CoMPHI Journal: Community Medicine and Public Health of Indonesia Journal
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Published By Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

2722-8169, 2723-097x

Aditya Henerik Risamasu ◽  
Ifat Kabiran ◽  
Intan Trikumala Damayanti ◽  
Thalia Febrianti ◽  
Nurmalia Marina Adji N

Introduction: The International Labor Organization estimates that nearly 2.34 million workers die as a result of their work each year. About 86.23% were caused by occupational diseases. Pneumoconiosis is a disease that can be found in coal mining. Pneumoconiosis is divided into several types, including silicosis, asbestosis, mixed dust fibrosis, coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP), and other types (Zhang). CWP is a chronic and irreversible disease that is a public health problem. Coal with a higher combustion capacity has the greatest risk of causing CWP. Purpose: This research was conducted to review the literature on the duration of work with an increase in the incidence of CWP in coal mine workers. Method: Twenty reference sources were drawn from PubMed, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. The articles reviewed in this report range from 2000 to 2020. Results: Most studies suggest an increase in the prevalence of CWP cases. The incidence of CWP increases with the amount of dust exposure and the long duration of work. Discussion: Subjectively, dust exposure, age, and years of service did not have a significant relationship with respiratory problems, and put more emphasis on the relationship between PPE use and smoking habits. Other effects include COPD, death, and health costs. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study states that a longer work duration increases the incidence of CWP in coal mine workers.

Nur Chumairoh ◽  
Indah Ika Suryaningsih H

Introduction: Feeding is an important part of the life of infants and children under three years (toddler) and most parent-child interactions occur at feeding time. However, 50 of parents reported that their children have feeding problems. About 1-2% of babies experience a serious Mouth Shut Movement (MSM) that can lead to malnutrition. Feeding rules can help toddlers to manage and to overcome their own eating problems. Purpose: This study aims to determine the knowledge about Feeding rules of mothers who have children aged 1-3 years with Mouth Shut Movement (MSM) in the area of the General Hospital of the Muhammadiyah University of Malang. Methods: This study is a descriptive study and uses an observational design. The participants were selected through purposive sampling among mothers who have children with Mouth Shut Movement (MSM) aged 1-3 years with total of 67 respondents. Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire in the form of a google form. Validity and reliability tests have been carried out with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.899 and univariate analysis was used for the data analysis. Results: The result shows that 38 respondents (57%) have good knowledge about feeding rules while 29 respondents (43%) have lacked it. Discussion: It indicates that even though the mother's level of knowledge about feeding rules is good, it did not guarantee that the children did not experience Mouth Shut Movement (MSM). This could be due to other internal factors in the child's own body. Conclusion: The conclusion is knowledge about feeding rules of mothers who have children aged 1-3 years with Mouth Shut Movement (MSM) is good.

Alika Putri Saraswati ◽  
Efyluk Garianto ◽  

Introduction: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition that develops when there is the retrograde flow of gastric contents causing some symptoms or complications. One of the risk factors for GERD is the habit of consuming coffee, which has become a trend in everyday life without realizing it. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between coffee consumption and symptoms of GERD. Method: This research is an analytic observational study using a cross-sectional study design with a sample size of 86 people. Results: The results showed that most respondents were women with a total of 66 people (73.3%). Of the 86 respondents, 55 people (64%) had coffee consumption habits and 31 people (36%) did not. Respondents who did not have the possibility of suffering from GERD were 74 people (86.0%) and those who had the possibility of suffering GERD were 12 people (14.0%). Data analysis using the Spearman correlation test showed no significant relationship (p = 0.428) between the frequency of coffee consumption and symptoms of GERD. Of the 55 respondents who consumed coffee, 12 respondents (21.8%) consumed ready-to-drink liquid coffee, 19 respondents (34.5%) consumed ground instant coffee, and 24 respondents (43.6%) consumed ground/brewed coffee. Discussion: Data analysis using the Spearman correlation test showed no significant relationship (p = 0.193) between the type of coffee consumed and the symptoms of GERD. The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant relationship between coffee consumption and GERD symptoms in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hang Tuah Surabaya, class 2016-2018.

Rano Aditomo ◽  
Dian Ayu Ruspita

Introduction: Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) is an auditory electrophysiological examination to objectively and non-invasively assess the integrity of the central auditory system. BERA examination is proposed to be carried out on every newborn as a standard examination to identify early hearing loss in newborns. The incidence of congenital deafness between 4-6 babies in 1000 live births in developing countries. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the characteristics of patients undergoing BERA examination including age, gender, hearing threshold values, risk factors, and the spread of events in the Central Java region. Methods: This was a retrospective descriptive study utilizing medical records of patients undergoing BERA examination conducted at the hospital. Dr. Kariadi Semarang from January 2016 - December 2016. There were 515 patients who underwent BERA examination from 35 districts and cities in Central Java. Most patients undergoing BERA examination came from the city of Semarang. Results: Most patients underwent BERA examination aged 0-3 years, with the most frequent risk factors being febrile seizures and profound was found to be the highest results. Discussion: The incidence of hearing loss in children 0-3 years with a hearing threshold of more than 86 dB was the highest incidence in Semarang within 2016. Conclusion: BERA examination has not been able to reach other areas around Central Java.

Delly Safira Hedaputri ◽  
Rubayat Indradi ◽  
Anung Putri Illahika

Introduction: The trend of work accidents increased and gave various impacts ranging from countable losses or direct costs to uncountable losses or indirect costs, makes it a topic that never stops being discussed. This high incidence of work accidents can be caused by three factors, there are: human, work, and the work environment. The level of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) knowledge, which is included in the human factor is an important point in building a healthy, safe, not polluted work environment, and free of work accidents in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of workers and able to reduce the incidence of work accidents. Objective: This paper aims to know the correlation between the level of OHS knowledge and work accidents. Method: This paper is a quantitative study of kinds of literature. Bibliography like articles and literature books were obtained through several search engines, there are 2 from Google, 10 from Google Books, 17 from Google Scholar, 4 from PubMed, 6 from NCBI, 4 from Science Direct, and 1 from BMC. Criteria for national journals accredited by Sinta (S3-S5) and international journals accredited by Scopus (Q2) and non-Scopus with the longest the publication year of 2015. Results and Discussion: The result of this assessment shows that level of OHS knowledge associated with the incidence of work accidents in which the higher level of OHS knowledge on workers in a workplace would be the lower incidence of work accidents. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of OHS knowledge and work accidents. Further research is needed about matters that affect the level of OHS knowledge and other variables that affect work accidents and the relationships in particular sectors.

Lustyafa Inassani Alifia

Introduction: Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) infection is a tropical infectious disease that causes serious global problems. Based on WHO in 2018, there are more than 1.5 billion people or around 24% of the world’s population have been infected at least one of the species that causes STH infection. This STH infection can be prevented by optimizing the use of clean water, good sanitation, and adequate personal hygiene or WASH strategies (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene). Purpose: The purpose of this article is to determine the role of water and sanitation in preventing infection of soil-transmitted helminths. Methods: This study was conducted with an article review that analyzes the role of water and sanitation in the prevention of STH infection. The article search was carried out by searching through the Google Scholar database by entering the keyword ‘soil-transmitted helminths, water, and sanitation”. This article was used 23 references based on references from reputable national and international journals to produce a comprehensive presentation. Results: Unclean water, unhygienic and unqualified sewage disposal that will eventually pollute the soil, wastewater disposal, and improper waste management are some of the risk factors where these STH species can continue their lifecycle and infect humans as the definitive host. Discussion: Inadequate sanitation can also contribute to an increased risk of STH infection, caused by an increase in the number of infective eggs from these species in the community, including in the soil. Conclusion: Poor sanitation increase the risk of the portal of entry to the host by swallowed by humans.  

Alif Maulida Habibia ◽  
Ferry Yundiarto ◽  
Hen Sania ◽  
Karimah Permata Arinda Putri ◽  
Wia Bunga Ramadhan

Introduction: Parkinson's disease is one of the fastest-growing diseases in terms of prevalence, disability, and mortality. Exposure to environmental toxic substances, such as mercury (Hg) can increase the risk of neuronal damage and neurodegenerative diseases. Purpose: The purpose of writing this article is to determine the impact of mercury exposure on the incidence of Parkinson's disease in small-scale gold mining workers. Methods: The author searches for material through the Google Scholars, NCBI, and ScienceDirect search pages by limiting the journals published in 2015-2020. In this review, the authors conducted a study of 33 scientific articles. Results: The small-scale gold mining industry is the largest source of mercury emissions in the world. Mercury gas has a negative impact on the lungs, kidneys, liver, and nervous system. Gold miners have a very high likelihood of being exposed to metallic mercury and suffering occupational mercury intoxication. Discussion: Mercury is known to be a neurotoxin that can cause neuron death and damage to the substantia nigra and other basal ganglia nuclei. Acute mercury exposure can cause tremors, memory loss, respiratory distress, and even death. Gold miners are a group that is exposed to a lot of mercury and suffers from work-induced mercury intoxication. Conclusion: Mercury-induced parkinsonism can be identified because of its predilection for accumulation and palladium and striatum damage such as damage to the substantia nigra pars in Parkinson's disease.

Amelia Nurridha Putri ◽  
Asni Marlia ◽  
Emeralda Cintya Fikrotul Mar’ah ◽  
Farizah Idzni Haibati Suswoyo ◽  
Muhammad Azmi Hanief ◽  

Introduction: Pneumoconiosis is an occupational systemic disease that generally manifests as diffuse pulmonary fibrosis caused by inhalation of long-term silica dust in the production process, silicosis is one of them. Purpose: This article aims to identify the dangers of silica dust exposure to mine workers. Method: This study uses several literature studies through systematic review obtained from 36 reference sources. Some inclusion criteria that have been used are health research or related research articles published in the 2009-2019 range and research articles that contain topics on the identification of hazards of exposure to silica dust to mine workers. Results: Literature review results explain that miners have a high risk of silicosis due to silica exposure. Inhalation of this dust poses a danger because of its high silica crystal content if it settles in the lungs and can cause silicosis. Discussion: Crystal silica has also been classified as a human carcinogen. Silica crystals entering the lungs through three potential exposure pathways are identified namely external irradiation, inhalation of granite dust, and radon exposure. silica dust from granite mining also suggests using a filter mask, because the mask can reduce the amount of dust up to twice as much. Conclusion: In conclusion, occupational exposure to silica dust causes serious lung disease that is silicosis which is irreversible and so far there has been no effective treatment. Effective precautions are needed to reduce the risk factors for silica dust exposure.

Dini Widianti ◽  
Rifqatussa'adah ◽  
Zwasta Pribadi Mahardhika ◽  
Angga Rizki Oktavian ◽  
Astri Annisa Wigati ◽  

Introduction: The COVID-19 disease has an impact on the disruption of routine services and other health priorities including the provision of reproductive health services. Public awareness and knowledge of cancer including risk factors, efforts to prevent it, symptoms that arise, and early detection of cancer are still lacking, so it is necessary to increase knowledge to the public. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of counseling on the level of knowledge of the target group on breast cancer and cervical cancer in the pandemic era as well as to socialize about COVID-19. Methods: Research is carried out through Zoom Meeting media with educational media PowerPoint presentations, videos, and BSE demonstrations with an average number of 40 participants. The pretest was given a google form link that was distributed by the teacher to the WhatsApp group of the parents of students. The material was continued with a question-and-answer session and filling in the google post-test form. Data were analyzed by calculating the average pre-test and post-test scores to see the differences in participants' knowledge before and after counseling. Results: The average pre-test results of the participants were 6.7 and the post-test 9, analyzed with SPSS. There was an increase in participants' knowledge after counseling, it can be seen from the average score obtained from the post-test results that were higher when compared to the average score of pre-test average. Discussion: Counseling was deemed effective enough to educate parents or guardians about reproductive health, as seen from the enthusiasm of the participants during the activity and actively asking questions during the question-and-answer session. Conclusion: In conclusion, counseling can increase the knowledge of participants.

Puji Astuti Wiratmo ◽  
Lisnadiyanti ◽  
Nurkamilia Sopianah

Introduction: Antenatal Care (ANC) is an effort to detect the occurrence of high risk in pregnant women. However, ANC non-compliance was still found due to several factors. Aim of study: This study aims to determine factors that influence ANC visits to ANC behavior at Puskesmas Pasar Rebo East Jakarta. Method: This study used a descriptive correlation design with a cross-sectional survey. Data analysis used Spearman's rho with 117 respondents. Results and Discussion: The results showed that there are some factors that influence ANC visits to ANC behavior, including age with a correlation value (r = 0.419), a p-value of 0.000; education with a correlation value (r = 0.425), p-value of 0.000; jobs with a correlation value (r = 0.279), p-value of 0.002; income with a correlation value (r = 0.407), p-value of 0.000; knowledge with a correlation value (r = 0.409), p-value of 0.000; husband / family support with a correlation value (r = 0.417), p-value of 0.000; attitude with a correlation value (r = 0.597), p-value of 0.000 (<0.05). Irregularity in carrying out ANC has a bad impact on pregnant women because they are not aware of the risk factors that may occur to the mother and her fetus and can not be detected early on the disease suffered by pregnant women. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is nurses as health workers need to increase their role as educators and health care provider to pregnant women and their families about the importance of ANC to reduce maternal mortality and monitor the state of the fetus.

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