scholarly journals Pengaruh Air Rebusan Rimpang Jeringau Merah (Acorus Calamus L.) Konsentrasi 100%, 75%, 50%, Dan 25% terhadap Sensitifitas Bakteri Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Typhi dan Shigella sp

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Edy Suwandi

Abstract: Red Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) is one of the endemic plants of West Kalimantan which contains antibacterial, phytochemical, and antioxidant activity. This plant has been used for generations by people who live in the interior and away from health services as a mixture of traditional medicines. This study aims to determine the effect of the concentration of Jeringau Red rhizome water on the sensitivity of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi and Shigella sp with concentrations of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%. The Red Jeringau Rhizome is obtained from the Landak Regency and then boiled using distilled water. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with sampling techniques using purposive sampling. This study was conducted with 6 replications for each treatment. The effectiveness test of the Red Jeringau rhizome boiled water was carried out using the Kirby Bauer method with bacterial suspension which was adjusted to Mc Farland’s turbidity standard. The data obtained were then analyzed using a simple linear regression test and obtained p (0.00) <α (0.05) against the bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Shigella sp. This means that H1 is accepted so that it can be stated that there is an influence of the concentration of Jeringau Red rhizome water on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, and Shigella sp. The magnitude of the contribution effect of Jeringau Red rhizome on bacterial sensitivity is 85.7% (R = 0.857) in Escherichia coli, 91.1% (R = 0.911) in Salmonella typhi, and 85.7% (R = 0.857) in Shigella sp.Abstrak Jeringau Merah (Acorus calamus L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman endemik Kalimantan Barat yang mengandung antibakteri, ftokimia, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Tumbuhan ini secara turun temurun dimanfaatkan masyarakat yang tinggal dipedalaman dan jauh dari pelayanan kesehatan sebagai ramuan obat tradisional.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi air rebusan rimpang Jeringau Merah terhadap sensitiftas bakteri Escherichia coli, Salmonella typi dan Shigella sp dengan konsentrasi 100%, 75%, 50% dan 25%. Rimpang Jeringau Merah diperoleh dari Kabupaten Landak kemudian direbus menggunakan aquadest. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen semu (Quasi Experiment) dengan teknik pengmbilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 6 replikasi untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Uji efektiftas air rebusan rimpang Jeringau Merah dilakukan menggunakan metode Kirby Bauer dengan suspensi bakteri yang disesuaikan dengan standar kekeruhan Mc Farland. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana dan didapatkan p (0,00) < α (0,05) terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, dan Shigella sp. Hal ini berarti H1 diterima sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh konsentrasi air rebusan rimpang Jeringau Merah terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, dan Shigella sp. Besarnya kontribusi pengaruh rebusan rimpang Jeringau Merah terhadap sensitiftas bakteri yaitu 85,7% (R=0,857) pada Escherichia coli, 91,1% (R=0,911) pada Salmonella typhi, dan 85,7% (R=0,857) pada Shigella sp.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Parlindungan Nasution ◽  
Sugito Sugito ◽  
Kuswiyanto Kuswiyanto

Abstract: Sambiloto is plant one of the natural resources that be come important to used as medicine. Sambiloto effcacy had been known since long time ago. Based on it’s pharmacological properties, Sambiloto leaves provide antidiarrheal activity against bacteria that causing diarehea in humans especially Eacherichia coli and Shigella dysentriae bacteria. The main content of Sambiloto leaves are diterpenoid lactones (andrographolide), paniculides, farnesols and flavonoids. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of the methanol extract concentration of Sambiloto leaves toward the sensitivity of Escherichia coli and Shigella dysentriae bacteria by using diffusion method. Research design using quasi experimental research. Sample used were leaf extract of Sambiloto with concentration of 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% with six times repetition. Data was collected and analyzed by using Spearman analysis. Based on the reseach fnding, the measurement of inhibition zone on Escherichia coli bacteria test found that the average value were 14.67 mm at 100% concentration, 13.67 mm at 75% concentration, 12.17 mm at concentration 50% and 10.00 mm at 25% concentration. While Shigella dysentriae bacteria test obtained that average value were 14.33 mm at 100% concentration, 13.33 mm at 75% concentration, 11.17 at concentration 50% and 9.33 mm at 25% concentration. The data were analyzed by Spearman test and the result was (p = 0,000 <0.01). It showed that there was inhibition zone effect of Sambiloto leaves extract on bacterial sensitivity of Escherichia coli and Shigella dysentriae by using diffusion method. It was concluded that the Sambiloto leaves extract is antibacterial.Abstrak: Tanaman Sambiloto merupakan salah satu bahan alam yang semakin banyak peminatnya untuk dijadikan obat. Khasiat Sambiloto sebenarnya sudah dikenal sejak zaman dahulu. Berdasarkan sifat farmakologinya, daun Sambiloto memberikan aktivitas antidiare terhadap bakteri yang menyebabkan diare pada manusia khususnya bakteri Escherichia coli dan Shigella dysentriae. Kandungan utama dari daun Sambiloto adalah diterpenoide lactones (andrographolide), paniculides, farnesols dan flavonoid. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak metanol daun sambiloto terhadap sensitivitas bakteri Escherichia coli dan Shigella dysentriae dengan metode difusi. Desain Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian eksperimental semu. Sampel yang digunakan adalah ekstrak daun sambiloto dengan konsentrasi 100%, 75%, 50% dan 25% dengan pengulangan sebanyak enam kali. Data dikumpulkandan dianalisis dengan analisis Spearman. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pengukuran zona hambat pada uji bakteri Escherichia coli didapatkan nilai rata-rata 14.67 mm pada konsentrasi 100%, nilai rata-rata 13.67 mm pada konsentrasi 75%, nilai rata-rata 12.17 mm pada konsentrasi 50% dan nilai rata-rata 10.00 mm pada konsentrasi 25%. Sedangkan uji bakteri Shigella dysentriae didapatkan nilai rata-rata 14.33 mm pada konsentrasi 100%, nilai rata-rata 13.33 mm pada konsentrasi 75%, nilai rata-rata 11.17 pada konsentrasi 50% dan nilai rata-rata 9.33 mm pada konsentrasi 25%. Data dianalisis dengan uji Spearman didapatkan hasil (p = 0,000 < 0.01), menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh zona hambat ekstrak daun sambiloto terhadap sensitivitas bakteri Escherichia coli dan Shigella dysentriae dengan menggunakan metode difusi. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa ekstrak daun sambiloto bersifat antibakteri.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Yeni Mariani ◽  
Fathul Yusro ◽  
Evy Wardenaar

Abstrak: Suku Dayak Uud Danum di Kalimantan Barat memanfaatkan daun Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm & Binn) sebagai tumbuhan obat dalam pengobatan tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit seperti diare, demam dan penguat badan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis aktivitas ekstrak metanol dari daun ulin terhadap beberapa jenis bakteri patogen. Daun ulin diekstraksi dengan menggunakan metanol, kemudian diuji dengan metode difusi terhadap empat jenis bakteri yaitu Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi pada empat level konsentrasi (1, 5, 10 dan 15 mg/ml) dan E. coli (50, 100, 150 dan 200 mg/ml). Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan bahwa semua level konsentrasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hambatan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak metanol daun ulin semakin tinggi diameter hambat yang dihasilkan. Diameter hambat tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh konsentrasi 15 mg/ml pada jenis bakteri S. typhi (12,33 mm) dan E. coli pada konsentrasi 200 mg/ml (22,67 mm). Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa daun ulin yang secara tradisional digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional memiliki potensi sebagai antibakteri alami.Kata kunci: Ulin, antibakteri, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, dan Escherichia coli.Abstract: Dayak Uud Danum of West Kalimantan traditionally use ulin leaves (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teisjm & Binn) to cure various diseases namely diarrhea, fever, and tonic. This present study aims to evaluate the activity of methanol extract of ulin leaves against several types of pathogenic bacteria. Ulin leaves were extracted with methanol; thus, the extract resulted tested in terms of disc diffusion Kirby and Bauer against four types of bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi (1, 5, 10, and 15 mg/ml), and Escherichia coli (50, 100, 150, and 200 mg/ml). The results showed that all levels of concentration significantly affect the inhibition growth of pathogenic bacteria. The higher the concentration of methanol extract of ulin leaves used, the higher the inhibition zone produced. The highest response inhibition growth showed from the highest level of 15 mg/ml on S. tyhpi (12.33 mm), and E. coli was 200 mg/ml (22.67 mm). It suggested that the leaves of ulin which traditionally used as medicinal plant have the potency as natural antibacterial agents.Keywords: Ulin, antibacterial, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, and Escherichia coli.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-284
Vitrianingsih Vitrianingsih ◽  
Sitti Khadijah

Studi memperkirakan emesis gravidarum terjadi pada 50-90% kehamilan. Mual muntah pada kehamilan memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi tubuh dimana ibu menjadi lemah, pucat dan cairan tubuh berkurang sehingga darah menjadi kental (hemokonsentrasi). Keadaan ini dapat memperlambat peredaran darah dan berakibat pada kurangnya suplay oksigen serta makanan ke jaringan sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. Salah satu terapi yang aman dan dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi keluahan mual muntah pada ibu hamil adalah pemberian aromaterapi lemon. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas aroma terapi lemon untuk menangani emesis gravidarum. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi experiment  dengan  one group pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil yang mengalami emesis gravidarum di Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman. Jumlah sampel 20 ibu hamil trimester pertama yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran mual muntah dilakukan debelum dan setelah  pemberian aromaterapi lemon menggunakan Indeks Rhodes. Analisa data menggunakan uji Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata skor mual muntah sebelum pemberian aromaterapi lemon berdasarkan Indeks Rhodes pada Ibu Hamil dengan emesis gravidarum yaitu 22,1 dan terjadi penurunan skor setelah pemberian aromaterapi lemon menjadi 19,8. Ada pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lemon dengan pengurangan mual muntah pada ibu hamil (p-value = 0.017). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian aromaterapi lemon efektif untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.  Kata kunci: aromaterapi lemon, emesis gravidarum THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON AROMATHERAPY FOR HANDLING EMESIS GRAVIDARUM   ABSTRACT Studies estimate that nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum) occur in 50 – 90% of pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy have a significant impact on the body in which it makes a mother becomes weak, pale, and decreasing body fluid so that the blood becomes thick (hemoconcentration). This situation can slow down blood circulation and inflict the lack of oxygen and food supplies to the body tissues so that it can endanger the health of the mother and fetus. One of the therapies that is safe and can be conducted to reduce nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is by giving the lemon aromatherapy treatment. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the aroma of lemon therapy to deal with emesis gravidarum. This study applied quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study was pregnant women who experienced emesis gravidarum. Furthermore, samples were 20 mothers from Berbah, Sleman taken by using a purposive sampling technique. Nausea and vomiting were assessed between before and after giving lemon aromatherapy using the Rhodes Index. The data were analyzed using the paired t-test. The mean score of nausea and vomiting before giving lemon aromatherapy on mother with emesis gravidarum based on the Rhodes Index was 22.1. However, it decreased after given lemon aromatherapy treatment to 19.8. Therefore, there was an effect on giving lemon aromatherapy treatment toward the decrease of nausea and vomiting for pregnant women (p-value = 0.017). Lemon aromatherapy is effective to reduce emesis gravidarum.  Keywords: lemon aromatherapy, emesis gravidarum

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Ismaniar Ismaniar Ismaniar

The present study is aimed at developing effective guidance program for increasing student’s learning motivation. The present study applies quantitative research approach with nonequivalent pre-posttest control group quasi-experimental design, and nonrandom-purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using inventory, interview, and documentary study. The study comes up with the main finding that the tested guidance program is proven to be effective for increasing learning motivation students of 11th grade at SMA Kartika XIX-2 Bandung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Ahmad Farham Majid ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Mardhiah Mardhiah ◽  
Fitriani Nur

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang menggunakan metode silih tanya berbantuan kartu model dan metode make a match. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian non equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Kab. Gowa berjumlah 351 siswa dan total sampel berjumlah 64 siswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes yang terdiri dari pretest dan posttest dan non tes berupa lembar observasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data nilai siswa menggunakan statistik deskriptif rata-rata nilai kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang diajar menggunakan metode silih tanya berbantuan kartu model adalah 86,84 dengan kategori sedang dan yang diajar menggunakan metode make a match adalah 77,78 dengan kategori sedang. Berdasarkan analisis statistik inferensial bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang menggunakan metode silih tanya berbantuan kartu model dengan yang menggunakan metode make a match pada kelas VII SMPN 4 Sungguminasa Kab. Gowa. AbstractThis study aims to determine the mathematical communication ability of students who use card-assisted questions method and make a match method. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study were all VII grade students of SMPN 4 Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency with 351 students and a total sample of 64 students with purposive sampling techniques. The instrument used in this study was a test consisting of pre-test and post-test and non-test that is observation sheet. Based on the data analysis results that average the value of students’ mathematical communication skills who were taught using the card-assisted questions was 86.84 in the medium category and those who taught using make a match method were 77.78 in the medium category. The results of inferential statistical analysis that there is a significant difference between the mathematical communication abilities of students who use card-assisted questions and using the make a match method in class VII of SMPN 4 Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (06) ◽  
pp. 64-67
Maruthi T. Ekbote ◽  
Rajashekar K. V ◽  
Shankarappa L ◽  
Bharathi D. R. ◽  

Ayurvedic medicines are being used increasingly to fight or prevent common diseases. Udhara vayuhara churna is a polyherbal formulation containing Piper longum (Piperceae) Zingiber officinalis (Zingiberaceae), Elettaria cardamom (Zingiberaceae), Plumbago zeylanica (Plumbaginaceae), Carum carvi (Umbelliferae), Acorus calamus (Araceae) and Embilica officinalis (Euphorbiaceae). Methanolic and aqueous extracts of Udhara vayuhara churna were screened for their antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. The results of antimicrobial activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of the Udhara vayuhara churna indicated that methanolic extract inhibited the growth of one or more test pathogens than aqueous extract. Udhara vayuhara churna formulation extracts showed a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and essential oils. This may be due to the multifunctional effect of all the seven plant ingredients of Udhara Vayuhara churn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Dea Aprilya

ABSTRAKKekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan terhadap seseorang dalam bentuk fisik, verbal, seksual, dan psikologis yang menyebabkan penderitaan dan penelantaran rumah tangga. Tujuan: Mengetahui lebih dalam tentang pengalaman perempuan korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) pada masa kehamilan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kampung Kawat, Kalimantan Barat. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penentuan partisipan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snow ball.  Sebanyak 8 partisipan terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara in-depth interview dengan menggunakan catatan lapangan dan perekam suara.  Data dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi.  Hasil: Penelitian ini menghasilkan 6 tema yaitu bentuk kekerasan yang diterima oleh responden selama menjadi korban KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Masalah yang timbul pada kehamilan akibat KDRT, Mekanisme koping yang dilakukan korban KDRT, Perasaan yang dirasakan responden sebagai korban KDRT, Penyebab terjadinya KDRT pada masa kehamilan, Hal-hal yang diinginkan responden terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Diskusi: pengalaman perempuan korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga pada masa kehamilan memberikan dampak buruk terhadap ibu maupun janin. Hal-hal tersebut terlihat pada ungkapan-ungkapan yang diberikan partisipan bahwa perbuatan yang mereka terima masih membekas hingga saat ini, meskipun sudah tidak membekas pada fisik, namun masih membekas pada batin. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan pada penelitian lebih lanjut dan menjadi tambahan informasi dalam dunia pendidikan, serta menambah wawasan dan motivasi perawat maternitas dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan, misalnya pendampingan pada pasangan yang menikah di usia muda dengan memberikan edukasi terkait kesiapan pasangan dalam memasuki kehidupan berumah tangga.Kata Kunci: Kehamilan, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, perempuan  Experience of Women Suffering from Domestic Violence During PregnancyABSTRACTDomestic violence is a physical, verbal, sexual, and psychological act committed against a person which causes suffering and neglect of the household. Objective: To reveal further the experience of women suffering from Domestic Violence during pregnancy in the working area of the Kampung Kawat Public Health Center, West Kalimantan. Methods: This research employed a phenomenological approach. Participants were taken using purposive sampling and snow ball. 8 participants were involved in this research. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews using field notes and voice recorders. Data were analyzed by using the Colaizzi method. Results: This research resulted in 6 themes, namely forms of violence received by respondents while being victims of domestic violence during pregnancy, problems arising in pregnancy due to domestic violence, coping mechanisms performed by victims of domestic violence, feelings experienced by respondents as victims of domestic violence, causes of domestic violence during pregnancy, things that respondents wanted from health services. Discussion: The experience of women suffering from domestic violence during pregnancy has a negative impact on the mother and fetus. These can be seen in their expressions that the actions they receive are still imprinted today. Although no longer physically imprinted, but they are still imprinted on the mind. Conclusion: The research results can be developed in further research and serve as additional information in education, as well as add insight and motivation for maternity nurses in providing nursing care, for example mentoring couples who marry at a young age by providing education about the readiness of couples to enter a married life.Keywords: Pregnancy, domestic violence, women

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 457-462 ◽  
Md Nuruzzaman Munsi ◽  
Nathu Ram Sarker ◽  
Razia Khatun ◽  
Mohammed Khorshed Alam

Cow’s milk containing pathogenic bacteria is an important threat to the consumers. The objectives of the present study were to identify the bacterial agents of public health importance in milk samples (n=35) of different locations and to determine their sensitivity to different antibiotics. The milk samples were collected and transported aseptically and subsequently allowed for culture in bacteriological media, Gram’s staining and biochemical tests for the identification of bacterial species. The bacteria identified were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi, and their prevalence, in case of vendor milk specimens (n=28), were 96.43%, 53.57% and 35.71% respectively, and of brand milk specimens (n=7), were 42.86 %, 28.57% and 0%, respectively. This suggests that cautionary measures should be taken for quality milk production and consumption. The antibiotic sensitivity test was done by disc diffusion method and the average inhibition zones, in case of Staphylococcus aureus, were 32 mm for oxytetracycline, 26 mm for amoxicillin, 35 mm for ciprofloxacin, 27 mm for cefotaxime, 30 mm for ceftriaxone, 30 mm for azithromycin, and 26 mm for erythromycin; in case of Escherichia coli, were 5 mm for oxytetracycline, 9 mm for amoxicillin, 22 mm for ciprofloxacin, 30 mm for cefotaxime, 31 mm for ceftriaxone, 15 mm for azithromycin, and 0 mm for erythromycin; in case of Salmonella typhi., were 25 mm for oxytetracycline, 24 mm for amoxicillin, 38 mm for ciprofloxacin, 31 mm for cefotaxime, 34 mm for ceftriaxone, 24 mm for azithromycin, and 0 mm for erythromycin. Therefore, ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone may be the antibiotics of first choice, and cefotaxime and azithromycin may be the second choice among the test antibiotics for the treatment of illness caused by these bacteria.Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. December 2015, 1(3): 457-462

1969 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-93
Ivone R. Suassuna ◽  
I. Suassuna ◽  
C. E. de V. Serpa

Em face à predominante eliminação biliar da rifamicina S.V. atingindo concentrações muitas vêzes superiores aos níveis séricos obtidos com as doses terapêuticas, e pelo possível interêsse dessa verificação para o tratamento dos portadores biliares crônicos de Salmonella typhi determinou-se a concentração mínima inibitória de 165 estirpes de enterobactérias, incluindo 77 amostras de S. typhi. Foi verificado que a maioria das cepas de Escherichia coli, Shigella e Proteus mirabilis correspondiam a uma concentração inibitória mínima entre 33 a 65 μg/ml. Entre 65 e 128 μg/ml foram determinadas as concetrações inibitórias mínimas da maioria das outras espécies de Proteus, de Providencia e de Klebsiella. Para Salmonella e Enterobacter o limite mínino de sensibilidade foi, em regra, igual ou superior a 128 μg/ml. Diferenças mais acentuadas de comportamento entre as enterobactérias foram observadas quanto à ação bactericida da rifamicidas S.V. De uma maneira geral, para E. coli e Shigella, as concentrações inibitórias mínimas já referidas. Para as espécies de Proteus e Providencia houve variação maior de comportamento, mas tendência a que o efeito bactericidas fôsse encontrado em concentrações que correspondiam a 4 vêzes as bacteriostáticas para as mesmas espécies. Finalmente, de modo pouco feliz para os propósitos visados, em Salmonella, com a inclusão de S. typhi, não foi atingido um efeito bactericida, com as mais altas concentrações usadas as quais corresponderam em média a 6 vêzes as concentrações bacteriostáticas para esse gênero.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Alifah Nuke Febrianty ◽  
Alabanyo Brebahama ◽  
Melok Roro Kinanthi

Tunagrahita merupakan salah satu jenis disabilitas yang membuat penyandangnya memiliki inteligensi jauh di bawah rata-rata serta kemampuan bina bantu diri yang terbatas. Hambatan tersebut membuat anak tunagrahita menjadi kurang mandiri sehingga orang tua harus memberikan perhatian serta bantuan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan anak pada umumnya. Hal inilah yang dapat menjadi stressor bagi keluarga terutama ibu yang merupakan caregiver utama pada anak karena ibulah yang paling banyak meluangkan waktu untuk pengasuhan sang anak. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan ketangguhan keluarga dalam menghadapi masalah terkait kehadiran anak tunagrahita. Resiliensi keluarga dianggap sukses bila keluarga dapat bertahan dari kesulitan dan mengambil makna dari kesulitan yang dihadapi. Salah satu cara untuk dapat resilien adalah dengan mengembangkan pandangan positif saat menghadapi masalah yang disebut juga sebagai koherensi keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran koherensi keluarga terhadap resiliensi keluarga yang memiliki anak tunagrahita dari perspektif ibu. Partisipan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang ibu yang memiliki anak tunagrahita, berdomisili di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi yang dipilih menggunakan metode  purposive sampling ­. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (WFRQ) untuk mengukur resiliensi keluarga dan Family Sense of Coherence Scale (FSOCS) untuk mengukur family sense of coherence. Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi, didapatkan hasil bahwa family sense of coherence berperan secara signifikan (p 0,05) terhadap resiliensi keluarga (R-square= 0,235). Hal ini berarti koherensi keluarga berperan sebesar 23,5% terhadap resiliensi keluarga dan 76,5% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Terkait dengan hal ini, upaya meningkatkan resiliensi keluarga dapat dilakukan dengan membantu keluarga mengembangkan perspektif positif dalam melihat situasi yang terjadi, menumbuhkan optimisme, dan mengedukasi keluarga untuk dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya di sekitarnya untuk membantu atasi situasi. Intellectual disability is the one of disability in which the individu has intellectual far below the average, and limitation in activity daily living. This limitation makes the children with intellectual disability have low autonomy cause parents should give care and assitaant more then usual. This condition can be the one of stressor for family, especially for the mother as caregiver who give more time to practice parenting for their children. So, family resillience is very important to face the emergence of intellectual disability children in family. In order to be resillient, a family should have positive perspective when facing the problem, called sense of coherence. The purpose of this research is finding the role of family sense of coherence towards family resillience among family who has intellectual disability children. The participant of this research is 60 mothers who have intellectual disability children and live in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). The participants is selected by using purposive sampling method. This research uesd Family Resilience Questionnaire (WFRQ) to measure family resillience, and Family Sense of Coherence Scale (FSOCS) to measure family sense of corerence. Based on regression test, family sense of corerence has significant role towards family resilience (R Square = 0,235, p 0,05). It meanse that family sense of coherence gives contribution about 23,5 % to family resillience, and 76,5 % influenced by another factors. As the conslusion, family can be more resillient if it develops positive perspective when facing problem, build optimism, and use every resources wisely in order to solve problem. 

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