2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Ayu Devi Saputri ◽  
Hana Istiqomah ◽  
Adi Isma

This article discusses the role of University of Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro in an effort to prevent corruption in the young generation of today. Corruption is the greatest form of enemy of any nation especially in Indonesia. Therefore, nowadays, corruption prevention efforts have been intensified to minimize corruption cases in this country. Prevention efforts through instilling anti-corruption character education as well as religious knowledge from an early age to the next generation teach that in Islamic law it is said that corruption is a bad deed or misappropriation of funds, authority and time for personal gain so as to cause harm to others or in short is to take something not our rights. Therefore we can start from the campus because the campus is the most intensive training place for the prevention of corruption. Students have an important role in the movement of the nation, including the prevention of corruption. combating corruption is indeed difficult but it would be better to build students who have anti-corruption character

Aulil Amri

In Islamic law, pre-wedding photos have not been regulated in detail. However, pre-wedding photo activities have become commonplace by the community. It becomes a problem when pre-wedding is currently done with an intimate scene, usually the prospective bride uses sexy clothes and is also not accompanied by her mahram when doing pre-wedding photos. Even though there have been many fatwas and studies on the limits of permissibility and prohibition in the pre-wedding procession.The results show that the pre-wedding procession that is carried out by the community in terms of poses, clothes, and also assistance in accordance with Islamic law, the law is permissible. However, it often happens in the community to take photos before the marriage contract with scenes as if they are legally husband and wife and the bride's family knows without prohibiting, directing, and guiding them according to Islamic teachings. In this case the role of the family is very important, we as parents must understand the basis of religious knowledge and how to instill religious values in our children since childhood is the key to this problem dilemma.

2012 ◽  
Ahmad Izzuddin

Islamic law and women are one of mostly debated discourses bycontemporary Islamic thinkers particularly those who are gender issuesproponents. That discourse grows due to the accuse towards Islam thatthis religion is the source of gender inequality for women through outmuslim world especially in education, fairness and domestic freedom aswell as social welfare in the family. The assumption is that Islamic law ismale-based law. Therefore, it is a need to explore the note on Islamic lawdevelopment which is perceived from the role of women in the early age oflaw construction not from the aspect of the thought of classical ulama inthe middle age. This paper tries to explore and to discuss mainly the role ofSiti Aisyah as the teacher and the transmitter of hadith as the foundation ofIslamic law construction to underline women’s position and contributionas the law maker that it will prove that Islamic law is not merely men-basedlaw as the assumption grows.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Zulham Zulham Khoir ◽  
Tiy Kusmarrabbi Karo ◽  
Slamet Riyadi

Aceh Tamiang is an area with a majority Muslim population, not even one in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, which is the location for this activity to find other places of worship besides mosques and prayer rooms. However, there is a decline in the quality of reading and writing the Koran in today's young generation compared to previous generations. This is due to the lack of parental attention to the quality of children's reading of the Koran, because they have fully surrendered this role to existing Koranic educational institutions. While in the previous generation, most parents were very disciplined for matters related to religious knowledge, especially reading and writing the Koran. The implementation of this Action Research aims to improve the literacy and writing skills of the young generation of the Koran in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, Aceh Tamiang by empowering STAI As-sunnah students for Tahsin al-Qiraah activities. The method used is Participatory Action Research. By doing 3 stages: Planning-Action-Evaluation. The result of this activity: increased public enthusiasm for the importance of the younger generation having the ability to read and write the Koran in Adil Makmur Village, Tenggulun, Aceh Tamiang. In addition, this activity has also succeeded in making the role of parents as the main guides for children re-enforced

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-107
Hairuddin Cikka ◽  
Usman Hamid

This research focuses on the role of Al Muhajirin Orphanage in Palu City in building religious character of children reviewed from Islamic law. This research used qualitative research method through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation study. The data obtained were analyzed using data reduction technique, data presentation, data verification, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: (1). The caregivers' efforts in building the religious character of children were strongly supported by the situation and condition of Al Muhajirin Orphanage marked by the stay of foster children in the dormitory, so that religious-based character building could be performed optimally. The religious-based character values that were developed including being religious, disciplined, like to read, caring for the environment, responsible, and honest. The implementation of religious-based character formation aims to make a person as a good human being. The forms of implementation of character education are manifested by cultivating the faith, providing guidance, providing good role models, enforcing rules, providing advice, motivation, and conducting supervision (2). Islamic law review of the role of caregiver included educating, teaching, and training. Educating means transmitting and developing the values of life/personality. Teaching means transmitting and developing science and technology. While, training means developing skills in foster children based on QS. Al-Kahfi [18] 66-70. Meanwhile, character building in Islam is the same as moral education and it is also a purification of the soul and character of humans to become righteous humans based on the Quran and hadith.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Syarifah Gustiawati Mukri

Abstract: Issues related to sex according to Islamic law is not the foreign matter. It has been discussed so extensively by scientists and scholars based on the view of the Qur'an and Al-Hadith, by linking it with the issue of faith, Sharia and morals. Their importance in order to avoid straying, and does not bring harm to others. Therefore, obligatory for parents, educators and the community to introduce the notion of sex in a healthy and true to children from an early age, so that they can recognize the organs and biological functions, human physiological and reproductive functions, can even recognize a venereal disease.Keywords: Sex Education, Early ChildhoodAbstrak: Isu yang berkaitan dengan seks menurut hukum Islam bukanlah perkara asing. Hal tersebut telah dibicarakan dengan begitu luas oleh para ilmuan dan para ulama yang didasarkan kepada pandangan Alquran dan Al-Hadis, yaitu dengan mengkaitkannya dengan persoalan aqidah, syariah dan akhlak. Pentingnya hal tersebut guna menjauhi kemungkaran, dan tidak mendatangkan kemudharatan terhadap orang lain. Oleh karenanya, wajib hukumnya bagi orang tua, pendidik dan masyarakat untuk mengenalkan pengertian seks secara sehat dan benar kepada anak sejak dini, sehingga mereka dapat mengenal organ dan fungsi biologis, fisiologis manusia serta fungsi reproduksi, bahkan dapat mengenal penyakit kelamin.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Sex, Usia Dini

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Putu Febri Sri Suandari ◽  
Ni Nengah Selasih

<p><em>        Education is one of the most important things that is able to be a change in the world and in changing the younger generation to be better and have character. With the existence of an education that is complemented by religious teachings it self, it will streng then character and reduce the moral and ethical degradation or decline that occurs in every nation's future child. Cultivators of noble moral values, ethics and religious teachings must be planted from an early age so that children become accustomed to them and are able to understand behaviors that should be avoided and prohibited. Therefore the role of parents is very influential on the character of the child because the family is the primary or primary education that the child gets. In addition, to reduce the current moral degradation or deterioration that is prevalent in life, there is a need for cooperation between parents, educators and the government to be able to create a good young generation. In the teachings of Hinduism, there are many teachings that can be used as a guide for life and can be used as character strengthening for children and the younger generation, one of which is known as the teaching of Catur Guru, which is the teaching of how to be devoted, ethical and respecting these four teachers, including self-help teachers. , rupaka teachers, recitation teachers and wisesa teachers.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Rahmi Mulyasih

This study focuses on the importance of media literacy for women, this is because women are the main characters in a family, the young generation of quality born of the important role of women. This study used a qualitative approach with phenomenological research methods. The results showed that the low culture of literacy in women, which can ultimately result in terbiasanya children watch the action Kekeran and low values of humanist obtained children from an early age, resulting in the shift of the culture and behavior of the young generation that is far from the value of -the value of religion and society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Bali Widodo ◽  
Egi Nurholis

Tujuan tulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana peranan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial. Dalam perjalanan panjang sejarah bangsa Indonesia, diuraikan secara jelas bahwa negara Indonesia dibangun atas adanya perbedaan suku bangsa, budaya, adat istiadat dan agama. Keberagaman ini rentan untuk terjadinya bencana sosial. Ketegangan sosial dan konflik horisontal serta teror masih acapkali terjadi. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sebagai pendidikan nilai dan karakter Pancasila menyiapkan generasi muda menjadi warga negara Pancasilais yang cinta tanah air, mempunyai sikap untuk membela negara dan siap berkorban demi keutuhan bangsa dan negara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif terhadap realitas yang ada dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kebenaran ilmiah yang alamiah dengan melakukan penafsiran terhadap fenomena sosial dalam bentuk studi literatur. Dari hasil kajian literatur didapat bahwa revitalisasi epistemologis Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dapat menguatkan karakter bangsa untuk meminimalisir terjadinya bencana sosial.This paper is intended to find out how is the role of Civic Education in minimizing the social disasters. In the history of Indonesia’s struggle, it is clearly explained that the state of Indonesia is built on the differences in ethnicity, culture, customs and religion. This diversity is vulnerable to social disasters. Terror, social tensions and horizontal conflicts among groups or communities still occur frequently. Civic Education as character education based on Pancasila values prepares young generation to become Pancasilais citizens who love the motherland, have attitudes to defend the country and are ready to sacrifice for the integrity of the nation and state of Indonesia. The research method used is a type of qualitative research that is descriptive towards the existing reality with the purpose of obtaining natural scientific truths by interpreting social phenomenon in the form of literature review. From the results of the literature study it was found that the epistemological revitalization of Civic Education can strengthen the nation's character in order to minimize the social disasters.

Ami Dwi Lestari ◽  
M. Yusuf Setiawardana ◽  
Ari Widyaningrum

Character education is very influential with the creation of the character of an individual or student. The early age is a very critical age to build individual character. Instill to the young generation of what it means to be good citizens that is they show their pride and love  of the country. The inculcation of the character of love for the country through national songs is considered as one of the appropriate media to foster a sense of love for the country. Simple song lyrics are easily understood by children so that the meaning of national song lyrics can be conveyed to students, can bring out a high sense of love for the country, national spirit, and build  the nationalism character. The focus of this research is how to educate the character of love for the country through the national song at SDN 02 Rejosari. The purpose of this research is to find out how the character education of the love of the country through the national song at SDN 02 Rejosari Semarang. This type of research is qualitative research, using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were students of VI class who were randomly selected. The results showed that character education for the love of the country through the national song has been implemented at SDN 02 Rejosari. The inculcation of the value of character education for the love of the country through habituation to singing the national song. The habit of singing and understanding the meaning of national song lyrics can influence students by carrying out behaviors / actions that reflect to the love of the country in daily life.

2013 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Yanwar Pribadi

<p>This paper addresses three institutions in Madurese santri culture: the pesantren (Islamic traditional education system), the Nahdlatul Ulama, and the kiai (tradisional Islamic authority). These three elements have characterised and become central part of both Islam and politics in Madura. The issues are raised in this paper: the nature of pesantren, the role of Nahdlatul Ulama, and kiais within the whole tradition of santri Islam in Madura. How does each of these elements form relationships with the others? These questions lead to answer the main question: Is Islam in Madura different from Islam in other places in Indonesia? Today, it seems clear that despite their rather changed perceptions of modern education, Islamic associations, and men of religion, Madurese people continue to preserve their sacred values, as the main three elements of the santri culture in Madura which have had a great influence on society, in both religious and worldly domains. The people share the view that Islamic law (shari’a) is fundamental to daily life and thus must be integrated in all aspects of life. However, like Islam in other places in Indonesia, the characteristic of Islam in Madura emphasizes primarily, but not exclusively, on aspects such as mysticism and local cultures.</p><p> [Artikel ini menjelaskan tiga elemen penting budaya santri yang melekat pada masyarakat Madura, yaitu pesantren, mewakili elemen pendidikan Islam tradisional, Nahdlatul Ulama, mewakili organisasi Islam, dan kiai, merepresentasikan tokoh Islam. Ketiga elemen tersebut berjalin-kelindan dan membentuk relasi yang kompleks antara Islam dan politik sebagaimana dipraktikkan dalam masyarakat Madura. Dua persoalan penting yang hendak dijawab melalui artikel ini yaitu bagaimana karakter pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, dan kiai yang menjadi dasar Islam-santri di Madura dan bagaimana ketiga elemen tersebut saling terkait satu sama lain. Persoalan ini kemudian mengantarkan pada pertanyaan penting lainnya, yakni apakah Islam di Madura memiliki karakteristik dan bentuk yang berbeda dengan Islam yang hidup di wilayah lain di Indonesia? Sampai sekarang, meski masyarakat Madura mengalami pergeseran dalam menilai pendidikan modern, organisasi Islam, dan ulama, mereka masih tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai sakral agama. Ini bisa dibuktikan dengan kuatnya pengaruh pesantren, Nahdlatul Ulama, dan kiai dalam urusan agama dan duniawi. Masyarakat Madura meyakini bahwa syariat Islam sangat penting dan perlu diterapkan dalam keseluruhan aspek kehidupan mereka. Namun, seperti Islam di wilayah lain di Indonesia, Islam di Madura juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh tasawuf dan budaya lokal.]</p>

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