstances when decisions must be taken under extreme conditions, by applying tricks and methods that would allow examining all evidence in the most productive way. It makes sense for a defence attorney to state his activity position and determination of taking an active part in evidencing already at the beginning of court hearings, by filing a motion to summoning new witnesses, experts and specialists, disclosure of material evidence and documents or exclusion of evidence obtained in the way of violating the law. 
The author of the study applied general scientific methods of studying objective reality, peculiar to legal sciences: systematic document analysis, structural-functional analysis, critical approach, generalisation and prediction. As a result, the author provides numerous recommendations and rules for successful and immaculate defence in criminal trials. Aizstāvis ir nozīmīga, ievērojama figūra kriminālprocesā, jo aizstāvja procesuālajai darbībai krimināllietā teorētiski būtu jāatvieglo iespējamo tiesas kļūdu konstatēšana un labošana. Un šajā sakarā ir vitāli svarīgi veikt virkni pētījumu, lai izceltu problēmjautājumus, kas saistīti ar aizstāvja piedalīšanos krimināllietās, un izstrādātu tādas rekomendācijas aizstāvjiem, kas praktiskajā darbībā sekmētu tiesas kļūdu paredzēšanu, konstatēšanu un novēršanu. 
Par specifisku priekšnoteikumu aizstāvja darbībai pierādīšanas procesā tiesas izmeklēšanā ir uzskatāma viņa pilnā informētība par visu pierādījumu sistēmu lietā, kuru piedāvā valsts apsūdzība, un par valsts apsūdzības apsvērumiem strīdus krimināltiesiskās kvalifikācijas gadījumos. Aizstāvim jāņem vērā, ka tiesas izmeklēšana norit pierādījumu tiešas un nepastarpinātas pārbaudes apstākļos, ievērojot mutiskuma, publicitātes un tiesas sastāva nemainīguma principus. Pierādījumu pārbaudē piedalās gan tiesa, gan visi pārējie procesa dalībnieki, kas nav aizstāvības pusē. Likuma prasība ievērot saprātīgus lietas iztiesāšanas termiņus paredz saspringtu darbu, svarīgus lēmumus pieņemot ekstremālos procesuālos apstākļos, izmantojot tādus paņēmienus un metodes, kas veicinātu efektīvu pierādījumu kopuma pārbaudi un novērtēšanu. Aizstāvim būtu ieteicams deklarēt savu aktīvu procesuālo pozīciju un paust gatavību aktīvi piedalīties pierādīšanā jau tiesas izmeklēšanas sākumā, piesakot lūgumus par jauno liecinieku, ekspertu un/vai speciālistu aicināšanu uz tiesas sēdi, kā arī piesakot lūgumus par lietisko pierādījumu un/vai dokumentu pieprasīšanu un par pierādījumu, kas iegūti, pārkāpjot likumu, izslēgšanu no pierādījumu kopuma. 
Šajā pētījumā ir izmantotas vispārīgās zinātniskās metodes, kas sekmē objektīvās realitātes izzināšanu un ir raksturīgas tiesību zinātnei, proti: sistēmiskā dokumentu analīze, strukturāli funkcionālā analīze, kritiskā pieeja, vispārināšana un prognozēšana. Secinājumos tiek piedāvātas vairākas rekomendācijas veiksmīgai, efektīvai un nevainojamai aizstāvībai pirmās instances tiesā.

J LI ◽  

The article discusses the problems of concert educational work in distance conditions, as well as the possibilities that are associated with this format of activities of musical educational organizations in terms of attracting a new target audience. The purpose of the article is to present the results of an empirical study, conducted by the author during the quarantine period on the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach and includes a group of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction), as well as a group of special methods: content analysis of scientific literature on the research topic; sociological survey method (questionnaire survey); method of statistical data analysis. The data obtained during the empirical study was processed using the advanced analytics program Neural Designer. The materials of the research were the answers of respondents to three questionnaires containing questions about the quality of concert and educational activities in a distance format. Based on the results of the empirical study, the author of the article came to the following conclusions: the main problem of the concert and educational work of music institutions in a distance format is the low level of awareness of the potential target audience about educational projects, which is associated with the lack of information about musical educational projects in social networks, as well as with the absence of online broadcasts based on a subscription in the media environment. Based on the identified problems, the author of the article provides practical recommendations.

Nataliia MEKH ◽  

The article deals with the problem of integration of scientific and technological progress, in particular information and communication technologies in human life, the emergence of an alternative level of dependence of the individual on information and technogenic factors in the psycholinguistic aspect. Analysis of theoretical and practical prerequisites of influence of scientific and technological sphere on a person, particularly information and communication technologies on its psycholinguistic potential, estimation of depth, and practical consequences of influence and further prospects. The general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis of the research problem were used, formalizing the results of domestic and foreign sources, systematization, and comparing existing estimates to identify significant and minor factors and their correlation, generalization of results, forecasting of prospects. Scientific and technological progress in changing man's world has adjusted his ability to choose information, analyze it critically, and formulate objective decisions. More and more people are given not information for analysis but conclusions. The existence of human dependence on information technology comes from the understanding that their creation is a projection of the inner world of man, his views and motives. Therefore, dependence is a downside to existing technological comfort, living conditions, and communication. At the same time, competition requires constant updating of people's knowledge of technology, which only exacerbates this dependency, personal energy costs, psychological fatigue, and problems of motivation. One of the conditions for effective human existence in the information and communication system is violated - synchronization of information processing processes, which negatively affects the psycholinguistic level. The level of human dependence on technology is unprecedented, and further expansion and self-interest will only worsen, in particular psycholinguistic perspectives. The improvement of the situation does not lie in the technological plane, as it increases the level of social morality, an ethos of man and community. Keywords: scientific and technological sphere, information and communication technologies, psycholinguistics, integration, influence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-A) ◽  
pp. 293-303
Yury Alexandrovic Svirin ◽  
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Gureev ◽  
Alexandr Anatolievich Mokhov ◽  
Eduard Eduardovich Artyukhov ◽  
Igor Mikhaylovich Divin

The authors examine the emergence of the institution of restrictions on the right to property from a historical perspective and also justify the need to introduce a mechanism of restrictions on the right in the modern world. The disclosure of the topic was carried out from the standpoint of general scientific, the method of theoretical analysis, and special scientific methods (comparative jurisprudence, technical and legal analysis, concretization, interpretation). The methodological basis of the study was the method of the theory of knowledge. The necessity of developing a mechanism for limiting the absolute right of ownership was justified, the difference between the restriction and encumbrance of the right of ownership was proved, and the place of the easement in the system of restriction on the right was investigated.  

Nadiya Figol ◽  
Tatyana Faychuk

The Ukrainian phraseology is constantly evolving; the obsolete and infrequent phraseologisms disappear, instead the new phraseologisms appear and the traditional ones are being updated, changed and evolved. At the same time, not only the component composition of phraseological richness of the Ukrainian language is being changed, but also the understanding of the concept “phraseologism”, which determines the relevance of our research and explains its objective – to ascertain which phraseologisms are used by the media in order to attract the reader’s attention and to find out the transformations that occur with traditional phraseologisms in the modern editions. Among the methods used to conduct the research, one can mention firstly the general scientific methods: descriptive method; analysis and synthesis; typologization. Along with general scientific methods, a modern methodology was used to study effectiveness of use of modified phrasemes in the modern media: a discourse analysis, which included the study of interrelations of the text or its unit with other elements and texts, dependence of the text on speech, social and political situation. The study also used a content analysis method aimed at collecting quantitative data about the phenomenon which allowed drawing the objective conclu-sions about the spread and use of phrasemes in the headlines complex. The article deals with phraseologisms as an actively used language trope in the modern print and online media. It has been found out that in the modern periodicals the phraseologisms become an effective tool for attracting the reader’s attention through emotionally-expressive component. The phraseme modification processes that contribute to the relevance of these language constuc-tions are analyzed. The phraseme modification techniques are investigated: complete or partial modification of semantics, adding author’s comment, spreading a phraseologism with the help of new components. It is determined that a large part of phraseme used in online media is formed as a result of transformation of traditional stable units through spreading their compo-nent composition, complete or partial modification of semantics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-59
K. D. Zaiats

The subjects of the study are the problems that arise at the initial stage of the investigation of street fraud, the study is the individual problems of pre-trial investigation of street fraud and the ways of their solution. The study aims to highlight the most common problems in practice at the initial stage of the investigation of this group of fraud, and presents recommendations for their solution. In the course of time, general scientific methods of cognition were used. The relevance of the research topic is that the main problems of investigators arise at the stage of the decision to open criminal proceedings. Difficulties are related to the fact that the investigator needs to take a key procedural decision based on the analysis of very limited information about the event. In addition, in the context of open criminal proceedings, it is very difficult to form a system of evidence of the existence of a criminal intention in the actions of a fraudsters. Indeed, unlike other crimes, they are reflected not so much in material traces as in acts of intellectual nature: the reporting of false information, the use of fictitious documents, specific attributes, and many others. Gathering evidence of such an order requires an extraordinary level of professionalism. The investigator should not only have a high level of knowledge of the existing criminal and criminal procedural legislation, but also be aware of ways to overcome the main difficulties encountered in criminal proceedings on fraud. The novelty of the results is that the research in this direction was conducted for the first time. The main results of the study are given a number of typical problems of investigation of street fraud, as well as recommendations for their overcoming. The results of the study can be used in the field of the criminal law cycle. The practical significance lies in the possibility of introducing the results of the research into the educational process in the presentation of the discipline “The method of investigation of crimes”, special courses, as well as in raising the skills of practical police officers. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn in the form of concrete proposals for addressing typical problems arising in the investigation of street fraud.

Igor’ Pryadko

In this research project the author analyzes a most relevant problem, that is, biosphere compatibility of urban space planning in major megalopolises; this problem comprises the launch of a comfortable transport system, convenient transport routes free from any traffic jams in urban streets and highways. The author con-siders different methods for organization of convenient transport routes in Moscow. The author believes that a comfortable transport network is a main factor for sustainable development of the urban economy that may help the city to restore its main functions. The author has employed the retrospective analysis of the materials produced by the media, namely, news items published in Moscow and Moscow Metropolitan area in respect of the transport organization patterns. The author has also employed the method of historical comparisons, as well as the general scientific methods of deduction, induction, and deduction by analogy. The author collect-ed the source material by launching a questionnaire-based survey among the residents of the capital. The survey served to help the author to find out the main trends in the organization of the urban space and to identify the transport preferences of urban residents. Moscow transport development trends include broad-ened bus lanes, rent-a-bicycle stations, construction of hubs both on the outskirts of Moscow and in its cen-tre, and liquidation of traffic “bottlenecks”. Innovations include replacement of trolley bus and bus routes by electric bus routes. The retrospective analysis of e-transport networks in Europe and North America is of-fered to identify the current needs of European megalopolises. The survey findings can be invested into the organization of the Moscow transport network.

2021 ◽  
Natalia Bilovska ◽  

In the article we interpret discrete and continuous message as interrupted and constant, limited and continual text, which has specific features and a number of differences between traditional (one-dimensional) text and hypertext (multidimensional). The purpose of this study is to define the concept of “hypertext”, consideration of its characteristics and features of the structure, similarities and differences with the traditional text, including the message in the media and communication. To achieve the goal of the study, we used a number of methods typical of journalism. Empirical analysis enabled a generalized description of the subject of study, which allowed to know it as a phenomenon. With the help of generalization the characteristic and specific regularities and principles of hypertext were studied. The system method is used to identify the dependence of each element of hypertext on its place in the text system as a whole. The retrospective method helped to understand the preconditions for the emergence of hypertext, to trace the dynamics of its development. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) made it possible to formulate the conclusions of the study. Thanks to hypertext and the hypertext systems, the concept of virtual reality has gained tangible meaning. In hypertext space, virtuality organically complements reality. The state of virtuality, in this case, becomes the concept of hyperreality, and all this merges into a single whole in the space of computer text. Due to its volume and multidimensionality, hypertext can arouse scientific interest as an interdisciplinary discipline. In today’s world, the phenomenon of hypertext has been the subject of numerous discussions, conferences and research in the field of social communications, linguistics and psychology. Today, a significant number of organizations conduct large-scale research based on the concepts of hypertext associations and associative navigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Svetlana Doskach ◽  
Lіubov Kostyk

The article presents a theoretical analysis of informative and manipulative influence on the socio-political consciousness and behavior of modern youth. The interpretation of consciousness in the psychological and political areas has been revealed, which makes it possible to consider information technologies as an important attribute of influence on political consciousness. There has been conducted the analysis of the psychological components of informative and manipulative technologies, which defined as the dominance of the spiritual state of the individual, the imposition of thoughts, ideas, attitudes, values and management of behavior in favor of the subject of influence. There has been revealed the idea that the favorable socio-political conditions encourage the media to exert influence by manipulating the political consciousness and behavior of young people. The opinion has been clarified, that the use of communication technologies, that optimize the implementation of policy actors of their tasks and responsibilities through rational means, sequence of actions, development of an appropriate algorithm of behavior, result in the implementation of human activities to achieve socially significant goals, including political one. In the context of this issue, the role of the media in the political processes of society has been revealed, where they act as a means of manipulative influence aimed at transforming the political consciousness of young people. The factors influencing the political consciousness of young people have been analyzed, where the most influential are: granting the right to edit, adding their own conjectures; distortion of information; submission of false information; being reticent about major events; being ahead of the curve. However, the main reason for the effects of informative and manipulative influence lies in the personal scope, where it is important to have the ability to think critically, to analyze, interpret, defend the point of view, have strong energy and will, to have different forms of verbal influence of optimal mechanisms of thought and actions appropriate to the situation. Methods of effective counteraction to informative and manipulative influences have been determined. The main one is the ability to distribute information in the associative space, when one constructs the absence of intersection of the discussed events by associative connection with other unrelated events. Due to effective approaches, modern youth has the opportunity to stop being a "passive mass" and become active citizens who defend their opinions, make independent decisions and form their own patterns of behavior.

Lidia Romanova ◽  
Valentina Zolotarova

The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the current state of the domestic market of advertising services, tendencies of development of enterprises of the advertising sphere of Ukraine. Methodology. The domestic market for advertising services is quite young because it has actually started its active history since Ukraine gained independence, which has caused some peculiarities of its development and formation. As a result, the development of the market and its representatives has been undulating, yet at a rather dynamic pace compared to the advertising markets of other countries that have already had many years of experience and history of operation – during 1991-1993 more than 1000 different advertising campaigns were created in Ukraine. companies, including more than 400 companies have been created in the media. We should also take into account global trends, especially globalization, the development of information technology and the Internet, which are also influenced by the domestic advertising market, which in general have caused dramatic changes in the principles of activity of the entire existing advertising industry. In the course of the research were used: general scientific methods, in particular: systematic approach – to summarize data of the advertising sphere as a whole set of elements in a set of relations and relations between them; methods of systematization and forecasting – to determine the general tendencies of development of advertising sphere of Ukraine and enterprises of advertising sphere of Ukraine. The general tendencies of development of advertising sphere of Ukraine and enterprises of advertising sphere of Ukraine are substantiated. The main reasons that have had an impact and will have an impact on the activity of domestic advertising companies in the future are identified. The scientific novelty is to identify the main tendencies in the development of the advertising sphere of Ukraine and domestic enterprises of the advertising sphere, as well as the factors that influenced and influence their activity. The results of the study are aimed at ensuring the quality management of the activities of advertising companies and ensuring a high level of their competitiveness. They can be used to refine and / or revise strategic plans for development and activities, management principles of advertising businesses.

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