scholarly journals Meningkatkan Kemampuan Teknik Dasar Dribbling Melalui Penggunaan Video Feedback (VFB) Dalam Pembelajaran Futsal

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ribut Wahidi ◽  
Iif Firmana ◽  
Oman Hadiana ◽  
Nurnal Kusmaedi ◽  
Amung Ma’mun ◽  

The purpose of this study was to help improve the basic futsal techniques through video feedback (VFB) in futsal learning. The research method used was the pre-experimental method with one-group pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in a university, specifically in the Physical Education Health and Recreation Study Program, involving 34 students as the samples. The samples were then receiving feedback via VFB. Instruments to measure the basic technique was the Dribbling test. The results showed a significant improvement in the basic dribbling technique after using VFB in futsal learning. Futsal learning activity using VFB is one of the strategies in Physical Education learning to optimize the classroom environment, improve basic techniques, increase competence, improve playing skills, and explore physical motor activities. It concludes that Video Feedback significantly improves student skills. The use of audiovisual media (video) also has a high level of effectiveness in the training or learning process and is essential for student learning to carry out the exercise material effectively in the learning process. Future research is expected to use VFB to determine the student's cognitive ability and futsal playing skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-255
Ani Susilowati ◽  

SummaryPhysical development is the growth and change that occurs in a person’s body. The most obvious changes are changes in body shape and size. Meanwhile, motor development is the development of all forms of changes that occur progressively in a child’s ability to be able to perform various movements obtained through the interaction between maturity factors and training or experience during life which can be seen through changes/movements made. In the learning process, it appears that student activities are very diverse. Starting from how they move, socialize, act, and interact with friends around them. Then from the skills of teachers in developing children’s creativity so that they can produce children who have physical motor development who can adapt to the classroom environment, school, and outside of school. All these activities are positive so that they will be able to form and produce students who have great personalities, are intelligent, skilled, capable, creative, and have noble character. Suggestions for elementary school teachers are that it is necessary to provide learning that will foster students’ interest in creating according to their imagination. As well as teachers can develop new media which will later be able to stimulate the physical-motor activities of students in the learning process. In the future, research is also needed to support the physical-motor development of elementary school children.

1994 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
G.V. Kondraske ◽  
P.J.H. Beehler

Traditional human performance research methods have consisted of multiple regression statistical models based on data such as physical size parameters, reaction times, running speeds, and jumping power. Despite widespread use over many years, the success achieved with these methods has been poor to mediocre. Robust methods for prediction and discovery of insights into human performance remain illusive. The purpose of this paper is to introduce General Systems Performance Theory (GSPT) and the Elemental Resource Model (ERM) for human performance into the fields of physical education and sport. This theory and model collectively represent a new methodological approach with unique features that include: 1) modeling and measurement of all aspects of performance using resource constructs, 2) the use of cause-and-effect resource economic principles (i.e., the idea of threshold “costs” for achieving a given level of performance in any given high level task), and 3) the concept of monadology (i.e., the use of a set of “elements” to explain a complex phenomenon). Although the ERM is intended to encompass all attributes of performance of all human subsystems and to apply to any circumstance involving a human and task, we focus here on relevance and application to gender-related issues in physical activities. This is achieved, after presenting an overview of the ERM, by means of a description and discussion of a set of hypothetical experiments that may be used as a guide for conducting future research. Based on our preliminary investigations, we suggest that it may be appropriate to question the common practice of anticipating and seeking correlations between high level task performance and routinely acquired measures of more basic aspects of performance (e.g., the resources). In contrast to traditional statistical modeling methods, the new concepts and methods represent a cause-and-effect approach that is more similar to the process that an engineer uses to design a system capable of performing a specified task. We believe that the ERM and its associated methods offer a promising basis for a broad spectrum of research into often controversial, gender-related human performance issues and we encourage more widespread investigation, refinement, and implementation of the ERM and GSPT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Romi Cendra ◽  
Novri Gazali ◽  

This study aims to look at the perception of Physical Education students using e-learning in the learning process. Type of quantitative descriptive research. The research location was carried out in the Physical Education Study Program FKIP Universitas Islam Riau. While the sample in this study was a class of 2017/2018 students totaling 155 people, with a total sampling technique. The stages of the research were carried out in three stages, namely: (1) pre-field; (2) field work; and (3) data analysis. Data collection techniques using attitude scale questionnaire. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistics, these statistics are intended to collect data, present data and determine value. The results of the study are outlined in 4 categories: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Based on the data analysis that has been done 98% of students agree to use e-learning in learning, it can be concluded that students' perceptions about the use of e-learning as a technology-based learning media really provide convenience to improve the quality of their learning, because e-learning is easily accessed anytime without being limited space and time. In terms of the content available on e-learning as well as the usefulness of e-learning in the learning process, it is very easy for students to find information, discuss online, and upload assignments and can save student costs in printing the paper assignments given by their lecturers.

Methodology ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22 ◽  
Pablo Livacic-Rojas ◽  
Guillermo Vallejo ◽  
Paula Fernández ◽  
Ellián Tuero-Herrero

Abstract. Low precision of the inferences of data analyzed with univariate or multivariate models of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in repeated-measures design is associated to the absence of normality distribution of data, nonspherical covariance structures and free variation of the variance and covariance, the lack of knowledge of the error structure underlying the data, and the wrong choice of covariance structure from different selectors. In this study, levels of statistical power presented the Modified Brown Forsythe (MBF) and two procedures with the Mixed-Model Approaches (the Akaike’s Criterion, the Correctly Identified Model [CIM]) are compared. The data were analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation method with the statistical package SAS 9.2, a split-plot design, and considering six manipulated variables. The results show that the procedures exhibit high statistical power levels for within and interactional effects, and moderate and low levels for the between-groups effects under the different conditions analyzed. For the latter, only the Modified Brown Forsythe shows high level of power mainly for groups with 30 cases and Unstructured (UN) and Autoregressive Heterogeneity (ARH) matrices. For this reason, we recommend using this procedure since it exhibits higher levels of power for all effects and does not require a matrix type that underlies the structure of the data. Future research needs to be done in order to compare the power with corrected selectors using single-level and multilevel designs for fixed and random effects.

Sofnidar ◽  
Hartina ◽  
Kamid ◽  
Khairul Anwar

Prilaku belajar adalah suatu sikap y ang muncul dari diri siswa dalam menanggapi dan meresponi setiap kegiatan belajar mengajar yang terjadi. salah satu wujud dari prilaku adalah motivasi belajar. Menurut teori behavioristik, belajar adalah perubahan tingkah laku sebagai akibat adanya interaksi antara stimulus (rangsangan) dan respon (tanggapan). Stimulus yang diberikan guru dalam pembelajaran tertuang dalam rancangan aktifitas pembelajaran. Aktivitas pembelajaran merupakan kegiatan yang dirancang guru untuk mewujudkan dan atau menciptkan kondisi belajar siswa (stimulus). Pemilihan aktivitas belajar yang sesuai memungkinkan untuk terjadinya efektivitas pedagogis dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, maupun dapat membentuk prilaku positif siswa (respon) dalam belajar. Desain pembelajaran berbasis outdoor-medelling mathematics memuat serangkain aktivitas kegiatan pembelajaran yang berbassis investigasi konteks masalah outdoor (masalah real life) dengan muatan konten materi modeling mathematics. Pada makalah ini akan membahas prilaku belajar dan bagaimana motivasi terbentuk melaui aktifitas kegiatan pebelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics yang diklasifikasikan menjadi motoractivities mentalactivities, visualactivities, emotionalactivities, motoractivitie.Melalui metode kulitatif deskriptif, dengan mengambil 20 siswa kelas IX-B SMP N 1 Muaro Jambi yang mempunyai gaya belajar visual, auditorial, dan kinestetik. Setelah pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pengambilan data dilakukan melalui angket, dan lembar pengamatan beserta wawancara ke subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran yang dapat memotivasi siswa belajar matematika adalah visualactivities sebesar 74,16%; motoractivities sebesar 96,67%; mentalactivities sebesar 71,66%; dan emotionalactivities sebesar 73,33%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics matematika yang paling dominan dapat memotivasi siswa belajar adalah motoractivities dengan persentasi 96,67% dengan kriteria sangat baik dan sangat memotivasi siswa belajar matematika dalam pembelajaran luar kelas. Indikatornya adalah melakukan percobaan. Kelebihan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics adalah, aktivitas belajar lebih membuat siswa termotivasi untuk belajar matematika. Siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan interaksi dengan teman sesamanya semakin meningkat juga. Adapun kelemahan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran luar kelas adalah sulit untuk siswa terfokus dalam aktivitas belajar yang sedang dilakukan.   Learning behavior is an attitude that arises from students in responding and responding to each teaching and learning activity that occurs. one form of behavior is learning motivation. According to behavioristic theory, learning is a change in behavior as a result of an interaction between stimulus (stimulus) and response (response). The stimulus given by the teacher in learning is contained in the design of learning activities. Learning activities are activities designed by the teacher to realize and or create the conditions for student learning (stimulus). Selection of appropriate learning activities allows for the occurrence of pedagogical effectiveness in achieving learning goals, and can form positive student behavior (response) in learning. Outdoor-based learning mathematics learning design contains a series of learning activities based on the context of outdoor problems (real life problems) with the content of modeling mathematics material. In this paper will discuss learning behavior and how motivation is formed through the activities of learning activities outdoor-modeling mathematics which are classified into mental activities, visual activities, emotional activities, motor activities. Through the descriptive qualitative method, taking 20 students of class IX-B Muaro Jambi Middle School 1 who have visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. after the implementation of learning, data retrieval was carried out through questionnaires, and observation sheets and interviews to the research subjects. The results showed that learning activities in learning that could motivate students to learn mathematics were visual activities at 74.16%, motor activities at 96.67%, mental activities at 71.66%, and emotional activities at 73.33 %%. Based on the results of the analysis carried out learning activities in mathematics outdoor-modeling mathematics learning the most dominant motivating students to learn is motor activities with a percentage of 96.67% with very good criteria and very motivating students to learn mathematics in learning outside the classroom. The indicator is to experiment. The advantages of learning activities in outdoor-modeling mathematics learning are that learning activities make students more motivated to learn mathematics. Students become more active and interactions with their peers also increase. The weaknesses of learning activities in learning outside the classroom is difficult for students to focus on the learning activities that are being done.

Antonius Prasetyo Hadi

: The use of learning media is one of the critical success factors in higher education, therefore an educator must have innovation to use of learning media. The purpose of this research is to develop learning media based on the Inspiring Suit 8 on arbitration material courses of theoretical and practice for Volleyball 1 academic year 2018/2019 at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The existence of media will be a big successful support in learning process, so that students do not feel boredom because of the weaknesses of the lecturers, in which they are unable to provided good learning variation or even have difficulty in conveying or transferring knowledge. The research was descriptive qualitative design. The research subjects were students of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Study Program who took volleyball theory and practice courses in the even semester academic year 2018/2019. The instruments used were the media expert review questionnaire, the learning expert questionnaire, and the trial analysis questionnaire. The questionnaire will be analyzed to see the feasibility of the developed media. Based on the data results review by media expert volleyball, media learning expert and field trials, it can be concluded that media developed is useful in learning process. In addition, it is used to provide independent motivation, which can be used in lesson for students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Titik Umiyati

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses pembelajaran matematika danmenganalisis peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui permainan mistar bilangan. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Temengeng Kabupaten Blorapada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Teknikanalisis yang digunakandeskriptifkomparatif, yaitu membandingkan data hasil antara prasiklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasilpenelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 siklus menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran matematikadengan menggunakan permainan mistar bilangan sangat menyenangkan siswa, sehinggaaktivitas pembelajaran meningkat dari 62,5 menjadi 84,5. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkatditandai hasil siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 60,48 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57,10%. Siklus IInilai rata-rata kelas 75,24 dan ketuntasan 85,70%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaranmatematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat melalui permainan mistarbilangan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar menunjukkan semuasiswa berminat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkandalam permainan mistar bilangan. Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study the learningprocess ofmath and analyseincreasing of learning achievement through rulernumbers game. The method usedin thisresearch is class action which is done in2 cycles. The subject of the research are fourth gradestudents of Number 2 PublicElementary Schoolat Temengeng, Blora district in second semesterof the school year 2014/2015. The analysetechnicusedby comparingthe data from precycle,first cycle and second cycle. The results of the research that is done two cycles indicate thatmath learning process by using ruler numbers game can make the students feel pleased sothatlearning activities increase from 62.5 to 84.5. The results of student learning alsoincrease,it can be showed from the average score of the first cycle is 60.48 and the completeness scorereaches57.1%. The average score of thesecond cycle is 75.24 and the completeness scorereaches 85.7%. The conclusion of the research ismath learning about addition and deductionof integer through ruler numbers game can improve learning activity and the results of studentlearning show that all students are interested to obtain the task and get moreenjoyableexperience in using rulernumbers game.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Elya Yuliana

The purposes of this research are to increase the students asking activity and student learning outcomes in class V of MI Yusuf Abdussatar Kediri, totaling 23 people. Learning to apply the process skills approach, teaches students to discover and develop the facts by themselves. the concept of learning presenting, students' courage in ideas, opinions and questions, effort, activity and creativity in the learning process and the level of student attitudes that dominate in the learning process. This learning activity helps students to be more active in asking.This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, consisting of the action planning stage, the stage of implementation of the action, observation, and the stage of evaluation and reflection. Students and teacher activity data derived from observations and interviews for the assessment process, while data on student learning outcomes obtained through tests given at the end of each cycle. Indicators of success of this study extend from the average value grade students can reach the KKM 65 and with a percentage of 85%. The results showed that the average value of students in cycle I and II increased from 72.70 into 82.43 with the difference in value of 9.73. While the percentage of students who earn a minimum value standard upward cycle I and II also increased from 73.91% to 86.95% by a margin of 13:04%. This means that action research is in compliance indicators to be achieved. The results showed that the application process can increase the skill of asking activity and science learning outcomes in science teaching class V.

2020 ◽  
Sina Faizollahzadeh Ardabili ◽  
Amir Mosavi ◽  
Pedram Ghamisi ◽  
Filip Ferdinand ◽  
Annamaria R. Varkonyi-Koczy ◽  

Several outbreak prediction models for COVID-19 are being used by officials around the world to make informed-decisions and enforce relevant control measures. Among the standard models for COVID-19 global pandemic prediction, simple epidemiological and statistical models have received more attention by authorities, and they are popular in the media. Due to a high level of uncertainty and lack of essential data, standard models have shown low accuracy for long-term prediction. Although the literature includes several attempts to address this issue, the essential generalization and robustness abilities of existing models needs to be improved. This paper presents a comparative analysis of machine learning and soft computing models to predict the COVID-19 outbreak as an alternative to SIR and SEIR models. Among a wide range of machine learning models investigated, two models showed promising results (i.e., multi-layered perceptron, MLP, and adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system, ANFIS). Based on the results reported here, and due to the highly complex nature of the COVID-19 outbreak and variation in its behavior from nation-to-nation, this study suggests machine learning as an effective tool to model the outbreak. This paper provides an initial benchmarking to demonstrate the potential of machine learning for future research. Paper further suggests that real novelty in outbreak prediction can be realized through integrating machine learning and SEIR models.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 696-714

Abstract. This journal discusses the development of variations in teaching in increasing learning motivation. The learning process is an activity that involves an individual (physical and spiritual), learning activities are never carried out without a strong motivation or motivation from within the individual or from outside the individual who participates in learning activities. Therefore, the learning process requires the development and use of variations in teaching to generate student motivation. Variations in teaching include variations in teaching styles, variations in media and materials, and variations in teaching and learning interactions. Motivation has a very important role in learning activities, there is no learning activity without motivation, therefore motivation has a strategic role in achieving the goals or results of learning. Keywords: Development Of Teaching Variations and Motivation to Learn

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