Abdul Rahman

ABSTRACTIndonesia has an education figure that greatness is not inferior to other world education figures i.e. Ki Hajar Dewantara. He explained that education is an effort in increasing the growth of manners (inner strength, character, mind, and intellectualism) from the body of the students, so the live of the students suit their world. Learning is defined by Knowles as a way of organizing learners to achieve the goal. Manners operationally is a positive behavior that is done through the custom that is formed into a person's character/learners. Based on these two definitions appears that education, learning, character/characters is a unity that cannot be separated with each other. Positive behaviors that must be drilled to learners consists of many aspects and one of them is how to speak. Thus, training the speech containing positive behavior is mandatory for language teacher (Indonesian Language). Any language skills cannot be trained separately between one's skills with other language skills. As a professional teacher, arranging strategies for Indonesian language teacher which are always associated with character education will no longer be a burden. Literature is a picture of human life. Literature becomes right media in imparting a positive character for learners. Through the Indonesia language teacher professionalism will form a younger generation who have lofty manners or strong character. Keywords: learning, language and literature, characters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 255-266
E. Sulyati

This paper describes the link between educational character and language education. Educational character is an important solution to overcome the moral decline, among young people (especially students). Educational character is closely related to language education, because some of the values of the character contained in the language education. Schools play an important role as a vehicle for character building and reinforce the cultural values of the nation. Language education, including literary, is one vehicle for shaping the character of students. In other words, it has a role in the formation of character. In learning the language and literature, strategies, methods, media, and teaching materials need to be optimized to form the character of students. Yet, language education is not only the duty and responsibility of the language teacher, but the responsibility of all teachers because all the teachers definitely use language. Thus, the most important thing to do is to increase students reading ability which is a key to success.

Sandhya MNVS ◽  
Vanitha K ◽  
Ramesh A

The review article focuses on the importance of adequate oxygen levels in the body as cure and therapy for many ailments. It is known that hypoxia is the cause for cellular damage and if it can be applied to major patho-physiology’s, it can be observed that slow and chronic hypoxic conditions are the cause for most of the diseases. On the contrary, providing each cell of the body with proper oxygen may be helpful in maintaining the immunity of the body and therefore treating many disease conditions. This theory, if tested may show positive results in heart related diseases, neuronal disorders, stresses, digestive disorders and the unresolved cancer too. Slow decrease in the levels of atmospheric oxygen could be a reason to induce chronic hypoxia. According to Dr. Otto Warburg, a Noble laurate, a normal cell when deprived of oxygen, may get converted to a cancerous cell, whereas a cancerous cell cannot survive in aerobic conditions. If this part of his research be concentrated on, there could be fruitful results in the treatment of cancer. To maintain adequate levels of oxygen in the body, simple yogic breathing practices are helpful. And to maintain the adequate atmospheric oxygen, trees and plants which cleanse the atmospheric air are useful. Clinical surveys on volunteers who have been practicing regular breathing exercises can prove the fact that proper and concentrated respiration could prevent many diseases. Thus, supplementing breathing exercises along with the regular treatment for cancer patients could be helpful in alleviating cancer and other diseases.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 380
Hamed Ahari ◽  
Leila Khoshboui Lahijani

Packaging containing nanoparticles (NPs) can increase the shelf life of products, but the presence of NPs may hazards human life. In this regard, there are reports regarding the side effect and cytotoxicity of nanoparticles. The main aim of this research was to study the migration of silver and copper nanoparticles from the packaging to the food matrix as well as the assessment techniques. The diffusion and migration of nanoparticles can be analyzed by analytical techniques including atomic absorption, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, as well as X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, migration, and titration. Inductively coupled plasma-based techniques demonstrated the best results. Reports indicated that studies on the migration of Ag/Cu nanoparticles do not agree with each other, but almost all studies agree that the migration of these nanoparticles is higher in acidic environments. There are widespread ambiguities about the mechanism of nanoparticle toxicity, so understanding these nanoparticles and their toxic effects are essential. Nanomaterials that enter the body in a variety of ways can be distributed throughout the body and damage human cells by altering mitochondrial function, producing reactive oxygen, and increasing membrane permeability, leading to toxic effects and chronic disease. Therefore, more research needs to be done on the development of food packaging coatings with consideration given to the main parameters affecting nanoparticles migration.

Nikita A. Solovyev ◽  

A ternary ontological model in which the living being is a triad of I – form – substrate is described. I is an intangible subject, contemplating the content of consciousness and controlling the material body, which is the unity of the form and the substrate. The contents of consciousness are connected both with the form of the body, which I contemplate in the inner “mental space” in the form of in­formation, and with the substrate, which embodies the forms of the body and is responsible for sensations and intentions. The problem of control of the material body by the non-material self is solved under the assumption that the human brain is a quantum object. The ternary model of a living being is inscribed in an absolute ontology, in which the Absolute also has a threefold structure and is the unstitched unity of the absolute I, the absolute Form and the absolute Sub­strate. The Absolute creates the other world with its threefold energies, which provides the threefold structure of a living being. The created world arises from the timeless world of the potential possibilities of the Universe, which modern cosmology associates with its wave function. Created entities arise in the process of alienation from the Absolute, resulting in free will.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 197-205
Dharmalingam T.S ◽  
Balachandran P

In the modern world, the yoga plays a vital role in human life. To realise the truth and meaning of life, one has to practice yogic discipline in everyday living. The human body is made up of five elements such as akash, air, fire, water and earth. An air plays a very important role to survive by providing life energy. Everyday practice of pranayama would help in regulating respiratory system (Breathing exercise) as well as circulatory system. The physical exercises regulate the circulation of blood, heat, air in the body. The practice of asana would help in bringing flexibility in our muscular system so as to enhance the meditation process. The practice of meditation gives peace of mind and improves integirity. The practice of yoga will improve self-confidence, self-control, speaking truth, tolerance and social virtues. Each and every individual should practice yoga, asanas, meditation and do self-analysis exercises such as analysis of thoughts, moralisation of desires, nutralisation of anger and eradication of worries. This would help to bring hormoney between body and mind, habit and wisdom, self and society. Purpose and method and will and nature.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Dwi Wijayanti

Abstract:. Modern technology makes human life style also changesduring the development of the era. The exchange of information from one place to another becomes easier not only for national scoped but also the international scope. Moreover, it makes the foreign culture can easily enter Indonesia, imitated by society and then give impact to the life style of the society including human’s behaviour. It can be said that there is a moral swing in Indonesia nowadays. Many young people are not really enthusiastic in keeping their own culture. They tend to imitate other cultures, behave inappropriately, use illegal drugs, do free sex, bully each other, make genk, scuffle, and even kill people. One of the reasons of this morality crisis is the exemplary crisis. Adults who are supposed to be role models for the younger generation even provide bad examples such as doing corruption, being selfish and do individualist practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism, mutual checks, doing violence such as grabbing, punching and other crimes.Therefore, the government makes effort to overcome the moral crisis through character education or Budi pekerti education. Basically character education is not new concept, Ki Hajdar Dewantara has designed character education since a long time through its principles, foundations, concepts and teachings about Tamansiswa. The principles and teaching can be implemented to toddlers, children, and adolescents until adults. Through the method of literature analysis, this paper seeks to examine and explore more deeply about the character education which designed according to the teaching of Ki HadjarDewantara. Character education designed according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara applied through basic and teaching of Tamansiswa. Basic Tamansiswa includes Panca Dharma that is Nature of universe, Independence, Culture, Nationality and Humanity. While Tamansiswa teaching includes Tri Ngo (ngerti, ngroso, lan nglakoni), Tri N (niteni, niroke, nambahi), Tri Hayu) and most importantly the Trilogi Kepemimpinan (ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madyo mangun karso, tutwuri handayani), all of them are implemented in Tri Pusat Pendidikan  (family, school and community). Abstrak: Teknologi modern membuat gaya hidup manusia juga berubah selama perkembangan zaman. Pertukaran informasi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain menjadi lebih mudah tidak hanya untuk lingkup nasional tetapi juga ruang lingkup internasional. Selain itu, membuat budaya asing dapat dengan mudah masuk ke Indonesia, ditiru oleh masyarakat dan kemudian memberi dampak pada gaya hidup masyarakat termasuk perilaku manusia. Dapat dikatakan bahwa ada ayunan moral di Indonesia saat ini. Banyak anak muda tidak benar-benar antusias dalam menjaga budaya mereka sendiri. Mereka cenderung meniru budaya lain, berperilaku tidak semestinya, menggunakan obat-obatan terlarang, melakukan seks bebas, saling menggertak, membuat genk, perkelahian, dan bahkan membunuh orang. Salah satu alasan krisis moralitas ini adalah krisis yang patut dicontoh. Orang dewasa yang seharusnya menjadi panutan bagi generasi muda bahkan memberikan contoh buruk seperti melakukan korupsi, menjadi egois dan melakukan praktik individualis korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme, saling memeriksa, melakukan kekerasan seperti menyambar, meninju dan kejahatan lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berupaya mengatasi krisis moral melalui pendidikan karakter atau pendidikan Budi pekerti. Pada dasarnya pendidikan karakter bukanlah konsep baru, Ki Hajdar Dewantara telah merancang pendidikan karakter sejak lama melalui prinsip-prinsipnya, yayasan, konsep dan ajaran tentang Tamansiswa. Prinsip-prinsip dan pengajaran dapat diimplementasikan untuk balita, anak-anak, dan remaja sampai dewasa. Melalui metode analisis pustaka, makalah ini berusaha untuk meneliti dan menggali lebih dalam tentang pendidikan karakter yang dirancang sesuai dengan ajaran Ki HadjarDewantara. Pendidikan karakter dirancang sesuai dengan Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang diterapkan melalui dasar dan pengajaran Tamansiswa. Tamansiswa Dasar meliputi Panca Dharma yaitu Alam semesta, Kemerdekaan, Kebudayaan, Kebangsaan, dan Kemanusiaan. Sementara ajaran Tamansiswa mencakup Tri Ngo (ngerti, ngroso, lan nglakoni), Tri N (niteni, niroke, nambahi), Tri Hayu) dan yang paling penting Trilogi Kepemimpinan (ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madyo mangun karso, tutwuri handayani), semua dari mereka diimplementasikan di Tri Pusat Pendidikan (keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Akhmad Saifudin

 Hara simply means belly, but for Japanese people it means more than physical. Hara is a concept, an important concept related to Japanese human life. This paper discusses the conceptualization of hara image for Japanese people. The study utilizes 25 idioms that contain hara ‘belly’ word that are obtained from several dictionaries of Japanese idioms. This paper is firmly grounded in cognitive linguistics, which relates linguistic expressions to human cognitive experience. The tool for analysis employed in this paper is the “conceptual metaphor theory” pioneered by Lakoff and Johnson. This theory considers human perception, parts of the body, and people’s worldview as the basis for the structure of human language. The analysis of this paper results that metaphorically, hara ‘belly’ is an entity and a container, which contains important elements for humans, such as life, mind, feeling, mentality, and physical. The concept of hara 'belly' for Japanese people is to have a spiritual, psychological, social and cultural, biological, and physical image. Keywords: conceptualization, conceptual metaphor, hara ‘belly’,  idioms, imagee.

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