scholarly journals Analisis Pengaruh Bantuan Sosial Langsung Tunai (BST) Terhadap Pola Konsumsi Masyarakat Selama Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Rizki Febri Eka Pradani ◽  
Imam Sarwani ◽  
Ahmad Rauzyan Fikri ◽  
Muhammad Firdaus

Bantuan Sosial Langsung Tunai (BST) is one of the aid funds from the government through the Ministry of Social Affairs during the Covid-19 pandemic with the aim of maintaining people's purchasing power and consumption of basic needs during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The government hopes that with this assistance, the community can allocate aid funds according to their daily needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the consumption patterns of recipient communities (BST) during the pandemic in Widoropayung Village, Situbondo Regency. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach to phenomenology. The analysis technique uses triangulation techniques. The results showed that the pattern of community consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially the people of Widoropayung Village who received BST tended to use the money they got to consume daily basic needs so that their immune system was maintained and consume supporting needs during the Covid-19 pandemic such as masks, herbal medicine

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 240
Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Andri Yusman Persada ◽  
Juliati Juliati ◽  
Yulina Ismida

Covid 19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 or known as a virus that can cause pneumonia, multi-organ failure, and death. Therefore, alternative efforts are needed to increase the body's immune system so that it can prevent viral infections in the body. One effort that can be done is to empower the people of Alue Sentang Village to make and consume herbal herbs which have the potential to increase endurance. Besides, it also increases the role and function of universities, Covid 19 volunteers, and village officials in accelerating and expanding the adoption of innovations in making herbal medicine to support the government in breaking the chain of the spread of Covid 19. The methods used in this activity are the direct approach method, lectures, and practice. The approach method was carried out by listing the problems faced by the people of Alue Sentang Village regarding the Covid 19 attack. The lecture method was carried out by providing information to the community, Covid 19 volunteers, and village officials about the advantages and benefits of herbal medicine in improving the immune system so that it could prevent and overcome Covid infection. 19. The practical method is carried out by providing training in making herbal herbwhich plays a role in increasing the immune system. The results achieved were the increased understanding and skills of PKK Alue Sentang Village women about making Herbal herbs to improve the immune system to control and prevent Covid-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Nurul Arfiah Hasibullah ◽  
Mursalim Mursalim ◽  
Muhammad Su'un

Pajak adalah kewajiban yang harus dibayar oleh masyarakat pada pemerintah untuk kegiatan pembangunan di segala bidang, Pajak dapat dikatakan keharusan atau kewajiban yang dibayar oleh masyarakat pribadi maupund badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh pengenaan pajak pertambahan nilai, pajak penjualan atas barang mewah dan Pajak kendaraan bermotor tarif progresif terhadap daya beli konsumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen kendaraan bermotor roda empat yang ditemui di kantor Badan Pendapatan Daerah Sulawesi Selatan,Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dengan menggunakan sample Slovin,Teknik analisis data yakni analisis regresi linier berganda.Hasil peneltian  yaitu pengenaan PPN tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya beli konsumen, PPnBM mempunyai pengaruh positif signifikan, serta PKB tarif progresif berpengaruh positif pada daya beli konsumen kendaraan bermotor roda empat. Taxes are obligations that must be paid by the public to the government for development activities in all fields. Taxes can be said to be imperatives or obligations paid by private and maupund bodies of society. This study aims to analyze the effect of the imposition of value added tax, sales tax on luxury goods and progressive motor vehicle tax on consumer purchasing power. The population of this study is four-wheeled motor vehicle consumers found in the office of the South Sulawesi Regional Revenue Agency. Collecting data using primary data obtained from a questionnaire using the Slovin sample, the data analysis technique is multiple linear regression analysis. consumer purchasing power, PPnBM has a significant positive effect, and PKB progressive tariffs have a positive effect on the purchasing power of consumers of four-wheeled vehicles.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-59
Ayu Kurnia Utami

This study discusses Perdasus 23 Year 2008 about individual and communal rights of customary law society over the land through a case study in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The special local regulation (Perdasus) is a part of the efforts to secure the customary society or the indigenous people of Papua. The aim of this study is to identify how far Perdasus 23 Year 2008 has been implemented in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The study applies qualitative approach which data is collected through observations, interviews, and content analysis of related documents. The result of this study shows that Perdasus 23 Year 2008 is not implemented thoroughly. Although the regulation is not normatively implemented, it has been practically implemented through the initiatives of Jayapura and Biak Numfor government to carry out conflict resolution program in each region. In doing so, the government of Jayapura has done the communal right mapping of Port Numbay people, while the government of Biak Numfor issues a local regulation (Perbup) about the strategy of land conflict resolution by encouraging of the involvement of customary role and legitimation in the region. Eventhough these activities are not conducted in accordance with Perdasus 23 Year 2008, Jayapura has performed four substances of the “Perdasus”: research, mapping, management and identification, and land conflict resolution. Meanwhile, Biak Numfor regency has performed two substances: communal land management and land conflict resolution though they only fulfill some aspects of these substances when performing research and mapping. There are three aspects affecting the implementation of Perdasus in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. First, ineffective communication both from the policy maker to the policy implementer and from policy implementer to the people that causes confusion to the society regarding the policy. Second, the existing paradigm of local people who still believe that customary law is more powerful than civil law. Last but not the least is Government’s initiative to do an activity to protect the communal right of indigenous people of Papua.

Suti Sutrisno Lateba ◽  
Ferdinan Kerebungu ◽  
Rasyid Umaternate

The problem in this study is poverty in the people of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. The purpose of this study was to assess poverty in the community of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Milles and Huberman technique. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. The results show that in general the Sofan Village community is a poor community, and the factor that causes poverty in the Sofan Village community is the low education factor, this lack of employment can be seen in general from the work of the community is farmers and fishermen. Another thing that causes poverty is the lack of income and the habit of some people who were still sitting before working. Another factor that causes poverty in the people of Sofan Village is the attitude of being dependent on other parties, especially the Government. This attitude of being too dependent on others is what causes them to live in poverty.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-210
Dina Mardiana ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Asyraf Isyraqi Jamil

This study examined the harmonization of five religions (Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, and Buddhism) that are adhered to by the people of Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. This village has an important role, as it becomes the first area in Batu, East Java – that implement and develop the concept of religious pluralism and harmonization in one village area thus it has been awarded as “A Village that is Aware of Religious Harmony” from the government of Batu. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the constructs of religious harmony that have been successfully established in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java. The theory underlying this study is Nurcholis Madjid’s theory of humanist pluralism. This study used a qualitative approach to produce descriptive data in the form of oral, written, and observable behavior. Through three data collection methods (observation, in-depth interview, a study of documents), this study concludes that the religious harmony construct of the Mojorejo Village community is established from a pattern of accustoming mutual respect among villagers which is carried out both naturally and sustainably. This continuity manifests through cooperation in three ways: religious, social, and cultural cooperation so that it can lead to the emerge of perspectives, ideas, and a social environment capable of maintaining and preserving religious plurality in harmony. Therefore, the application of religious harmony in Mojorejo Village, Batu, East Java can be used as an alternative solution for other areas in locating and facilitating religious plurality so that it remains harmonious amid a pluralistic community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Gede Yudiarta Wiguna ◽  
Siti Safa’ati Rohmah ◽  
Gusti Ayu Indira Syahrani Putri

This article was written with the aim of discussing the situation of the people who live on the borders of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which are classified as far from the reach of the government regarding justice and justice. The lack of concern for the conditions of life in the border region is a rebellion which has an effect on the sense or spirit of people's nationalism towards their own homeland. The method used in this article is a case study type qualitative approach. This article explains the definition of justice obtained from accountable sources and in this article discusses the conditions and situations of the people who live in the border area as a measure for the realization of equitable justice and justice. This article can later be used as a reference in realizing the welfare and justice of communities in border areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
I Kadek Agus Edi Yudana . ◽  
Dr. I Ketut Sudita, M.Si . ◽  
Dra. Luh Suartini, M.Pd. .

Judul penelitian ini adalah ”Kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan Tegalalang Gianyar”. Masalah yang dibahas pada penelitian sebagai berikut : (1) Bagaimana keberadaan kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan (2) Bahan dan alat apa saja yang dimanfaatkan untuk membuat kerajinan mosaik (3) Bagaimana proses pembuatan kerajinan mosaik kaca (4) Apa saja jenis-jenis kerajin mosaik yang terdapat di desa Kenderan Tegalalang Gianyar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah artshop-arshop mosaik di desa Kenderan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil-hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) keberadaan kerajinan mosaik mulai berkembang tahun 2007 di desa Kenderan hingga saat ini dikarenakan sebelum tahun 2007 kerajinan kayu menurun sehingga masyarakat di desa Kenderan beralih ke kerajinan mosaik kaca. (2) bahan dan alat yang digunakan untuk membuat kerajinan mosaik kaca sebagai berikut. Bahan yang digunakan seperti : kaca, kayu, MDF, gerabah, lem fox, nat MU, cat impra, dan thinner. Adapun alat yang digunakan seperti : alat pemotong kaca, penggaris kayu, geregaji besi, kuas, spray gun, kompresor, amplas dan spon busa. (3) proses dilakukan dalam pembuatan kerajinan mosaik kaca adalah sebagai berikut : a.pemilihan bahan kaca, b.pemilihan alas atau landasan, c.Pemotongan kaca, d.pembuatan pola landasan, e.pemasangan kaca ke landasan, f. pemasangan nat dan g. finishing. (4) Jenis-jenis produk seni kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan adalah sebagai berikut : a.mosaik cermin lingkaran, b.mosaik cermin persegi, c.mosaik cermin fauna, d.mosaik tempat buah, e.mosaik tempat dupa, f.mosaik asbak, g.mosaik hiasan dinding berbentuk fauna, h.mosaik hiasan dinding berbentuk gitar, i.mosaik tulisan, dan j. mosaik pas bunga atau guci. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kerajinan mosaik berkembang tahun 2007 di desa Kenderan, dalam proses pembuatan menggunakan beberapa bahan dan alat, adapun beberapa proses yang dilakukan dalam pembuatannya. Produk yang sudah dibuat seperti mosaik cermin berbentuk geometris dan fauna, tempat buah dan dupa, hiasan dinding berupa fauna dan gitar, mosaik berbentuk tulisan dan mosaik berbentuk guci dan pas bunga. Saran Untuk menumbuh kembangkan produk kerajinan mosaik di desa Kenderan. Disarankan agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan terkait dengan memberikan pembinaan kepada para pengerajin dalam bidang pemasaran dan pengembangan bentuk desain. Kepada para pengerajin agar terus berkarya dan mengembangkan karyanya hingga menembus pasar internasional. Untuk Peneliti selanjutnya yang akan meneliti karya kerajinan mosaik kaca di desa Kenderan diharapkan untuk menambahkan aspek sejarah dari artshop-artshop yang ada di desa KenderanWayan, serta memasukan aspek pemasaran dan manajemen dalam pembuatan produknya. Kata Kunci : Kerajinan, Mosaik kaca The title of this research is "The mosaic craft at Kenderan Tegalalang village, Gianyar ". The problems discussed in this study were as follows : (1) The existence of mosaic craft at Kenderan Tegalalang village, (2) What materials and tools were used to make the mosaic craft (3) The process of making the glass mosaic craft (4) What kinds of mosaic crafts were found at KenderanTegalalang village.The method used in this research was descriptive with qualitative approach. The subject of this research was the mosaic art shops at Kenderan village. The process of collecting data in this research was conducted through observation, interview, documentation, and bibliography. The results that found in this research were: (1) the existence of mosaic craft firstly developed at Kenderan village in the year of 2007 till today because before the year of 2007 the wood craft decreased and the people at Kenderan village switch their interest to glass mosaic craft. (2) The materials and tools were used to make the glass mosaic craft as follows: a glass, a wood, a MDF, a pottery, glue, a fox, a nat MU, an impra paint, and a thinner. The tools used such as: a glass cutting tool, a wood ruler, a railing iron, a brush, spray gun, a compressor, a sand paper and a sponge foam. (3) The process in making mosaic glass craft were as follows: a. selecting the glass materials, b. selecting the base or foundation, c. cutting the glass, d. making the grounding pattern, e. installing the glass to the base, f. installing the nat and g. finishing. (4) The types of mosaic craft art products at Kenderanvillage were as follows: the circular mosaic mirror , the square mosaic mirror, the fauna mosaic mirror, mosaic of the fruit place, mosaic incense, f. mosaic ashtray, g) mosaic ornament of fauna-shaped wall, mosaic of wall hangings of guitar shaped, written mosaic , and j. flower-fitting mosaic or jar. It can be concluded that Mosaic handicraft developed in the year of 2007 at Kenderan village. Actually, the process of making the object used some materials and tools. There were several processes in creating the mosaic crafts. Products that had been made such as geometric mirror mosaic and fauna, fruit and incense place, wall decoration of fauna and guitar, written mosaic shaped and mosaic shaped urn and flower fit. There were also the suggestions to grow the mosaic craft product atKenderan village. It was necessary for the government to give more attention related to providing the construction to the craftsmen in the field of marketing and the development of the design form. All of the craftsmen need to continue to work and develop the creation in order to penetrate the international market. For further researchers who will investigate the handicraft of mosaic glass at Kenderan village were expected to add the historical aspects of each art shops atKenderanvillage, Gianyar. They also were expected to enter the aspects of marketing and managing the manufacture of its products. keyword : Handicraft, Glass Mosaic

Afkaruna ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. Layouting
Sukiman Sukiman

This study analyzes the process of integration of tawhīd  (believing in one God) values with trade tradition among the Gayo tribe, which helped to improve their economy and create a more prosperous way of life. This tribe is domiciled in the central region of Aceh, whose origins are Old Malays, and they have lived for a long time in the highlands of Gayo. Thus, they were involved in typical economic activities such as farming, gardening, fishing,  rearing of livestock, as well as household businesses and tourism, which were carried out systemically and periodically by the government and jointly supervised by agricultural experts. However, every work carried out had monotheism values with an emphasis on faith and worship because all natural resources were believed to be owned by Allah SWT. This study uses a qualitative approach in which the data collected were in the form of words, images, and not numbers. Results revealed that by capitalizing on faith and piety, the Gayo tribe believes that they can achieve happiness and blessings like the people of Gayo Land who strictly practice Islam in their daily lives and have a blessed, prosperous and dignified life from God.

2020 ◽  
Ayomide Ilori

UNSTRUCTURED This study investigated self-policing COVID-19 and civic responsibilities in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria adopting an online qualitative interview due to the current lockdown that denied field (face to face) interview. Fifty out of the feedbacks from the online interview were picked randomly to arrive at the conclusion of this study. The feedbacks suggested that there is adequate awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic among the people living in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria and that they are following the directives of federal and state governments in an effort to reduce the community transmission of the infectious diseases. However, the ban on public gatherings and movements has made it impossible for many homes to meet their basic needs especially feeding. The government provided palliatives have also been largely insufficient to cater for the vulnerable. There could be a crisis (such as hunger) and the breakdown of law and order if the government does not increase their capacity to mitigate the hardship which the ongoing lockdown has imposed on the people. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT RR2-

Bayu Kharisma

This study aims to evaluate and prioritize the various forms of strategic programs at the Bandung City Government in strengthening the economy and increasing purchasing power of the people in the city of Bandung based on public policy analysis. This study is comprehensive covering macro aspects, namely the potential and economic profile as well as the Human Development Index (HDI) and micro aspects, namely the external and internal environmental analysis relating to economic policy on purchasing power. Furthermore, evaluation and economic policy priorities in an effort to increase the purchasing power of the city of Bandung. There are few steps or effort in evaluating various forms of local government strategic program Bandung in economics in order to increase the purchasing power of the city of Bandung, namely: 1) Observing the potential and the problems by SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). 2) Evaluation and prioritization of programs of economic analysis AHP (analytical hierarchy process) and connect it to the macroeconomic indicators Bandung. In conducting the evaluation and priority, strategic programs are done also based on the study of literature and discussions with experts. The number of respondents in this study is 15 (fifteen) and sampling was done by purposive convenience sampling. Based Matrix EFAS (External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) shows that the Bandung City Government is in a strong position to exploit the opportunities that exist to minimize the threats that will arise with regard to the external factors that affect the purchasing power of the city of Bandung. The Government of Bandung can utilize the opportunities, which are significant factors, in order to increase the purchasing power of the people. These are plans such as: the Central Government Policies Regarding Rice for the Poor (RASKIN), Health Insurance for the Poor (insurance for the poor), and the School Operational Assistance (BOS), National Program Community Empowerment (PNPM), the People's Business Credit (KUR) with Interest Subsidy to Help Low Income Communities . Furthermore, from the results of Matrix IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) shows that the Bandung City Government is in a relatively strong position to use and harness the forces that exist to minimize the shortcomings encountered in efforts to improve the people's purchasing power. Internal factors that significantly influence the increase in purchasing power of the city of Bandung are the strong commitment of the Government of Bandung to increase purchasing power. Meanwhile, the biggest disadvantage factor and should be watched and minimized by the Bandung City Government in improving the purchasing power of the city of Bandung is a "Weak Monitoring and Evaluation Capability Strengthening Program Buy". The estimation results of AHP (analytical hierarchy process) to local agencies regarding the analysis of preference evaluation of Government programs of Bandung in economics in improving and strengthening the purchasing power suggests that external factors are the priority aspects. Meanwhile, based on analysis of the preferences of businesses, communities and government agencies to the actors who play an important role in strengthening the purchasing power of the city of Bandung show that the relevant local government agencies play an important role in influencing people's purchasing power state through a set of policies and programs it has taken.

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