scholarly journals Learning Motivation

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 573-580
Ma Lourdes Narca ◽  
Dennis G. Caballes

The objective of this study is to be able to find ways or the best strategies in teaching that will motivate students to exert effort in their studies, considering the present conditions in this pandemic period. A quantitative method was used to define the study's objective, where two sections of Psychology students who took up Science 101 and Science 104 were chosen as respondents to answer the survey questionnaire through google forms. The purposive sampling technique was also employed since these students can appropriately answer the queries sent to them. The Likert scale method was used to measure the students' level of agreement, with the 5-point range, where the results were collated and analyzed.  The research result finds several strategic activities such as report enhancement, online debates, virtual experiments, discussion and updating of recent findings, and the creation of infomercials that truly captured their interest and attention. This study made use of several references and tables in order to support the results obtained. The researcher recommends that there should be effective and efficient motivational activities to sustain student engagement. The researchers, who are also educators, have agreed to continuously upgrade the newfound motivational activities to encourage more students to study well even in an online setting, thus giving more opportunities for better achievement in education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Mona Yulia Zulfa ◽  
Daharnis Daharnis ◽  
Syahniar Syahniar

<p>The background of this research was the lack of  student’s learning motivation. Locus of control and student’s perception about education became factors that can predict student’s learning motivation. This research is aimed to describe: (1) locus of control, (2) student’s perception about education, (3) learning motivation, and examine: (4) the relationship between locus of control with learning motivation, (5) the relationship between student’s perception about education with learning motivation, and (6) the relationship between locus of control and student’s perception about education with learning motivation. This research applied quantitative method with a descriptive correlational. The populations of this research were 623 students of SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang in grade X and XI and the samples were 243 students, that were chosen by using proportional stratified random sampling technique. The instrument of the research was a model likert scale. The implication of this research can be made as a need assessment to make a program of guidance dan counseling service in SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Muhamad Nurdin ◽  
Tarto Sentono

Research purpose (1) to find out the correlation between learning motivation with the learning result of electrical automotive of students class XI Light Vehicle Engineering of SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta in the Academic Years 2013/2014, (2) to find out the correlation between the way of learn and the learning result of automotive electrical of students class XI Light Vehicle Engineering SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta in the Academic Years 2013/ 2014, (3) to find out the correlation between the learning motivation and the way of learning with the learning result of electrical automotive class XI of students class XI Light Vehicle Engineering SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta in the Academic Years 2013/ 2014.This research’s type is correlational and classified as ex post facto research. The population of this research is 97 students, the sampling technique used is saturated sample and population research. Data collection technique used is questionnaires and documentation technique. The Validity of each questions item acquired from the correlation of product moment. The reliability of the question is acquired  with alpha formula. The data analysis technique used is simple regression and a double regression that previously conducted with prerequisite test analysis that are normality test, multi-correlation test, and linearity test.From the analysis result acquired the following research result: (1) there is positive correlation and significant between the motivation learning (X1) and learning result of automotive electrical (Y); there is positive correlation and significant between the way of learn (X2) and learning result of automotive electrical (Y); (3) there is positive correlation and significant among learning motivation (X1) and the way of learn (X2) with learning result of automotive electrical. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 89-103
Ismeirita Ismeirita

This study aims to reveal the Influence of Family Environment, Strengthening Teacher and Motivation of Learning for Student Learning Outcomes on The Basics of Banking in First Grade of Padang Accounting Vocational High School. This research was descriptive associative. The sample of 165 people and the sampling technique was proportional random sampling study. The questionnaire was used as data collection techniques. Data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis and path analysis. To test the hypothesis used t test. The results of this study indicate that (1) the family environment has a positive effect and significant to student learning outcomes. (2) Teacher strengthening has a positive and significant impact on student learning outcomes. (3) Motivation learning has a positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes. (4) Family environment have a positive and significant effect on learning motivation as well as on learning result students. (5) Teacher strengthening is influential positive and significant motivation to learning outcomes of business management vocational high school. Based on the research result suggested to the principal to provide counseling teachers to get used to giving positive reinforcements to students who can trigger student learning motivation. Parents are expected to creat a conducive family culture in the framework of supporting the spirit of learning motivation students. By paying attention to the child progress in learning and discipline.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Syahniar Syahniar ◽  
Besti Nora Dwi

This research is motivated by the problems were many students are having problems of mathematics learning outcomes at schools. Many students did not complete the study of mathematics. The research aims to describe (1) learning motivation,(2) the correlation of learning motivation and student learning outcomes.This study used a descriptive correlational quantitative method. The study population were students of SMAN 1 Rambatan School Year 2014/2015 522 people the sample of 208 people, which is selected by stratified random sampling technique. The instrument was a questionnaire with reliability of 0.971 (motivation to learn). Data have analyzed with descriptive statistics,simple linear regression and multiple regression.The research result showed that (1) students' motivation were at high enough category,(2) there was a correlation of learning motivation the learning outcomes of student.Keyword : Learning Motivation, Mathematics Learning Outcomes.

10.32698/0742 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Yogi Sefra Joni ◽  
Mudjiran Mudjiran ◽  
Yanuar Kiram

Underlying this present study was the importance of increasing the learning motivation of students who were expelled from previous schools. Self-concept and parental support were considered as the factors affecting learning motivation of the students who were expelled from previous schools. The aimed of this study was to reveal the contribution of self-concept and parental support towards the learning motivation of the students who were expelled from their previous schools. This study used a descriptive correlation-quantitative method. The population of the study were the 11th and 12th grade students in Sungai Penuh City, which numbered 2666 in total. The samples of the study were 62 students, taken by purposive sampling technique, namely students who were expelled from the previous schools. The instrument used was a Likert scale. The research findings showed that self-concept and parental support respectively and simultaneously had a significant contribution to the learning motivation of the students who were expelled from their previous school.

Erlina Harahap ◽  
Nurhasanah Pardede

This research is aimed describ the learning motivation and self-concept of students who truant. This study used a descriptive quantitative method. The research conducted by the students of SMAN 5 Padangsidimpuan in the period of 2015/2016 with the total of the population was 420 students. Amount of research sample was 36 students and had been chosen by using purposive sampling technique. An instrument employed in this study was a Likert-scaled questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using percentage technique and the relationship between the two variables was analyzed by using nonparametric statistic, that is Spearman’s Coefficient of Rank Correlation. Results of this research are just like the following: 1) participants’ level of achievement on self-concept of students who truant is about 69,8%, 2) participants’ level of achievement on learning motivation of students who truant is about 69,2%, and 3) correlation coefficient of self-concept and learning motivation of students who truant is about 0,581. Therefore, it can be concluded that students who truancy have very low self-concept and learning motivation, and there is a significant relationship between self-concept and learning motivation. The implication in guidance counseling services is to create a service program which can increase self-concept and be learning motivation of students who truant

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Dwi Indah Iswanti ◽  
Fery Agusman Motuho Mendrofa ◽  
Diyanto Diyanto

Kemandirian bukanlah keterampilan yang muncul secara tiba-tiba tetapi perlu diajarkan dan dilatih pada anak agar tidak menghambat tugas- tugas perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Terutama pada anak yang mengalami retardasi mental akan sangat membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan  dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat kemandirian anak retardasi mental di SLB Negeri Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh orang tua siswa kelas IV-VI di SLB Negeri Semarang yang berjumlah 64 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling. Dukungan keluarga pada anak retardasi mental sebagian besar adalah mendukung yaitu sebanyak 53,1%, kemandirian anak retardasi mental sebagian besar adalah kurang mandiri yaitu sebanyak 53,1%. Hasil uji statistik menemukan ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kemandirian anak retardasi mental di SLB Negeri Semarang, dengan p value sebesar 0,000.   Kata kunci : dukungan keluarga, kemandirian anak retardasi mental THE CORRELATION BETWEEN FAMILY SUPPORT AND THE LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE OF MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN   ABSTRACT Independence is not a skill that emerges suddenly but needs to be taught and trained in children so as not to inhibit the tasks of further child development. Especially for children who are mentally retarded, they will need support from the family. Research objectives to find out the correlation between family support and the level of independence of mentally retarded children in extraordinary school State of Semarang. This study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all parents of students in class IV-VI in Semarang State SLB, amounting to 64 students. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Family support for mentally retarded children was mostly supportive, as much as 53.1%, the independence of most mentally retarded children was less independent, which was as much as 53.1%. The results of statistical tests found that there was a correlation between family support and the independence of mentally retarded children in Semarang State SLB, with a p value of 0,000.   Keywords: family support, independence of mentally retarded children

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Ismaniar Ismaniar Ismaniar

The present study is aimed at developing effective guidance program for increasing student’s learning motivation. The present study applies quantitative research approach with nonequivalent pre-posttest control group quasi-experimental design, and nonrandom-purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using inventory, interview, and documentary study. The study comes up with the main finding that the tested guidance program is proven to be effective for increasing learning motivation students of 11th grade at SMA Kartika XIX-2 Bandung.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 562
Sylvia Margareth Sabarofek ◽  
Paulus Habel Sawor ◽  
Makarius Bajari

The purpose of this study was to study the effect of work discipline variable and simultaneous work ability and competence at the West Papua Province Social Service Office. This research is a quantitative study. The sampling method uses Non Probability Sampling and the sampling technique uses Saturated Sampling. The result of this study indicate that the variable work discipline is not significant on employee performance, and subsequent research result indicate that work ability variables partially have a siginificant effect on employee performance. Also showed a variable work discipline and work ability significantly to the performance of employess in the West Papua Province Social Service Office. Improving the performance of West papua Provincial Social Service Office employees must provide work coordination and work capabilities together to improve employee performance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Nuridin, SE., MM Nuridin ◽  
Winda Lia Septiani

The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship and influence of leadership and motivation to employees performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor. The research method was used with Explanatory Analysis approach that explains the causality relationship between variables. Sampling technique was using saturated sample, all members of the population were sampled. From this research result was found there is a relationship and influence which is significant between the variables of leadership motivation to employee performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor among variables by using the test F, where F count larger than F table (32.173 > 3.158). Conclusion: There is a significant effect that can be explained by the result obtained from the R-square is 0530, which means that the variables of leadership and motivation are giving contribution of 53.0% to the variable of employees performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor, while the remaining 47.0% was contributed by other variables which not researched. Suggestions which the author convey to company, leadership which was contained in the company would need to be more increased, considers motivation of employees was good enough.

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