2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Nursyam Nursyam ◽  
Akmal Dzuhri ◽  
Nova Andreanto Putro ◽  
Ratna Ratna ◽  
Lulu Khizanatusani ◽  

The aim of the Village Development Grant Program is to make efforts to empower the Lempake village community to use water hyacinth processing technology as animal feed and home industry in order to reduce sedimentation of Benanga reservoirs and increase the productivity of the community of Lempake village. Factors that trigerring this activity are the low of knowledge and skill data of comunity to optimize the potention of water hyacinth that become one of the keys in the reservoir in the kelurahan where the activity is located. Target Activities This Village Development Grant is a PKK group from the Lempake Village and the Subur Livestock Group. The main method in this activity is training and monitoring. Water hyacinth processing training produces several types of crafts (bags, tissue boxes and pillows) and the formation of community business groups, Egona Mulawarman. Meanwhile, to train feed cattle, water hyacinth using to make silage. The working relationships that exist include the City of Samarinda Industry Agency, and the Samarinda City Agriculture Service.Keywords : Empowerment, Water Hyacinth, Village Development Grants Program, handicrafts and silage.

Annytha - Detha

Nggorang Village, Komodo District, West Maggarai is an area that is quite ideal for the development of cattle and agricultural waste utilization because it is supported by several factors, among others, the carrying capacity of the region where existing water sources can meet the community's water needs throughout the year and the availability of rice straw agricultural waste. The purpose of implementing amoniase feed processing training is to maximize the productivity of cattle farms by utilizing the availability of natural resources while empowering rice straw agricultural waste as the main source of feed by utilizing feed processing technology. therefore, training in rice straw feed processing technology has become the largest agricultural waste in Nggorang Village. Based on the results of existing activities, there is an increase in farmers' understanding that is achieved. Thus the Nggorang village is expected to be able to increase the independence of the village community through partner farmer groups that are able to optimize livestock productivity through the independence and adequacy of animal feed in Nggorang Village, Komodo District, West Manggarai, NTT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 314-320
Yohanis Rante ◽  
Sarlota Ratang

The village fund is expected village government and technical institutions can realize the vision of Jayapura city government that believes, independent, unified, modern, prosperous based local wisdom.  The city of Jayapura has established the Community Entrepreneurship Agency (BKM) in each village/village/Kelurahan in order to manage the funds of the village/village/Kelurahan more effectively, efficient, precisely targeted to support the governance activities Good and transparent. The purpose of this research is to describe the management of ADD in village community empowerment as well as driving and inhibiting factors. The results showed that optimizing village funds allocation in the development of community entrepreneurship at Village Tobati Jayapura City is already running but not maximally, hence the need for strategy.  STRATEGY (W-O) makes strategy that utilizes the opportunity to overcome weaknesses, namely consist of: Government policy that makes Village Tobati as a demonstration village for tourism, this is an opportunity to add Income or family's confidentiality. The help of Village fund, ADK, ADD the average routine each year.  The commitment of the city government to improve and develop fisheries sector, especially the cultivation of fish cages very smooth and good means of transportation, and the help of the Prospect fund from the years 2016 and 2017 for the business of kiosk, sales Pinang, vegetable sales + Seasoning Kitchen, selling cold beverages + juice jacket, selling yellow rice, handicraft business, business selling pulse, oil kerosene + gasoline, net business. The opportunities mentioned above show that weaknesses in Village Tobati can be overcome well because of the very dominant opportunities in the village. Therefore the need for awareness from the local community to take advantage of the opportunities that exist for the welfare of the family in doing some very promising efforts.

1908 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-188
Frank Byron Jevons

The long period of helpless infancy through which the human being who is to survive in the struggle for existence must pass is proof conclusive that from the time when first men were men—and from an even earlier time—they must have lived together in groups. Whether those groups were, as in the case of the gorilla, patriarchal in kind, or matriarchal, as they are seen to be, or may be conjectured to have been, in the case of some tribes very low in the social scale, is still a disputed question. The tendency of those groups, however, was in the patriarchal direction; this tendency strengthens even in times when the tribe is still migratory, and is fully established by the time when the tribe settles down in a fixed habitation as a village-community. From the village-community the city-state develops; an amalgamation of city-states may produce a national state; a national state may become a world-power, and even seek to establish itself as a world-empire.

2011 ◽  
Vol 56 (S19) ◽  
pp. 245-261 ◽  
Shireen Moosvi

SummaryThis article addresses two separate but interlinked questions relating to India in Mughal times (sixteenth to early eighteenth century). First, the terms on which labour was rendered, taking perfect market conditions as standard; and, second, the perceptions of labour held by the higher classes and the labourers themselves. As to forms of labour, one may well describe conditions as those of an imperfect market. Slave labour was restricted largely to domestic service. Rural wage rates were depressed owing to the caste system and the “village community” mechanism. In the city, the monopoly of resources by the ruling class necessarily depressed wages through the market mechanism itself. While theories of hierarchy were dominant, there are indications sometimes of a tolerant attitude towards manual labour and the labouring poor among the dominant classes. What seems most striking is the defiant assertion of their status in relation to God and society made on behalf of peasants and workers in northern India in certain religious cults in the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries.

Muhammad Fazil ◽  
Asrul Fahmi

This study is entitled "Implementation of Gampong Online in Lhokseumawe City". Where the strengthening of information and communication technology is still considered a luxurious facility and requires very large costs, so only a small part of the village government has obtained it. The wide gap between the size of the budget needs and the limited budget that can be provided gives rise to budget allocations that lead to physical activities for the development of rural infrastructure alone without looking at the increasingly rapid technological developments and increasing the capacity of village apparatus resources to support the current government system. both in the administrative system, public services as well as on matters relating to community business development. This study aims to see and describe the implementation of technology to present online gampongs with basic information and communication technology training activities for gampong governments in Lhokseumawe City. A descriptive qualitative approach with observation and documentation data collection techniques has been carried out in this study with field assessments in 3 (three) Gampongs in the Lhokseumawe city area to see the application of technology, determine strategy, socialize and provide information and communication technology introduction materials. The results of the study found that training for 3 (three) gampongs in the Lhokseumawe city government, namely Gampong Hagu Barat Laot, Gampong Hagu Teungoh and Gampong Hagu Selatan, had provided an understanding and awareness of the importance of using information and communication technology in gampong government for the smooth running of public services, public relations and public relations. internal organization as well as improving the business of the village community in the field of technology, where technology can help the village government connect with the city government and the village community online.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 245
Nasrullah Hidayat

AbstactPenulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji feneomena migrasi di Indonesia. Maraknya urbanisasi dalam artian migrasi pun menyebabkan kerugian baik untuk desa maupun untuk kota, hanya dalam waktu 20 tahun penduduk kota bertambah hampir 50%, sebaliknya setengah penduduk desa sekarang mengalami perubahan menjadi penduduk kota. Pada tahun 2005 jumlah penduduk kota sebesar  47,9% sementara pada tahun 2025 jumlah  penduduk kota diprediksikan akan meningkat menjadi 68% Meningkatnya urbanisasi membuat kemiskinan terkonsentrasi di kota,akan tetapi hal ini terjadi karena adanya pandangan masyarakat desa bahwa kota merupakan harapan nyata dalam memutus rantai kemiskinan kemiskinan. Terjadinya migrasi diperkotaan atau ( urbanisasi) tidak akan menjadi masalah jika pemerintah dari kota-kota tujuan para migran mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja dan fasilitas publik yang mencukupi. Namun bila saja daya dukung kota sebagai suatu tempat publik sudah berada pada level yang kritis , maka pememrintah melalui berbagai macam kebijakannnya perlu turun tangan guna mengurangi dampak buruk dari urbanisasi tersebut. Urbanisasi berlebih perlu dikendalikan agar tidak berkembang makin liar dan semakin membebani kota-kota tujuan kaum migran.Kata kunci: Fenomena, Migrasi, Urban BiasThe Study purpose to discuss the migration phenomenon in Indonesia. The rise of urbanization in the sense of migration also causes losses both for villages and for cities, in just 20 years increased by almost 50%, on the contrary half the village population is now becoming residents of the city. In 2005 the population of the city was 47.9% while in 2025 the population of the city was predicted to increase to 68%. Increased urbanization made poverty concentrated in the city, but this happened because of the view of the village community that the city represented the best hope for getting out of poverty. The occurrence of urban migration or (urbanization) will not be a problem if the government of the destination cities of migrants is able to create adequate employment and public facilities. But if the carrying capacity of the city as a public place is at a critical level, the government through various policies needs to intervene to reduce the adverse effects of urbanization. Excessive urbanization needs to be controlled so that it does not grow wilder and increasingly burden cities of migrants.Key words: Phenomenon, Migration, Urban Bias

A Zahid A Zahid ◽  
Nikmatus Sa’adah ◽  
Taufik Alamin

Abstrak: Arus globalisasi saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri terdapat fasilitas-fasilitas bagus dan modern yang sangat diminati oleh khalayak. Sehingga mampu menggeser segala sesuatu yang dianggap ketinggalan jaman dengan lebih memilih dan mengedepankan hal-hal yang dianggap lebih kekinian. Misalnya di daerah-daerah yang saat ini berlomba-lomba membangun pariwisata yang menghadirkan unsur modern dengan segala fasilitas kekinian yang dapat dinikmati oleh para wisatawan. Pembangunan pariwisata sangat menjadi prioritas utama sebagai upaya untuk kemajuan dan peningkatan terhadap potensi yang dimiliki, baik dari masyarakat maupun daerah. Hadirnya destinasi wisata modern yang juga mengusung pasar tradisional papringan dengan memasukkan budaya Jawa sebagai upaya untuk melestarikan serta mengenalkan kepada para pengunjung, menjadi tujuan utama masyarakat yang ada di Desa Jambu. Segala wujud tindakan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat menurut Parson memiliki tujuan yang ingin dicapai, sehingga dengan memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan segala potensi yang dimiliki, kini desa tersebut menjadi destinasi wisata yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan baik dari dalam maupun luar kota. Adanya pasar tradisiona,l juga memberikan kesempatan bagi para wanita yang notabennya adalah ibu rumah tangga untuk bisa lebih mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Pada era modernisasi saat ini dianggap memberikan kemudahan untuk dapat mempromosikan segala keunikan dan keistimewaan yang dimiliki oleh desa wisata tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pasar Tradisional Papringan, Masyarakat Desa Jambu, Fungsioanlisme   Abstract: Current globalization can not be denied that there are good and modern facilities that are very popular with the public. So as to be able to shift everything that is considered outdated by preferring and prioritizing things that are considered more contemporary. For example in areas that are currently competing to build a tourism business that presents a modern element with all the current facilities that can be enjoyed by tourists. Tourism development is a top priority as an effort to progress and increase the potential of the community and region. The presence of modern tourist destinations that carry Papringan traditional markets by incorporating Javanese culture as an effort to preserve and introduce to visitors, became the main destination of activists in Jambu Village. All forms of actions taken by the community according to Parson have goals to be achieved. So that by utilizing and developing all the potential that is owned, the village has now become a tourist destination that is visited by many tourists both from within and outside the city. The existence of traditional markets also provides opportunities for women who incidentally are housewives to be more independent in meeting family needs. In the current era of modernization, it is considered to be easy to be able to promote all the uniqueness and privileges that are owned by the tourist village. Keywords: Papringan Tradisional Market, Jambu Village Community, Fungsionalisme.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Erma Rusdiana

AbstractTanah Merah Dajah Village is not too far from the city of Bangkalan, it does not mean that the community has enough information about many things. Limited access and varying levels of education, economic conditions and a wrong understanding of religion, socially there are quite serious problems in society, namely about violence in the household. Among the community, including in thevillage community, it Tanah Merah Dajah has become a kind of tradition or habit to cover up acts of violence, especially domestic violence (KDRT) experienced by women and children. Until now, the problem of domestic violence is still considered a disgrace. Even if some of the victims asked for help from village officials, this was done secretly and the purpose of reporting to village officials was to make peace. In practice, the village apparatus conducts mediation to bridge these problems, so that the problems do not spread out. The settlement by the Village Head did not end the domestic violence, but it often repeated itself. The understanding residents of Tanah Merah Dajah Village, Tanah Merah Sub-district regarding domestic violence as a form of crime prior to the implementation of the legal socialization program is still low. This can be seen from the perception of society that views domestic violence as a personal matter which is a disgrace and must be kept tightly, even with family.Keywords: Legal Awareness, Domestic, Violent, Crimes

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-64
Aswadi Lubis

Community welfare is one of the goals expected by each region including in Padangsidimpuan city. Based on data obtained the amount of poverty in Padangsidimpuan city experienced fluctuations from 2008 to 2015. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of the effectiveness of village fund management on improving the welfare of rural communities in Padangsidimpuan city. Does the manager’s religiosity behavior moderate the influence of village fund management by increasing the welfare of rural communities in Padangsidimpuan City? This type of research is causality research using quantitative data. The population of this study is the village community in the city of Padangsidimpuan with a total of 41 villages. Given the limitations of the author, the sample in this study was taken by 5 people from each village, namely 5 x 41 villages = 205 villagers. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and data analysis conducted with Smart PLS. Based on the results, it was found the value of the village fund management pathway affected the welfare of the village community of 5.875 with a probability value of 0.024. Because the t-count value (5.875) is greater than critical t (1.96) at the 5% error rate, it can be concluded there is an effect of the effectiveness of village fund management on improving the welfare of rural communities in Padangsidimpuan City. And the t-count value of the manager's religiosity behavior trends moderates the relationship of village fund management to rural community welfare of 0.458 with a probability value of 0.031. Because the t-count (0.458) is greater than the critical t (1.96) at the 5% error rate, it can be concluded that the manager's religiosity behavior can moderate the relationship between village fund management and the improvement of the welfare of rural communities in Padangsidimpuan City.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Triyanto Triyanto ◽  
Yeni Sri Lestari

Recently, many anti-pancasila cases have appeared in the mass media, both in print and in electronic form. The place is not only the village community, but also the city people who actually have the character of a plural society, are aware of the differences and even have an individualistic attitude. In rural communities, it usually holds the values of togetherness, mutual love and upbringing and respect-respect and respects each other. In fact, a slight difference can lead to a case of intolerance. This study aims to determine how the views and attitudes of rural communities in West Aceh, an area that enforces Islamic law against the values of Pancasila. It also aims to find out how the loyalty of rural communities in West Aceh to the ideology of Pancasila. This research uses a qualitative method. The informant is determined by purposive sampling, that is selecting the community as an informant according to the expertise, and the mentioned expertise is meant to understand the problem that becomes the subject of this study. The results show that Pancasila is only known by the older generation and this generation understands that the values of Pancasila run as a tolerance setting, so that citizens do not discriminate against the existence of people outside of Aceh, let alone outside the region. This generation also understands that the implementation of Islamic law is a loyalty to the ideology of Pancasila because the first principle is expressed as faith in the Mahaesa. So there is no contradiction between the Islamic Shari'a and Pancasila. Unfortunately, the younger generation does not understand how Pancasila is. This generation has never received socialization about Pancasila and only knows about the flag ceremony, which often reads the Pancasila text. The researcher's interpretation is that after the 1998 Reformation, the community did not experience the socialization of Pancasila values. Unfortunately, some understand that Pancasila and the Islamic Sharia'ah are contradictory. In this narrow sense, it can threaten the existence of Pancasila. But by and large, the contradiction is limited because of the religious differences that can still be harmonized values of unity.DOI: 

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