scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) melalui Pelatihan Mengolah Jagung di Desa Srigading Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-101
Nonny Aji Sunaryo ◽  
Mazarina Devi ◽  
Soenar Soekopitojo ◽  
Narju Najah Afnany ◽  
Yunus Fandi Prasetyo ◽  

Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani  (KWT) merupakan sumberdaya manusia yang potensial berperan aktif meningkatkan perekonomian desa. Namun, perlu ada upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas mereka salah satunya adalah pemberdayaan dengan bentuk giat pelatihan mengolah bahan pangan potensi lokal yang ada. Di Desa Srigading Kecamatan Lawang Kabupaten Malang, jagung merupakan potensi bahan pangan lokal, namun hingga saat ini pemanfaatanya masi belum maksimal. Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan KWT Desa Srigading agar mereka memiliki kekuatan berupa pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk membentuk suatu usaha yang bisa mendatangkan keuntungan dan menggerakan perekonomian desa. Metode yang pelatihan yang digunakan adalah learning by doing. KWT diajak langsung untuk mengolah jagung menjadi produk setengah jadi (kulit samosa dan frozen samosa jagung) dan produk jadi atau siap makan (samosa jagung dan stik kulit samosa jagung). Olahan yang dibuat dalam pelatihan ini berpotensi menjadi produk usaha oleh-oleh makanan ataupun dapat sebagai variasi menu makanan yang ditawarkan pada usaha penyedia makanan di destinasi wisata yang ada di Desa Srigading, Kecamatan  Lawang, Kabupaten Malang. Community Empowerment of Woman Farmer Groups by Corn Processing Training in Srigading Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency Women Farmers Group (WFG) is a human resource that has the potential to play an active role in improving the village economy. However, efforts need to be made to improve their quality, one of which is empowerment by means of active training in processing existing local potential food ingredients. In Srigading Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency, corn is a potential local food ingredient, but until now its utilization has not been maximized. This training activity aims to empower the KWT of Srigading Village so that they have the strength in the form of knowledge and skills to form a business that can bring profits and move the village economy. The training method used is learning by doing. KWT are invited directly to process corn into semi-finished products (samosa skins and frozen corn samosas) and finished or ready-to-eat products (corn samosas and corn samosa skin sticks). The preparations made in this training have the potential to become a food souvenir business product or can be a variety of food menus offered to food service businesses in tourist destinations in Srigading Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Ni Putu Ayu Anistya Dewi ◽  
I Putu Anom

Bali is one of the tourist destinations that is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Most people when they hear about bali island are synonymous with exotics beach. Bali is famous with the beautiful beach panorama. One of tourist attraction in the Bali Island is Mertasari Beach. Mertasari beach is an indigenous Intaran village. In tourism management is done one way to approach community institutions, namely the indigenous village institutions. Intaran village is one of the indigenous villages that located in South Denpasar District. In terms of management in Mertasari Beach, Intaran village started to build a management in December 2014 by forming BUMDES (Owned Indigenous Village). However, management Mertasari Coast has not fully given to the village. In conducting the study authors used data collecting observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies with similar previous studies. These results indicate that the role of Indigenous Village in Beach Intaran in the management of Mertasari terms of existing management stage such as: Planning (Planning) covers, community empowerment programs, increase sustain ability in Mertasari Beach, improve hygiene in Mertasari Beach and financial planning. Organizing (Organizing) includes, forming management organizational structure is accompanied by a clear task. Mobilization of people (Actuating) include, mobilize communities in managing Mertasari Beach, and Supervision (Controlling) include, supervision in the field of employment, supervision in the field of security and supervision of the trader.   Keywords: Management, Role, Indigenous Village

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
Agung Sri Sulistyawati ◽  
Ida Ayu Trisna Eka Putri ◽  
Fanny Maharani Suarka ◽  
Putu Ratih Pertiwi

Tista Tourism Village is the developing tourist village, that located at Kerambitan Village, Tabanan Regency. The purpose of this community service is to deliver the understanding and skills, improving for Tista community in playing an active role and participation in preparation of local lodging (homestay) along with supporting facilities to provide security and comfort when tourists stay and can increase tourists length of stay at Tista Tourism Village to enjoy various tourism products and tour packages in Tista Village in support of development and management of Tista Tourism Village, so as to provide economic benefits in directly to the Tista Village community. The devotion technique that is giving counseling to the tista village community which was attended by the village head, the chairman of pokdarwis, the manager of the tourist village and the community, the subject that presented about the homestay to be clean, confortable, and the availability of clean water. Homestay is prepared to be the main accommodation alternative for tourists whotakes the vacation at Tista Wisata Village. But about the cleanliness, is still a shortcoming that must be addressed. Not only homestay, a number of tourist destinations that are intended to attract tourists, should provide the widest information to tourists and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. All parties must be involved in fixing the existing shortcomings, because to increase tourism requires a high awareness, ie the community will be involved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-61
Erik Pradana Budi ◽  
Mirawati Tongko ◽  
Herawati Herawati ◽  
Marselina Sattu

Kejadian stunting berdasarkan data Riskesdas Tahun 2018, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah sebesar 32,5%, Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan sebesar 6,16%, sementara untuk Puskesmas Totikum Selatan sebesar 18%.  Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran upaya pemerintah Desa terhadap penanggulangan stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Totikum Selatan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik penentuan informan yaitu secara purposive samping sehingga informan dan infroman kunci adalah kepala desa, bidan,kader, kepala puskesmas,tokoh masyarakat, DMPDA. Analisis data penelitian melalui 3 alur yaitu : Data reduction, Data Disply, dan conclusion darwing/Verifikstion. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk upaya pemerintah desa terhadap penanggulangan stunting dalam hal peningkatan gizi masyarakat yaitu dengan pemberian makanan tambahan pada balita dan lansia, sedangkan dalam hal sanitasi berbasis lingkungan yaitu telah diupayakannya pengadaan sarana jamban dan air bersih pada setiap desa, selain itu sudah ada dalam rencana APBdes untuk peningkatan anggaran dalam penyelengaraan jamban sehat, serta pembangunan air minum dan sanitasi yang sudah mencapai 100%. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilakukan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan melalui kerja sama dengan pihak puskesmas yang melibatkan pemerintah desa beserta tokoh masyarakat untuk upaya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang stunting, serta masyarakat berperan aktif untuk mengikuti program kesehatan dalam upaya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat. Adapun saran yaitu perlu adanya pemantauan berkala dari pemerintah daerah terhadap kegiatan-kegiatan penanggulangan stunting yang dilakukan oleh setiap pemerintah Desa yang ada. The incidence of stunting based on data from Riskesdas in 2018, Central Sulawesi Province was 32.5%, Banggai Islands Regency was 6.16%, while for South Totikum Health Center it was 18%. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the efforts of the Village government to tackle stunting in the Work Area of ​​the South Totikum Health Center, Banggai Islands Regency. This type of research uses qualitative methods. The technique of taking informants was purposive side to side so that key informants and informants were the village head, midwives, cadres, heads of puskesmas, community leaders, DMPDA. Analysis of research data through 3 channels, namely: Data reduction, Data Disply, and conclusion darwing / verification. The results showed that the form of village government efforts to tackle stunting in terms of improving community nutrition is by providing additional food for toddlers and the elderly, while in the case of environmental-based sanitation, namely the provision of latrines and clean water facilities in each village, besides that it is already in place. APBdes plans to increase the budget for the implementation of healthy latrines, as well as the construction of drinking water and sanitation which has reached 100%. Community empowerment is carried out by increasing knowledge through collaboration with the community health center which involves the village government and community leaders to increase knowledge about stunting, and the community plays an active role in participating in health programs in an effort to increase community knowledge. The suggestion is that there is a need for regular monitoring from the local government of the stunting prevention activities carried out by each existing Village government.

Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini ◽  
Didit Purnomo

This study aimed to assess the achievement level of community empowerment in realizing food security. The result was expected to reveal a model of community empowerment, particularly farmer community institution as an attempt to attain food security. Survey was employed as the research method that involved the farmers (farmer groups) as the members of Food Barn for the Village Community (Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Desa/LPMD). Technique of rapid rural appraisal was selected in the form of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Preliminary survey in study area was carried out to obtain the characteristic and status of food security; and to mapping the potential and role of Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Desa in the process of community empowerment. Subsequently, study and analysis was done based on the survey. The results demonstrated the active role of stakeholders (A-B-G-C) was significant in supporting the farmer institution (food barn). The economic and social aspects were also evidenced to have important role in enhancing the farmer community empowerment. This model is called social engine for rural community and local institution, particularly to attain the regional food security.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-63
I ketut Winaya ◽  
Putu Eka Purnamaningsih ◽  
Kadek Wiwin Dwi Wismayanthi ◽  
Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya

Women's development efforts explained that accepting and opening space for women to play an active role in development is reflected in the composition of the management of women's community empowerment institutions with a maximum of 30% (percent) of women. In accordance with the objectives to be achieved, namely the formation of an independent community of women who are able to improve their economy. Then the formation of institutions and women's groups based on the initiative and participation of women themselves. Even though this has been regulated in the Regional Regulation, but the reluctance that occurs the role of women to date is still very limited, apart from women's participation, the lack of support from stakeholders also contributes to the decline in the role of women in development, especially in the Village.Stakeholders (stakeholders), namely all parties in a community structure, consisting of individuals, or communities who have an interest related to an issue in this case, for example the PKK group which is a forum or community of women in the village. Stakeholders are an important element in bringing about changes in women's movements in development. In an effort to support the development of women's roles in village-based development, it is necessary to consider various approaches, both sectoral and territorial approaches and involve active participation from various Stakeholders in Dawan Village, Klungkung Regency. In the framework of increasing synergy, synchronization and integration of all potentials in Dawan Village, Klungkung Regency, a capacity building activity is needed for all Stakeholders in order to contribute to the implementation of women's Empowerment at the regional level.Therefore, this dedication is expected to be a role model for efforts to increase stakeholder quality in the context of women's development at the regional level in Klungkung Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-211
Marjiko ◽  
Lintje Anna Marpaung ◽  
Indah Satria

 The village is a unit of the legal community that has a genuine arrangement based on the privileged origin rights. The cornerstone of the thinking on village governance is diversity, participation, autonomy, democratization and community empowerment. The result of the study is the Implementation of Article 19 of Government Regulation No. 60 of 2014 on Village Funds sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget in Rama Yana Village Sub-District Seputih Raman Central Lampung Regency is currently done in accordance with government regulations but not yet maximized. The problem is still the lack of knowledge of village apparatus in understanding the rules about village fund management, lack of understanding of the tupoksi of each position, delay in the transfer of village funds, system of management of the village administration that is not optimal, lack of aspiration and active role of the community, ineffective communication between the community and the village head.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (8(77)) ◽  
pp. 4-7
Sardaana Anatolievna Alekseeva

When getting acquainted with the ethnic traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, special attention should be paid to the national culture of the evens as a small indigenous people of the North. Cultural and ethnographic features of Yakutia are one of the most important resources for the development of tourism. The main purpose of the work is to consider the potential of ethnic tourism on the example of the village of Sebyan-Kuel in the Кobyai district of Yakutia. The following specific ethnographic methods are used: the method of included observation and indepth interview. The result was that in this remote mountains of the Verkhoyansk ridge preserved the original culture of the local group Lamynkhinsky Evens, which is a unique, non-commodity, and, consequently, an inexhaustible resource for the economy, social and cultural development of the nasleg. In our opinion, the area of Lamynkhinsky nasleg can become one of the most popular tourist destinations due to its uniqueness in ethnic and extreme, ecological, hunting and fishing types of tourism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-125
Hasjad Hasjad

Development of village fund management is very much needed by the community so that it can be enjoyed by all levels of society in the villages. The seriousness of the government in developing villages is evidenced by the start of allocation of the Village Fund budget for 2015. The allocation of the Village Fund is mandated by Law (Law) Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Government Regulation (PP) Number 6 of 2014 concerning Village Funds Sourced from STATE BUDGET. The regulation explained that the administration of the village government adheres to the principle of decentralization and the task of assistance. The principle of decentralization raises village internal funding (Desa APBD), while the principle of co-administration provides an opportunity for Villages to obtain funding sources from the government above it (APBN, Provincial APBD, Regency / City APBD). This study aims to observe what the development of village funds looks like, how they are implemented and the impact of the use of village funds in supporting development activities and community empowerment. The research method used is a qualitative research method that relies on observing places, actors and activities in Konawe Selatan Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, which was chosen as a case study. Initial observations show that the Village Fund does not have significant results in improving the welfare of the community. These indications are evident in the welfare of the community which has not improved with the existence of the village fund. Therefore it is necessary to develop a good management of village funds to improve the welfare of rural communities, especially in Konawe Selatan District. The output to be achieved is the scientific publication with ISSN Online and the level of technological Readiness that will be achieved 1-3.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Purnama Rozak ◽  
Hafiedh Hasan ◽  
Sugarno Sugarno ◽  
Srifariyati Srifariyati ◽  
Afsya Septa Nugraha

<p>The success of the development of a nation is determined by the Human Development Index (HDI). International scale parameter indicates the level of development of human resources emphasizes on three areas: education, health, and income per capita. The various dimensions of community development was a collective responsibility to make it happen. One way to do is through the proselytizing activities of community empowerment. This is as done in the village of Pemalang district, Danasari that has HDI levels is low compared than other villages. Community development in this village was done by taking three primary focus , they are the field of economics, health, and education and religion.</p><p align="center"><strong>***</strong></p>Keberhasilan pembangunan suatu bangsa ditentukan oleh Human Develop-ment Indeks (HDI). Parameter berskala internsional ini menunjukkan tingkat pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang menitiberatkan pada tiga bidang yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, dan pendapatan perkapita. Pengembangan masyarakat yang berbagai dimensi tadi merupakan tanggung jawab bersama untuk mewujudkannya. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui kegiatan dakwah pemberdayaan masyarakat. Hal ini sebagaimana dilakukan di Desa Danasari Kabupaten Pemalang yang memiliki tingkat HDI yang rendah dibandingkan desa lainnya. Pemberdayaan masyarakat di desa ini dilakukan dengan mengambil tiga fokus utama yaitu bidang ekonomi, bidang kesehatan, dan pendidikan dan keagamaan. Potensi yang ada perlu diberdayakan secara bersama dengan tujuan pencapaian perbaikan kehidupan masyarakat desa Danasari.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Riki Ismail Barokah

This study aims to explore village authority in village financial management to realize village governance in accordance with the principles of Good Governance. One of the financing for the Village Government program is the Village Fund Budget (ADD). The research method used is descriptive analysis to get a clear picture by examining secondary data. Secondary data is obtained through literature studies from primary legal materials and secondary legal materials related to regional autonomy in villages in the management of Village Government, particularly with regard to the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. The data obtained from this study were analyzed juridically normative with a statutory approach. The results showed the accountability of the village head in managing village finances. In exercising the power of village financial management, the village head authorizes part of his power to the Village apparatus. (2) The village head as the holder of the village financial management power as referred to in paragraph (1), has the authority to: a. establish policies regarding the implementation of APBDesa; b. determine PTPKD; c. determine the officer who collects village revenue; d. approve expenditures for activities stipulated in APBDesa; and e. take actions that result in spending at the expense of the Village Budget. The factors that become obstacles in Talagasari, namely the lack of information and lack of direction in the distribution of ADD, so that it contributes low to community empowerment.

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