scholarly journals Indian Laws during COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications to Health and Management

Gaurav Jaiswal ◽  
Rakesh Kumar Jha ◽  
Praful S. Patil

Introduction: 2019 corona virus disease (COVID-19), a respiratory disease caused by a new corona virus (SARS corona virus 2, also known as novel corona virus) in China, has spread and attracted worldwide attention. The WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a global public health emergency on January 30, 2020. Following the 2002 corona virus (SARS-Corona Virus) and the 2012 MERS Corona Virus, the virus SARS corona is the third most infectious disease and the largest corona virus that caused human outbreaks in the 20th century. Aim: To assess the Indians law that affects or supports the Indian citizen with present scenario of Pandemic. Conclusion: Coronavirus has called for a mixed response in India. The answer includes a host of regulations, guidelines, services, and administrative structures, as well as public and government warnings. As the demands of government action grow, the Passivence Sicknesses Act has become a topic of discussion. Instead of establishing a comprehensive health care system, the Pestilence Infections Act allows states to take special measures in response to serious infectious diseases. The law gives the public a broad mandate to participate in oppressive actions against citizens within this limited framework.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Mariana da Conceição Santana Lima ◽  
Paulo Henrique Fernandes Santos ◽  
Keila Cristianne Trindade Da Cruz ◽  
Lucas Cardoso Dos Santos ◽  
Valéria Bertonha Machado ◽  

Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil e o acesso à insulinoterapia dos usuários com diagnóstico de Diabetes Melittus atendidos no Ambulatório de Endocrinologia de um hospital universitário do Distrito Federal. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado de abril a maio de 2019. A amostra constituiu-se de 60 participantes com 18 anos ou mais. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado e os dados descritivos analisados pelo software PSPP. Resultados: Verificou-se que a maioria (86,7%) são mulheres, que os participantes obtêm insulina (93,3%), antidiabéticos orais (50,0%) e insumos (93,3%) no serviço público, e que metade desses participantes os adquirem na unidade de saúde. Ainda metade (53,3%) relatou ter interrompido o tratamento devido à falta desses medicamentos. Conclusão: O estudo evidenciou as fragilidades no acesso às redes de saúde do Distrito Federal em decorrência da falta de investimentos na Atenção Básica e da cultura hegemônica, sendo urgente o investimento nas redes de cuidado à luz das políticas de acesso.Descritores: Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde; Diabetes mellitus; Níveis de Atenção à Saúde; Assistência Integral à Saúde. Objective: To characterize the profile and access to insulin therapy of users with diabetes mellitus treated in the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic in an university hospital of Distrito Federal. Method: Cross-sectional study, performed from April to May 2019. The sample consisted of 60 participants with 18 years or more. A structured questionnaire was applied and the descriptive data analyzed by the PSPP software. Results: It was found that the majority (86.7%) were women, that participants obtain insulin (93.3%), oral antidiabetics (50.0%) and inputs (93.3%) in the public service, and that half of these participants acquire it at the health unit. Half (53.3%) reported having interrupted the treatment due to the lack of these medications. Conclusion: The study showed the weaknesses in access to networks of health of Distrito Federal due to the lack of investment in primary health care and the hegemonic culture, being urgent the investment in care networks of care in the light of the access policies.Descriptors:  Health Services Accessibility; Diabetes Mellitus; Health Care Levels; Comprehensive Health Care. Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil y el acceso a la terapia con insulina de los usuarios diagnosticados con Diabetes Melittus atendidos en la Clínica Ambulatoria de Endocrinología de un hospital universitario en el Distrito Federal. Método: estudio transversal, realizado de abril a mayo de 2019. La muestra consistió en 60 participantes de 18 años o más. Se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado y los datos descriptivos fueron analizados por el software PSPP. Resultados: se encontró que la mayoría (86.7%) son mujeres, los participantes reciben insulina (93.3%), antidiabéticos orales (50.0%) e insumos (93.3%) en el servicio público, y la mitad de estos participantes los adquieren en el centro de salud. Todavía la mitad (53.3%) informó suspender el tratamiento debido a la falta de estos medicamentos. Conclusión: El estudio mostró las debilidades en el acceso a las redes de salud en el Distrito Federal debido a la falta de inversiones en atención primaria y cultura hegemónica, siendo urgente invertir en redes de atención a la luz de las políticas de acceso.Palabras clave: Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud; Diabetes Mellitus; Niveles de Atención de Salud; Atención Integral de Salud.

Sri Widayati ◽  
Mallevi Agustin Ningrum ◽  
Sri Setyowati ◽  
Rohmatul Maulidiya

<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><em>Kurangnya pemahaman mahasiswi PG PAUD FIP Unesa angkatan 2019 mengenai pembuatan power point kreatif untuk anak usia dini dan keadaan saat ini terkait dengan adanya pandemiCOVID di Indonesia yang kian hari kiat meningkat menandakan masih kurangnya informasi yang di terima oleh masyarakat secara luas mengenai beragam informasi mengenai COVID. Selain itu proses kegiatan belajar mengajar merujuk pada Surat Edaran Mendikbud Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Pencegahan COVID-19 pada Satuan Pendidikan, dan Nomor 36962/MPK A/HK/2020 tentang pembelajaran secara daring dalam rangka pencegahan penyebaran Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) membuat perlu diadakannya pelatihan pembuatan PowerPoint kreatif berbasis COVID-19 kepada mahasiswi PG PAUD angkatan 2019 FIP UNESA. Tujuan lain dari pelatihan ini akan membantu untuk menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai berbagai hal mengenai covid-19 terutama mengenai apa itu covid-19, bagaimana cara mencegah, apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh anak ketika berada di rumah. Serta meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswi untuk membuat power point yang sesuai dengan karakteristik anak (bentuk dan ukuran huruf, gambar, transisi, efek huruf dan gambar). Pelatihan berlangsung pada tanggal 29 April 2020 hingga 6 Mei 2020 dengan daring meneggunakan aplikasi WhatsApp. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini yaitu (1) diskusi; (2) tanya jawab; dan (3) pembimbingan PowerPoint secara langsung. Hasil pelatihan ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan mahasiswi dalam membuat power point kreatif yang sesuai untuk anak usia dini.</em></p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: <em>PowerPoint Kreatif, Covid-19, Mahasiswi PG PAUD</em></strong></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>The lack of understanding of PG PAUD FIP Unesa students in 2019 regarding the creation of creative power points for young children and the current situation related to the existence of the Covid pandemic in Indonesia which is increasingly increasing tips indicates that there is still a lack of information received by the public at large about a variety of information about COVID . Also Besides, the process of teaching and learning activities refer to the Minister of Education and Culture Circular Letter No. 3 of 2020 concerning Prevention of COVID-19 in Education Units, and Number 36962 / MPK A / HK / 2020 concerning Online Learning in the Context of Preventing Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) make it necessary to hold training on making COVID-19-based creative power points for students of PG PAUD 2019 FIP Unesa. Another purpose of this training will help to disseminate information about various things about co-19, especially about what is co-19, how to prevent, what can be done by children when at home. And improve students' understanding and ability to make power points that are appropriate to the characteristics of the child (shape and size of letters, images, transitions, letter, and picture effects). The training took place on April 29, 2020, until May 6, 2020, with online using the WhatsApp application. The methods used in this training activity are (1) Discussion; (2) question and answer; and (3) direct PowerPoint guidance. The results of this training show there is an increase in students' understanding and ability to create creative power points that are suitable for early childhood.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords: <em>Creative Power Point, COVID-19, PG PAUD Students</em></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Munadhil Abdul Muqsith

Abstract:In the midst of concern in dealing with the 2019 Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) passed the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill (Ciptaker) at the plenary session of the closing session of the trial period I for the 2020-2021 Session Year on October 5, 2020. Two of the nine Party factions rejected the ratification, namely the Prosperous Kedilan Party (PKS) and the Democrat Party (PD). Since it was passed by the DPR, currently, the hot ball is with the President. The President has 30 days to suppress or not press in accordance with Article 73 of Law No. 12 of 2011 on the formation of legislation. Of course, the public is anxiously awaiting the President's choice.Keyword: Omnibus law, Controversy  Abstrak:Di tengah keprihatinan dalam menghadapi pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) RI mengesahkan Omnibus Law RUU Cipta Kerja (Ciptaker) pada Rapat paripurna sidang penutupan masa persidangan I Tahun Sidang 2020-2021 pada 5 Oktober 2020. Dua dari sembilan fraksi Partai menolak pengesahan yakni Fraksi Partai Kedilan Sejahtera (PKS), Fraksi Partai Demokrat (PD). Sejak di sahkan DPR, saat ini, bola panas ada di Presiden. Presiden punya waktu selama 30 hari untuk menekan atau tidak menekan sesuai Pasal 73 UU No 12 Tahun 2011 tentang pembentukan perundang-undangan. Tentunya publik harap-harap cemas menunggu pilihan Presiden.Kata Kunci: Omnibus Law, Controversial 

Teras Jurnal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 191
Yusril Mahendra ◽  
Renni Anggraini ◽  
Alfa Taras Bulba

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, telah mengusulkan peningkatan jalan ke Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia sebanyak 5 ruas untuk ditingkatkan pada tahun 2021 dengan total biaya sebesar Rp. 16.731.593.750. Usulan peningkatan jalan tersebut di tahun 2021 tidak dapat ditingkatkan semua, karena adanya keterbatasan anggaran. Keterbatasan anggaran disebabkan adanya <em>refocusing</em> anggaran untuk penanganan <em>Corona Virus Disease </em>2019 (Covid 19) di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kriteria yang dominan perlu dipertimbangkan dalam peningkatan jalan di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya dan menganalisis urutan prioritas peningkatan jalan di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya berdasarkan kriteria kerusakan jalan, biaya peningkatan, dan tata guna lahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif melalui kuesioner.Data primer yang digunakan adalah data kuesioner. Pengumpulan data kuesioner dilakukan dengan menjumpai langsung keberadaan responden.Responden dalam penelitian ini ditetapkan sebanyak 5 <em>stakeholders</em> yaitu Kepala Bidang Bina Marga Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Kepala Bidang Perencanaan Sarana dan Prasarana Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Kepala Bidang Perhubungan Jalur Darat Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Anggota Komisi D Bidang Pembangunan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, dan Akademisi Universitas Syiah Kuala. Kriteria yang ditinjau adalah kerusakan jalan, biaya peningkatan, dan tata guna lahan. Alternatif yang ditinjau adalah Jalan Blang Dalam – Jurong Teungoh, Jalan Jeulanga Barat – Jeulanga Mata Ie, Jalan Simpang Pertanian – Cot Trieng – Rungkom, Jalan Trienggadeng – Panton Beurasan – Cubo, dan Jalan Meurandeh Alue – Asan Kumbang – Blang Miroe.Teknik analisis data digunakan statistik deskriptif dan <em>Analytical Hierarchy Process</em> (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria yang dominan perlu dipertimbangkan dalam peningkatan jalan adalah kriteria biaya peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata gabungan eigen sebesar 0,49. Prioritas peningkatan jalan berdasarkan kriteria kerusakan jalan, biaya peningkatan, dan tata guna lahan adalah Jalan Meurandeh Alue - Asan Kumbang - Blang Miroe sebagai prioritas 1 dengan bobot sebesar 0,38 dan Jalan Trienggadeng - Panton Beurasan - Cubo sebagai prioritas 2 dengan bobot sebesar 0,25.</p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Kata kunci:              <em>prioritas, kerusakan jalan, biaya peningkatan, tata guna lahan</em><em></em></p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p><em> </em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p class="11daftarpustaka">The Public Works Office of Pidie Jaya Regency has proposed 5 sections to increase the road to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia to be upgraded in 2021 with a total cost Rp. 16,731,593,750. All of the proposed road improvements in 2021 cannot be upgraded, due to budget constraints. The budget limitation is due to refocusing the budget for handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid 19) in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the dominant criteria that need to be considered in road improvement in Pidie Jaya Regency and to analyze the order of priority for road improvement in Pidie Jaya Regency based on the criteria for road damage, improvement costs, and land use. This study uses a quantitative method approach through a questionnaire. The primary data used is questionnaire data. The questionnaire data was collected by directly seeing the respondents. Respondents in this study were assigned as many as 5 stakeholders, namely the Head of the Bina Marga Division of the Public Works Office of Pidie Jaya Regency, the Head of the Planning for Facilities and Infrastructure of the Regional Development Planning Agency of Pidie Jaya Regency, the Head of the Land Line Transportation Division of the Pidie Jaya Regency Transportation Service, a Member of the Commission D Development Sector Pidie Jaya Regency People's Representative Council, and Syiah Kuala University Academics. The criteria reviewed are road damage, cost of upgrading, and land use. The alternatives reviewed are Jalan Blang Dalam - Jurong Teungoh, Jalan Jeulanga Barat - Jeulanga Mata Ie, Jalan Simpang Pertanian - Cot Trieng - Rungkom, Jalan Trienggadeng - Panton Beurasan - Cubo, and Jalan Meurandeh Alue - Asan Kumbang - Blang Miroe. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results show that the dominant criterion that needs to be considered in road improvement is the cost of improvement criteria with a combined average eigenvalue of 0.49. Road improvement priorities based on the criteria for road damage, improvement costs, and land use are Meurandeh Alue - Asan Kumbang - Blang Miroe Road as priority 1 with a weight of 0.38 and Jalan Trienggadeng - Panton Beurasan - Cubo as priority 2 with a weight of 0.25.</p><p class="11daftarpustaka"> </p><p class="11daftarpustaka">Keywords: <em>Priority, road damage, cost of improvement, land use</em></p>

Zulkifly Sanusi ◽  

The 2019 corona virus disease is an infectious disease that is currently endemic to the point of causing death. The problem in society today is the refusal to bury the bodies of patients suffering from this disease. MUI issued fatwas to help the public in dealing with existing problems related to the COVID-19 epidemic. The research aims to determine the application and regulation of the MUI Fatwa in connection with the burial of corpses who died as a result of COVID-19. Sociological juridical research type with a descriptive-analytic approach. The data taken consists of secondary data, in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. In addition, as an analysis material, primary research data obtained from Jati Asih District was also used for the period of March 2020 - December 2020, where it is known that there are still many people who do not understand how to treat the bodies of patients infected with the COVID 19 virus. due to the absence of binding regulations regarding the handling of the bodies of COVID-19 patients and the lack of public knowledge regarding the handling of the bodies of patients infected with this virus. So that there is a need for binding regulations regarding the burial process of the bodies of COVID-19 patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Khariri Khariri

Corona virus Disease (COVID-19) began with a report on December 31, 2019, in Wuhan City of China about pneumonia cluster cases that have not yet been identified. The number of COVID-19 cases has increased and has spread to almost all. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that COVID-19 is an international health problem and established as a pandemic. COVID-19 case in Indonesia was first reported on March 2, 2020, and spread in 34 provinces in Indonesia. Treatment and vaccination for the prevention of COVID-19 are still in the process of research. So far preventive measures such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, improving the immune system, and hand hygiene are expected to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. The COVID-19 socialization aims to provide adequate information to the public about the dangers and efforts to prevent COVID-19 that can be carried out by individuals and the community. The socialization was held in Koja Village, North Jakarta on March 8, 2020. The activity was carried out by the Regional Management of Keluarga Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) DKI Jakarta in collaboration with the Health Sub-Department and the Koja District Government, North Jakarta. The main part of the activity is the delivery of COVID-19 material followed by interactive discussions between participants and resource persons. Individual and community prevention efforts are very important in reducing the number of cases and breaking the chain of transmission so that cases do not increase.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-252
Ruchi Jain ◽  
Nilesh Jain ◽  
Surendra Kumar Jain ◽  
Ram C Dhakar

The 2019-nCoV is officially called SARS-CoV-2 and the disease is named COVID-19. The Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) caused pneumonia in Wuhan, China in December 2019 is a highly contagious disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it as a global public health emergency. This is the third serious Coronavirus outbreak in less than 20 years, following SARS in 2002–2003 and MERS in 2012. Currently, the research on novel coronavirus is still in the primary stage. It is currently believed that this deadly Coronavirus strain originated from wild animals at the Huanan market in Wuhan by Bats, snakes and pangolins have been cited as potential carriers. On the basis of current published evidence, we systematically summarize the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19. This review in the hope of helping the public effectively recognize and deal with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and providing a reference for future studies. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Coronavirus, pneumonia, Respiratory infection

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 121-144
Ahmad Fahruddin

Communication of public officials greatly influences the public to comply with the corona virus disease (Covid-19) health protocol and is positively correlated with the effectiveness of handling Covid-19. Unfortunately, as this study found using descriptive qualitative methods and data collection techniques from credible online media, there are a number of public officials who often make controversial statements about Covid-19 that are not fully based on scientific, accurate data, and empirical facts. In addition to causing ethical communication problems, this has led to pro and contra responses, noise, confusion and disrupts and hinders acceleration in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study recommends that public officials pay attention to and prioritize communication ethics in handling the Covid-19 pandemic so that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, and quickly removed from Indonesian soil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-94
Cut Sabina Anasya Zulkarnain

ABSTRAKUU Cipta Kerja dalam Pasal 39 ayat (2) untuk pertama kali mengatur keputusan kelayakan lingkungan harus diumumkan melalui sistem elektronik. Secara bersamaan, penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) terbukti telah menjadi pemicu bagi Pemerintah dalam melakukan percepatan pengembangan penyusunan dan penilaian Amdal melalui sistem elektronik ‘’, yang seharusnya, juga menjadi penyelesaian baru bagi banyaknya masalah transparansi dan sengketa informasi dokumen Amdal di Indonesia selama ini. Aturan tersebut seolah dibuat agar mampu meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa transparansi akan lebih terjamin, padahal regulasi serupa yang ada juga belum terlaksana dengan baik, bahkan UU Cipta Kerja menghilangkan prinsip pemberian informasi dokumen Amdal yang sebelumnya terakomodir dalam Pasal 26 ayat (2) UU PPLH. Metode Penulisan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Tahap Penulisan melalui penulisan kepustakaan yang dilakukan dengan mencari data sekunder termasuk bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Tulisan ini merupakan suatu bentuk analisis kritis atas belum adanya pengaturan Amdal yang memadai terkait transparansi pengumuman usulan rencana usaha, dokumentasi saran, pendapat, tanggapan (SPT) masyarakat dan tanggapannya, hingga transparansi dokumen Amdal dalam pengumuman penerbitan Izin Lingkungan. Hal ini agar peraturan perundang-undangan di masa depan terkait pelaksanaan transparansi informasi dokumen Amdal dapat menghasilkan perbaikan signifikan, melalui sistem elektronik sebagai pembentukan sistem pengawasan publik.Kata kunci: analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan hidup (amdal); sistem informasi lingkungan hidup; transparansi informasi dokumen lingkungan. ABSTRACTArticle 39 Paragraph (2) of Indonesian Omnibus Law, for the first time, regulates that the decision of the Amdal must be announced through electronic system. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a trigger for the government to speed up the development of environmental impact assesment (Amdal) through electronic system (, that should also resolve many transparency issues and information disputes regarding Amdal in Indonesia. Hence, the regulation was made to guarantee the transparency improvement to the public, however, similar regulations before have never been fully implemented. Even further, Omnibus Law has eliminated Amdal document information providing principles which previously accomodated on Article 26 Protection and Management of Environment Law. Used research method is juridical normative. Writing phase is done by finding secondary data using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. This paper is a form of critical analysis of the absence of adequate regulations regarding Amdal related to the transparency of the proposal, records of the citizen input with the documents of response, and also the decisions. So that, the future regulation regarding Amdal documents transparency, through Electronic System will result in significant improvements, as a supportive public law supervision system.Keywords: environmental document and information transparency; environmental impact assesment (amdal); environmental information system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-130
Yogeshwari ◽  
Anubha Agarwal ◽  
Himanshu Aeran

The novel corona virus disease 2019 has been declared a global public health emergency & is affecting people across the globe. Dental Surgeons are at an invariably high risk of contracting COVID 19. Since all dentists are slowly resuming their full practice they shall be fully prepared. Aim of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitude & practise of Dental Surgeons regarding the novel Corona Virus Disease 2019 in District, Dehradun. An online Questionnaire was circulated among dental surgeons in District, Dehradun. The Questionnaire consisted of 5 sections: 1. Consent, 2. Epidemiological Data, 3. Knowledge Based Questions (11 Questions), 4. Attitude Based Questions (8 Questions), 5. Practice Based Questions (11 Questions). 107 responses were collected in total. Most dental surgeons had a degree of MDS (Masters of Dental Science): 60.7%. Good knowledge and practice scores were observed among 92.7% and 79.5% of the dental surgeons. Significant association of good knowledge scores with qualifications (p = 0.04) and years of practice (p = 0.02) was found; while good practice scores were associated with qualifications only (p = 0.03). Dental surgeons in district Dehradun were found to have good knowledge and practice scores, which is important to skirmish COVID-19. They are hence advised to follow the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) guidelines in their clinics and should sensitize their staff as well. So that they themselves, their staff and patients all remain safe.

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