2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-48
Iseu Synthia Permatasari ◽  
Nana Hendracipta ◽  
Aan Subhan Pamungkas

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa video animasi hands move dengan menggunakan aplikasi videoscribe dan camtasia studio 8 pada materi kegiatan ekonomi berdasarkan potensi alam, untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas media pembelajaran video animasi hands move yang dikembangkan, untuk mengetahui respon pengguna, serta mengukur pemahaman peserta didik. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas IV SDN Kaligandu Kota Serang yang berjumlah 20 peserta didik Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) didapatkan skor rata-rata dari validasi ahli dengan presentase sebesar  86,19% yang termasuk dalam kategori “sangat layak” (2) skor rata-rata respon peserta didik dengan presentase sebesar 93,18% yang termasuk dalam kategori “sangat baik” (3) skor rata-rata respon guru dengan presentase sebesar 100%  yang termasuk dalam kategori “sangat baik” (4) skor rata-rata pre-test 39,25 dengan kategori “kurang” sebelum menggunakan media video animasi hands move dan post-test sebesar 83 dengan kategori “sangat baik” setelah menggunakan media video animasi hands move yang telah mengalami peningkatan sehingga dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran video animasi hands move dengan konteks lingkungan layak digunakan serta dapat memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta didik kelas IV pada materi kegiatan ekonomi berdasarkan potensi alam. Kata kunci      : Media Pembelajaran, Video Animasi, Videoscribe, Camtasia Studio 8, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial AbstractThis study aims to develop learning media in the form of video animation hands move using applications videoscribe and camtasia studio 8 on economic activity material based on natural potential, to determine the validity level ofanimation video learning media hands move developed, to determine user response, and measure learners' understanding. The subjects of this study were the fourth grade students of Kaligandu Elementary School in Serang City, which numbered 20 students in the 2018/2019 Academic Year. The results of the study are (1) obtained an average score from expert validation with a percentage of 86.19% which is included in the category of "very feasible" (2) the average score of students' responses with a percentage of 93.18% which is included in the category "Very good" (3) the average score of the teacher's response with a percentage of 100% which is included in the "very good" category (4) the average score of pre-test 39.25 with the category "less" before using video animation media hands move and post-test amounting to 83 with the "very good" category after usingvideo animation media hands move that has improved so that it can be concluded that learning media animation videos hands move with an environmental context feasible to use and can provide understanding to class IV students on material economic activities based on natural potential. Keywords: Learning Media, Video Animation, Videoscribe, Camtasia Studio 8, Social Sciences

Inas Sayyida Latifa ◽  
Aan Subhan Pamungkas ◽  
Trian Pamungkas Alamsyah ◽  
Indhira Asih Vivi Yandari

This research aimed to develop Android-based Appy Pie learning media in mathematics subjects, especially two-dimensional shape material. Moreover, to determine the validity level of the android-based Appy Pie learning media developed and to determine the students' responses after using android-based Appy Pie learning media. This research uses the 3D model (define, design, and development) as the modification result of the 4D model by Thiagarajan. The subjects of this research were 45 fourth-grade students of SDN Rawu. The result of this research is the average score of media experts validation is 91.11% which included in the “very feasible” category, the average score of material expert validation is 98.33% which included in the “very feasible” category. The average score of the students response is 91.11% that included in the “very good” category, so it can be concluded that the Android-based Appy Pie learning media is feasible to use in the two-dimensional shape material of fourth-grade.

Elinda Rizkasari ◽  
Zulela MS ◽  
Muhammad Japar

This research aims for developing social sciences studying sources in elementary school. This research uses a research method and research procedure development using the Dick and Carey model which has 10 stages. Also, angket is used to determine the feasibility of media in terms of expert validation and field trials and a test to measure the student’s tolerance. Evaluation held by three steps: the first is an expert judgement conducted by media experts and social sciences materials. The second step is done by evaluating a small group with 10 students whose result showed that the source of learning in the form of a hero storybook is worthy of use. Finally, it was continued with the field group test with 25 students. T-test analysis results show differences in learning outcomes between pre-test and post-test. From the average score, indicating that learning resources developed is effectively used for the improvement of student’s understanding of social science learning in elementary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Udjang Pairin M. Basir ◽  
Emy Yunita Rahma Pratiwi

The background of this research is the ability of students' reading skill carried out at Jarak III Elementary School of Wonosalam Jombang, which is less than perfect in learning. It is due to the limited knowledge of teachers in carrying out the learning system by using many kinds of learning models. Meanwhile, the learning model the teachers apply is only the lecturing and assignments model. Besides, its limitations is the lack of the existing media. This research is a qualitative research. It consists of several aspects of treatment and observations aimed at improving the eading skills through the Team Games Tournament (TGT) model for grade II at Jarak III Elementary School of Wonosalam Jombang. This research was conducted at Jarak III Elementary School of Wonosalam Jombang, which involved 17 students consisting of 8 boys and 9 girls who were registered in the 2018/2019 academic year. This study used a descriptive research design. The results showed that the first pre-test got 70.2% of the average results that did not meet the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). After the learning was carried out using the Team Games Tournament (TGT) model, the post test average score of students increased to 85.8%. This average has shown that it meets the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). Thus it can be concluded that learning reading skills with the Team Games Tournament (TGT) model can improve students' reading skills in grade II of Jarak III Elementary School of Wonosalam Jombang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-175
Ika Rostika ◽  
Aan Subhan Pamungkas ◽  
Trian Pamungkas Alamsyah

This research aims to develop teaching materials for mathematics learning media based on lectora inspire in elementary schools on the material of plane properties, to see the response and understanding of students. The subject of this study was the fifth grade students of SDN Pasir. Amounting to 30 students in the 2018/2019 academic year. Data collection is obtained by tests, questionnaires and documentation. The results of the study were (1) obtained an average score of expert validation of 84.15% with the category "feasible" (2) the average score of student responses with a percentage of 97.6% which was included in the "very good" category ( 3) post-test average score of 81,49% with the "very good" category so that it can be concluded that  the teaching material of lectora inspire-based mathematics learning media is suitable to be used in fifth grade on plane properties and can provide understanding to studentsnin fifth grade plane properties.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Anita Br Sembiring

The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes. At the pretest, the average score was 62,95 and the classical level of completeness was 22,22%. In the firs cycle there was an increase after using the Insede Outside Circle (IOC) model with an average value of 71,95 and a classical completeness level of 40,74. And after taking the action and given the posttest cycle II, there were 27 students who completed their learning outcomes and 6 students who did not complete the posttest cycle II increased their learning to 81,97 and classical completeness reached 84,61%. From the results obtained and it was concluded that the Insede Outside Circle (IOC) model can improve learning outcomes for fourth grade students of SD Negeri 044857  in the 2020/2021 academic year. Based on the research results, teacherch results, teacherch are advised to use the Insede Outside Circle (IOC) model because it is proven to improve student learning outcomes.

Rina Rusita ◽  
Muhammad Hanif ◽  
Sudarmiani Sudarmiani

This study aims to improve students’ social sciences learning achievement for fourth-grade students at the state elementary school of Campursari, Sambit, Ponorogo regency in the academic year 2019/2020. The subject lesson on students’ tasks through the STAD learning model (student teams-achievement divisions) assisted by pictorial card media. The research design was used as a qualitative-quantitative method or mixed-method. This type of research commonly called classroom action research which consisted of three cycles. The research subjects were 20 students from fourth-grade students. The instruments were used conducting observation, tests, and documentation techniques. To collect the data, I used observation sheets of STAD model learning implementation, student activity observation sheets, group activity widths, and post-test questions. The results showed that the use of the STAD learning model assisted by the pictorial card media definitely can improve the students’ social sciences learning achievement of fourth-grade students. This enhancement is witnessed by the increasing of the average score of pre-cycle learning achievement from 60 increased to 73.50 in the first cycle, then increased 85.25 in the second cycle, finally increased up to 88.75 in the third cycle. The percentage of pre-cycle learning achievement from 40% increased to 75% in the first cycle, then increased to 85.25% in the second cycle, finally increased again until 100% in the third cycle. The writer states that the application of the STAD learning model assisted by the pictorial card media absolutely can improve the students’ social sciences learning achievement.

Mustafa Habib ◽  
Ibnu Hajar ◽  
Deny Setiawan

In material social problems, students have difficulty digesting and identifying social problems in their surrounding environment. One alternative so that learning can take place efficiently and easily understood is to use learning video media. The subjects of this study were all fourth grade students of Public Elementary School (SDN) 135911 Tanjungbalai. The result shows that the development of learning video media was validated by 3 experts namely material experts, linguists and media experts. Appraisal by material experts obtained a value with a very good category (93%), the assessment by linguists obtained a value with a very good category (92.22%) and the assessment by media experts obtained a value with a good category (87.37%). A total of 9 students (45%) gave a very good assessment of the learning videos developed and as many as 11 students (55%) gave a good assessment of the learning videos developed and the learning video media were considered to be feasible to be developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 185
Susnawati. K ◽  
Marhaeni A.A.I.N ◽  
Ramendra D.P

Study aimed to determine the effect of language games with audio visual aids on students' speaking competence at fourth grade students of Tunas Daud elementary school and to describe the implementation of language games with audio visual aids on students’ speaking competence. The design used in this research was a mixed method design. It was explanatory design since this research was started with quantitative design (experimental design with post test only control design) followed by qualitative design. The samples were 62 students; 31 students of the experimental group and 31 students of the control group of fourth grade Tunas Daud elementary students. The data were collected by using speaking competence test and analyzed by IBM SPSS 22 with independent t-test. The data were also collected through an observation sheet for observing the implementation of the language games with audio visual aids. The results showed there was a significant effect of the language games with audio visual aids on students' speaking competence in which the mean score of the students who were taught by using language games with audio visual aids is better than the students who were taught without language games with audio visual aids. For the implementation of the language games with audio visual aids, it can be seen that the implementation of the language games with audio visual aids were done in a very good way. The games was suitable for the students since it could give good impacts for the students. The students are active and confident to speak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Cecilia Novianti Salsinha ◽  
Eva Binsasi ◽  
Elinora Naikteas Bano

[Bahasa]: Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang cocok digunakan untuk operasi perkalian adalah metode jarimatika. Metode ini diberikan kepada siswa SD di Kefamenanu mengingat berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kefamenanu telah memiliki empat perguruan tinggi namun masih banyak siswa yang belum memiliki kemampuan berhitung cepat. Kelebihan metode jarimatika adalah tidak memerlukan alat peraga dan hafalan karena perhitungan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan jari tangan sehingga diharapkan operasi hitung perkalian dapat lebih mudah dipahami, menyenangkan, dan tidak membebani memori otak siswa. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung siswa sekolah dasar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SDN Neonbat Kefamenanu, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) dengan subyek pengabdian seluruh siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 60 orang. Pengabdian dilaksanakan dalam bentuk workshop yang dibagi menjadi 2 hari. Pelaksanaan hari pertama fokus pada review kemampuan dasar siswa yang meliputi perkalian 1-5 dan dilanjutkan dengan perkenalan teknik berhitung cepat dengan jarimatika untuk perkalian 6-10 dan 11-15. Pengabdian dilanjutkan pada hari kedua yaitu review materi pada hari sebelumnya dan penyampaian teknik berhitung cepat untuk kelompok 16-20 yang diakhiri dengan pemberian latihan. Kegiatan pengabdian tidak hanya berhenti pada workshop tetapi dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan terhadap siswa yang dipilih sebanyak 20 orang. Kegiatan pendampingan ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata pada pre-testsebesar 55,84 dan pada post test sebesar 75. Kata Kunci: berhitung cepat; metode jarimatika; perkalian; sekolah dasar [English]: One of the appropriate methods to learn multiplication is Jarimatika. It was given to elementary school students in Kefamenanu which, based on data from statistical central agency (BPS), has four colleges but there are still many students who do not have rapid counting skills. The advantage of this method is not requiring learning tools and memorization because calculations are done by utilizing the fingers so that the expected counting operation of multiplication can be more easily understood, enjoyable, and does not overload students’ memory. The purpose of this community service program was to improve the counting skills of elementary school students. It was held at SDN Neonbat Kefamenanu, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) involving 60 5th-grade students. The program was carried out in two-day workshop. The first day focused on the review of students ' basic ability which includes multiplication 1-5 and continued with the introduction of quick counting techniques with Jarimatika for multiplication 6-10 and 11-15. The second day was to review the previous day and introduce the rapid counting technique for multiplication 16-20. This program did not only end with the workshop but also continued with the assistance of 20 selected students. This assistance provided a positive impact on the results students get which can be seen from the increasing average score: 55,84 in the pre-test then increased to 75 in the post-test. Keywords: fast counting; jarimatika method; multiplication; elementary school

Wulan Triaheviana

This study aims to (1) describe the application of the picture and picture learning model on science subjects in grade IV of Swadaya Talang Pinang Elementary School in Musi Banyuasin Regency, (2) describe the activities of fourth grade students at Swadaya Talang Pinang Elementary School when applied to learning models picture and picture on learning Science, (3) describes the science learning outcomes of fourth grade students of Swadaya Talang Pinang Elementary School after the application of the picture and picture learning model. This study uses qualitative research with a class action research design (CAR). The results of the pre-action research obtained an average of 54.29 with 29% grade learning completeness, the first cycle obtained an average score of 64.99 with 42.86% grade learning completeness. While in the cycle, the average grade reached 74.29 with the completeness of learning class 85.71%. Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that through the learning model picture and picture of the science learning outcomes of grade IV SD Swadaya Talang Pinang can be improved

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