scholarly journals Penyuluhan Pentingnya Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Minas Upa Kota Makassar

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1293-1297
Sumarni Sikki ◽  
Rismawati Simbung

ABSTRAK Dalam rangka menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi, UNICEF dan WHO merekomendasikan sebaiknya bayi hanya disusui air susu ibu (ASI) selama paling sedikit 6 bulan, dan pemberian ASI dilanjutkan sampai bayi berumur dua tahun (WHO, 2018). Dewasa ini fenomena yang terjadi pada ibu melahirkan anak pertama mengalami masalah menyusui dengan ketidaklancaran keluarnya ASI. Selain itu ibu sering mengeluhkan bayinya sering menangis atau menolak menyusu, Puting lecet sehingga tidak memberikan ASI. Sehingga sering menyebabkan diambilnya keputusan untuk menghentikan menyusui. (Maliha, dkk, 2016).  Tujuan pengabdian Masyarakat ini untuk memberikan informasi tentang pentinya pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Metode Pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu dilakukan pre-test dan post- test pada 50 orang responden. Hasil olahan data menggunakan uji Paired Samples Test diperoleh ada peningkatan pengetahuan dari rata-rata nilai quisioner pre-test diperoleh nilai  jawaban yang benar 58,88 setelah penyuluhan berubah menjadi 76,40 dengan nilai ρ = 0.000 yang berarti terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pemberian ASI Ekslusif. Kata Kunci: Penyuluhan, ASI, Eksklusif, ABSTRACTIn order to decrease the morbidity and mortality in infants, UNICEF and WHO recommend should babies only breastfed water milk mothers (ASI) for the bit 6 months, and the provision of breastfeeding be continued until the baby is aged two years (WHO, 2018). Adults have phenomena that occur in mothers giving a birth child who first experience trouble breastfeeding with the unnormal release of ASI. In addition, mothers often complain that their babies often cry or refuse to breastfeed, and the nipples are blistered so they don’t give breast milk. Thus often causing taken the decision to stop breastfeeding (Maliha, et al, 2016). Community service goals to provide information about the importance of exclusive service goals to provide information about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Method devotion society is tested by pre-test and post-test at the 50 respondents. The processed using test paired samples test gained no increase in the knowledge of the average value quaternary pre-test obtained value of answer that is correct 58.88 after the counseling changed into 76.40 with the value ρ = 0.000 which means that the case increases knowledge about the provision of breastfeeding exclusively.     Key Word: Counseling, Breast Milk, Exclusive

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-249
Arnelia Dwi Yasa ◽  
Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani

Writing is an inseparable activity from everyday human life. Writing skills can be fostered from diligent reading. One of the reading media as well as the media for pouring student work is mading. Mading is a vehicle for applying students' abilities, especially in the field of writing. MI Manbaul Ulum Karangduren is a school located in Malang Regency. The school does not yet have a class bulletin board containing student work. Thus, the opportunity for students to develop their creativity in writing is hampered. Efforts are needed to improve writing skills for students to build a reading culture. One way is to publish bulletin as a teaching aid and coaching. Through bulletin board, it is hoped that students can have creativity in writing. The results of community service activities show that students' writing skills have improved. The average value of N-Gain Creativity Test scores 0.73 in the high category. This shows the level of effectiveness of the treatment has a high effect on the post test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-48
Nadia Husna ◽  
Raini Panjaitan ◽  
Delita Br Panjaitan

  Abstrak   Pemberian ASI eksklusif memiliki peran yang sangat besar terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada bayi terutama pada periode 0-24 bulan. Masalah yang timbul pada ibu nifas kegagalan dalam menyusui. Salah satu penyebab kejadian kegagalan menyusui adalah kurangnya informasi pengetahuan tentang ASI dan sumber bahan pangan dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI. Pelaksanaan sosialisasi pengabdian masyarakat ini telah dilaksanakan selama tiga hari di Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam. Tujuan kegiatan sosialisasi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu nifas melalui pemberian daun torbangun. Ibu menyusui diberikan 1 porsi daun torbangun rebus selama tiga hari. Pada hari pertama tim pelaksana melakukan edukasi dan diskusi tentang manfaat daun torbangun untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI. Berdasarkan kegiatan sosialisasi ini diperoleh  para peserta mendapat informasi dan pengetahuan tentang manfaat ASI dan pemanfaatan daun torbangun terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI. Dari hasil sosialisasi selama tiga hari bahwa ibu nifas dapat menyusui bayi dengan rata-rata 11,6 menit dengan lama menyusui paling lama adalah 17 menit setiap kali menyusui.   Kata kunci : Daun torbangun, air susu ibu, ibu nifas     Abstract   Exclusive breastfeeding has a very big role in the growth and development of infants, especially in the period 0-24 months. Problems that arise in postpartum mothers are failure to breastfeed. One of the causes of breastfeeding failure is the lack of information about breastfeeding and food sources that can increase breast milk production. The implementation of this community service socialization has been carried out for three days at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. The purpose of this outreach activity is to increase breast milk production for postpartum mothers through the provision of torbangun leaves. Breastfeeding mothers were given 1 portion of boiled torbangun leaves for three days. On the first day, the implementation team conducted education and discussion about the benefits of torbangun leaves to increase breast milk production. Based on this socialization activity, participants got information and knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding and the use of torbangun leaves to increase breast milk production. From the results of socialization for three days that postpartum mothers can breastfeed their babies with an average of 11.6 minutes with the longest breastfeeding time is 17 minutes each time.   Keywords: torbangun leaves, breast milk, postpartum

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Winda Nurmayani M ◽  
Syamdarniati Syamdarniati ◽  
Misroh Mulianingsih ◽  
Indah Wasliah ◽  
Sopian Halid

Background: The Indonesian government has targeted exclusive breastfeeding 80%, but exclusive breastfeeding is not widely done, although the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding are very many, especially for babies and mothers, but in fact many mothers do not give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies, and in the field many mothers stop giving Breast milk in her baby before the age of 2 years. The process of early breastfeeding does not always run smoothly, sometimes mothers and babies experience various obstacles that hinder or complicate the process of breastfeeding, especially if this is the first experience for primigravida mothers who are still young and have a low level of knowledge about breastfeeding that hinders the practice of breastfeeding, and usually her child is not yet 2 years old ASI has been discontinued (Dewanetal., 2002; Yanikkeremetal., 2009). The purpose of this community service is to educate pregnant and post-partum mothers how to properly care for breast and breastfeeding techniques in an effort to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. Methods: This community service method is carried out by means of counseling in delivering material then followed by demonstrations and Q&A sessions. Results: The results of this dedication appear to be still many pregnant women and postpartum mothers who do not know the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, how to care for the breast and how to breastfeed the right baby techniques, after health promotion and demonstration it appears that pregnant women and postpartum mothers are serious in understanding every step demonstrated. . Conclusion: Based on the results of the service, it is hoped that this activity can increase the coverage of breastfeeding mothers so that they can provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-72
Wahyu Widayati Widayati

ABSTRAK Praktik ASI ekslusif masih jauh dari 90% di sebagian besar Negara berkembang, bahkan durasi menyusui sangat pendek dan data dari SDKI menunjukkan masih cakupan ASI ekslusif tahun 2012 di Indonesia baru mencapai 27%. Tingginya angka kegagalan menyusui pada ibu bekerja terjadi setelah selesai cuti bersalin terutama pada ibu menyusui yang bekerja disektor formal karena status kepegawaiannya mengikuti standar aturan hukum yang jelas bagi perkantoran atau perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Seperti pada SMA N 1 Pagelaran dimana terdapat 50% adalah pekerja ibu – ibu baik guru dan staf yang masih berada pada usia produktif dan menyusui. Pengabdian masyarakt ini bertyujuan untuk menuingkatkan pengetahuan ibu - ibu menyususi   yang berkerja di SMA N 1 Pagelaran dengan tehnik demontrasi pemberian edukasi teknik memerah, menyimpan dan menyiapkan ASI yang benar. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta pengabdian masyarakat meningkat pengetahuannya tentang teknik memerah, menyimpan dan memberikan ASI kepada anaknya.   Kata Kunci : Edukasi Memerah, Menyimpan dan Menyiapkan ASI     ABSTRACT The practice of exclusive breastfeeding is still far from 90% in most developing countries, even the duration of breastfeeding is very short and data from the IDHS show that exclusive breastfeeding in 2012 in Indonesia only reached 27%. The high rate of failure to breastfeed in working mothers occurs after maternity leave, especially for breastfeeding mothers who work in the formal sector because their employment status follows clear legal standards for the office or company concerned. As in SMA N 1 Pagelaran where 50% are working mothers, both teachers and staff who are still at the productive and breastfeeding age. This community service aims to increase the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers who work at SMA N 1 Pagelaran with dem,onstration technique, providing education on  how to express, store and prepare correct breast milk. The result of the implementation of this community service participants have increased their knowledge of techniques for expressing, storing and giving breast milk to their children.   Keywords :Education Expressing, Storing and Preparing Breastmilk

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Qodri Santosa ◽  
Miko Ferrine ◽  
Muhammad Fakih ◽  
Alfi Muntafiah

LACTATION MANAGEMENT TRAINING FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS: EFFORTS TO OPTIMIZE CHILD GROWTH. The key person for making quality generation lies on mother, through breast milk. Breastfeeding, besides providing the best nutrition for optimal baby growth and development, it is also a form of love to a baby. Ironically, not all mothers realize and many mothers do not breastfeed their babies exclusively. The low level of knowledge and working mothers is often an obstacle for mothers to give exclusive breastfeeding. In Indonesia, almost 9 of 10 mothers give breast milk, but only 49.8% give exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. Lactation management health promotion activities are carried out in accordance with WHO recommendations and the Indonesian government in promoting breastfeeding, especially increasing the achievement of the rate of early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding. The activities carried out using several methods: counseling, demonstration, video and discussion. We found that 54.1% of participants gave exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, 27% for 4 months, and others 2-3 months. Wilcoxon Rank Test showed a significant difference (p = 0,000) between the score of pre-test and post-test, with a mean pre-test of 49.02 ± 19.74, and a mean post-test of 68.53 ± 20.00. Conclution: This activity increased participants' knowledge regarding lactation management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 179-192
Anggun Mardhian Ningrum ◽  
Tri Sayekti ◽  
Ratih Kusumawardani

Early childhood learning motivation requires guidance and encouragement from older people as a driving motivator. Learning activities in schools are less innovative and interactive, so learning media is needed to increase children's learning motivation. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of learning video media on the learning motivation of children aged 5-6 years. This research refers to experimental quantitative research using a nonequivalent control group design model. Data collection techniques using observation instruments, as well as documentation. Data analysis used SPSS 22 with paired samples test. The subject of this research was carried out at RA Asy Syifa for testing the instrument grid with a total of 30 children with the division of RA AR Ar Rahman class RA B as the experimental group totaling 15 children and RA Daarul Mukhlisin class RA B as the control group totaling 15 children. The results showed that the effect of learning video media on experimental group children before getting treatment (pre-test) got an average value of 33.87, and after getting treatment (post-test), the score was 36.80. The use of learning video media has a good influence in increasing the learning motivation of children aged 5-6 years. In addition, computer-based learning videos make children feel happy and interested, developing aspects of child development. The findings of this study contribute to knowledge about the importance of developing learning videos in early childhood education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Istiqomah Risa Wahyuningsih ◽  
Sri Handayani

Acupressure is a technique using touch / contact to balance the energy channels in the body or Qi. Acupressure contests useful for disease prevention, cure, rehabilitation (recovery), relaxation and increase endurance. Acupressure can also be used to treat pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Target and outcome: an increase in knowledge and skills of women, the leaflets about the relaxation of the body and reduce dysmenorrhea, as well as community service articles published. Methods: divided into four sessions, namely working on the pretest, delivery of content and practice of acupressure, question and answer sessions working on the posttest. Submission of material is done by means of lectures and brainstorming as well as the demonstration of acupressure points used. Result: there is an increased knowledge of the pretest and posttest value of the average value before training (pre-test) 32.86 into 71.84 (post-test), in addition to the upgrading of skills seen from acupressure point positioning accuracy. Conclusion: The community service is to enhance the knowledge and skills of participants on acupressure to relax the body and overcome dysmenorrhoea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-111
Hidayat ◽  
Muhammad Amir ◽  

Every education should experience a new innovation designed to teach special skills, beliefs and concepts to become better. The 2013 curriculum emphasizes performance assessments to determine the achievement of student competencies that include knowledge, skills and attitudes, the focus of educational assessments is the successful learning of learners to achieve the competencies defined in this case teachers can enrich ideas and ideas to help optimize student thinking skills. IPA Learning provides students to develop curiosity, knowledge, improve process skills, and awareness to appreciate the nature of God's creation and preserve the surrounding natural environment as well as the basis for continuing to a higher level of education.The main objective of Problem Based Learning (PBL) is the ability to think critical and problem solving skills while developing learners ' ability to actively build their own knowledge. The PBL is also intended to develop the independence of learning and the social skills of learners that are formed when they work to identify relevant information, strategies, and learning resources to resolve problems. The research method used is research and Development to produce a specific product, and to test the effectiveness of the product. Research and Development aims to improve the quality of education and develop and validate the outcomes of education. The study obtained pre-test and post-test value data which will be carried out by the process of data processing using SPSS 2.4 i.e. the T test in pairs (Paired-Samples T Test) wasobtained that the average value of Pre-Test 68.4 and the average Post-Test value of 87.8. Number of 15 students. Deviation Freedom 14 value sig. 2 tailled 0.000 with a degree of confidence 95%. Where the lowest grade pre-test students are 60 and the highest 75 while the lowest post-test students are 85 andthe highest 93. Based on the results it shows that the grades of students increased by 19.4% or 291 points. It can be said that the PBL model SCIENCE subject reference book developed can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Krisdiana Wijayanti ◽  
Murti Ani ◽  
Novita Ika Wardani ◽  
Aulia Fatmayanti

The scope of exclusive breastfeeding has not met the set targets. One of the benefits of papaya leaves is ASI Booster (ASI booster), because it can increase milk production and protein levels. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve knowledge and skills about ASI and the technique of instant papaya leaves. The design is the pre test and post test level of knowledge and skills. The material is delivered by lecture and demonstration methods. The evaluation was carried out after the practice of instant making of papaya leaves by carrying out a post test and evaluating the establishment of a banner on the description of instant papaya leaf products and their benefits as ASI smoothers and meeting forums in the village to check information desemination. Community service activities were conducted in 3 meetings. The first meeting was the delivery of material about ASI, ASI smoothing, the benefits of papaya leaves, the technique of instant papaya leaves. The second meeting was the training of instant papaya leaves in the Semarang Department of Health's Health Polytechnic Department, which was attended by 3 cadres of Karangjati Village. The third meeting was carried out to socialize and practice the instant making of papaya leaves in Karangjati Village to the people of Karangjati village. The participants who participated in the community service activities were 30 residents of Karangjati Village, Blora Based on the paired t-test, the Sig. (2-tailed) knowledge of 0,000 (<0,05) and skills of 0,000 (<0,05), then there is the effect of training on instant making of papaya leaves as breast milk booster to the level of knowledge and skills.This community service provides many benefits for participants, namely for cadres and community members. The real form is the increasing knowledge of breast milk and ASI smoothers with the instant making of papaya leaves.

Sarwahita ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (02) ◽  
pp. 129-137
Sahlan Hasbi ◽  
Zaldy Suhatman

Abstract The change in the BKPK Cooperative system from a conventional pattern to a Sharia pattern in which Islamic legal principles are an important part of the Cooperative's business activities based on fatwas has also an impact on the use of contracts in the collection of funds and in the distribution of funding. Increasing education and socialization that is more structured and systematic after the conversion is absolutely necessary as an effort to increase the competency of the human resources management and members of the Cooperative. As a manifestation of the implementation of the College's tasks, community service activities are carried out using the Pupular Education method, which is devoted to learning with the community or strengthening community abilities, potential and assets. Out of all 30 participants, only 4 (13.3%) have received training on Sharia or Sharia Cooperative training. While the remaining 26 participants (86.7%) had never attended training. The average value of the competency test results of the participants after the training, generally increased. For sharia maqasid competencies, the average pre test score was 6.67 points, an increase of 60% or the average post test score was 16.50 points. The competency value of Fatwa, Deposit Agreement and Financing during pre-test was 16.17 points, increasing by 43% or becoming 28.50 points during post-test. The competency value of the Operational Mechanism during the pre-test was 11.50 points, increasing by 55% or becoming 25.33 points during the post-test. As an accumulation of the three competencies, the average post test score of participants was 72.5 points with the lowest score being 50 points and the highest score being 95 points. Abstrak Perubahan sistem Koperasi BKPK dari pola konvensional menjadi pola Syariah di mana prinsip hukum Islam menjadi bagian penting dalam kegiatan usaha Koperasi dengan berdasarkan fatwa berdampak pula pada penggunaan akad-akad dalam penghimpunan dana maupun dalam penyaluran pembiayaan. Peningkatan edukasi dan sosialisasi yang lebih terstruktur dan sistematis pasca konversi menjadi mutlak dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia pengurus dan anggota Koperasi. Sebagai wujud dari implementasi tugas Perguruan Tinggi, maka dilaksanaknlah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan menggunakan metode Pendidikan Masyarakat, yakni kegiatan pengabdian yang ditujukan untuk belajar bersama masyarakat atau menguatkan kemampuan, potensi dan aset masyarakat. Dari seluruh peserta pelatihan yang berjumlah 30 orang, hanya sebanyak 4 orang peserta (13.3%) yang sudah pernah mendapatkan pelatihan tentang syariah atau Koperasi Syariah pelatihan. Sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 26 orang peserta (86.7%) belum pernah mengikuti training. Nilai rata-rata hasil test kompetensi para peserta pasca training, umumnya mengalami kenaikan. Untuk kompetensi maqasid syariah, nilai rata-rata pre test adalah 6.67 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 60% atau rata-rata nilai post test adalah 16.50 poin. Nilai kompetensi Fatwa, Akad Simpanan dan Pembiayaan saat pre test adalah 16.17 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 43% atau menjadi 28.50 poin saat post test. Nilai kompetensi Mekanisme Operasional saat pre test adalah 11.50 poin mengalami kenaikan sebesar 55% atau menjadi 25.33 poin saat post test. Secara akumulasi dari ketiga kompetensi tersebut, nilai rata rata post test peserta adalah 72.5 poin dengan nilai terendah adalah 50 poin dan nilai tertinggi 95 poin.

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