scholarly journals KELOR (Kelas Entrepreneurship Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor) Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ibu Rumah Tangga

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ayu Fitri Lestari ◽  
Intan Puspita Sari

Data BPS tahun 2016 menyatakan, pada kuartal I-2016, jumlah angkatan kerja Indonesia turun menjadi 127,67 juta orang, dari 128,3 juta orang di kuartal I-2015. Penurunan angkatan kerja ini dikarenakan banyak penduduk perempuan yang beralih menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Penulis membuat program pemberdayaan KELOR (Kelas Entrepreneurship Berbasis Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor) sebagai upaya pemberdayaan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ibu rumah tangga di Pulo Kelor, Banyuwangi. Kegiatan ini merupakan pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan model social planning dan locality development model. Sasaran pemberdayaan ini adalah Ibu-Ibu PKK dengan jumlah 17 orang, yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Pelaksanaan kegiatan KELOR sebagai sarana untuk membuat sentra usaha daun kelor dilaksanakan selama lima bulan, yaitu Januari sampai dengan Mei 2018. Proses pemberdayaan yang dilakukan dengan menerapkan tujuh langkah pemberdayaan meliputi tahap persiapan, pengkajian, perencanaan alternatif program, pemformulasian rencana aksi, pelaksanaan program, evaluasi, dan terminasi. Pemberdayaan KELOR berhasil mencapai target terbentuknya kader KELOR, dan 3 kelompok unit usaha produk olahan dari daun kelor. Kelompok unit usaha tersebut terdiri dari kelompok produksi brownies kelor, kerupuk kelor, dan pia kelor. Melalui sosialisasi terkait dengan manfaat kelor, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 68,75% pada ibu-ibu. Pelatihan pemasaran produk, manajemen keuangan, dan desain produk juga dapat meningkatan pengetahuan ibu-ibu tentang materi tersebut sebesar 13,26%. Kegiatan pemberdayaan ini terbukti dapat memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK Pulo Kelor dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, serta menambah pendapatan keluarga mereka. Data from BPS in 2016 stated, in the first quarter of 2016, the number of the Indonesian workforce fell to 127.67 million, from 128.3 million in the first quarter of 2015. The decline of workforce is due to the large number of women who become housewives. Therefore, the author created a KELOR empowerment program as an effort to increase the productivity of housewives in Pulo Kelor, Banyuwangi. This activity is a community empowerment based on social planning and locality development model. Targets are 17 people of the PKK members, who were selected by the purposive sampling method. The implementation is about five months, starting from January to May 2018. The empowerment process is done by implementing seven steps of empowerment includes preparation, assessment, alternative program planning, action plan formulation, implementation, evaluation, and termination. Empowerment of KELOR successfully achieved the target of forming KELOR cadres, and 3 business units. The business units consists of groups of Moringa brownies, Moringa crackers, and Moringa pia production groups. This empowerment activity proved to be able to empower Pulo Kelor PKK women in increasing their knowledge, skills, and increasing their family income.

Sosio Informa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Istiana Hermawati

An Idea of Social Intervention Strategy In the frame tc increase people participation in social development, many activies in community intervention has implemented. The essention of the activity is a community empowerment process to gain self reliance, which people can solve their problems, and met their need. The empowerment process through community intervention has several models. These are community development / locality development model, social planning and policy mode l, and social action model. In social development context through the strategy of community intervention, community worker can do their functions as an enabler, broker, social planner, educator, expert, advocate, and activist. Have as a starting point on situation, condition, problems and needs that felt by Indonesia people, so the strategy of community intervention that relevant to implement is locality development model with bottom up approach. Nevertheles, in order to effort social development can effective in realization throughh implementation this model, should supported by both of another models, those are social planning and policy, and social action models, so social welfare that we expected, relatively will be come true

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-328
Egidiasafitri Egidiasafitri ◽  
Dadang Kuswana ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan masjid berbasis kampus dalam meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, dan pengawasan kegiatan membangun kerjasama dengan masyarakat, sehingga semua pemberdayaan yang dilakukan oleh DKM masjid dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatatif. Hasil penelitian di Masjid Al-Jabbar Kampus ITB Jatinangor dapat diperoleh data pengelolaan masjid Al-Jabbar mencakup beberapa tahapan dalam meyusun program kegiatan yang telah direncanakan. Ada beberapa langkah-langkah yang digunakan  dalam melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui masjid Al-Jabbar Kampus ITB Jatinangor sesuai dengan fungsi pengelolaan yang digunakan. Pertama adalah perencanaan program yang dilakukan oleh DKM masjid Al-Jabbar dalam meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Kedua yaitu pengorganisasian diterapkan untuk pembagian tugas kerja kepada pengurus DKM. Ketiga yaitu pelaksanaan diterapkan melalui bimbingan, pemberian motivasi kepada pengurus, menjalin hubungan. Kemudian yang terakhir adalah pengawasan yang diterapkan DKM masjid Al-Jabbar melalui pengawasan langsung dan tidak langsung. This research aims to determine the management of campus-based mosques in improving community empowerment, through the planning process, organizing, actuating, and controlling of activities in building cooperation with the community, so that all the empowerment carried out by DKM mosques can run effectively and efficiently. The method used in this research uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The research at the Al-Jabbar Mosque in the ITB Jatinangor Campus can be obtained from the management data of the Al-Jabbar mosque covering several stages in arranging the planned program of activities. There are several steps used in empowering the community through the Al-Jabbar mosque in accordance with the management functions used. First is program planning carried out by the DKM Al-Jabbar mosque in improving community empowerment. Second, organizing is applied to the division of work tasks to DKM administrators. Third, the implementation is implemented through guidance, giving motivation to the board, having a relationship. Then the last is the supervision applied by the Al-Jabbar DKM mosque through direct and indirect supervision.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 109
Desy Ika Ratna Furi ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto

Literacy culture needs to be instilled early on, because it can foster students' interest in reading. Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School is one of the schools implementing a literacy culture program. This study aims to explain the planning, implementation, evaluation of literacy culture programs at SD Muhammadiyah Serut, as well as describing the independence of students in literacy culture at SD Muhammadiyah Serut. This type of research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were school principals, class III teachers and class IV teachers, librarians, class III and IV students taken randomly. The objects in this study are all matters relating to the independence of students in literacy culture in SD Muhammadiyah Serut. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models, while to test the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results showed: that literacy program planning is related to the vision, mission and goals of the library, while the literacy culture has been running smoothly. Literacy cultural activities include reading iqra, reading Juz 'Amma, reading activities 15 minutes before the lesson begins, short story activities and bulletin classes. The next stage is the evaluation at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School conducted once a semester, to find out the extent of the literacy culture program. In the independence of students in the culture of literacy at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School as students do not read when the teacher does not ask. Then students are not confident when reading the results of their work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Andi Aslinda ◽  
Henni Zainal ◽  
Muhammad Luthfi Siraj

Poverty is still an urgent agenda that needs to be addressed by the Government in Gowa Regency, especially the poor, to empower the people in Bujjulu area. The purpose of the study was to analyze poverty reduction by community empowerment through integrated coconut products in Bujjulu District, Gowa Regency. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique in this study used are data condensation, data display (data presentation), conclusion drawing/verification The result of the research is that Bujjulu Village, Gowa Regency is mostly carried out with the principle of learning by doing so that this integrated coconut program can be expected to produce an increase in family income in particular. The implementation of this training focused on making flower pots from coconut fiber, making charcoal and briquettes as alternative fuels as a substitute for oil and gas which are currently difficult to obtain, making nata de coco, and transforming the coconut into copra.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nina Evi Nur Laila ◽  
Siti Amanah

The livelihoods of fishery households are highly vulnerable to fishery sources due to their nature-depending catchments, fishery households in SendangBiru coastal for example. This study focused to analyse the livelihood strategy and contribution of coastal women in SendangBiru to improve their family income. Descriptive and explanatory methods using questionnaire instrument and purposive sampling were used. The responden samples are coastal women who were productively doing activities to obtain extra income for their family. Coastal women of SendangBiru have important roles to improve their family income by spending a lot of time to do productive and reproductive activities. Coastal women’s income contributions bring about significant effects on fishery families’ financial security. Most of coastal women contributions meet half of their family needs.<br />Keywords: livelihood strategy, coastal women, income contribution, family income

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Firdausi Ramadhani ◽  
Yanti Hz. Hano

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian bayi Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Limboto Kabupaten Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan adalah  Observasional Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu yang melahirkan berjumlah 853 responden, dengan Sampel yaitu sebanyak 202 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik Purposive Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) 34 responden (16,8%) dan bayi Berat Badan Lahir Normal (BBLN) 168 responden (83,2%). Hasil bivariat didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan (p-value 0,044), pendapatan keluarga (p-value 0,029) dengan kejadian bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR). Sedangkan, jumlah paritas (p value 0,523),  jarak kehamilan (p-value 0,659), dan Kekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK) (p-value 0,637) tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statisti dengan kejadian bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR).    This study aims to determine several factors associated with the incidence of low birth weight babies (LBW) in the Limboto Health Center, Gorontalo District. The method used is analytic observational with a cross sectional study approach. The population was all mothers who gave birth totaling 853 respondents, with a sample of 202 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the proportion of Low Birth Weight (LBW) babies was 34 respondents (16.8%) and Normal Birth Weight (BBLN) babies were 168 respondents (83.2%). The bivariate results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p value 0.044), family income (p value 0.029) with the incidence of low birth weight babies (LBW). Meanwhile, the parity (p value 0.523), pregnancy distance (p-value 0.659), and Chronic Energy Deficiency (P-value 0.637) did not have a statistically significant relationship with the incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW).

Gunahumas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-235
Renni Kusnaeni

Abstrak Penelitian tentang “Peningkatan Kompetensi dan Kinerja Tenaga Pendidik PAUD melalui Komunikasi Efektif di Kota Bandung dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan menjamurnya lembaga PAUD yang didirikan oleh masyarakat dalam upaya menyukseskan program pemerintah yang disebut PAUDISASI. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini disusun untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang peningkatan kompetensi dan kinerja pendidik melalui komunikasi efektif di lembaga PAUD meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi serta faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi terhadap program pengembangan kompetensi dan kinerja tenaga pendidik di PAUD Al-Jannah dan Psy Center Kota Bandung menunjukkan: 1) Perencanaan program disusun dengan baik; 2) Pelaksanaan program dilakukan oleh semua stakeholder disertai sosialisasi, pengarahan, pencatatan dan pengawasan dari kepala lembaga; 3) Evaluasi program dilakukan oleh yayasan, kepala lembaga secara komunikatif 4) Faktor pendukung berupa tersedianya sarana berbasis IT serta buku-buku panduan kurikulum, adanya alokasi anggaran (walau relatif terbatas), serta mayoritas guru berkualifikasi pendidikan S1. Adapun faktor penghambatnya adalah masih adanya guru yang belum memahami pentingnya pengembangan kompetensi dan kinerja, serta belum terbiasanya guru menghadapi rambu-rambu regulasi yang dilakukan. Kata kunci: kompetensi, kinerja, tenaga pendidik PAUD, komunikasi efektif Abstract The research on "Improving Competency and Performance of PAUD Educators through Effective Communication in Bandung is motivated by the reality of the proliferation of PAUD institutions established by the community in an effort to succeed a government program called PAUDISASI. Therefore this research is structured to find a picture of increasing the competence and performance of educators through effective communication in PAUD institutions including planning, implementation, evaluation and supporting and inhibiting factors. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of observations, interviews and documentation studies on the competency development program and the performance of educators in Al-Jannah PAUD and the Bandung City Psy Center show: 1) Program planning is well structured; 2) Program implementation is carried out by all stakeholders accompanied by socialization, direction, recording and supervision from the head of the institution; 3) Program evaluation is carried out by the foundation, the head of the institution communicatively 4) Supporting factors such as the availability of IT-based facilities and curriculum guide books, the existence of budget allocations (although relatively limited), and the majority of teachers qualified with S1 education. The inhibiting factor is that there are still teachers who do not understand the importance of d Keywords: competence, performance, PAUD educators, effective communication

Kinesik ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-291
Giska Mala Rahmarini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui aktivitas humas sebagai fungsi manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan di Biro Humas dan Protokol Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Dasar penelitian ini menggunkan metode studi kasus. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 orang yang dipilih melalui purposive sampling. Jenis data yaitu data primer dan sekunder kemudian teknik penggumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaannya, Humas akan menggunakan konsep-konsep manajemen untuk mempermudah pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya. Menentukan masalah (defining the problem), Perencanaan dan penyusunan program (planning and programming), Melakukan tindakan dan berkomunikasi (taking action and communicating), Evaluasi program (evaluating the program), Pada dasarnya keempat proses humas yang penulis lihat dan jelaskan pada biro humas dan protokol di atas merupakan sistem yang saling terkait dalam pelaksanaannya. Kemudian, humas selalu dekat dengan pimpinan dan pimpinan tentunya tidak lepas dari yang namanya pengambilan keputusan. Pengambilan keputusan sangat penting dalam manajemen dan merupakan tugas utama dari seorang pemimpin. Pada Biro Humas sendiri, tugas humas sebatas pemberian saran namun tidak sepenuhnya dapat mempengaruhi keputusan dari pimpinan. Jika hanya keputusan yang tidak terlalu formal dalam artian bukan suatu peraturan perundangan yang mengikat dan membutuhkan rapat dalam pengambilan keputusannya, memang saran humas sering mempengaruhi pimpinan. Karena pada dasarnya keputusan utama ada ditangan gubernur itu sendiri.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Khaeriyah Darwis ◽  
St. Khadijah Yahya Hiola

This vegetable processing training aims to build the entrepreneurial spirit of RT 03/04 with the utilization of processed red spinach and broccoli vegetables which if developed over the long term will foster a productive economy that can increase family income. In addition, it is hoped that later, ladies and gentlemen, RT 03/04 Tamalanrea Jaya Village is able to form a Trade Business that produces Broccoli and Red Spinach Vegetable ice cream. Community service activities are carried out with training methods in practice and theory. For two days, the community members were invited to understand the purpose, benefits and application of healthy processed broccoli vegetables as a nutritious processed food and economic value. Presentation of learning material related to the importance of community empowerment through an independent learning process, this group is carried out in accordance with the material, goals and practical benefits of each theme. At the last session, this community service activity was presented with a demonstration of cooking food, processing broccoli and red spinach vegetables into healthy, practical ice cream and liked by all people. The activity of processing broccoli and red spinach vegetables as raw materials to obtain these types of food is done by demonstration method while providing explanations that must be mastered when going to process red spinach and broccoli into healthy food for the family, and economic value.Keyword : Broccoli Vegetables, Red Spinach, Vegetable Ice Cream

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