2021 ◽  
pp. 509
Yanti Yanti ◽  
Timothy Brian Kurniawan

From the preliminary survey, we found a problem where students at SMA Harapan Jaya had never been given knowledge about how to calculate inventory value using the First In First Out (FIFO) method. For this reason, we from the Faculty of Economics will provide a solution in the form of training on how to calculate inventory value using the FIFO method to students at Harapan Jaya High School. The target that we want to achieve in this training is that after the training is held, the students at SMA Harapan Jaya, who previously did not know how to calculate inventory value using the FIFO method, became familiar with using the FIFO method in assessing inventory. The implementation method that we will use in the training consists of several steps. First, conduct a preliminary survey by conducting interviews with the school. Second, prepare training modules. Third, presenting the module online with Zoom media. Fourth, we will give quizzes before and after training. Fifth, asking students to fill out a questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with the training. The outputs of this PKM activity are: Publications at Senapenmas and Pintar held by Universitas Tarumanagara.Dari survey pendahuluan, kami menemukan permasalahan dimana siswa-siswi di SMA Harapan Jaya belum pernah diberikan pengetahuan tentang cara menghitung nilai persediaan dengan metode First In First Out (FIFO). Untuk itu kami akan memberikan solusi dalam bentuk pelatihan cara menghitung nilai persediaan dengan metode FIFO kepada siswa-siswi di sekolah SMA Harapan Jaya. Target yang ingin kami capai dalam pelatihan ini adalah agar setelah pelatihan diadakan, maka siswa-siswi di SMA Harapan Jaya yang sebelumnya belum mengenal tentang cara menghitung nilai persediaan dengan metode FIFO, menjadi paham menggunakan metode FIFO dalam menilai persediaan. Metode pelaksanaan yang akan kami gunakan dalam pelatihan terdiri dari beberapa langkah. Pertama, melakukan survey pendahuluan dengan cara mengadakan wawancara kepada pihak sekolah. Kedua, mempersiapkan modul pelatihan. Ketiga, mempresentasikan modul secara daring dengan media Zoom. Keempat, memberikan contoh kasus sederhana sebelum dan setelah pelatihan kepada siswa-siswi. Kelima, mengevaluasi keberhasilan pelatihan dan meminta para siswa untuk mengisi kuesioner untuk menilai kepuasan mereka atas pelatihan yang telah diberikan. Luaran wajib dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah: Publikasi di Senapenmas dan Luaran Tambahan adalah publikasi di laman Pintar milik Universitas Tarumanagara.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 078-083
Yenni Puspita

Birth Planning and Complication Prevention (P4K) Program with Stickers isan breakthrough effort in accelerating the decline in the death rate of mother andnewborn baby. The Activity build on potential of the community, to preparation andsave the mothers and newborn baby. Based on preliminary survey at clinic prumnas doresearcher interview not structur to 8 pregnant women including two pregent womenwho have been putting up stickers P4K and 6 pregnant women have not planned andhave not stick to P4K Stiker at home. Objective to know how the class counselingpregnant woment to knowledge and participation of expectant mother with theinstallation of the program on a p4k sticker. This type of research is Experimental designpre one group pretest-posttest . Samples taken by total sampling. The Data analysis doin univariat and bivariat wWilcon test at α 5%. Research Result: that that the avererageKnowledge before to the counseling and after the counseling is There is difference ofknowledge And participation of P4K sticker installation before and after the counselingin rejang lebong prumnas Bengkulu health center (p value = 0,000).

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Hamda Situmorang ◽  
Manihar Situmorang

Abstract Implementation of demonstration method in the teaching of chemistry is assigned as the right strategy to improve students’ achievement as it is proved that the method can bring an abstract concept to reality in the class. The study is conducted to vocational high school students in SMKN1 Pargetteng getteng Sengkut Pakfak Barat at accademic year 2013. The teaching has been carried out three cycles on the teaching of chemistry topic of colloid system. In the study, the class is divided into two class, experiment class and control class. The demontration method is used to teach students in experimental class while the teaching in control class is conducted with lecture method. Both are evaluated by using multiple choise tests before and after the teaching procedures, and the ability of students to answer the problems are assigned as students’ achievements. The results showed that demonstration method improved students’ achievement in chemistry. The students in experimental class who are taughed with demonstration method (M=19.08±0.74) have higher achievements compare with control class (M=12.91±2.52), and both are significantly different (tcalculation 22.85 > ttable 1.66). The effectivity of demostration method in experimental class (97%) is found higer compare to conventional method in control class (91%).

Edupedia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Zainol Huda

The responsibility of Islamic education cannot be carried out unilaterally. Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that it requires the cooperation of three components which called as tripusat pendidikan education (center of three in education), they are families, educational institutions, and society. Those three components are one unit and complement each other. This is what happened at MTs Zainur Ridla (Islamic Junior High School Zainur Ridla) and MTs. Bustanul Ulum (Islamic Junior High School Bustanul Ulum), both of them are in Nonggunong District, Sumenep Regency. The findings in this research indicate that student’s guardians in MTs Zainur Ridla and MTs Bustanul Ulum Nonggunong have awareness about the responsibility of Islamic education. Second, all teacher councils in those two Islamic Junior High School stated that educating responsibility was on their control with habituation for their students in the form of reciting Shalawat Nariyah, reciting short surahs before the lesson began, praying before and after the lesson, shaking hands with teacher councils when coming and going home. Third, the participation of the society in realizing the responsibility of Islamic education through the media and the tradition of Kompolan. Fourth, the pattern of cooperation between madrasah (school) and student’s guardians in the form of: Home visits, inviting student’s guardians, forming madrasah supporting body, and report cards. While the pattern of cooperation between madrasah and society is their involvement in PHBI (Commemoration Islamic Feast Day) activities, their involvement in camp activities, their involvement in accepting new students, and their involvement in enforcing the discipline and regulations at madrasah.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104687812110326
Adeel Arif ◽  
Amber Arif ◽  
Kimberly Anne Fasciglione ◽  
Farrukh Nadeem Jafri

Abstract: Background Locations concentrated with High School (HS) students tend to have lower out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival rates. Mobile applications (apps) have the capability to augment cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skill retention as a low-cost, accessible training method. Methods An iterative process to develop an app to reinforce CPR skills emphasizing hand placement, compression rate, real-time feedback, and recurring tips is described. The app was tested on HS students to measure its impact on quality and comfort of CPR using Likert surveys and skills assessments before and after one month of usage. CPR Score and compression rate were measured using the Laerdal™ Little Anne Manikin QCPR software. Results Fourteen HS students participated in a prospective observational study. It was found that the use of the developed app was associated with improved CPR performance (80.43% v. 87.86%, p=0.01-0.02, 95% CI=2.20-12.66) after one month. Additionally, improvements were demonstrated in compression rate accuracy (21.43% v. 64.29%, p=0.041, 95% CI=0.132-0.725), increased comfort performing CPR (3.86 v. 4.79, p<0.001, 95% CI =0.99-1.00) and comfort performing CPR on strangers (2.71 v. 4.42, p<0.001, 95% CI=1.24-2.19). In addition, for every time the app was used, CPR performance increased by 0.5668% (p=0.0182). Conclusion Findings suggest that mobile apps may have promising implications as augmentative tools for CPR curriculums.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gilson Pereira dos Santos Júnior ◽  
Simone Lucena

We live in a society in which mobile and digital technologies are increasingly present in our daily lives and we cannot limit ourselves to knowing how to use them. It is important to know how to adapt them, personalize them and program them, if necessary, to solve our problems. Computational thinking is understood as the human ability to teach, humans or machines, to solve problems with the fundamentals of computing. Its development has gained space in education, formal and non-formal, through face-to-face practices. With the pandemic, the challenge arises to develop this skill with young people from high school in a public educational institution through online practices. In this article, we discuss the didactic design, based on the principles of online education, created for the development of computational thinking with online practices. The preliminary results indicate the feasibility of developing computational thinking from the perspective of online education.

Dadang Suhendar ◽  
Dadang Suhardi

PkM activity was implemented in Cibingbin village, Cibingbin district, Kuningan regency with the target the entrepreneurs who involve with UKM belonging to kerupuk Dorokdok UKM. The activity implementation method consisted of three steps. The first step was preparation covering pre-survey, team-work, production and proposal dispatch, team coordination and partner and also� tool preparation as well as exercising materials. The second step was the step to implement the program such as� giving socialization, tutorial activity and discussion. Socialization was done through material description and discussion. The third step was evaluation and report. Evaluation was done by comparing partner condition before and after program implemented through interview method and observation. The proposed material in socialization derived from the importance of making financial report or simple accounting for entrepreneurs in UKM. The outside outcome after the socialization was implemented were : The first : The socialization in introducing how to make financial report or simple accounting for UKM has fulfilled the targeted outcome through the improvement on how to make financial report or simple accounting. It was seen after socialization that the members could describe� the� aim of the financial report or simple accounting in business activity. The second : the existed tutorial activity led UKM to understand better on how to make simple financial report good and clear. Keywords : socialization, tutorial activity, accounting� �AbstrakKegiataan PkM dilaksanakan di Desa Cibingbin Kecamatan Cibingbin Kabupaten Kuningan dengan target pelaku usaha UKM yang merupakan� UKM Kerupuk Dorokdok. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri dari tiga tahap. Pertama tahap persiapan meliputi pra survey, pembentukan tim, pembuatan dan pengajuan proposal, koordinasi tim dan mitra serta persiapan peralatan dan bahan-bahan pelatihan. Tahap kedua yaitu tahap pelaksanaan program berupa ceramah atau sosialisasi, kegiatan tutorial, dan diskusi. Sosialisasi dilakukan melalui penyuluhan (pemaparan materi) dan diskusi. Tahap ketiga yaitu tahap evaluasi dan pelaporan. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan kondisi mitra sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakannya program dengan metode wawancara dan observasi. Materi yang disampaikan dalam sosialisasi berupa pentingnya pembuatan laporan keuangan atau pembukuan sederhana untuk pelaku UKM. Hasil dan luaran kegiatan setelah dilaksanakan sosialisasi yaitu pertama, sosialisasi pengenalan pembuatan laporan keuangan atau pembukuan yang sederhana untuk UKM telah memenuhi luaran yang ditargetkan, yaitu terjadi peningkatan pemahaman mengenai pembuatan laporan keuangan atau pembukuan sederhana sehingga settelah sosialisasi diberikan maka peserta dapat menjelaskan tujuan dari pembuatan laporan keuangan atau pembukuan dalam kegiatan usaha. Kedua, Kegiatan tutorial yang dilakukan membuat UKM lebih memahami bagaimana membuat laporan keuangan yang sederhana terlihat baik dan jelas.Kata Kunci : Sosialisasi,,Kegiatan Tutorial, Pembukuan

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Hellya Agustina

This research aimed to examine positive behavioral support by teacher had been trained to reduce off-task behavior students. The participants of students was second grade of senior high school at Banjarmasin. The reason for using this design was to identifiying behavior target repeatedly with a certain time period. The instruments was be used to take data from observation form positive behavioral support and off-task behavior. The result ofanalysis data was by using visual analysis and qualitative analysis. From two of analysis indicated that there was different between before and after positive behavioral support implemented by teacher and off-task behavior of two students were reduced into lower frequency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-68
E. Erlina ◽  
C. Cane ◽  
D. P. Williams

Previous research has reported that many high-school and undergraduate students have difficulty explaining the relationship between polarity and electronegativity even though they may be familiar with the concept of polarity. This study aims to address these misconceptions using a leaflet and assess its effectiveness using questionnaires and concept testing.  A simple, colorful printable leaflet was produced and distributed to students in Indonesia. The Leaflet on Electronegativity (LoEN) provided students with an overview of the theoretical basis of the concepts and guidance on applying these principles. The leaflet format is cheap and easy to mass-produce, which is an important factor given the limited access to other types of appropriate learning resources in Indonesia. The leaflet formed the basis of a classroom discussion activity. Visualization is known to play an important role in constructing students' conceptual understanding, so the leaflet made extensive use of diagrams to explain relevant concepts. The leaflet was printed in full color to make it visually appealing and facilitate student learning. Students were tested before and after learning with the LoEN. A Paired-sample t-test using SPSS is used to compare the pretest and posttest scores to measure the effectivity of the LoEN.A statistically significant improvement in scores (p = 0.000) was achieved, which indicates that using the LoEN in the classroom helps students understand the topic. Also, students' positive responses signify that the LoEN provides an engaging way to learn the concepts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 472-476
Hay Citra Ningrat ◽  
Linda Mayasari

Purpose of Study: This research is talking about the use of Webtoons comic in speaking on the recount. The aim of this research is to know whether this media is effective in teaching speaking on the recount. Methodology: It is pre-experimental research with one group of pre test - post test. Thirty students in X-5 class at Muhammadiyah 1 high school Surabaya become the sample. The treatments had been done twice, so there are two pairs of results. Results: The results are administered and calculated by using SPSS 21 for windows (paired T-test). The means of pair 1 are 31.93 (pre-test 1) and 34.77(post test 1). Meanwhile, the means of pair 2 are 32.00 (pre test 2) and 35.77 (post test 2). The sig value for pair 1 is .00 and pair 2 is .00. Based on these figures, it can be said that there is any different before and after the implementation of teaching speaking performance on a recount by using Webtoons. Even the improvement of students’ speaking competence on recount is not much, for the students. Implications/Applications: Webtoons is an interactive teaching medium which makes them more enthusiastic, comfortable and easily arrange their text to be told.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tjung Hauw Sin ◽  
Nurul Ihsan

This study aims to look at the effect of martial arts exercises on changes in adolescent personality. The sample of this study was Yadika Lubuklinggau High School students who participated in pencak silat extracurricular activities, totaling 22 people. The sampling technique is a total sampling technique. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that martial arts exercises provide a significant influence on changes in adolescent personality. The design of this study is one group pretest-posttest. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire with Likert Scale. The data in this study are the answers of the sample parents regarding their daily personalities both before and after pencak silat training. Hypothesis testing with a t-test at a significant level of 0.05%. Based on testing the research hypothesis using the t-test statistical analysis it is known that the t-value is 3,227, while the t-table value is 1,720. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis proposed in this study was accepted. The conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that martial arts exercises provide effects on changes in adolescent personality.

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