2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 167
Martina Kurnia Rohmah ◽  
Yani Ambari ◽  
Khurin In Wahyuni

Keberadaan Rosella belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal padahal tanaman ini memiliki manfaat yang sangat luas dalam bidang pangan dan kesehatan melalui berbagai produk olahan (diversifikasi) karena minimnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat khususny dalam hal pengolahan. Tujuan program ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan, bimbingan, serta pendampingan dalam memanfaatkan bunga rosella menjadi berbagai produk olahan sehingga memiliki nilai ekonomis guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Balongbendo. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam program ini adalah penyuluhan, penanaman tanaman Rosella, pelatihan pembuatan produk olahan bunga rosella, pelatihan pengemasan dan pemasaran produk bunga rosella, serta pendampingan pada pameran produk olahan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah: (1) Meningkatnya pengetahuan mitra tentang manfaat, budidaya tanaman, dan diversifikasi produk olahan Rosella (2) Meningkatnya keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah bunga Rosella dengan berbagai produk, (3) Terciptanya produk-produk olahan bunga rosella yang telah dipasarkan dalam bentuk Teh Rosella, Sirup Rosella dan Es Krim Rosella (4) Meningkatnya daya saing msyarakat Desa Balongbendo se-kebupaten Sidoarjo.Kata kunci—Produk Rosella, Teh Rosella, Sirup Rosella, Es Krim Rosella Abstract The existence of Rosella has not been optimally utilized even though this plant has very broad benefits in the field of food and health through a variety of processed products (diversification) because of the lack of knowledge and skills of the community specifically in terms of processing. The purpose of this program is to provide knowledge, guidance, and assistance in utilizing roselle flowers into various processed products so that they have economic value in order to improve the welfare of the people of Balongbendo Village. The method of implementation carried out in this program are: counseling, planting Rosella plants, training in making processed Rosella flower products, training in packaging and marketing of rosella flower products, and assisting at the exhibition of processed products in Sidoarjo Regency. The results of this activity are: (1) Increased knowledge of partners about the benefits, cultivation of plants, and diversification of processed Rosella products (2) Increased partner's skills in processing Rosella flowers with various products, (3) Creation of processed rosella flower products that have been marketed in the form of Rosella Tea, Rosella Syrup and Rosella Ice Cream (4) Increasing the competitiveness of Balongbendo Villages throughout the Sidoarjo Regency.Keywords—Rosella Products, Rosella Tea, Rosella Syrup, Rosella Ice Cream

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Bhaskara Anggarda Gathot Subrata ◽  
Agus Sumaryadi ◽  
Girinius Wenda

Processing and utilization program of red fruit in Yiwika Village are based on the reality that the people of Yiwika Village still cannot escape from the poverty. One of the great untapped potentials in Yiwika Village is the red fruit. Therefore, the solution offered is the processing and utilization of red fruit to be processed products. The purpose of this program is to provide knowledge and skills to the people of Yiwika Village in processing red fruits into oil and red fruit jams in order to create a red fruit processed fruit management with a good and sustainable system of management and increased its economy. Methods to solve these problems through problem identification, program socialization, training of Community Organization Management, evaluation and reflection. The program was implemented in September 2017 in Yiwika Village, Kurulu District, Jayawijaya Regency. The team has succeeded in bringing an important change to the society that is changing the paradigm of people from selling red fruit directly to processing red fruit into oil and red fruit jam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mega Safana ◽  
Rangga Alif Faresta ◽  
Raenaldi Raenaldi ◽  
Yuraeda Mufidah ◽  
Eta Lestari Kamal ◽  

East Lombok Regency has great potential in agriculture. One of them is Mamben Baru Village, Wanasaba District in the plantation sector Banana is one of the most abundant plantation commodities, especially when the main harvest time arrives, namely from April to May. However, the problem that arises is that the people of Mamben Baru Village are not yet skilled at processing bananas into high economic value products. So that the aim of this program is to provide training in making banana-based preparations. The stages in this empowerment activity start from the preparation stage, the activity implementation stage and the product evaluation stage. The results obtained in this empowerment activity arethe creation of processed products that can help the people of Mamben Baru Village in developing processed banana products into cookies and banana chips so that they can increase community income. So that the formation of people who are skilled in processing bananas into processed products that have their own uniqueness with the flavors offered so that they have more selling power. This empowerment program provides benefits that can improve the skills of the Wanasaba Village community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Purwadi Purwadi ◽  
Sigit Dwi Nugrono

Kalanganyar Village is a village in Sidoarjo Regency, Sedati District, which covers an area of 2/3 consisting of a pond, which borders the villages of Buncitan, Sawohan, Cemandi, and Tambakcemandi. Kalanganyar Village is one of the areas with socio-economic conditions that need to be improved. The source of the livelihood of the local community is very dependent on the results of fishing which is very influenced by the weather. When fishermen cannot go to sea due to extreme weather, local people do not have alternative sources of income. The problems with partners and the potential to support the Sedati sub-district as a Minapolitan area are (1) limited livelihoods of the community as fishermen, (2) The skills of the Fish Cultivation Group (Pokdakan) are still weak regarding the diversification of products made from fish as raw material, (3) There is still a lack of knowledge and practice regarding fish processing which has economic value. (4) Limited knowledge about the packaging of fish-based products (5) Lack of knowledge about marketing fish products. The method used is counseling and training, among others, the socialization of the importance of diversification of processed products made from fish, training on diversification of fish product processing technology, training on packaging of processed fish products, training on online and offline marketing management. The results achieved in implementing program activities (a). The community understands the importance of product diversification from fish so that fish has a high economic value, (b) Training on product diversification from fish is successful in making soy sauce from fish and shredded fish from milkfish, (c) Success in making soy sauce product packaging from fish and labeling jerky from milkfish , (d). Online marketing through social media and websites is still in the design process.

2019 ◽  
Maulana Daffa 'Athaullah Yahya

Lampung City is a city that has abundant pineapple yields. However, most fruits that did not meet the standards, such as fruit that fell from the tree or known as pineapple rejected. Fruits that do not meet the sales standard have a very low economic value and are only thrown into waste. This study aims to increase the economic value of this pineapple with the intention of becoming a substrate of nata de pina. Pineapple has a fairly high content and is approved as a substrate for making nata. The research method used is qualitative, namely by explaining the steps of making pineapple as a nata de pina substrate. The Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lampung City in making processed pineapple products has made a major contribution to the people of Lampung City, especially pineapple farmers. Farmers who used to only sell raw pineapple at affordable prices are now increasing their income because they sell high-priced processed products. The people also enjoy the impact of the presence of nata de pina, because nata de pina is often added to desserts to add sweetness. This research makes reference for small and medium businesses in developing pineapple processed products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rangga Alif Faresta ◽  
Adi Septiawan ◽  
Sindi Nopita Agustina ◽  
Zamzami Zamzami ◽  
Alan Maulana Karisma

NTB is one of the provinces that experienced significant economic growth. In 2017 the economic growth of NTB Province reached 7.1% from 5.6% of national economic growth. Of course this comes from various fields, one of which is the agricultural sector, namely processed products of water sap (palm sugar). The NTB sugar production center is a national superior product commodity with good production quality (NTB in Figures, 2018). One of the villages which is a commodity of palm sugar is Kekait Daye Hamlet. However, this condition is not supported by the earthquake during August-September 2018 which caused the economic paralysis in NTB. The purchasing power of the people has decreased dramatically, the production process of processed products for the people must be stopped and even out of business. So that it causes the production process to weaken because people have to lose production sites and equipment in the manufacture. Plus the products produced are still in the form of general products such as ant sugar and briquette sugar which if sold have prices that are not too high while on the one hand there needs to be innovation to improve the economy of the community. So the researchers made an innovation in the diversification of processed water sap products that have high economic value. This research aims to create processed products of water diversified sap which have high economic value, good packaging and good quality. The method of this research starts from the preparation of tools and materials, making products and socializing to the public. The results of the study were the creation of a diversified process of palm water products in the form of palm sugar, palm coffee , and sugar palm chocolate. Keywords: diversification, economic, kekait, palm

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Muhammad Faisal Ibrahim ◽  
Ngatini Ngatini

Pangkah Kulon is one of the villages in Gresik Regency which is located in Ujung Pangkah District, Gresik, East Java. The lack of public knowledge about fish processing makes people required to be more creative in increasing the selling value of fish into processed products. So far, fresh fish caught by fishermen are sold directly to middlemen, while fresh fish that do not pass the sorting is simply thrown away. To increase the economic value of fish into high selling value products, training in the production of fish crackers is carried out. The training was conducted on the socialization of creative preparations, training on the manufacture and creative industry of fish crackers. In this training, participants (fishermen's wives) are trained to operate production equipment, from dough making, milling, to cutting. The knowledge and skills provided can be used as a pioneering effort for the fish cracker creative industry which is a favorite food for the community in general. In addition, it is also a business opportunity that can increase household income.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Purnomo Purnomo ◽  
Dwi Sulistyaningsih ◽  
R. Ery Wibowo Agung

The availability of breadfruit is abundant in the village of Meteseh in RW. X Tembalang District, Semarang City. BAROKAH farmers group develops breadfruit chip business. This group of farmers utilizes the abundantly available breadfruit fruit in the Meteseh area to make breadfruit chips. BAROKAH has problems in terms of limited equipment to support product manufacturing, and limited knowledge and skills in the processing and diversification of breadfruit preparations. The purpose of this activity is to develop a business through diversification of BAROKAH breadfruit processed products so that this business and all the people involved are able to become economically independent communities. It also improved product quality, creative and innovative skills, skills in using appropriate technology in the cutting, draining, and packaging of breadfruit processed products. The method used is to improve product quality, creative and innovative skills through the use of appropriate technology in the cutting, draining, and packaging of processed breadfruit products. In addition, diversification of breadfruit processed products was also developed. The results show that the application of appropriate technology has been able to increase the capacity of chopping, and the durability of processed products from breadfruit. In addition, the quality of processed breadfruit products has increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Likdanawati Likdanawati ◽  
Hamdiah Hamdiah ◽  
Cut Putri Mellita

The Lhokseumawe City Government consists of 4 (four) sub-districts, namely Muara Dua District, Muara Satu District, Blang Mangat District and Banda Sakti District. The old Pusong Village is one of the villages located in Banda Sakti District. Gampong Pusong Lama is one of the villages located on the coast of the city of Lhokseumawe, and the average population of Gampong Pusong is whose income depends on the catch of fish. The catch of fishermen is affected by the wind. If the wind is strong then their catch is small and this has an impact on fishermen's income. Under these circumstances, fishermen can only surrender and use a small amount of their past income to meet their daily needs. Fish caught by fishermen have high nutritional and protein content. The fishermen's family members consume the caught fish every day by cooking it as a side dish. Whereas in addition to being cooked as a side dish, fish can also be processed into ready-to-eat food and can increase its economic value. They still have minimal knowledge about the technology of processing fishery products other than being cooked into side dishes. Fishermen's family members, namely fishermen's mothers, have the potential to improve the economic conditions of their families. Given these conditions, it is necessary to make an effort to improve the economy and skills with science and technology. For this reason, it is necessary to make an effort to empower fishing communities, especially women in an effort to increase the income of fishermen's families. The purpose of this Community Service Activity (PKM) is to empower the community by using science and technology to improve the skills and economic income of partners through processing marine products in the form of fish. the processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products. The method of carrying out activities is carried out by (1) introducing nutritious modern fishery products whose processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products. The method of carrying out activities is carried out by (1) introducing nutritious modern fishery products whose processing does not require modern equipment, (2) training and assistance in the manufacture of modern fishery products that are rich in nutrition. (3) product packaging. The result of this activity is the increased knowledge and skills of partners in processing fishery products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 562-566
Hinijati Widjaja ◽  
Rini Fitri ◽  
Reza Fauzi ◽  
Harmaini Harmaini

Ciliwung River School Yard Jakarta management is still natural and dominated by similar ornamental plants. Lack of knowledge and skills of partners regarding using their yards for planting fruit trees can increase economic value and reforestation. This program aims to improve knowledge and skills in cultivating fruit trees on the grounds of the Ciliwung river school in Jakarta. The method used in implementing this community service is through the stages of program socialization, counseling and demonstrations, planting fruit trees in the pilot garden of the Ciliwung River School. The results obtained with this counseling can help partners increase their knowledge and information about using yards for productive and economical fruit tree plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Riza Adrianoor Saputra ◽  
Untung Santoso ◽  
Tuti Heiriyani ◽  
Jumar Jumar ◽  
Rabiatul Wahdah ◽  

Moringa oleifera is a type of plant that has many benefits. Moringa leaves are very well consumed by humans with a variety of processed products. This Community Service aims to open people's insight, knowledge, and skills about the benefits of Moringa leaves for healts, as well as provide business opportunities for farming communities who are interested in cultivating Moringa plants to increase their income. The method used in community service is in the form of counseling. The results of this activity have provided knowledge to the community, especially farmers in the Landasan Ulin Barat Village about the benefits of Moringa leaves for health. This community service is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner, so that the counseling that has been given can be put into practice in real terms, thus providing benefits for the people of the West Landasan Ulin Village.

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