scholarly journals Makna Takut akan Tuhan Menurut Amsal 8:13 (Studi Evaluasi di Jemaat GPdI “Filadelfia” Oepaleo Kupang)

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-142
Nelly Nelly ◽  
Rodi Imenuel Nome

Abstract: Fear of God are hates evil; hates pride, hates conceit, hates evil conduct, and hates guile-filled mouths. In the fear of God is also a sign of the quality and morality of a person who can be accountable for his life before God and shows a view of life that contains human proper attitudes that are always shown in everyday life because of his good and close relationship with God. The purpose of this study was to describe the meaning of fearing God according to Proverbs 8:13 in the GPdI "Filadelfia" congregation in Oepaleo Kupang. This article is a qualitative research with an evaluation approach, the data is processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics. From the results of the percentage of the five indicators that the researcher included in this study, the average percentage value was in the high criteria, namely 61.81%. In other words, the congregation at GPdI "Filadelfia" Oepaleo Kupang already understands the meaning of fearing God, but it needs to be improved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-155
Sintia Roka'iyah

Education is important in today's era, including in the era of globalization which is growing rapidly. Education can shape a person into a quality person. One of the places to shape humans to have high quality and be able to develop the potential that exists in a person is education. In developing the character of students in schools, teachers have a strategic position as the main actor. The teacher is a figure who can be imitated or become an idol for students. Teachers can be a source of inspiration and motivation for their students. The attitude and behavior of a teacher is very imprinted on students, so that the speech, character and personality of the teacher become a mirror of students. Thus, teachers have a great responsibility in producing a generation of character, culture, and morality. the author uses qualitative research methods with the type of literature review. The library method is a data collection technique by conducting a review study of books, literatures, notes, and reports that have to do with the problems that are the object of research. Sufism is an activity of cleansing the soul, filling it with commendable qualities, and getting closer and in the presence of Allah. Sufism as mentioned in the meaning above, aims to obtain a direct and close relationship with God, directly without intermediaries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-137
Mustaqim Makki

Zakat merupakan salah satu sendi pokok ajaran Islam. Urgensi zakat yang merupakan anjuran agama Islam untuk menunaikan zakat dan memberikannya kepada yang berhak dengan ketentuan mencapai nishabnya, (kadar minimum harta tertentu) mempunyai nilai sangat signifikan dalam kehidupan manusia. Seorang insan yang sarat akan segala permasalahan pada fitrahnya menuntut untuk selalu berinteraksi kepada sesama, baik berupa materi maupun non materi. Zakat merupakan maliyah ijtima’iyyah yang mengandung nilai-nilai filantropi yang sangat tinggi, karena ketika mengaplikasikan kewajiban zakat kita telah membantu sesama serta mengurangi kesenjangan yang disebabkan beberapa sifat manusia diantaranya adalah sifat kikir, dengki dan iri hati. Menguatnya kembali harapan banyak kalangan terhadap implementasi filantropi Islam, baik dalam bentuk zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf, memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan kondisi bangsa yang belum sepenuhnya bangkit dari keterpurukan sebagai dampak dari krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan. Kondisi ini berakibat kesenjangan penguasaan perekonomian antar warga negara menjadi kian lebar. Pada saat itulah, ziswaf (zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf) kembali dilirik dan diharapkan menjadi alternatif solusi terhadap problem kemiskinan umat. Manusia sebagai khalifah fil ardh dalam Al Qurán menekankan muatan fungsional yang harus diemban oleh manusia dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kesejarahan dalam kehidupannya di muka bumi. Kaitan dengan konsep tersebut, ada dua fungsi manusia. Pertama: Manusia sebagai hamba (ábid), dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara vertikal dalam hal ini hubungannya dengan ketuhanan (Teologis). Kedua adalah manusia sebagai khalifah, dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara horizontal dalam hal ini hubungan terhadap manusia.Kata kunci: tafsir ayat zakat, filantropi, ekonomi keummatanAbstract:Zakat is one of the main points of Islamic teachings. The urgency of zakat which is suggested by Islam to fulfill and give it to those who are referred to with the provisions to reach their nishab, (minimum level of certain assets) has a very significant value in human life. A person who is full of all problems in his/her natural demands will always get interaction with other people, either material or non-material. Zakat is maliyah ijtima’iyyah which contains very high philanthropic values, because when applying the obligation of zakat we have helped others and reduced the gaps caused by some human traits including miser, jealousy and envy. The reinforcement of the expectations (estimation) from any levels on the implementation of Islamic philanthropy, which in the form of zakat, donation, alms and endowments, has a close relationship with the condition of the country that has not fully risen from bad economic adversity due to economic crisis. This condition causes a widening of the economic mastery among the citizens. At that moment, ziswaf (zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf) was again given a serious attentition and expected to be an alternative solution to the problem of poverty among citizens. Humans as khalifah fil ardh in the Qur'an emphasize the functional content that must be carried by humans in carrying out historical tasks in their lives on earth. In accordance with this concept, there are two human functions. First: Humans as servants (ábid), are required to succeed in establishing a vertical relationship in this case the relationship with God (Theological). Second, humans as caliphs, are required to succeed in establishing horizontal relationships in this case the relationship to humans.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Chrisna Putri Kurniati

This study entitles ―Citra Perempuan in Novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading Written by Hasan Junus‖. Problem in this research about the image of women and the gender inequities in the novel.This study aims to describe, express women‘s image and the discrimination of gender in novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. The use of this study is to inform people in general and readers in particular about the roles and status of women in society reflected in novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. The theory used is feminist literature criticism. This is a qualitative research. using the book study method. Primary data that is Burung Tiung Seri Gading novel Hasan Junus work published by Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau, Pekanbaru 2009185 pages thick.The steps of the research are (1) identify the female characters in literature, (2) seek the position of these figures in everyday life in society, good relations within the family or in society at large, (3) gender inequality would be viewed through a gender analysis ofits image of women in daily life. The conclusions of this study are that the roles and status of women in society get women not be able to avoid their housework and the discrimination of gender. AbstrakPenelitian ini berjudul ―Citra Perempuan dalam Novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading Karya Hasan Junus‖. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini tentang citra perempuan dan terjadinya ketidakadilan gender dalam novel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan citra perempuan dan mendeskripsikan ketidakadilan gender dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya tentang peran dan kedudukan perempuan dalam masyarakat yang tercermin dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading serta memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca tentang terjadinya ketidakadilan gender dalam masyarakat yang tercermin dalam novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading. Teori yang digunakan adalah kritik sastra feminis. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Data primernya bersumberkan pada novel Burung Tiung Seri Gading karya Hasan Junus yang diterbitkan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Riau, Pekanbaru, 2009 setebal 185 halaman. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya peran dan kedudukan perempuan di masyarakat membuat perempuan belum bisa lepas dari pekerjaan domestik serta perempuan adalah korban dari ketidakadilan gender.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Cees Grol

Story research. Doing justice to the complexity of stories from the field Story research. Doing justice to the complexity of stories from the field The article derives from the author’s thesis Exploring voices exploring appropriate education: practitioners’ discourse and focuses on its methodological part.Cilliers claims that scientific research needs new approaches in order to understand complex issues. Lefebvre and Letiche assert that managers and policymakers simplify the complexity of everyday life in their reorganization proposals from higher levels. Smaling sketches what the role of qualitative research can be in studying complex phenomena. In the article it is explained how story research as a form of narrative research methodology can do justice to the complexity of stories from the field.Boje’s ‘antenarrative’, ‘antinarrative’ and ‘narrative’ form the conceptual framework to search for diversity within and between told and transcribed stories from the field. A ‘paragrammatic’ (Gabriel) use of deconstructive tools may help to find the diversity.Boje’s ‘emplotment’ and Holman Jones’ ‘civic dialogue’ offer clues to present the diversity of everyday life in a way that does justice to the complexity of stories from the field. The form of a polylogue was chosen to represent the different stories from the field.

Lilis Ermindyawati

Lilis Ermindyawati, Christian Counseling Against Women Experiencing Work Addiction. One phenomenon that occurs in the present are women addicted to work and this phenomenon is more of a negative impact than the benefits of women workers and those in the vicinity. Therefore, women need to be helped so addicted to work that they can get out of the problems they face. Christian Counseling is a solution to help women who are addicted to work. Every career woman is expected to have a balance between work, family and relationship with God. Women are not only successful in his work (his career), but also succeeded in fostering a harmonious household, educating children well, and has a close relationship with God. Lilis Ermindyawati, Konseling Kristen Terhadap Wanita Yang Mengalami Kecanduan Kerja. Salah satu fenomena yang terjadi pada masa kini adalah wanita kecanduan kerja dan fenomena ini lebih banyak memberikan dampak negatif dibandingkan keuntungan yang diperoleh wanita pekerja dan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Oleh sebab itu wanita kecanduan kerja perlu ditolong agar mereka dapat keluar dari permasalahan yang mereka hadapi. Konseling Kristen merupakan solusi untuk menolong wanita yang mengalami kecanduan kerja. Setiap wanita karir diharapkan memiliki keseimbangan antara pekerjaan, keluarga dan hubungannya dengan Tuhan. Wanita tersebut bukan hanya berhasil dalam pekerjaanya (karirnya), tetapi juga berhasil dalam membina rumah tangganya yang harmonis, mendidik anak-anak dengan baik, dan memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan Tuhan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Yeni Suprihatin ◽  
Etika Lisyana Dewi

Life skill education is an education that provides basic supplies and training to learners about the values of life needed and useful for the development of everyday life. Research on integrated life skill education in enterpreneurship subject in SMP Cahaya Bangsa School aims to know what life skill orientation in Entrepreneurship subject and examine the extent of life skill education implementation in Enterpreneurship subject. The design of this study used qualitative research with case study type. A descriptive inductive approach is used to describe a case by understanding symptoms and meaning. Researchers use in-depth interview techniques, digging information with direct observation, and study documentation. In analyzing the data, the researcher through three main components, namely, data reduction, display data, and data conclusion drawing. The results showed that the concept of life skill education is internalized in the entrepreneurship subject syllabus, then the teacher describes it in various learning activities such as washing activities, ironing activities, live in program, and market day. Evaluation done by teacher in assessing ability of life skill of student is by observing directly activity in enterpreneurship subject and student also given duty to write report result of activity live in.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Ag Efendi Darmanto ◽  
Don Bosco Karnan Ardijanto

Prayer was very important in Jesus’ life and the saints’ lives. Prayer also becomes the important need in the faithfuls’ life. Prayer is a mean to fight againts the devil and the power of sin. Prayer is also an expression of faith in God. It also becomes the way of human being to always remember to God. There are some problems: what is prayer? How do the Catholic teens of St. Hilarius’ Parish, Klepu pray together? What kind of benefits of praying together for the Catholic Teens in St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu? What kind of impedements in praying together that the Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ Parish experience? The aims of this research are: to clarify the definition of prayer, to explain how the Catholic Teens of Hilarius’ parish, Klepu to do their praying together, to explain the benefits of prayer together for the Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu. Finally, to identify various factors that supporting or inhibiting the practice of prayer of the Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu. This research used qualitative research methods. In this study there are 10 respondents consisting of 4 male respondents and 6 female respondents. They are between 13-15 years old. They are members of St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu. The conclusions of the research are: 1) The Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu know the understanding of prayer. 2) The Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ parihs, Klepu already carry out prayers in certain times either personally or communal prayer in St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu. 3) The Catholic Teens of St. Hilarius’ parish, Klepu understand that the benefits of communal prayer are: creating a partnership or relationship with God and friends, as well as the means to develop their personality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 694-701
Aryani Purwaningrum ◽  
Hari Wahyono

Abstract This study aims to look at economic education in the family carried out by parents to children. All parents have taught family economic education in different ways. The importance of economic education in the family is to form children to use money rationally. As for economic education in the family, namely modeling, habits, discussion and communication, and consumption rationality. Researchers used qualitative research methods with a phenomenology approach. The technique used in this research is purposive sampling. The data technique is done by observing, interviewing and documenting. Parents' awareness to teach economic education in the family is high. By doing intense learning and full motivation from parents, children will quickly understand and apply it in everyday life. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pendidikan ekonomi dalam keluarga yang dilakukan oleh orang tua kepada anak. Semua orang tua telah mengajarkan pendidikan ekonomi keluarga dengan cara yang berbeda. Pentingnya pendidikan ekonomi dalam keluarga adalah membentuk anak untuk menggunakan uang secara rasional. Adapun pendidikan ekonomi dalam keluarga yaitu keteladanan, kebiasaan, diskusi dan komunikasi, dan rasionalitas konsumsi. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Teknik data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kesadaran orang tua untuk mengajarkan pendidikan ekonomi dalam keluarga cukup tinggi. Dengan melakukan pembelajaran yang intensif dan penuh motivasi dari orang tua, anak akan cepat memahami dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Izmy Khumairoh

Abstract This article analyzes the close relationship between religion (i.e. religious discourses in the context of everyday life) and modernization (i.e. the intensive and excessive use of social media in society). This article is based on literature and social media review—in particular it reviews on how the role of religion changed drastically due to mediatization process that occurs in the public sphere; as well as how the social media plays a dynamic role in society. This article concludes that the new image of religion as shown in mass media and social media demonstrates its shifting power from traditional institutions to mass and social media. Religious value immerses into every aspect of the everyday life and the religious aura; and this phenomenon neglects the secularization theory. Keywords: anthropology, social media, marriage, Islam  Abstrak Artikel ini menganalisis hubungan erat antara agama (yaitu wacana keagamaan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari) dan modernisasi (yaitu penggunaan media sosial yang intensif dan eksesif dalam masyarakat). Analisis berdasar pada studi literatur dan observasi di dunia maya - termasuk beberapa akun media sosial dan interaksi antara netizen - terutama bahasan mengenai perubahan peran agama yang drastis akibat proses mediatisasi yang di ranah publik; sebagaimana media memainkan peran dinamis dalam masyarakat. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa citra baru agama, yang terpampang di media massa dan media sosial, mencerminkan pergeseran kekuasaan agama dari institusi tradisional ke media. Nilai-nilai agama terus menemukan celah untuk memasuki setiap aspek kehidupan dan mencakup aspek aura agama sehingga fenomena ini tidak sesuai dengan teori sekulerisasi. Kata kunci: antropologi, media sosial, pernikahan, Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-75
Tio Pilus Arisandie

The Pesaguan Dayak tribe is a tribe in West Kalimantan Province. Most of the people of this tribe are Catholic and Protestant. In the initial observation (pre-research), it seems that their understanding of the Bible and its position in the practice of life needs attention. However, in everyday life, the Pesaguan Dayak community is still robust with the customs, ethics, and moral norms of the tribal religion. To obtain a Christian portrait of the Pasaguan Dayak tribe, the researchers used qualitative research methods, emphasizing surveys or observations and interviews. From the results of research and interviews conducted, it was found that in the daily life of the Pesaguan Dayak people, the Bible is not the primary basis for the Pesaguan Dayak tribe. Another portrait of Christianity found in the field is the absence of awareness from the Pesaguan Dayak community to reach out to Malays to believe in Jesus, even though they live next door.   Suku Dayak Pesaguan adalah suku yang berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Sebagian besar orang-orang dari suku ini beragama Katolik dan Protestan. Pada obersevasi awal (prapenelitian), tampaknya pemahaman mereka tentang Alkitab dan posisinya dalam praktik kehidupan, perlu mendapat perhatian. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan masih sangat kuat dengan adat istiadat, etika dan norma-norma moral agama suku.  Untuk memperoleh potret kekristenan suku Dayak Pasaguan, maka peneliti memanfaatkan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menekankan pada survei atau observasi dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dan wawancara yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan, Alkitab bukanlah landasan dasar utama yang dimiliki suku Dayak Pesaguan. Potret kekristenan lainya yang ditemukan di lapangan yaitu belum adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat suku Dayak Pesaguan untuk menjangkau orang Melayu untuk percaya pada Yesus, meskipun mereka hidup bertetangga.

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