scholarly journals Analyzing Learning Obstacle with Didactical Design Research on Three Dimensional Distance Material

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-301
Dian Dharma ◽  
Kamid Kamid ◽  
Yantoro Yantoro

he purpose of this study was to analyze the barriers to learning three-dimensional distance material using Didactical Design Research (DDR). The subjects of this study were two groups of class 12. The instruments used in this study were pretest (initial test) and post test (final test) which consisted of a test of the respondent’s ability, interview sheets, and observation notes. The data obtained were analyzed using three DDR steps: (1) didactic situation analysis by recontextualizing, repersonalizing, and developing didactic designs which include PDA (Pedagogical Didactic Anticipation); (2) metapedadidactic analysis by applying PDA; and (3) retrospective analysis linking didactic and metapedadidactic situations. The results showed that the identified learning obstacles can be anticipated by using PDA. The application of the didactic learning design shows that this design can be an alternative to third-dimensional distance learning in grade 12 because it can minimize student learning barriers that have been identified previously.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  

The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of the effect of interval training on the freestyle swimming speed. Limitation of this study focused on the effect of interval training on the speed of the 50m freestyle at the UKM Olahraga Renang Universitas PGRI Adibuana Surabaya. This study uses pre-experimental design using initial test followed by the provision of a new interval workout then do the final test. The population in this study is the swimmer who joined in the UKM Olahraga Renang Universitas PGRI Adibuana Surabaya, amounting to 30 players and the same sample with the population that is 30 players. The design is an experiment involving two groups: treatment group and the untreated group using the pre test and post test. Test results of the control group pre-test average of 73.02, the average post test 58.34. t-test results greater than t-table (3.84> 2.14). Comparison between pre test and post test results in the control group no significant differences, only 20:11% increase the test results. While the results of experimental tests concluded that the average pre test 58.53, the average post-test 85.85. t test results greater than t-table (2.01<2.14). Comparison between pre test and post test results on the experimental group were no significant differences. The magnitude of the effect may improve the outcome kecepaan freestyle as much as 47%. Comparison test between the control group with experimental group obtained t-count is 4.558, t-count is more than t-table (4.55> 2.04). Can be said comparison between the experimental groups with control groups and the results were no significant differences could be said after being given the treatment has the ability to swim freestyle better. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-63
Firma Dina ◽  
Jon Efendi

Starting from the preliminary study conducted by the authors at the SLB Perwari and found the condition where the deaf students of grade X have not been able to make a skirt that became one of the materials in the vocational learning curriculum for the class, one of his students is the teacher has not found and used the right method to teach the material. Then the author is motivated to prove one of the methods of learning, which is a project-based learning method, whether the method has an effect on learning the material. With experimental research methods and pre-experimental design of one group pre-test post-test, the author performs a stage of research starting from the initial test, then administering the treatment, then the final test. While the tools used in collecting data is a proven instrument that is valid and reliable. The results of the initial test scores and the final tests were then calculated by statistical tests using Wilcoxon's signed ranks test (Wilcoxon matched pairs) formula and the resulting results where the value of ASYMP. The Sig. (2-tailed) is smaller than the significant level value

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-139
Daniel Oktariza Efendi ◽  
Juriana Juriana ◽  
Bambang Sujiono

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas latihan goal setting dan visualisasi terhadap peningkatan motivasi pemain Daksina Futsal Academy. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Daksina Futsal Academy dan metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen one group dengan teknik Tes awal, Perlakuan, dan akhir (pre-test post-test). Penelitian ini diikuti oleh 30 orang sample pemain Daksina Futsal Academy. Mereka diminta menjawab butir-butir pernyataan angket penelitian tentang motivasi setelah itu mengikuti materi pelatihan goal setting dan visualisasi selama 5 sesi lalu diberikan kembali angket untuk melakukan tes akhir.             Disampaikan tentang nilai rata-rata () dari hasil yang didapatkan pada tes awal 85,23 dan pada tes akhir 92,87. Dari rata-rata mengenai tes awal dan tes akhir Motivasi pemain Daksina Futsal Academy, menunjukan adanya peningkatan hasil yang didapat. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh selisih rata-rata (MD) -7,63 dengan standar deviasi perbedaan (SDD) 6,80 standar error perbedaan rata-rata (SEMD) 1,29 dalam perhitungan selanjutnya diperoleh nilai t-hitung sebesar -6,05 dan nilai t-tabel dengan derajat kebebasan (n-1) dan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 didapat sebesar 2,045. Nilai |t-hitung| = 6,05 lebih besar dari t-tabel = 2,045. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa hipotesis nihil (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (H1) diterima. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan latihan goal setting dan visualisasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi pemain Daksina Futsal Academy. Kata Kunci: Goal Setting, Visualisasi, Motivasi. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of goal setting and visualization exercises for increasing the motivation of Daksina Futsal Academy players. This research was conducted at Daksina Futsal Academy and the method used in this study was the one group experimental method with the technique of the initial, treatment, and end (pre-test post-test). This research was followed by 30 samples of Daksina Futsal Academy players. They were asked to answer the items of the research questionnaire statement of motivation after that followed the goal setting and visualization training materials for 5 sessions then were given back the questionnaire to conduct the final test. Delivered about the average value (X ̅) of the results obtained at the initial test 85.23 and at the final test 92.87. From the average regarding the initial test and the final test Motivation Daksina Futsal Academy players, showed an increase in results obtained. From the results of data analysis obtained an average difference (MD) of -7.63 with a standard deviation of difference (SDD) 6.80 standard error of average difference (SEMD) of 1.29 in subsequent calculations obtained a t-value of -6, 05 and t-table values ​​with degrees of freedom (n-1) and a significant level α = 0.05 obtained 2.045. Value | t-count | = 6.05 is greater than t-table = 2.045. This shows that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. These results indicate that the application of goal setting and visualization exercises can increase the motivation of Daksina Futsal Academy players. Keywords: Goal Setting, Visualization, Motivation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-153
Heri Hadi Saputra ◽  
Lalu Hamdian Affandi ◽  
Husniati ◽  
Muhammad Makki

ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakan ada pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar konseptual mahasiswa semester 1 FKIP unram TA. 2017-2018. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain Nonequivalent control group. Adapun cara pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan menggunakan metode tes dan observasi. tes yang digunakan adalah tes pilihan ganda yaitu pada tes awal (pre-test) dan tes akhir (post-test). Berdasarkan tes awal (pre-test) diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 24,74 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 24,53. Setelah diberi perlakuan, yatu tes akhir (post-test) diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 56,58 dan kelas kontrol sebesar 44,23. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji-t pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan thitung sebesar 1,99 sedangkan ttabel sebesar 1,87, karena  sehingga  diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar konseptual mahasiswa semester 1 FKIP Unram TA. 2017-2018. Kata Kunci: inkuiri terbimbing, hasil belajar konseptual.   ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of guided inquiry learning models on the conceptual learning outcomes of semester 1 students of FKIP Unram TA. 2017-2018. This research is an experimental research design with Nonequivalent control group. The way to collect data is to use the test and observation methods. The test used is a multiple choice test that is the initial test (pre-test) and the final test (post-test). Based on the initial test (pre-test), the average value of the experimental class was 24.74 and the control class was 24.53. After being treated, the final test (post-test) obtained an average value of the experimental class of 56.58 and the control class of 44.23. Data analysis techniques used t-test at a significance level of 5%. Based on the calculation of tcount of 1.99 while ttable of 1.87, because t_ (count)> t_table so that H_ (0) is rejected and 〖H〗 _a is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of guided inquiry learning models on the conceptual learning outcomes of semester 1 students of FKIP Unram TA. 2017-2018.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Ghina Fathirah Pasaribu ◽  
Isran Rasyid Karo Karo S

This study was aimed to determine the effect of Bamboo Dancing learning models on mathematical communication skills of students in class VIII of MTs Al-Ittihadiyah Medan. This research was a quantitative research, with a type of quasi-experimental research. The population was all students of class VIII MTs Al-Ittihadiyah Medan 2016/2017 Academic Year. The sample of this study was students of class VIII-4, which amounted to 26 people as the experimental class, and students of class VIII-5 which amounted to 26 people as the control class. From the analysis of the data obtained findings that there are differences in the mathematical communication skills of students in the experimental class using Bamboo Dancing learning models and control classes that use conventional learning. The average value of the experimental class for the initial test (pre-test) was 43.85 with a standard deviation of 9.20, while the average value for the final test (post-test) was 81.54 with a standard deviation of 9.98. In the control class the average value obtained for the initial test (pre-test) was 48.08 with a standard deviation of 10.01, whereas for the final test score (post-test) was 75.38 with a standard deviation of 13,11. In hypothesis testing using the t-test with sig. , obtained by t = 2.011, and t table = 2.009, thus obtained t t tabel atau 2,011 t table or 2.011 2,009, so that Ha  is accepted, namely there is a significant influence between the Bamboo Dancing learning model on the mathematical communication skills of students in class VIII of MTs Al-Ittihadiyah Medan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 316
Lilis Susilawati ◽  
Heni Nafiqoh

The background of this research is the result of observation data of 20 children at Preschool who had difficulty in improving naturalist intelligence and lack of practice in conducting learn so they only relied on visual or image media without touching direct experiments with children. The research aimed to overcome this problem, researchers used the method of planting cucumber plants in the hope of increating naturalist intelligence in children can emerge and develop optimaly. This studi use is quasy- experimental . Design by designing a comparison of the control group desain with data collection techniques for pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the study there is an increase in naturalist intelligence in children  who have a value of the initial test of 75,1 and with the final test 79,85 this it can be concluded that the application of the method of palnting cucumber plants has a good and very effective effect on the development  of naturallis intelligence in children in particular in children at Preschool.Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari hasil data observasi siswa PAUD yang berjumlah 20 anak mengalami kesulitan dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalis dan kurangnya praktek dalam melakukan pembelajaran sehingga hanya mengandalkan media visual atau gambar saja tanpa sentuhan percobaan langsung terhadap anak. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode tata cara menanam tanaman mentimun dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan naturalis pada anak sehingga kecerdasan naturalis yang ada dalam diri anak bisa muncul dan berkembang dengan maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimental dengan merancang perbandingan control group desain dengan teknik pengumpulan data pre-test dan post-test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat peningkatan kecerdasan naturalis pada anak yang mempunyai nilai dari tes awal sebesar 75,1 dan dengan test akhir 79,85 dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode tata cara menanam tanaman mentimun berpengaruh baik dan sangat efektif terhadap perkembangan kecerdasan naturalis pada anak khususnya pada anak di PAUD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-132
Ade Junaidi ◽  
Tono Sugihartono ◽  
Ari Sutisyana ◽  
Defliyanto Defliyanto

AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of variation shooting into the goal on shooting accuracy in the game of football. The population in this study were 30 players Age 14 SSB Shooter Young Bengkulu. Experimental study using one group pretest-posttest design research with sampling technique is total sampling, where the entire population is sampled. Based on the research, the result of pretest = 22.46 in the category of less once and posttest = 27.86 in the category less by the difference of 5.4. Statistical analysis used in this research is t test. The result of t test result of calculation between initial test and final test there is significant influence. The calculation result states that t count = 16,119> t table = 1,699 with level ? = 0,05 then Ho rejected and Ha accepted meaning there is significant influence of shooting variation into the goal on shooting accuracy in the game of football. So it can be concluded that the influence of shooting variation into the goal on shooting accuracy in the game of football on the player Age 14 SSB Shooter Young Bengkulu.Keywords: Exercise, Accuracy, Shooting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Firda Halawati

<p class="Default">Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran matematika realistik terhadap kesulitan belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pre-experimental dengan one group pretest posttest design. Populasi didalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP 1 Kuningan Jawa Barat yang berjumlah 960 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Penguasaan materi diukur dengan menggunakan tes pilihan ganda. Tes diberikan pada tes awal (<em>pre-test</em>) dan tes akhir (<em>post-test</em>). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tes awal dan tes akhir terdapat kenaikkan 30% dan terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran matematika realistik berbasis media terhadap kesulitan belajar siswa.</p><p class="Default"> </p><p>The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is an influence of realistic mathematics learning models on student learning difficulties. This study uses a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population in this study were all students of SMP 1 Kuningan West Java, amounting to 960 students. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling technique. Material mastery is measured using a multiple-choice test. Tests are given at the initial test (pre-test) and final test (post-test). The results of this study indicate that the average of the initial test and the final test there is an increase of 30%, and there is an influence of media-based realistic mathematics learning models on student learning difficulties.</p><p><strong> </strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Amon Sandri Purba ◽  
Irwansyah Siregar

This research was carried out at the Swimming Club Binjai Dolphins at the Tirta Raerim Mencharm swimming pool in the Peacock Meadows, North Sumatra. held on November 10 to January 28, 2021 for 8 weeks with a frequency of 2 times a week.This study aims to determine the effect of fast interval training (FIT) on the results of the 100 meter freestyle swimming speed for the K.U II Dolphin Swimming Club Binjai. The research method used in this study is an experimental method with a sample of 8 people with a purposive sampling research design. Then the sample did an initial test (pre-test), namely with a 100-meter swimming test, then the sample was given Fast Interval Training (FIT) training then after 8 weeks of programmed exercise the sample did a final test (post-test).The results of the analysis of the hypothesis, that there is a significant effect of fast interval training (FIT) training on the results of the 100 meter freestyle swimming speed for the K.U II Dolphin Swimming Club Binjai athletes. 2021 year. The results of the t-test obtained tcount = 0.3096 and t-table = 0.258. At the real level = 0.05 then t-count > t-table. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria, HO is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of Fast Interval Training (FIT) on the results of the 100 meter freestyle swimming speed for the KU II Lumba-lumba Swimming Club Binjai athletes 2021.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Yurike Septianingrum ◽  
Nety Mawarda Hatmanti

Introduction: Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is a common problem that is often complained of by women during menstruation. Menstrual pain can interfere learning activities, especially final year students in completing their thesis. The purpose of this study were to analyze the effect of endorphin massage on menstrual pain in final year nursing students of UNUSA. Method: This study using an experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. Research subjects of this study was recruited using simple random sampling who was included inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research subjects in this study was of 46 students who were then divided into two groups, 23 students into intervention group and 23 students into control group. Data were collected by using observation with VAS. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U test. Result and Analysis: The results showed that: 1) There was difference VAS score between pre test and post test in intervention group (p= 0,000), 2) There was difference VAS score between intervention and control group (p= 0,017). Conclusion: Endorphin massage could reduce menstrual pain in final year nursing student of UNUSA. Further research, is expected that endorphin massage can be compared with music therapy to reduce menstrual painKeywords: endorphin massage, menstrual pain, primary dysmenorrhea

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