scholarly journals Digital transformation of preparation of the future

Nataliia Bakhmat ◽  
Vladyslava Liubarets ◽  
Maryna Bilynska ◽  
Nataliia Ridei ◽  
Spitsyna Anhelina

The article is devoted to the current problem of today, which has acquired special significance in the context of building an information society. It is shown that Ukraine recognises the value of progress in the digitalisation of economic transformations. Creating a digital infrastructure of the economic sector requires the formation of future professionals’ digital competence in the educational space. Perspectives of digital technology are defined as the search of content according to interests; meeting the individual needs of pace and the level of professional growth requirements for the modern specialist; the constant modernisation of the style and forms of economic culture; and the connection of economic and educational spheres. It is concluded that Ukraine has all the conditions for transformation processes of digitalisation of economic professional education, which will bring the economy to a high technological level of development. Digital dual vocational education, with one of the most important factors of economic growth and formation of a new competent and competitive professional in the economic sector, is defined. The subjects of digital interaction in the conditions of dual professional education of future specialists of the economic branch are identified and characterised. Further research considering the expediency of educational and economic clusters of professional training of future experts of the economic branch is also defined.   Keywords: Transformational reformations, digitalisation, dual professional education, digital competence, future economic specialist, business, HEI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-57
N. Ualieva ◽  
A. Zhunusova ◽  
K. Ibraeva ◽  
A. Kuzembaeva ◽  

In the modern world of higher educational institutions, the problem of organizing students' independent work is one of the most urgent. The student must have not only knowledge, but also make decisions independently, strive for success in professional activities, apply a creative approach to any business, and raise the intellectual level. That is why the independent work presupposes the development of students' skills to clearly formulate their own thoughts, argue their judgments, think logically, and know the numerous flow of information. The implementation of these skills is possible when organizing a competence-based students' individual work , which affects the professional sphere of future specialists And the construction of a competence-oriented SIW in the form of a model that includes motivational, performance, reflexive, control stages is based on: a) the inherent value of the student; b) the conditionality of the professional orientation of the content of education by future teaching activities; c) c) orientation of professional education towards the individual experience of the student; d) the advanced nature of professional training; e) correlation of the technology of professional training with the patterns of professional becoming of the teacher's personality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Виктория Вахнина ◽  
Viktoriya Vahnina ◽  
Дмитрий Симон ◽  
Dmitriy Simon

Professional motivation is a system-forming factor in realizing the social and managerial functions of the activity of heads of internal affairs bodies. It is formed in the process of professional formation of personality, including not only the experience of professional activity, but also the stage of training. Professional motivation is understood as those professionally important psychological components and features of the motivational sphere of the individual, which are the internal prerequisite for the success of the formation of professionalism, professional growth of the head of the internal affairs body. Motivational socio-psychological training is one of the main methods for the development of personal motivation and one of the main methods of professional training of heads of internal affairs bodies. It forms in the individual a more realistic view of his competence and the associated stability of his assessments of achievements.

Osvitolohiya ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 77-83
Svitlana Kohut

Experts determine the changes in the labor market and employment as one of the peculiarities of the European integration process of the Republic of Poland. The article indicates trends that led to changes in the labor market and employment, focusing on a concise analysis of the threats and challenges that Polish society faced.It is indicated that trends, challenges and threats, their extensive diagnostics and theoretical understanding became the subject of studies of labor pedagogy. This is a branch of pedagogical knowledge that studies issues of education in conjunction with human professional work, develops qualification frameworks, modular programs of professional learning, professional education programs, practical projects for the further development of professional training, retraining, and improvement of specialists for the free labor market. The new forms of employment, including outsourcing, freelance, competition for the place of work (as the basis for the development of new competencies) relate to positive phenomena in the labor market during the investigated period. The threats that arise in the field of employment have also been reconsidered. In particular, such forms of the functioning of the individual in the work environment as workaholism, mobbing, professional stress, high unemployment level.Studying of the Polish experience of applied approaches in the research of these phenomena has a direct impact on: the formation of the goals of professional education of specialists in the context of Ukraine's Eurointegration course; the development of flexible content in order to adapt to the needs of the modern economy, to the various forms of population's engagement (especially unemployed one) to different types of education and social inclusion.

Alina Kudlay ◽  

Modern conditions for the modernization of higher education in Ukraine have led to the need to introduce innovative approaches to the implementation of the concept of future specialists training, taking into account European standards. Higher education is crucial for socio-economic and cultural development of society. The need for training of a competent police officer, who is capable of effective professional activity in a multinational environment, is a priority approach in the training of future police officers in the parameters of European standards. The socio-cultural aspect in the training of future police officers is not only the formation of ethno-cultural competence, but also the space of interpersonal relationships in which a holistic culture of personality is formed. The competent paradigm of professional training of the future police officers, as a subject of personal and professional growth, which is capable of expanding and updating the subject areas of their professional activity, becomes of special significance in this context. In this article, we draw our attention to the peculiarities and possibilities of forming the personality of a future police officer by means of mobile resources. In particular, the classification of modern mobile devices for using in the education al processes defined. The importance of the aim of modern professional education – the formation of high level of intelligence of the future specialists, the development and consolidation of complex abilities to solve problems in conditions of constant changes and new requirements of the external environment are revealed. It has been established that the use of mobile resources contributes to increase of interest during classroom hours and the optimal organization of their independent non-auditing work, which will enable the training of specialists of a new type.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 190-194
Kateryna Yablunovska ◽  

Annotation. Introduction. The article analyzes topical issues of ecological culture formation in the process of training future economists. Modern approaches to the formation of environmental culture during the training of future economists, determining the quality of professional training of future professionals in higher education. Socio-economic changes and the ecological state cause the need for qualitative improvement of professional education of future specialists in the process of professional training with a high level of ecological culture. However, the problem of forming the ecological culture of future economists remains insufficiently studied. Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the formation of ecological culture and thinking, the spread of ethical norms in relation to nature. Results. The analysis of scientific works on the formation of ecological culture in the process of training future economists, revealed the concept of ecological culture of the individual and the concept of educational environment. Attention is paid to the process of formation of ecological culture as a holistic systemic phenomenon in order to develop the ecological and ideological position of a specialist economist. The main measures of preparation of applicants for higher education in economic specialties, which includes the environmental element, have been outlined. The pedagogical conditions that provide the process of education of ecological culture in the educational environment have been singled out. Features of ecological education as an important component of educational process have been considered. Conclusions. It has been proved that the effectiveness of training future professionals and the formation of environmental culture of applicants for higher education will form an opportunity to successfully engage in professional activities in the field of economics after graduation from higher education.

Oleksandr Mozolev

Training future specialist to professional activity is one of the main tasks of higher and professional education. Pedagogical modeling of professional activity is used to determine the content of quantitative and qualitative information, which is necessary for modern researchers to further work, and also directs them to the prospects of career growth. The purpose of the article is to analyse the content of the process of pedagogical projecting of the model of the future specialist. The author established requirements for the training of qualified personnel determine the necessary competences which specialist has to master, his professionally important qualities, necessary in future activity, and also carry out the goal setting of the training process, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. It is identified that the competence of future specialists is a set of their competencies, which in turn are classified into key required, without exception to all graduates and professional, appropriate to the particular specialty. The article reveals the content of constructing a model of the future specialist which allows to solve such problems: a description of the specialist's work in the course of its professional activities; identifying inconsistencies between the content of training and specific professional activities of specialists. Requirements are defined as quality standards to the training of future qualified personnel. The list of basic competencies of the future specialist has been set which include: general cultural, methodological, professionally-oriented. The model of the specialist personality is characterized. Disclosed the content of the process modeling of learning outcomes and the algorithm of its development is determined. The definition of the concept «pedagogical design» was offered to reveal the principles and forms of pedagogical design. It is established that pedagogical design is one of the most common types of research. It is considered as an alternative to the classroom system in educational institutions. Project technology should be used as a supplement to other forms of direct or indirect learning as a means of accelerated professional growth of the individual.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-67
Mkrtichian O.A.

In the context of globalization trends of innovative development of the preschool education system, the problems of the content of professional training of specialists of preschool educational institutions, in particular in foreign countries of the world, become especially relevant. Training a competitive in the labor market, highly qualified, professionally competent, creative specialist who is fluent in the acquired skills and abilities, strives for professional growth, social and professional mobility, is the important aspect of education system.The article reflects the current trends in education in the world, cultural centuries-old relations between these countries, the specifics of their cultural and national traditions and manifests itself in the value-based principles on which this training is based, in its structure, content and organization; the general and special in training of experts of preschool education abroad in modern conditions is revealed. Thus, preschools in Denmark are known for the high quality of pedagogical work, whose activities are aimed at developing educational potential and the formation of psychological, pedagogical and social skills of children, stimulating their imagination, creativity and speech skills, involvement in cultural values and nature; the training of future educators in France takes place both in the institutions of higher education and in the system of secondary special education and involves a change in the structure and content of education.In Germany, specialist training takes place in secondary special institutions, in particular, social and pedagogical colleges. In the modern training of educators there is a strengthening of the methodological and didactic side, but in many respects it focuses on the didactics and methods of teaching primary school. The responsibility for the professional education of educators of the Belarusian preschool institutions is assigned to pedagogical colleges and institutions of higher education. The level of teacher training determines his social status and includes: training of general educators; specialists in new specialties in colleges; educators for preschool educational institutions of new types; social, correctional teachers, teachers-rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and heads of a separate profile; teachers-managers. The conditions of training of educators of preschool institutions China and Turkey are also characterized.Key words: future educators, professional training, institution of higher education, foreign experience, pedagogical process, applicants for education. У контексті глобалізаційних тенденцій інноваційного розвитку системи дошкільної освіти особливої актуальності набувають проблеми змісту професійної підготовки фахівців дошкільних навчальних закладів, зокрема в зарубіжних країнах світу. Підготовка конкурентоздатного на ринку праці, висококваліфікованого, професійно компетентного, креативного спеціаліста, який вільно володіє набутими вміннями і навичками, прагне до професійного зростання, соціальної і фахової мобільності, – важливий аспект системи освіти.У статті відображаються сучасні тенденції розвитку освіти у світі, культурні багатовікові відносини між цими країнами, специфіка їх культурних національних традицій проявляється в ціннісно-цільових засадах, на яких будується ця підготовка, в її структурі, змісті та організації; виявлено загальне й осо-бливе в підготовці фахівців дошкільної освіти за кордоном в сучасних умовах. Так, дошкільні установи в Данії відомі високою якістю педагогічної роботи, діяльність яких спрямована на розвиток навчаль-ного потенціалу та формування психологічних, педагогічних і соціальних навичок дітей, стимуляцію їх фантазії, творчості та мовленнєвих навичок, на залучення до культурних цінностей і природи; під-готовка майбутніх вихователів Франції відбувається як у ЗВО, так і в системі середньої спеціальної освіти й передбачає зміну структури та змісту освіти.У Німеччині підготовка фахівця відбувається в середньо-спеціальних установах, зокрема соціаль-но-педагогічних технікумах. У сучасній підготовці вихователів є посилення методико-дидактичної сторони, але ж багато в чому вона орієнтується на дидактику та методику навчання початкової шко-ли. Відповідальність за професійну освіту вихователів ЗДО Білорусі покладено на педагогічні коледжі й ЗВО. Рівень підготовки фахівців визначає його соціальний статус і передбачає: підготовку виховате-лів загального профілю; фахівців за новими спеціальностями в коледжах; вихователів для дошкільних освітніх установ нових типів; соціальних, корекційних педагогів, педагогів-реабілітологів, психологів і керівників окремого профілю; педагогів-управлінців. Також схарактеризовано умови підготовки вихо-вателів ЗДО Китаю та Туреччини.Ключові слова: майбутні вихователі, професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, зарубіжний досвід, педагогічний процес, здобувачі освіти.

wisdom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Olga DONINA ◽  
Anatoliy CHERNYKH ◽  
Nadezhda GAJBUROVA ◽  

The subject of consideration in this article is additional professional education as a pedagogical system, an integrated set of methods, for,ms and means of obtaining, expandi,ng and deepening the competencies, which have already been formed earli andas acquiring new ones. Nowadays, the development and further improvement of additional professional education have become actual in recent decades. In Russia, this is carried out in the context of a profound restructuring of society. Therefore it has its own characteristic features due to socio-economic transformations and corresponding changes in the labour market. It is stated that additional professional education of teachers acquires a special social status and is distinguished by its motives and values, goals and objectives, forms of organization and content, teaching technologies and methods of control and assessment. The goals and objectives of additional professional education of teachers have been represented, including the formation of their motivation for professional growth, advanced training, professional retraining, as well as the prevention of professional and the strain of personality, overcoming professional and personal crises. The result of studying this issue was the identification of modern trends and directions for the further development of the system of additional professional education for teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Natalia Savchenko ◽  

Today, a modern aviation specialist needs to have a high level of professional skills, psychophysiological reliability, general culture, skills to work in a team, skills to work with a modern amount of information, non-traditionally approach to solving various extreme situations, as well as to be able to organize professional activities on a prognostic basis. During the information explosion, accompanied by the latest technologies of priority in professional training of cadets, are tasked - to form skills of self-education, to instill the need for self-perfection, to teach the cadets of probable stylish thinking, quick perception of new ideas.Professional and personal development of the future aircraft in educational activities are the requirement of the present. The achievement of this goal is closely linked to the increase of the role of independence of cadets in educational activities. Independent educational activity is capable of determining the success of professional development of future aircrafts. It depends on the level of its development it depends on the formation of subjects of the cadet. Manifesting the independence of cadets in educational activities, their creative independent activity is a major factor in effective professional development. In this approach, the result of independent activity is not only educational tasks, but also formed subjects of the cadet, its ability to solve problem situations independently, reflect, self-motivate and self-regulate their own actions, and thus enrich individual experience in professional growth. To do this, it is necessary to provide relevant pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the independent training activities of future aircrafts. In our opinion, its effectiveness can be provided by adequate adaptation of the educational burden to the individual characteristics of cadets and the formation of an individual algorithm for independent educational activity.The overwhelming majority of modern researchers determine the independence of students in educational activity as quality, the property of the person, which it uses both tools to achieve a certain educational and cognitive goal, and which needs to be purposefully formed. Independence, thus, is the result of this activity. The ability of a person to identify independence in educational independence for its own self-development is an important argument, because through the autonomy of future aircrafts it is possible to intensify the mechanisms of professional self-development.

Oksana Filonenko

In the article different approaches to the definition of the essence of the concepts of «self-realization», «professional self-realization» have been considered. The factors influencing the process of lecturers’ selfactualization, pedagogical conditions of self-actualization of the lecturer’s personality have been singled out. In view of the concepts and approaches analyzed, in our study self-realization is understood as a specially organized activity by the subject, the purpose of which is the realization of their own purpose, as well as the result of this activity, is closely connected with self-development and self-affirmation of the individual. Under professional selfrealization, we mean the socialized way of harmonious development of the individual, combined with the acquisition of professional and practical experience in the process of obtaining a qualification by a future specialist during the period of initial professional formation (studying at a higher school) and improving professional growth in the process of fulfilling professional roles and responsibilities, which is an inalienable attribute of the disclosure and implementation of personal and professional potential. In the article, the professional self-realization of the future lecturer of a higher educational institution has been disclosed as a pedagogical problem, the essence of which is the constant self-improvement and self-development of their own potential. It has been determined that the formation of readiness, the nature of the process of professional self-actualization and its outcome depend on both internal and external conditions. External conditions have a certain impact on the internal, thus changing the level of readiness of the student to professional self-realization. Significant influence on the formation of readiness for self-realization in the professional sphere has a set of pedagogical conditions provided in the process of professional training: actualization of students’ subjective experience and its inclusion in the content of professional training, ensuring communication between the subjects of the educational process on the basis of dialogical interaction, the formation of value guidelines of future lecturers for professional self-realization. It has been established that the effectiveness of the self-realization process is related to the success of a master student’s pedagogical activity in the process of assistant practice and positive future professional benchmarks, which reveals possible career prospects.

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