2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Irwan Kambu

Abstrak Penyakit jantung koroner secara klinis ditandai dengan nyeri dada akibat sumbatan di arteri coroner. Akupresur merupakan bagian terapi komplementer yang mampu meningkatkan kadar endorfin untuk merangsang penurunan nyeri. Pelaksanaan evidence based nursing akupresur ini diberikan pada 8 pasien dengan teknik pemilihan purposive sampling. Instrument penerapan menggunakan skala penilaian nyeri visual analog scale. Penerapan akupresur diberikan selama 20 menit pada titik akupresur L14 dengan skala nyeri 0 sampai 5. Hasil dari 8 sampel yang diberikan akupresur semua pasien mengalami penurunan skala nyeri. Penekanan atau sentuhan pada titik akupresur dapat meningkatkan kadar endorfin dalam darah maupun sistemik. Endorfin merupakan opiat tubuh secara alami dihasilkan oleh kelenjar pituitary yang berguna untuk mengurangi nyeri, mempengaruhi memori dan mood yang kemudian akan memberikan perasaan relaks. Terapi akupresur terbukti mampu menurunkan nyeri sehingga bermanfaat untuk diterapkan pada pasien akut koroner sindrom dengan keluhan nyeri dada.   Abstract Coronary heart disease is clinically characterized by chest pain due to a blockage in the coronary arteries. Acupressure is part of complementary therapy that is able to increase endorphin levels to stimulate pain reduction. The implementation of evidence based nursing acupressure was given to 8 patients with a purposive sampling technique. The application instrument uses a visual analog pain scale rating scale. The application of acupressure was given for 20 minutes at the L14 acupressure point with a pain scale of 0 to 5. The results of the 8 samples given acupressure all patients experienced a decrease in pain scale. Emphasis or touch on the acupressure point can increase blood and systemic endorphin levels. Endorphins are the body's opiates naturally produced by the pituitary gland which are useful for reducing pain, affecting memory and mood which will then relax. Acupressure therapy has been proven to reduce pain so it is useful to apply to acute coronary syndrome patients with chest pain.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Henri Setiawan ◽  
Andan Firmansyah ◽  
Fidya Anisa Firdaus

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that many elderly people suffer from. This disease causes chronic systemic inflammation that can affect tissues and organs, especially attacking the flexible (synovial) joints and causing pain, eventually causing damage to the inside of the joints and will interfere with the patient's activities / work. Ginger compress is a traditional medicine or alternative therapy to reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain. This case study aims to present the results of implementing the evidence-based nursing hot ginger compress to reduce pain scale in rheumatoid arthtritis patient. Physical examination was performed using the head to toe method in typoid patients. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) is used to determine nursing diagnoses. Meanwhile, nursing intervention refers to the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) and the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). The intervention was carried out in five stages of implementing evidence-based nursing in nursing practice, with complementary therapy in the form of ginger warm compresses and progressive application of 1 week for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Performed pretest and posttest after being given the intervention every day. The result, giving ginger warm compress intervention for 7 days showed a reduction in the patient's pain scale from a pain scale of 4-5 to a pain scale of 1-2. EBN implementation of ginger warm compress therapy is very influential in reducing the intensity of joint pain in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Ners Muda ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Meliawati Putri Salsabila ◽  
Heryanto Adi Nugroho

Gagal jantung meningkatkan resiko kematian mendadak sehingga membutuhkan penanganan sesuai dengan tingkat keparahannya. Pada pasien penyakit kardiovaskuler lazim merasakan kecemasan dan stress. Kecemasan pada pasien dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler dapat dibantu salah satunya dengan tindakan non farmakologi. Pada studi kasus ini penanganan kecemasan pasien gagal jantung menggunakan intervensi terapi murottal al-qur’an. Tujuan umum studi kasus ini untuk menganalisa penurunan tingkat kecemasan pasien gagal jantung terhadap pemberian terapi murottal al-qur’an. Studi kasus ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan proses keperawatan. Subjek studi kasus ini adalah pasien gagal jantung kongestif dan berjumlah 2 orang yang didapatkan secara purposive sampling. Studi kasus ini dilakukan di Ruang Ayyub 2 RS. Roemani Kota Semarang pada tanggal 13 Februari 2020 – 15 Februari 2020. Pengkajian kecemasan dan pengukuran tingkat kecemasan menggunakan kuisioner HARS (Hamilton Rating Scale Of Anxiety).  Prosedur pelaksanaan studi kasus ini dilakukan sesuai dengan evidence based nursing yaitu dilaksanakan dengan durasi 15-20 menit selama 3 hari. Hasil studi evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan terapi murottal al-qur’an terjadi peningkatan kecemasan dan tanda-tanda vital serta gangguan tidur pada kedua pasien yang mengalami penurunan setelah dilakukan terapi murottal al-qur’an.Setelah dilakukan terapi murottal al-qur’an terdapat perbaikan pada tanda-tanda vital, penurunan tingkat kecemasan, dan penurunan gangguan tidur pada kedua pasien. Terapi murottal al-qur’an efektif dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien dengan gagal jantung kongestif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 516
Reni Irmayanti ◽  
Hema Malini ◽  
Dewi Murni

<p><em>Evidence-Based Practice is a systematic approach to improving the quality of nursing practiceby collecting the best evidence. The application of Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) in nursing services has focused on the hospital setting. The concept of EBNP is acceptable but difficult to implement, so it is necessary to study how nurses' perceptions of EBNP are. This study aims to explore nurses' perceptions about EBNP at Bukittinggi Hospital. Qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with six participants using purposive sampling technique. Criteria for inclusion in the sample are the head of the room or the team leader in the nursing service unit. Data were analyzed by the Colaizzi method. The results this research found four themes, (1) Lack of nurses 'understanding of EBNP, (2) Obstacles in EBNP implementation (3) Nurses' expectations in implementing EBNP, (4) Benefits in implementing EBNP. The conclusion this research is the lack of nurses 'understanding of EBNP, there are obstacles in implementing EBNP, nurses' expectations in implementing EBNP and the advantages in implementing EBNP</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em><em>Evidence-Based Practice </em><em>adalah pendekatan sistematis untuk meningkatkan kualitas praktik keperawatan dengan mengumpulkan bukti terbaik. Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) dalam pelayanan keperawatan telah difokuskan pada tatanan rumah sakit. Konsep EBNP dapat diterima namun sulit dalam implementasinya, sehingga perlu dikaji bagaimana persepsi perawat tentang EBNP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi perawat tentang EBNP di RSAM Bukittinggi. Desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam kepada enam partisipan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria inklusi sampel adalah kepala ruangan atau ketua tim pada unit pelayanan keperawatan. Data dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan empat  tema yaitu (1) Kurangnya pemahaman perawat tentang EBNP, (2) Hambatan dalam penerapan EBNP (3) Harapan perawat dalam penerapan EBNP, (4) Keuntungan dalam menerapkan EBNP. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu kurangnya pemahaman perawat tentang EBNP, terdapat hambatan dalam penerapan EBNP, harapan perawat dalam penerapan EBNP dan keuntungan dalam menerapkan EBNP</em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 31-43
Najihah Najihah ◽  
Ita Sulistiani ◽  
Ferly Yacoline Pailungan ◽  
Musdalifah Musdalifah ◽  
I Kade Wijaya ◽  

Stroke dan penyakit gangguan fungsi neurologis lainnya akan mengakibatkan berbagai macam gangguan fungsi tubuh seperti gangguan fungsi kognitif, sirkulasi, kekuatan otot, fungsi perifer, fisiologis yang akan berpengaruh pada sistem sensorik dan motorik penderitanya. Hal ini membuat pasien mengalami immobilisasi.  Immobilisasi yang lama akan menimbulkan resiko kerusakan pada permukaan tubuh yang tertekan yang disebut dengan dekubitus terutama pada daerah-daerah yang menonjol. Oleh karena dilakukan pemberian tindakan reposisi dan massage untuk menurunkan derajat dekubitus pasien imobilisasi dengan gangguan neurologis. Penelitian ini merupakan penerapan Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) dengan pendekatan studi kasus yang melihat perubahan pada luka dekubitus yang terjadi setiap hari. Populasi dalam penerapan EBNP ini adalah seluruh pasien yang dirawat di Ruang perawatan Lontara 3 Neuro RS dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, sampel ditentukan berdasarkan Number Needed to Treat (NNT) dari jurnal utama yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penerapan EBNP. Hasil implementasi EBNP ditemukan bahwa pemberian reposisi dan massage selama 7 hari dapat menurunkan ukuran diameter luka, memberikan perubahan warna mendekati warna kulit di sekitar, lebih cepat menurunkan derajat luka pada dekubitus derajat 1, dan lebih cepat menurunkan derajat dekubitus pada bagian Heel.  Disimpulkan bahwa reposisi dan massage efektif dalam menurunkan dekubitus derajat 1 dan 2 pada pasien imobilisasi dengan gangguan neurologis di Ruang Lontara 3 Neuro RS dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Sehingga perawat sebaiknya melakukan screening dekubitus dan jika ditemukan tanda-tanda dekubitus derajat 1 dan 2 sebaiknya dilakukan kombinasi reposisi tiap 2 jam dan massage 2 kali sehari minimal selama 7 hari. Stroke and other neurological dysfunction diseases will result in various kinds of bodily disorders such as cognitive impairment, circulation, muscle strength, peripheral function, physiological effects that will affect the sensory and motor systems. This makes the patient immobilized. Prolonged immobilization will pose a risk of damage to depressed body surfaces called pressure ulcers, especially on prominent areas. Therefore, the administration of repositioning and massage measures to reduce the degree of pressure ulcers of immobilized patients with neurological disorders. This research is the application of Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP) with a case study approach that looks at changes in pressure ulcers that occur every day. The population in the application of EBNP is all patients treated in the Lontara 3 room Neuro at Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, the sample is determined based on the Number Needed to Treat (NNT) from the main journal that is used as a guideline for the implementation of EBNP. The results of the EBNP implementation found that the administration of repositioning and massage for 7 days can reduce the size of the wound diameter, provide color changes close to the color of the surrounding skin, more quickly reduce the degree of injury in pressure ulcerss 1 degree, and more quickly reduce the degree of pressure ulcers on the heel. It was concluded that repositioning and massage are effective in reducing pressure ulcers 1 and 2 in immobilized patients with neurological disorders in the Lontara 3 room Neuro Hospital Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. So that nurses should do dekubituss and if there are signs of pressure ulcers 1 and 2 should be a combination of repositioning every 2 hours and massage twice a day for at least 7 days.

Sylvina Rahmawati

Menstruation is a sign of reproductive period in women’s life. But for some women are not like that, there are various kinds of disorders and discomfort when menstruation, such as premenstrual syndrome, dismenorhoe. Based on preliminary studies in midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura on Maret 20th 2016 from 107 female students of semester 4 to 59 female students (55,1%) experienced dismenorhoe, and 48 female students (44,9%) did not experience dismenorhoe. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of ginger therapy toward the decreasing of dismenorhoe pain. The research methods are experiment (Experiment Research). The study design used One Group Pre-Post Test Design model and the sampling technique used accidental. Independent variable in this study was giving of ginger therapy and the dependent used variable in this study was reduction of pain scale dismenorhoe. The instrument used rating scale through observations of respondents before and after given ginger therapy. The samples were taken mostly the female students who experienced dismenorhoe in Midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura were 51 respondents. And the results were analyzed using wilconox test (α = 0,05). The result showed that some respondents befor giving ginger therapy were almost experiencing pain dismenorhoe were 47,1 %. While almost all respondents after given ginger therapy was experiencing of lowing pain dismenorhoe were 78,4%. Based on wicoxon statistic test found the significant value 0,00 and α = 0,05. Because of significant value < α values (0,00 < 0,05) means that Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. So, there is the effect of ginger therapy toward the decreasing of dismenorhoe pain at Midwifery Academy Aifa Husada Madura The research should be used as a reference material as a herbal medicine to decrease dismenorhoe pain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 248-257
Luluk Susiloningtyas ◽  
Ratna Feti Wulandari

Sampling technique used is Accidental Sampling. The independent variable is Bonapace Method, the instrument used is a checklist. Dependent variable is the reduction of labor pain in the active phase I, an instrument used to measure the level of pre and post pain with an observation sheet with a pain scale between 0 to 10 and an interview using the Verbal Descriptive Scale (VDS), rating scale, value 0 = no pain , 1-3 = mild pain, 4-6 = moderate pain, 7-9 = severe pain, 10 = very severe pain. Analysis of data using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank. The results of the data analysis stated sig (p) = 0,000 where α = 0.05, p <α, it means that there is an effect of the Bonapace Method on the reduction of labor pain in the active phase of the First Maternity where the Correlation or effect using the Wilcoxon Correlation = -0,382

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Astrid Astrid ◽  
Memed Sena Setiawan

Apendicitis adalah peradangan dari apendiks vermiformis yang menyebabkan usus berhenti mengeluarkan sisa makanan yang tidak diserap oleh tubuh sehingga dilakukan Apendictomy dimana terjadi nyeri akut pada level severe. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi Guided Imagery Music terhadap intensitas nyeri post operasi apendicitis di ruang rawat inap bedah RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad Jakarta. Desain penelitian menggunakan purposive sampling dengan rancangan random assignment pre test-post test with control group. Jumlah sampel adalah 36 orang (18 orang kelompok kontrol dan 18 orang kelompok intervensi). Nyeri diukur dengan menggunakan Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) dan Faces Pain Scale Resived (FPSR). Uji statistik menggunakan uji T test independen. Hasil uji menunjukkan ada pengaruh teknik relaksasi Guided Imagery Music terhadap intensitas nyeri pada klien post operasi Apendicitis. Perbedaan rata-rata intensitas nyeri pada kelompok kontrol sebesar 1,55 dan pada kelompok intervensi sebesar 3,17. Variabel confounding telah dilakukan uji normalitas didapatkan hasil tidak ada hubungan usia, jenis kelamin, koping, individu pendukung, lingkungan, pengalaman nyeri sebelumnya terhadap intensitas nyeri, ini dikarenakan klien tidak mampu mengalihkan perhatian dari rasa nyeri yang hebat post operasi apendicitis, sehingga hasil statistik nya tidak perlu dilakukan transformasi. Teknik relaksasi Guided Imagery Music dapat digunakan sebagai intervensi mandiri keperawatan untuk mengurangi intensitas nyeri klien post operasi apendicitis. Kata Kunci: Guided Imagery Music, Klien Post Operasi Apendicitis, Intensitas Nyeri

e-CliniC ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Denny Trisnaamijaya ◽  
Janry Pangemanan ◽  
Veny Mandang

Abstract: Smoking behavior is an individual activities of lighting and inhaling cigarettes and as a consequence the smoke inhaled by the people around. Epidemiological studies show that there are increasing numbers of cigarette consumption every year followed by the increases of angina pectoris incidences. Unfortunately, the relationship of the number of cigarettes consumed and smoking duration that could cause angina pectoris were still undetermined.  This study aimed to determine the correlation between smoking behavior and the incidence of unstable angina. This was an analytic retrospective study by using cross sectional approach. Samples were angina pectoris patients that admitted in Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado from July 2012 to June 2013 by using a purposive sampling technique. The chi-square test showed that there was a significant correlation between the smoking behavior and the incidence of unstable angina based on the numbers of cigarettes smoked per day (P = 0.012) and duration of smoking (P = 0.021) with the duration of chest pain. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the smoking behavior based on the numbers of cigarettes consumed per day and the duration of smoking with the incidences of unstable angina based on the chest pain duration. Keywords: smoking behavior, unstable angina   Abstrak: Perilaku merokok adalah suatu aktivitas yang dilakukan individu dengan menyalakan dan menghisap rokok yang menimbulkan asap yang dapat terhisap oleh orang-orang disekitarnya. Penelitian epidemiologik menunjukkan bahwa setiap tahun terjadi peningkatan konsumsi rokok yang diikuti oleh meningkatnya kejadian angina pektoris. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui pasti berapa jumlah batang dan lama konsumsi rokok yang dapat menimbulkan angina pektoris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku merokok dan kejadian angina pektoris tidak stabil. Perilaku merokok dinilai berdasarkan jumlah rokok yang dihisap setiap hari dan lama merokok sedangkan kejadian angina pektoris tidak stabil berdasarkan lama nyeri dada (chest pain). Penelitian ini menggunakan studi retrospektif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian ialah pasien angina pektoris tidak stabil di BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Juli 2012-Juni 2013 yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara perilaku merokok dan kejadian angina pektoris tidak stabil berdasarkan jumlah rokok yang dihisap dalam 1 hari (P = 0,012) dan lama merokok (P = 0,021) dengan lama nyeri dada (chest pain). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara perilaku merokok dengan kejadian angina pektoris tidak stabil. Kata kunci: perilaku merokok, angina pektoris tidak stabil

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (06) ◽  
pp. 882-886
Sohail Safdar

Objective: To determine the frequency of painless MI in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Study design: Descriptivecross-sectional study. Setting and duration: This study was conducted at cardiology unit Nishtar Hospital Multan and Chaudhry PervezElahi Institute of Cardiology Multan. The study duration was 1 year starting from July 2011 to June 2012. Materials and Methods: Thisdescriptive study included 331 patients of AMI of either sex and age which were admitted at “Cardiology unit Nishtar Hospital Multan andChaudhry Pervez Elahi Institute of Cardiology Multan” using non-probability convenience sampling technique. Informed verbal consentwas taken from each patient for participation. Results: Out of these 331 patients 308 (93.1%) patients reported chest pain as thepresenting complaint. Remaining 23(6.9%) presented with clinical feature other than chest pain. Of these 23 patients who presentedwithout chest, minimum age was 30 years while maximum was 90 years with mean age 54.82 ± 12.28 years. Patients with painless AMIpresented with variety of symptoms. Most common symptoms seen in patients of AMI without chest pain were generalized weakness andcold sweats. Out of 23 patients with painless AMI, 15(65.22%) patients were male and 08(34.8%) were female. Diabetes mellitus waspresent as co-morbid condition in 16(69.56%) while 7(30.44%) patients were non diabetic. Hypertension was present in 8(34.78%)patients with painless AMI. Conclusions: Painless AMI or atypical presentation of AMI is seen in substantial proportion of ischemic heartdisease patients. Absence of chest pain in AMI patients may misguide the doctors and diverts his attention towards other diagnosis whichcan lead to considerable delay in the essential therapies required in the management of AMI. It definitely affects morbidity and mortality ofemergency department. Health care professionals particularly those working in emergency set up must keep in mind that absence ofchest pain in suspected cases of ischemic heart disease does not necessarily rule out AMI. Features of AMI other than chest pain shouldalso be kept in mind while dealing with a suspected case of ischemic heart disease. Further research work on painless AMI andpresentation of AMI other than chest pain is needed.

Qanita Chairun Nissa ◽  
Neni Nuraeni ◽  
Hani Handayani

Dysmenorrhea is menstruation pain that would interfere women’s activities. Murattal is a non-pharmacological technique that may relieve menstruation pain. The aim of this research was to find the effect of Murattal in relieving dysmenorrhea for female student of SMPN 12 Tasikmalaya. This research used quasi-experiment with pre-posttest and control group design. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling technique. This study involved 15 students in a group treatment and 15 students in a group control used technique purposive sampling. The instrument of this study was Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) Instrument. Respondents listened Murattal Surah Ar-Rahman. Data were analyzed using paired T-Test also used. The result found that there was an effect of Murattal to relieve dysmenorrhea pain for female student of SMPN 12 Tasikmalaya, with ρ value 0,000. The conclusion, Murattal is effective to relieve dysmenorrhea. There is a need of developing other non-pharmacology interventions to relive dysmenorrhea Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, Murottal, Pain

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