2019 ◽  
pp. 97
Dora Melati Nurita Sandi ◽  
Ayu Wanda Febrian ◽  
Ella Nuritasari

Abstrak: Kampung Tiram merupakan kampung penghasil kerang dan tiram yang berada di Desa Kedungringin Banyuwangi. Berlimpahnya hasil laut berupa kerang dan tiram yang ada di Desa tersebut membuat banyaknya tumpukan limbah cangkang kerang tanpa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Hal tersebut yang mendasari penulis dan tim untuk melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah cangkang kerang dan tiram sehingga menjadikannya barang yang memiliki nilai jual. Limbah cangkang dijadikan barang yang selain memiliki nilai jual juga memiliki nilai seni. Limbah cangkang tersebut dijadikan mozaik yang membentuk gambar dan karakter. Tujuan utama dilaksanakannya sosialisasi dan pelatihan, yaitu untuk menambah pengetahuan masyarakat dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan peluang usaha dari limbah cangkang kerang. Selain melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan, penulis dan tim melakukan kegiatan pembentukan kelompok usaha pemuda kreatif yang nantinya menjadi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa tersebut.Kata Kunci: Mozaik Kerang; UMKM; Pengolahan Limbah CangkangAbstract:  Kampung tiram is a village producing shells and oysters in the Village of Kedungringin Banyuwangi. The abundance of marine products in the form of shells and oysters in the village makes many piles of shell waste without being utilized optimally. This is what underlies the authors and the team to conduct socialization and training in the utilization of shell and oyster shell waste so that it becomes an item that has a sale value. Shell waste is used as an item which besides having sale value also has artistic value. The shell waste is made into a mosaic that forms images and characters. The main objective of the implementation of socialization and training, which is to increase public knowledge and public awareness in utilizing business opportunities from waste shells. In addition to conducting outreach and training, the writer and the team conducted activities to form a creative youth business group that would later become the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Village.Keywords: Scallop Mosaics; MSMEs; Shellfish Waste Treatment

Maya Aresteria ◽  
Apip Apip ◽  
Deddy Sulestiyono ◽  
Rosdayah Fairuz Hitsotsu

ABSTRACT -  Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) also known as UMKM is growing rapidly and has become one of many sectors to support the Indonesian Economy. The lack of ability to have NPWP has been a problem for UMKM and also people. The same problem also found at UMKM in Kangkung Village. The purpose of this community service is to train the entrepreneurs about preparing and register oneself to get a NPWP. This community service is consist of four steps which started by survey of service location then collecting data on village potentials and the role of the community , Preparation for the implementation of assistance and training and training activities. After participating in the training, the entrepreneurs become more understanding and can register NPWP. This community service is expected to be held continuously for the UMKM in Kangkung village Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises, UMKM, NPWP

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Álvaro Romero ◽  
Blasa Maria Villena ◽  
Maria de las Nieves González ◽  
María Segarra ◽  
Ángel Rodríguez

ResumenEsta investigación analiza las etapas formativas en materia de prevención en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) del Sector Construcción en España, partiendo del indicador relativo a la elevada siniestralidad del Sector frente al resto de sectores productivos, para a través de los cuestionarios diseñados ex professo y las bases de datos de diversos organismos consultados, como los Servicios de Prevención Ajenos (SPAs) y la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC), observar la posible solución a esta casuística tan funesta. Se analizó la cualificación profesional de los docentes, las metodologías formativas empleadas y la formación e información que recibe el trabajador sobre su puesto de trabajo. Los resultados muestran el escaso nivel educativo y formativo de los trabajadores, y la baja especialización de los docentes que imparten la formación. Tanto el Sector como sus trabajadores demandan una necesaria profesionalización de los procesos que les permitan ser más competitivos.AbstractThis paper analyzes all the preventive-training stages in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that belong to the Spanish Construction Sector. One of the stages analyzed deals with the fatal consequence of incidence rate in Construction Sector compared to other productive sectors. To do that, a survey was made to evaluate the qualifications of the technicians in External Prevention Services (EPS) and in the Construction Labor Foundation (CLF), by looking at the possible solution to this problem. In order to execute the analysis, the qualifications of the trainers, the training methodologies used and the training and information received by the workers on their workplace were examined. The results show the deficient educational and training level of the workers, as well as the low specialization of the trainers who provide training actions. Both the Construction Sector and its workers demand a necessary professionalization of the processes to be more competitive and efficient

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-528
Nur Fitriani Usdyana Attahmid ◽  
Rahmawati Saleh ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

APPLYING APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD DIVERSIFICATION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES OF MILKFISH PROCESSING IN BULU CINDEA VILLAGE, BUNGORO DISTRICT, PANGKEP. Village of Bulu Cindea Bungoro District is a village located in Pangkep Regency. The village has the potential in developing milk fish based processed food products. The abundance of milkfish products in this area has a positive impact on the Small and Medium Enterprises in the milk processing industry. Milkfish is very popular with the community because it has a low price and has a specific taste. Every 100 grams of fresh milkfish contains: 129 kcal energy, 76.85% water content, 20.38 gram fat content, 20.38 mg protein content, 150 mg phosphorus content, 2 mg iron, vitamin A l50 SI, vitamin B1 : 0.05 mg, and also contains Omega-3 of 14.2%. Milkfish has weaknesses, namely the presence of many thorn bones scattered throughout the meat section and the diversification of processed products is still simple with low product quality, packaging that is not hygenic, packaging identity that includes labeling and nutritional chemical composition has not been met and inadequate business licensing. Empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is the key to the development of small industries in Pangkep Regency, both in terms of quality and quantity, as well as its supporting factors. Through the Community Partnership Program activities, a number of activities to develop fresh milkfish processing business without thorns and shredded fish to Small and Medium Enterprises who are partners are UKM Alifa Mandiri, which is one of the platforms to empower food processing industry players. This activity is very important considering the diversification of processed milkfish processing technology without thorns and shredded fish is still done conventionally so that it requires appropriate technology and diversification of appropriate processing.

Surahma Asti Mulasari ◽  
Fatwa Tentama ◽  
Tri Wahyuni Sukesi ◽  
Sulistyawati Sulistyawati ◽  
Lu'lu' Nafiati ◽  

Latar belakang: Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Bangkit merupakan sebuah unit usaha yang didirikan oleh organisasi Kreatif dan Wisata Lokal yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit memiliki unit usaha kuliner berupa kripik dari sayuran, olahan singkong, olahan pisang, dan olahan potensi lokal lainnya, serta unit pariwisata. UKM Bangkit dibentuk untuk mewadahi kelompok produktif di Desa Ngoro-oro dengan harapan dapat saling mendukung untuk menguatkan ekonomi masyarakat di era kenormalan baru Covid-19. Tujuan: Membangkitkan kembali perekonomian di Desa Ngoro-oro yang terdampak selama pandemi Covid-19 baik dari pemasaran, manajerial, modal, optimalisasi pemasok bahan baku pembuatan produk, pembuatan jejaring pemasaran serta pelatihan Protokol K3 Covid-19 dan risikonya dalam menjalankan aktivitas ekonomi di era adaptasi Covid-19. Metode: Program UKM Bangkit ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama antara tim pengusul, mahasiswa dan mitra (Pemerintah Desa Ngoro-oro). Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan pelatihan motivasi berwirausaha, penyuluhan Adaptasi Covid-19 di sektor ekonomi, dan Focus Grup Discussion (FGD) untuk membuat sistem jejaring produsen, pemasok bahan baku dan pemasaran. Program terjadwal selama tiga bulan dari Oktober – Desember 2020. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Hibah UKM Indonesia Bangkit 2020 yang didanai oleh RISTEK-BRIN. Hasil: Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di Desa Ngoro-oro menghasilkan terbentuknya UKM Bangkit yang dikelola oleh masyarakat di tingkat desa. Dengan adanya potensi bahan baku yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro mampu dimanfaatkan menjadi makanan yang dapat dijual di sekitar wilayah Desa Ngoro-oro serta sebagai pendukung bidang kuliner Desa wisata Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit menyediakan jejaring beberapa toko/warung yang bisa digunakan untuk menitipkan barang dagangannya di sekitar Patuk Gunungkidul. Dampak: Masyarakat menjadi lebih bersemangat untuk berkegiatan di Era Adaptasi Covid-19, masyarakat bisa kembali produktif dengan adanya kegiatan di UKM Bangkit serta dapat menambah penghasilan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Objek wisata, UKM, Kuliner, Covid-19, Adaptasi ABSTRACT Background: “Bangkit” Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) is a business unit established by the Creative and Local Tourism organization in Ngoro-oro Village, Gunungkidul District. UKM Bangkit has a culinary business unit in the form of chips from vegetables, cassava, bananas and other local potentials and a tourism unit. UKM Bangkit was developed to accommodate productive groups in Ngoro-oro with an expectation to support each other aimed to strengthen the community economy in the new era of Covid-19. Purpose: To revive the economy in Ngoro-oro Village which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic – in term of marketing, managerial, capital, optimization of suppliers of raw materials for product manufacture, creation of marketing networks, training on the Covid-19 health protocol and the risks involved in carrying out economic activities in the era of Covid-19 adaptation. Methods: The UKM Bangkit program is implemented in collaboration between the team, students and partners (Ngoro-oro Village Government). The method used to reach the aim is entrepreneurial motivation training, counselling on Covid-19 adaptation in the economic sector, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to create a network system for producers, suppliers of raw materials and marketing. The program is scheduled for three months from October to December 2020. This community service is part of the 2020 grant namely Bangkit Indonesia Bangkit for UKM that funded by RISTEK-BRIN. Result: The activities carried out in Ngoro-oro Village resulted in the formation of UKM Bangkit which was managed by the community at the village level. With the potential for the existing raw materials in Ngoro-oro Village, it can be used as food that can be sold around the Ngoro-oro Village area and as a supporter of the culinary field of the Ngoro-oro tourism village. UKM Bangkit provides a network of several shops that can be used to deposit their merchandise around Patuk Gunungkidul. Impact: The community becomes more enthusiastic about doing activities in the Covid-19 adaptation era, the community can return to productivity with the activities at UKM Bangkit and can increase people's income. Keywords: Tourism, UKM, Culinary, Covid-19, Adaptation

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 73-79
Saekarini Yuliachtri ◽  
Rosalina Ghozali ◽  
Darma Yanti ◽  
Nina Sabrina

Partners in the implementation of this service Kemplang UMKM Gabus Fish Krupuk Mang Arsyad and UMKM Pempek Kemplang Krupuk Nona located in the jayalaksana hall of the village 3-4 Ulu subdistrict opposite ulu 1. Based on the situation analysis, it can be identified several problems faced by partners, namely: The level of management and accounting knowledge is very minimal in both partners. This is motivated by the level of education of partner managers who are educated with junior high school education and the highest senior high school. The implementation method used in conducting school management management activities as well as structuring school financial statement structuring consists of 2 stages. namely stage 1 delivery of material, stage 2 guidance and assistance in preparing financial statements. UMKM accounting training activities for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) to improve the company's financial performance run smoothly. All participants enthusiastically participated in the event until it was finished and felt the benefits of training for their business progress, gradually the process of preparing financial statements began to be carried out in the mentoring stage

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
Dwi Arman Prasetya ◽  
Anwar Sanusi ◽  
Grahi Chandrarin ◽  
Elfiatur Roikhah ◽  
Irfan Mujahidin ◽  

The contributions of micro, small, and medium enterprises concerning the formation of small and medium enterprise gross regional domestic product are instrumental to achieve a country’s sustainability development goals. Malang is the second-largest city in East Java and the biggest contributor to Indonesia’s provincial gross regional domestic product, with 65% of its food and beverage sector producing an ever-increasing amount of waste. Indeed, its enhancement is not balanced by appropriate waste management, owing to the inhibiting factors stated in the form of variables, to increase the competitiveness of a community and improve its culture with respect to waste management, leading to an increase in the per capita income. This paper adopts a quantitative and descriptive approach to describe the phenomena and conditions pertaining to the research objective, accompanied by quantitative data processing. The primary data collected via surveys is processed, including data on the availability of waste treatment regulations and facilities, along with infrastructure and statistical analyses (as output from the survey results) to provide solutions for increasing the productivity of micro, small, and medium enterprises in Malang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 333-339
Linda Sari Wulandari

Abstract Socialization and training on writing official letters were held in Kubang Puji Village, Pontang District, Serang Regency, Banten Province. The activity was carried out as a result of the collaboration of a team of Indonesian language lecturers from several different departments at the Politeknik Negeri Jakarta to jointly go down to the community to carry out service in the form of socializing and training official letters for staff in the village and sub-district environment. This activity begins with socialization which aims to regenerate public awareness to be able to use the Indonesian language properly and correctly, both orally and in writing, as well as socialize matters related to correspondence material, especially official letters. After that, the lecturer team made a direct approach to the community to carry out technical guidance on writing official letters. The result of this activity is that the community is reminded of the importance of communicating using good and correct Indonesian, as well as increasing knowledge and skills in writing official letters.   Keywords –socialization, training, official letter, Pontang District, Serang-Banten   Abstrak Sosialisasi dan pelatihan penulisan surat dinas dilaksanakan di Desa Kubang Puji, Kecamatan Pontang, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan hasil kolaborasi di antara tim dosen bahasa Indonesia yang berasal dari beberapa jurusan yang berbeda di Politeknik Negeri Jakarta untuk sama-sama turun ke masyarakat untuk melakukan pengabdian berupa sosialisasi dan pelatihan surat dinas bagi para staf di lingkungan desa dan kecamatan. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan sosialisasi yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kembali kesadaran masyarakat untuk dapat menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis, serta menyosialisasikan juga hal-hal yang terkait dengan materi korespondensi, khususnya, surat dinas. Setelah itu, tim dosen melakukan pendekatan secara langsung dengan masyarakat untuk membimbing secara teknis dalam penulisan surat dinas. Hasil dari kegiatan ini masyarakat tersadarkan kembali akan pentingnya berkomuniasi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, serta adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menulis surat dinas. Kata kunci –sosialisasi, pelatihan, surat dinas, Kecamatan Pontang, Serang-Banten

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-73
I Made Hary Kusmawan ◽  
Ni Putu Juniari

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are an important part of a country's economy. This important role has encouraged many countries including Indonesia to continue to strive to develop MSMEs. The objectives of this study were(1) To determine whether the length of business had a partial effect on the income of Pandan Wangi MSMEs in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, (2) To determine whether the number of workers had a partial effect on the income of Pandan Wangi MSMEs in the Village. Tumbakbayuh, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, and (3) To find out whether the length of effort and the number of workers have a simultaneous effect on the income of Pandan Wangi MSMEs in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency. The samples in this study were all Pandan Wangi SMEs in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency using the saturated sample method, with the analysis technique using multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the analysis of the length of business, it has a partial effect on the income of SMEs Pandan Wangi in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, because the t-count value is greater than the t-table value or the -t-count value is smaller than the -t table value, the number of workers has a partial effect. on the income of Pandan Wangi MSMEs in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, because the t count value is greater than the t table value or the -t count value is smaller than the -t table value, the length of business and the number of workers have a simultaneous effect on the income of MSMEs Pandan Wangi in Tumbakbayuh Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, because the calculated F value is greater than the F table value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Elyta Elyta ◽  
Warjio Warjio ◽  
Ahmad AzrinBin Adnan

This article aims to develop the concept of human security through economic safeguards for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis was carried out using a qualitative approach. This article has found an effort to secure the economy for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic by integrating the hard skills and soft skills approaches. The hard skill approach is an effort made through technical matters, namely primary education in online-based entrepreneurship and training in business management based on Information, Communication, and Technology. Primary education on entrepreneurship and training in the form of technical supervision and management of ICT-based businesses in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. The soft skill approach is the provision of understanding and communication skills, especially the ability to conduct diplomacy so that people can have good diplomacy skills and through empathy-buying so that people through empathy can trust again to increase their purchasing power, especially to products from MSMEs. By the author, this method is called smart human security.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan konsep human Secuity melalui pengaman ekonomi terhadap Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Artikel ini telah menemukan upaya pengamanan ekonomi bagi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)  dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 dengan mengintegrasikan antara pendekatan hard skill dan soft skill. Pendekatan hard skill merupakan upaya yang dilakukan melalui hal-hal teknis yaitu pendidikan dasar dalam berwirausaha berbasis online dan pelatihan pengelolaan usaha berbasis Information, Communication, and Technology. Pendidikan dasar mengenai kewirausahaan dan pelatihan-pelatihan berupa teknis manajemen dan pengelolaan usaha berbasis ICT dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Pendekatan soft skill merupakan pemberian pemahaman dan kemampuan komunikasi khususnya kemampuan dalam melakukan diplomasi agar masyarakat dapat memiliki keahlian berdiplomasi dengan baik serta melalui empathy-buying agar masyarakat melalui empatinya dapat kembali percaya untuk meningkatkan kembali daya belinya terutama kepada produk dari UMKM. Oleh penulis, cara tersebut disebut sebagai smart human security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 661
Lina Dameria Siregar ◽  
Wita Farla ◽  
Yuliansyah M. Diah ◽  
Nia Meitisari ◽  
Hera Febria Mavilinda

ABSTRAKPengelolaan dan manajemen bisnis dalam usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) masih menjadi permasalahan yang seringkali diabaikan oleh kebanyakan para pelaku UMKM. Masalah ini disebabkan karena masih minimnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan manajerial tentang bisnis yang dimiliki oleh SDM di UMKM tersebut. Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi tas masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra binaan, khususnya di UMKM Desa Kerinjing, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan. Fokus utama dalam pengabdian ini adalah memberikan berbagai pendampingan dan pelatihan dalam kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar manajemen bisnis yang baik, diantaranya yaitu tentang pemberdayaan dan peningkatan kompetensi SDM UMKM melalui pelatihan aplikasi marketplace. Disrupsi ekonomi digital dan adanya pandemi Covid-19 merupakan peluang yang seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku usaha kecil untuk beralih ke bisnis online. Hal ini diupayakan untuk seiring sejalan dengan program pemerintah yang berupaya mewujudkan sebanyak 30juta UMKM untuk beralih ke bisnis online pada tahun 2024. Adapun khalayak sasaran yang menjadi mitra dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah para pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing, Kecamatan Tanjung Raja, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ceramah, tutorial aplikasi, dan diskusi. Kata kunci: manajemen; marketplace; SDM; UMKM; desa kerinjing. ABSTRACTBusiness management in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is a problem that is often ignored by most MSME entrepreneurs. This problem is caused by the lack of knowledge and managerial skills about the business owned by human resources in the MSMEs. The purpose of this community service is to provide solutions to problems faced by partners, especially in SMEs in Desa Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The main focus in this service is to provide various assistance and training related to the basic principles of good business management, including the empowerment and improvement of MSME human resources competencies through marketplace application training. Disruption of the digital economy and the Covid-19 pandemic are opportunities that should be used by small business entrepreneurs to move to online business. This is in accordance with the program that has been launched by the government, namely "30 million MSMEs go digital by 2024". The target audience who are partners in this community service are MSME entrepreneurs in Desa Kerinjing, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The methods in implementing this service activity are lectures, application tutorials, and discussions. Keywords: management; marketplaces; human resources; MSMEs; desa kerinjing. 

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