2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Hervina Nurullita ◽  
Hendra Afiyanto

The article came as the inheritance reconstruction of the colonial effect phenomenon in Yogyakarta after the declaration of independence. It is interesting to discuss how the people of Yogyakarta show an anti-Netherland attitude toward colonial heritage, which is interpreted widely as anticolonial and anti-Netherland, but accept western lifestyle in daily life. The spread of western lifestyles makes Yogyakarta women begin to reconstruct culture to look for a new identity in their life which is paradoxical with the mainstream attitude and behavior of Yogyakarta people at the beginning of Independence Day. The paper aims to explain the acceptance of women in Yogyakarta to western lifestyles in daily life amidst the strengthening of anti-western sentiment. This paper presents the historical study result using the historical method with the stage of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. This study used modernization theory. Modernization has a significant influence on the easy access of women in Yogyakarta to keep up with the times. The study shows how western lifestyles grew and became a trend of women’s appearance in Yogyakarta at that time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Galang Sabillah Bahar

<p><em>Laker is a typical Palembang handicraft in the form of all products or household utensils made of wood, rattan, bamboo or whatever is painted with black ink and then coated with varnish as an ingredient to beautify it as well as preservative. In this modern era the use of Crafts Laker in palembang is increasingly fading and it's not longer a culture in the City of palembang, especially the younger generation. The lack of promotion carried out on Laker handicrafts has made many of today's young generations not too familiar with Laker crafts, not even a few of them don’t know at all what laker craft is. Moreover, in the current development era, there is a fear of changing cultural heritage forms as a result of the impact of the development and progress of modern technology and other cultural elements that come from outside. To avoid this, visual promotion efforts are needed to the people of Palembang. This promotion was carried out to be able to invite the people of Palembang to cultivate laker crafts in daily life,especially the younger generation. Therefore the Visual Communication Design, Promotion of Laker Crafts is a form of persuasive effort to the people of Palembang, especially to get to know the Laker Crafts so that they can instill a sense of love and pride in Palembang Laker crafts that are known to the Palembang youth, and can invite Palembang people, especially the younger generation cultivate Laker crafts in daily life along with the trends of the times.</em></p>

Mohamad Hussin ◽  
Muhammad Hakim Kamal

The spread of Islam in the Malay Archipelago (henceforth Nusantara) contributed to the activity of al -Quran translation in Malay civilisation. The society started to learn about Islam and the syariah that encouraged them to be close to al-Quran and translate it into the local language. Al-Quran was translated into Malay language in many ways. This study is a study of text aimed at identifying the translated works of al-Quran in Malay language beginning from the 17th century to the 20th century and to investigate its design and chronology. This qualitative study takes a descriptive approach and inculcates the historical method involving heuristics, critique of sources, interpretation and historiography in data collection and data analysis. The research findings show that 21 al-Quran translations into Malay language have been produced since the 17th century in Nusantara. Most of the al-Quran translated works were approached by interpretive translation rather than literal translation. The design of al-Quran translation into Malay language had developed in line with the times, beginning with classical Malay language using the jawi (Arabic) script, until the modern Malay language using romanised script. The concise translation style was seen to dominate the layout of al-Quran translations into Malay language. The al-Quran translation activity was not without controversy, until it led to several works being banned from publication. The rapid translation activity shows the enthusiastic efforts by society in Nusantara in transferring religious knowledge into guidance for daily life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Muhammad Natsir

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Islam agama Rahmatan lil ‘alamin yang mengajarkan sikap <em>wasathiyah</em> sesuai dengan metodologi Al-Qur’an, yaitu lembut, santun, ramah, berlapang dada, dan mengandalkan kekuatan doa. Wajah Islam Nusantara yang dibawa oleh para mujahid sufi wali sanga adalah  sangat kental diwarnai oleh corak Tasawuf, yaitu corak keIslaman yang lembut, santun dan toleran. Para Ulama’ dari kurun waktu ke waktu yang lain telah memposisikan dirinya sebagai obor umat, yang senantiasa membimbing umat agar menjadi sebatang pohon yang indah. Akar keyakinan yang kokoh; batang, dahan, ranting dan dedaunannya adalah istiqomah; sedangkan buah pohon keIslaman adalah integritas akhlak, etika, dan moral.</p><p>Ajaran Islam memiliki tiga pilar; iman, Islam dan ihsan, kemudian berkembang menjadi akidah, syari’ah, dan akhlak atau tawhid, fikih dan Tasawuf. Ihsan merupakan essensi Tasawuf dan sebaliknya, keduanya merupakan pilar utama untuk membangun pribadi Muslim yang saleh, yaitu pribadi yang tercermin pada diri dan perilaku Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai Al-Qur’an hidup.</p><p>Indonesia telah masuk pada abad ke-21 atau abad global, banyak masyarakat muslim yang berhasil menduduki posisi strategis di segala ranah kehidupan; politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya, yang seharusnya mewarnai Indonesia dengan nilai-nilai keIslaman semisal etos kerja, produktifitas, professional, dan integritas yang berujung pada <strong>kemaslahatan umat manusia</strong>. Akan tetapi, moralitas mereka kotor karena hanya menunjukkan simbol-simbol keIslaman saja. Ihsan (Tasawuf) dipahami secara inklusif; terbatas pada ranah perilaku peribadatan saja, sehingga Rekontekstualisasi nilai-nilai Tasawuf pada seluruh ranah kehidupan manusia akan menjadi wujud perilaku nyata sebagai representasi dari nilai ajaran tasawuf itu sendiri untuk mewujudkan <em>maslahah</em> bagi manusia yang dinamis seiring perkembangan zaman.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : Representasi, Tasawuf, masyarakat, global</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p> </p><p>Islam Rahmatan lil 'alamin religion that teaches attitude wasathiyah accordance with the methodology of the Qur'an, that is gentle, courteous, friendly, diledang chest, and rely on the power of prayer. The face of Islamic archipelago brought by the Sufi sage mujahid is very strongly colored by the style of Sufism, ie the pattern of keIslaman gentle, polite and tolerant. The Ulama 'from time to time others have positioned themselves as the torch of the Ummah, who constantly guides the people into a beautiful tree. The root of firm beliefs; stems, branches, twigs and leaves are istiqomah; while the fruit of Islamic trees is the integrity of morals, ethics, and morals.</p><p>Islamic teachings have three pillars; faith, Islam and ihsan, then developed into aqidah, shari'ah, and morals or tawhid, fiqh and mysticism. Ihsan is the essence of Sufism and vice versa, both of which are the main pillars for building a pious Muslim personality, a person who is reflected in the self and behavior of Prophet Muhammad as the living Qur'an.</p><p>Indonesia has entered the 21st century or the global century, many Muslim societies have succeeded in occupying strategic positions in all spheres of life; political, economic, social and cultural rights, which should color Indonesia with Islamic values such as work ethic, productivity, professional, and integrity that lead to the benefit of mankind. However, their morality is dirty because it shows only the symbols of Islam. Ihsan (Sufism) is understood inclusively; confined to the domain of religious behavior only, so that Rekontekstualisasi the values of Sufism on the entire realm of human life will be a manifest behavior as a representation of the value of the teachings of Sufism itself to realize the maslahah for human dynamic as the times.</p><p><strong>Keywords: Representation, Sufism, society, global</strong></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-43
Anastasia Dwilestari ◽  
Agustinus Wisnu Dewantara

The church is always determined to serve the people of its time, and also to keep abreast of the times with its ways. The development of the technological age that is seen, one of them is the internet that provides various kinds of social networks. Facebook is one of the social networks used in everyday life and influences the user. Based on the background above, the researcher can formulate a number of problem formulations as follows: What is meant by Facebook? What is meant by spiritual life? What is the influence using of Facebook on the spiritual life of students in STKIP Widya Yuwana Madiun? This study aims to describe the meaning of Facebook; describe the meaning of spiritual life, describe the influence using of Facebook on spiritual life of students in STKIP Widya Yuwana. This study used a qualitative method by collecting data through interviews with 8 respondents. Qualitative research is an open interview as an effort to examine and understand the attitudes, views, feelings and behavior of individuals or groups of people on a problem. Qualitative methods are as a form of research that is more focused on efforts to see, understand attitudes, feelings, views and behaviors both individually and in groups regarding an event.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Bini Bini ◽  
H. Anwar ◽  
H. Hayari

ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini berutujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menguraikan sejarah, proses dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam banti-banti pada masyarakat di Kelurahan Mandati I Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari (1) heuristik yakni mencari sumber melalui wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan penelitian lapangan, (2) kritik sumber terdiri atas kritik eksternal dan kritik internal guna mendapat data yang akurat, dan (3) historiografi yang dimaksudkan dalam bentuk tulisan secara sistematis dan kronologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: latar belakang pelaksanaan banti-banti pada masyarakat di Kelurahan Mandati I Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi, tidak diketahui secara pasti, namun dapat di perkirakan banti-banti dan Pobanti lahir sebelum masuknya Islam di Pulau Wangi-Wangi yakni sebelum abad ke-13. Sedangkan proses pelaksanaan banti-banti tersebut masuk dalam aktivitas masyarakat masyarakat Mandati seperti hembula’a gandu (penanaman jagung), kegiatan gotong royong, serta digunakan sebagai pengantar tidur. Disamping itu, banti-banti juga digunakan sebagai nyanyian yang mengiringi tari-tarian tradisional seperti, tari Lariangi, tari Badenda dan tari Pajogi. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam banti-banti yakni nilai agama, kejujuran, tanggung jawab, serta nilai bersahabat/komunikatif yang akan tampak dalam sikap dan perilaku masyarakat di Kelurahan Mandati I Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi. Kata Kunci:Latarbelakang, proses, dan nilai-nilai, banti-banti Description Alternative: ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe and describe the history, process and values contained in banti-banti in the community in Mandati I Village, Wangi-Wangi Selatan District, Wakatobi Regency. This research uses a historical method consisting of (1) heuristics that is looking for sources through interviews, library research, and field research, (2) source criticism consists of external criticism and internal criticism in order to obtain accurate data, and (3) historiography intended in writing systematically and chronologically. The results of the study show that: the background of the implementation of the bantis to the community in Mandati I Village, Wangi-Wangi Selatan District Wakatobi Regency is not known, but it can be predicted that Banti and Pobanti were born before the entry of Islam on Wangi-Wangi Island before 13th century. While the implementation of the banti-banti included in the Mandati community activities such as hembula'a gandu (planting corn), mutual cooperation activities, and used as a lullaby. Besides that, banti-banti is also used as a song that accompanies traditional dances such as Lariangi dance, Badenda dance and Pajogi dance. The values contained in the banti-banti namely religious values, honesty, responsibility, and friendly / communicative values that will appear in the attitudes and behavior of the people in Mandati I Village, Wangi-Wangi Selatan District, Wakatobi District. Keywords: Background, process, and values, banti-banti 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Galang Sabillah Bahar ◽  
Husni Mubarat ◽  
Bobby Halim

<p>Laker is a typical Palembang handicraft in the form of all products or household utensils made of wood, rattan, bamboo or whatever is painted with black ink and then coated with varnish as an ingredient to beautify it as well aspreservative. In this modern era the use of Crafts Laker in palembang is increasingly fading and it's not longer a culture in the City of palembang, especially the younger generation. The lack of promotion carried out on Laker handicrafts has made many of today's young generations not too familiar with Laker crafts, not even a few of them don’t know at all what laker craft is. Moreover, in the current development era, there is a fear of changing cultural heritage forms as a result of the impact of the development and progress of modern technology and other cultural <br />elements that come from outside. To avoid this, visual promotion efforts are needed to the people of Palembang. This promotion was carried out to be able to invite the people of Palembang to cultivate laker crafts in daily life,especially the younger generation. Therefore the Visual Communication Design, Promotion of Laker Crafts is a form of persuasive effort to the people of Palembang, especially to get to know the Laker Crafts so that they can instill a sense of love and pride in Palembang Laker crafts that are known to the Palembang youth, and can invite Palembang people, especially the younger generation cultivate Laker crafts in daily life along with the trends of the times. <br /> <br />Keywords : Traditional Craft, Palembang’s Laker, Unique Craft</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Galang Sabillah Bahar ◽  
Husni Mubarat ◽  
Bobby Halim

Laker is a typical Palembang handicraft in the form of all products or household utensils made of wood, rattan, bamboo or whatever is painted with black ink and then coated with varnish as an ingredient to beautify it as well as preservative. In this modern era the use of Crafts Laker in palembang is increasingly fading and it's not longer a culture in the City of palembang, especially the younger generation. The lack of promotion carried out on Laker handicrafts has made many of today's young generations not too familiar with Laker crafts, not even a few of them don’t know at all what laker craft is. Moreover, in the current development era, there is a fear of changing cultural heritage forms as a result of the impact of the development and progress of modern technology and other cultural elements that come from outside. To avoid this, visual promotion efforts are needed to the people of Palembang. This promotion was carried out to be able to invite the people of Palembang to cultivate laker crafts in daily life,especially the younger generation. Therefore the Visual Communication Design, Promotion of Laker Crafts is a form of persuasive effort to the people of Palembang, especially to get to know the Laker Crafts so that they can instill a sense of love and pride in Palembang Laker crafts that are known to the Palembang youth, and can invite Palembang people, especially the younger generation cultivate Laker crafts in daily life along with the trends of the times.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 359
Heri Priyatmoko

This research attempts to understand the history of culinary diversity in Solo as a symbol of cultural harmony, as well as a regional economic power. The purpose of this research is motivated by the fact that Solo is known as a “radical city” and a city of conflict at national level. This study is expected to give a more comprehensive understanding of portrait of ethnic harmony which is reflected in the culinary cultures in order to lessenthe negative image of Solo. The method used is historical method, including heuristics (gathering of sources), source criticism, analysis/interpretation and writing. The researcher dedicated most time and energy to do library and document research and conduct some interview with the culinary businessmen. The researcher applies the acculturation theory in order to understand the process of culinary diversity occurrence. The result shows that the diversity of culinary of Solo is created as a result of intensive inter-cultural association and is supported by the creativity of local communities in addressing a challenge that led to the creation of new types of food. The existence of Javanese, European, Chinese, and Arabic communities in the past is accounted for the diversity of food on the table, which becomes a symbol of social harmony. From tourism perspective, the character of the people who have hobby of eating out and the availability of various types of culinary strengthen the image of Solo City as “keplek ilat” (mouthwatering) city. This fact in turn becomes the economic power of Solo City.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Ida Bagus Putu Eka Suadnyana

The concept of Manyama Braya (Hindu Social Mutual Assistance) was used as a guideline by the people in the custom village of Sukawati because it is one of the existing local wisdom and even developed. The value of local wisdom, Manyama Braya implies an equality and fraternity or social recognition that we are brothers as a social fraternity; therefore the attitude and behavior of ours have to look at others as brothers who should be invited together in joy and sorrow. The concept of Manyama Braya was emphasized in daily life by the people in the custom village of Sukawati. This study was as a background of research of value Religious Hindu Education in the concept of Manyama Braya. The concept of Manyama Braya was important to be applied because the society in the village wanted to get prosperity and harmony in the society life. (2) The concept of Manyama Braya were implemented in a custom activity which were included Dewa Yadnya (Offering to Gods), Manusa Yadnya (Offering to people), Pitra Yadnya (Offering to ancestors) and Bhuta Yadnya (Offering to supernatural) and the concept of Manyama Braya was also implemented in everyday life. (3) The education values contained in the application of the concept of Manyama Braya namely: the value of ethics education was shown when the people always kept ethics in conducting customs activities. The value of harmony education was shown when the people always together kept maintaining harmonious indigenous activities and daily life. And the value of social education, was shown when the people work together in performing traditional custom activities and mutual assistance in everyday life.

Aria Dimas Harapan

ABSTRACTThe essence of this study describes the theoretical study of the phenomenon transfortation services online. Advances in technology have changed the habits of the people to use online transfortation In fact despite legal protection in the service based services transfortation technological sophistication has not been formed and it became warm conversation among jurists. This study uses normative juridical research. This study found that the first, the Government must accommodate transfotation online phenomenon in the form of rules that provide legal certainty; second, transfortation online as part of the demands of the times based on technology; third, transfortation online as part of the creative economy for economic growth . 

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